Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

I bet those people kinda worked hard to get where they did, that they didn't sit back and bitch and moan how unfair the world was to them. They didn't look for a government handout, but put money into retirement accounts that gave them a tax haven from the federal government that was stealing from them just so they could give that money to someone else sitting in their parents home, typing on computers , who end up voting dumbocrat. So I guess when these people were taxed when they earned their money, taxed when they spent their money, they should be taxed again, because they were smart enough to provide for their future?


I bet those people kinda worked hard to get where they did, that they didn't sit back and bitch and moan how unfair the world was to them. They didn't look for a government handout, but put money into retirement accounts that gave them a tax haven from the federal government that was stealing from them just so they could give that money to someone else sitting in their parents home, typing on computers , who end up voting dumbocrat. So I guess when these people were taxed when they earned their money, taxed when they spent their money, they should be taxed again, because they were smart enough to provide for their future?


you liberals do have a hard on for the Koch brothers, but why don't you have an issue with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and their billions and millions? Because when liberals use the government to make their billions, you are okay with it, but when conservatives use supply side economics, then they must be evil. You tards are dumber than a box of rocks.

Last edited:
Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary) denied the union middleclass jobs, because he opposed the Keystone Pipeline, so HIS railroads could continue bringing the oil from Canada to the gulf? Bet you didn't know that. Did you know that Bill Gates, is wanting cheap labor from India because Americans are paid too much for the same work? Oh you didn't know that. The liberals always talk about their "COMPASSION", but as long as the liberal elites are in for the fight, they can screw over America, and their low information useful idiots, just adore them. Oh well, stupid is as stupid votes, and Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet has made more billions since Obama took office, who has now got more people in poverty in the history of America. Slap yourselves on the back, you "HAVE" fundamentally transformed America, into the 3rd world nation, you love so much.

Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)

He lies!!!

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?
Warren Buffet isn't just a one percent , but more closer to the .001%'er. He of all people pressured B.O.(Barak Hussein) not to allow the Keystone pipeline, which would of put 1000's of union middleclass people to work, because that pipeline would of cut into the profits of Buffet's railroads that carry the same oil from Canada to the Gulf. So Warren made 100's of millions of dollars more and those poor shlobs who voted for Obama are still out of job. Thanks to the liberal compassion who had to greedily make more. Dumbasses who vote liberal , deserve all the misery that liberals FORCE upon them. Elections have consequences.

Good right wing talking points devoid of truth Bubs

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'


"The State Department, you mentioned the State Department, says that once the proposed project enters service, operations will require approximately 50 total employees in the U.S." Girling conceded that actual operating jobs top out at 50

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'

Seriously? These are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” Republicans have been promising? The very thought that this country may risk certain environmental disaster to create fewer jobs over TWO years than it needs every TWO weeks just to keep up with population growth, is unfathomable. Tell me we’re not being ruled by people THAT dumb!

CEO of TransCanada Concedes just 50 permanent jobs from Keystone XL Pipeline

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.


Part right, I don't respect you, Republican
What has libertarians ever done for the country other then get high and deplete the cheetoes surplus? A republican ended slavery in this country. .... th at s just one thing they have done .... what has your party done?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)

He lies!!!

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?
Warren Buffet isn't just a one percent , but more closer to the .001%'er. He of all people pressured B.O.(Barak Hussein) not to allow the Keystone pipeline, which would of put 1000's of union middleclass people to work, because that pipeline would of cut into the profits of Buffet's railroads that carry the same oil from Canada to the Gulf. So Warren made 100's of millions of dollars more and those poor shlobs who voted for Obama are still out of job. Thanks to the liberal compassion who had to greedily make more. Dumbasses who vote liberal , deserve all the misery that liberals FORCE upon them. Elections have consequences.

Good right wing talking points devoid of truth Bubs

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'


"The State Department, you mentioned the State Department, says that once the proposed project enters service, operations will require approximately 50 total employees in the U.S." Girling conceded that actual operating jobs top out at 50

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'

Seriously? These are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” Republicans have been promising? The very thought that this country may risk certain environmental disaster to create fewer jobs over TWO years than it needs every TWO weeks just to keep up with population growth, is unfathomable. Tell me we’re not being ruled by people THAT dumb!

CEO of TransCanada Concedes just 50 permanent jobs from Keystone XL Pipeline

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.


Part right, I don't respect you, Republican
What has libertarians ever done for the country other then get high and deplete the cheetoes surplus? A republican ended slavery in this country. .... th at s just one thing they have done .... what has your party done?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Lets see
Kept slaves
Split the union because of slavery
Hung free blacks and white republicans
Declared War on American Indians put them on the trail of tears
Separated drinking fountains and bathrooms by race
Created internment camps for German Americans
Created Planned Parenthood to use eugenics on those not deemed worthy for survival
Used propaganda against the US citizens so well that it was copied by the Nazi's
This link has more of what liberals have done to this country Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Liberal/Progressive all starts with Socialism(A history lesson) | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Just a real quick input then you all can go back to attacking each other. I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia as a contractor working on the S.A. F-15s. Up to 70k dollars it was tax free except that I had to pay S.S. which was required. Any monies earned over that 70K was going to be taxed at the U.S. rate. So I made sure I didn't go over the 70k. But then I did have a 10k deduction for having my family over there, so I took 10k of stock profit burned it off, claimed it on my 1040 and after 3 years, used up 30k of profits for about 600 dollars. Was this a bad thing I did, or did I follow the LAW, and used what I knew to my benefit? For I was wrong, then you can bet Bill Gates(Liberal) Warren Buffet(Liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) and any other liberal elite has done wrong, worse than me, yet you dumbasses keep voting for them.

You mean you didn't pay Saudi's 0% personal income tax rate? lol

Even though the IRS mandates every taxpayer to report international income, it also allows for various deductions which lessen the impact of US income tax liability. The primary deductions which help to prevent double taxation and reduce the taxes you owe in the US are:

If you take advantage of these deductions when filing a US expat tax return, you may be able to escape all tax liability with the United States. It’s important to understand, however, that even if you wind up owing nothing to the US after having taken all the deductions available to you, you are still required to file a US expat tax return

US Expat Tax Considerations for Americans Working in Saudi Arabia

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Oh right the guys giving away their wealth, unlike the CONservatives Koch brothers/Walton's!
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Oh right the guys giving away their wealth, unlike the CONservatives Koch brothers/Walton's!
Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary) denied the union middleclass jobs, because he opposed the Keystone Pipeline, so HIS railroads could continue bringing the oil from Canada to the gulf? Bet you didn't know that. Did you know that Bill Gates, is wanting cheap labor from India because Americans are paid too much for the same work? Oh you didn't know that. The liberals always talk about their "COMPASSION", but as long as the liberal elites are in for the fight, they can screw over America, and their low information useful idiots, just adore them. Oh well, stupid is as stupid votes, and Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet has made more billions since Obama took office, who has now got more people in poverty in the history of America. Slap yourselves on the back, you "HAVE" fundamentally transformed America, into the 3rd world nation, you love so much.

Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)

He lies!!!

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?

From what I've read, Buffet's 'secretary' makes over $200K (based on the percentage in taxes Buffet claims his secretary pays).
Just a real quick input then you all can go back to attacking each other. I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia as a contractor working on the S.A. F-15s. Up to 70k dollars it was tax free except that I had to pay S.S. which was required. Any monies earned over that 70K was going to be taxed at the U.S. rate. So I made sure I didn't go over the 70k. But then I did have a 10k deduction for having my family over there, so I took 10k of stock profit burned it off, claimed it on my 1040 and after 3 years, used up 30k of profits for about 600 dollars. Was this a bad thing I did, or did I follow the LAW, and used what I knew to my benefit? For I was wrong, then you can bet Bill Gates(Liberal) Warren Buffet(Liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) and any other liberal elite has done wrong, worse than me, yet you dumbasses keep voting for them.

You mean you didn't pay Saudi's 0% personal income tax rate? lol

Even though the IRS mandates every taxpayer to report international income, it also allows for various deductions which lessen the impact of US income tax liability. The primary deductions which help to prevent double taxation and reduce the taxes you owe in the US are:

If you take advantage of these deductions when filing a US expat tax return, you may be able to escape all tax liability with the United States. It’s important to understand, however, that even if you wind up owing nothing to the US after having taken all the deductions available to you, you are still required to file a US expat tax return

US Expat Tax Considerations for Americans Working in Saudi Arabia

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Oh right the guys giving away their wealth, unlike the CONservatives Koch brothers/Walton's!
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Oh right the guys giving away their wealth, unlike the CONservatives Koch brothers/Walton's!
Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary) denied the union middleclass jobs, because he opposed the Keystone Pipeline, so HIS railroads could continue bringing the oil from Canada to the gulf? Bet you didn't know that. Did you know that Bill Gates, is wanting cheap labor from India because Americans are paid too much for the same work? Oh you didn't know that. The liberals always talk about their "COMPASSION", but as long as the liberal elites are in for the fight, they can screw over America, and their low information useful idiots, just adore them. Oh well, stupid is as stupid votes, and Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet has made more billions since Obama took office, who has now got more people in poverty in the history of America. Slap yourselves on the back, you "HAVE" fundamentally transformed America, into the 3rd world nation, you love so much.

Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)

He lies!!!

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?

From what I've read, Buffet's 'secretary' makes over $200K (based on the percentage in taxes Buffet claims his secretary pays).

JUST because you are a low informed right winger, don't make shit up dumbass!
I bet those people kinda worked hard to get where they did, that they didn't sit back and bitch and moan how unfair the world was to them. They didn't look for a government handout, but put money into retirement accounts that gave them a tax haven from the federal government that was stealing from them just so they could give that money to someone else sitting in their parents home, typing on computers , who end up voting dumbocrat. So I guess when these people were taxed when they earned their money, taxed when they spent their money, they should be taxed again, because they were smart enough to provide for their future?


you liberals do have a hard on for the Koch brothers, but why don't you have an issue with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and their billions and millions? Because when liberals use the government to make their billions, you are okay with it, but when conservatives use supply side economics, then they must be evil. You tards are dumber than a box of rocks.

View attachment 50649

The Kochs who've doubled their wealth under Obama?

Yeah it's HORRIBLE Buffet and Comp want the rich to pay more, like before they did pre Reaganomics?

Talk about dumber than a box of rocks


Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)

He lies!!!

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?
Warren Buffet isn't just a one percent , but more closer to the .001%'er. He of all people pressured B.O.(Barak Hussein) not to allow the Keystone pipeline, which would of put 1000's of union middleclass people to work, because that pipeline would of cut into the profits of Buffet's railroads that carry the same oil from Canada to the Gulf. So Warren made 100's of millions of dollars more and those poor shlobs who voted for Obama are still out of job. Thanks to the liberal compassion who had to greedily make more. Dumbasses who vote liberal , deserve all the misery that liberals FORCE upon them. Elections have consequences.

Good right wing talking points devoid of truth Bubs

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'


"The State Department, you mentioned the State Department, says that once the proposed project enters service, operations will require approximately 50 total employees in the U.S." Girling conceded that actual operating jobs top out at 50

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'

Seriously? These are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” Republicans have been promising? The very thought that this country may risk certain environmental disaster to create fewer jobs over TWO years than it needs every TWO weeks just to keep up with population growth, is unfathomable. Tell me we’re not being ruled by people THAT dumb!

CEO of TransCanada Concedes just 50 permanent jobs from Keystone XL Pipeline

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.


Part right, I don't respect you, Republican
What has libertarians ever done for the country other then get high and deplete the cheetoes surplus? A republican ended slavery in this country. .... th at s just one thing they have done .... what has your party done?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?
Warren Buffet isn't just a one percent , but more closer to the .001%'er. He of all people pressured B.O.(Barak Hussein) not to allow the Keystone pipeline, which would of put 1000's of union middleclass people to work, because that pipeline would of cut into the profits of Buffet's railroads that carry the same oil from Canada to the Gulf. So Warren made 100's of millions of dollars more and those poor shlobs who voted for Obama are still out of job. Thanks to the liberal compassion who had to greedily make more. Dumbasses who vote liberal , deserve all the misery that liberals FORCE upon them. Elections have consequences.

Good right wing talking points devoid of truth Bubs

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'


"The State Department, you mentioned the State Department, says that once the proposed project enters service, operations will require approximately 50 total employees in the U.S." Girling conceded that actual operating jobs top out at 50

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'

Seriously? These are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” Republicans have been promising? The very thought that this country may risk certain environmental disaster to create fewer jobs over TWO years than it needs every TWO weeks just to keep up with population growth, is unfathomable. Tell me we’re not being ruled by people THAT dumb!

CEO of TransCanada Concedes just 50 permanent jobs from Keystone XL Pipeline

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.


Part right, I don't respect you, Republican
What has libertarians ever done for the country other then get high and deplete the cheetoes surplus? A republican ended slavery in this country. .... th at s just one thing they have done .... what has your party done?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Lets see
Kept slaves
Split the union because of slavery
Hung free blacks and white republicans
Declared War on American Indians put them on the trail of tears
Separated drinking fountains and bathrooms by race
Created internment camps for German Americans
Created Planned Parenthood to use eugenics on those not deemed worthy for survival
Used propaganda against the US citizens so well that it was copied by the Nazi's
This link has more of what liberals have done to this country Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Liberal/Progressive all starts with Socialism(A history lesson) | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Good little Bubba, CONfusing CONsrvatives from the CONservative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa for liberals or PROGRESSIVES? lol
Did you know that Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary)

He lies!!!

Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?
Warren Buffet isn't just a one percent , but more closer to the .001%'er. He of all people pressured B.O.(Barak Hussein) not to allow the Keystone pipeline, which would of put 1000's of union middleclass people to work, because that pipeline would of cut into the profits of Buffet's railroads that carry the same oil from Canada to the Gulf. So Warren made 100's of millions of dollars more and those poor shlobs who voted for Obama are still out of job. Thanks to the liberal compassion who had to greedily make more. Dumbasses who vote liberal , deserve all the misery that liberals FORCE upon them. Elections have consequences.

Good right wing talking points devoid of truth Bubs

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'


"The State Department, you mentioned the State Department, says that once the proposed project enters service, operations will require approximately 50 total employees in the U.S." Girling conceded that actual operating jobs top out at 50

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'

Seriously? These are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” Republicans have been promising? The very thought that this country may risk certain environmental disaster to create fewer jobs over TWO years than it needs every TWO weeks just to keep up with population growth, is unfathomable. Tell me we’re not being ruled by people THAT dumb!

CEO of TransCanada Concedes just 50 permanent jobs from Keystone XL Pipeline

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.


Part right, I don't respect you, Republican
What has libertarians ever done for the country other then get high and deplete the cheetoes surplus? A republican ended slavery in this country. .... th at s just one thing they have done .... what has your party done?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You mean besides founding the country and writing the Constitution?
Buffett and the leftists love the term his "secretary." It implies a woman who makes $35k and rushes home to cook her poor family a meal and take the kids to soccer practice.

Actually, he, is an evil one percenter. Does it really matter comparing the taxes of one one percenter to another?
Warren Buffet isn't just a one percent , but more closer to the .001%'er. He of all people pressured B.O.(Barak Hussein) not to allow the Keystone pipeline, which would of put 1000's of union middleclass people to work, because that pipeline would of cut into the profits of Buffet's railroads that carry the same oil from Canada to the Gulf. So Warren made 100's of millions of dollars more and those poor shlobs who voted for Obama are still out of job. Thanks to the liberal compassion who had to greedily make more. Dumbasses who vote liberal , deserve all the misery that liberals FORCE upon them. Elections have consequences.

Good right wing talking points devoid of truth Bubs

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'


"The State Department, you mentioned the State Department, says that once the proposed project enters service, operations will require approximately 50 total employees in the U.S." Girling conceded that actual operating jobs top out at 50

TransCanada CEO says 42,000 Keystone XL pipeline jobs are 'ongoing, enduring'

Seriously? These are the “jobs, jobs, jobs” Republicans have been promising? The very thought that this country may risk certain environmental disaster to create fewer jobs over TWO years than it needs every TWO weeks just to keep up with population growth, is unfathomable. Tell me we’re not being ruled by people THAT dumb!

CEO of TransCanada Concedes just 50 permanent jobs from Keystone XL Pipeline

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.


Part right, I don't respect you, Republican
What has libertarians ever done for the country other then get high and deplete the cheetoes surplus? A republican ended slavery in this country. .... th at s just one thing they have done .... what has your party done?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You mean besides founding the country and writing the Constitution?

Weird, the closest you Klowns can CLAIM is PERHAPS the Articles of CONfederation, you know that "states rights" thing, whereas the CONSTITUTION IS THE BIG FEDERAL GOV'T THING!

The guys who gave US the STRONG PROTECTIONIST POLICY OVER Adam Smith's "free hand" were libertarians?

The guys who mandated OWNING a firearm were libertarians? The guys who mandated health insurance and gave US socialized medicine were libertarians?

"The power of all corporations ought to be limited," wrote James Madison, the framer whose influence echoes most resoundingly in the Constitution, as "the growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses."

"I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations," TJefferson
why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

In the opinion of some on the left for purely social purposes; we should have the finest Republic money can buy.
Just think of the progressive utopia there could be if the proletariat could confiscate 80% of the wealth of the rich.

Those cluless beggars would be crying for the rest within a year...
why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

In the opinion of some on the left for purely social purposes; we should have the finest Republic money can buy.

why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

The wealthiest do pay the most.
Never did understand how people could be so petty, so dumb, so foolish, so childish,... so as to be bitching and moaning that the people who are paying hundreds of times more in taxes than they are, are not paying enough in taxes.
Just think of the progressive utopia there could be if the proletariat could confiscate 80% of the wealth of the rich.

Those cluless beggars would be crying for the rest within a year...

Just double the effective tax of the top 1% (23% to 46%) and the deficit disappears Bubba. IT'S A MATH THING THAT CONFUSES THE RIGHT WINGERS

why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

In the opinion of some on the left for purely social purposes; we should have the finest Republic money can buy.

why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

The wealthiest do pay the most.
Never did understand how people could be so petty, so dumb, so foolish, so childish,... so as to be bitching and moaning that the people who are paying hundreds of times more in taxes than they are, are not paying enough in taxes.

YET the top 1% has tripled their "share" of income since 1980 and their tax burden hasn't been this low since 1932. Weird right?
why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

In the opinion of some on the left for purely social purposes; we should have the finest Republic money can buy.

why shouldn't the wealthiest pay the most under Any form of Capitalism?

The wealthiest do pay the most.
so, why so much infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism, to progressive Taxation under Any form of Capitalism, my good capitalists?
Last edited:

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