Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

Wrong. Investors pay medicare taxes on investment income, bub. And for all your class warfare nonsense, most "rich" people pay a higher overall share of their income on taxes than do The Poor.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I bet you can't accurate describe what has caused this situation.
MORE right wing noise. Since when is income tax capped after a certain amount like SS? Hint neither SS or the OTHER INSURANCE programs (Medicare) is income taxes! Yes, it IS a tax ON income!

There is no cap on medicare taxes, and an extra amount is taxed on for those at an upper middle class income level and above.

Yes, called PAYROLL taxes. Thanks for agreeing since those making income off of dividends/cap gains don't pay it!

Wrong. Investors pay medicare taxes on investment income, bub. And for all your class warfare nonsense, most "rich" people pay a higher overall share of their income on taxes than do The Poor.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Maybe if we had real economic growth....

Wow, lowest SUSTAINED tax burden on the "job creators" in DECADES and record Corp profits as well as record low Corp tax burden and they aren't creating jobs? WHY ARE WE KEEPING THEIR TAXES LOW AGAIN????
Wrong. Investors pay medicare taxes on investment income, bub. And for all your class warfare nonsense, most "rich" people pay a higher overall share of their income on taxes than do The Poor.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?

He messed up the script. The Progs want Property Taxes on Wealth.
What script? The script that says income inequality doesn't exist?

Oh NOEEESSSSSS!!!1!!!! Income Inequality!!!!!!

What's next? WHITE PRIVILEGE!!!!!


(see, I put that in most caps so you'll understand.)
It seems to be that you're denying income inequality, that is at unprecedented levels.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality A Global Perspective
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They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I bet you can't accurate describe what has caused this situation.
Many different factors, although in america, it all seemed to worsen in the 70's.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I bet you can't accurate describe what has caused this situation.

CONservative policy like low taxes on "job creators", policy that off shores jobs AND gives the person tax benefits AND cons "free trade", to name 3!
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...
Loony leftists are persistent idiots. Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH. Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME. You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

"They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax." - David

Your loony leftist jealousy is showing. The fact that some (or many) have more wealth than you has no bearing on their fed tax liability. The fact that the top 25% of American earners already carry 86% of the fed income tax load (with the bottom 49% paying nothing) seems unsatisfactory to you. So what would satisfy you? 96%? 106%?
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...
Loony leftists are persistent idiots. Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH. Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME. You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

"They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax." - David

The fact that some (or many) have more wealth than you has no bearing on their fed tax liability. The fact that the top 25% of American earners carry 86% of the fed income tax load (with the bottom 49% paying nothing) seems unsatisfactory to you. So what would satisfy you? 96%? 106%?
Of course the bottom 49% pay nothing, what do they have to pay? How much income do they have that is comparable to the income of the top 25%? No one said I wanted it raised, well, maybe on those making more then $250,000..
The moonbats in this thread put me in mind of an R.A. Heinlein quote:

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

Their redistributionist schemes are failing around the world, and yet they fail to understand why.
The moonbats in this thread put me in mind of an R.A. Heinlein quote:

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

Their redistributionist schemes are failing around the world, and yet they fail to understand why.
Refer to the IMF studies. You're wrong.
The moonbats in this thread put me in mind of an R.A. Heinlein quote:

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

Their redistributionist schemes are failing around the world, and yet they fail to understand why.
Refer to the IMF studies. You're wrong.

You are thoroughly marinated in leftwing spew.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...
Loony leftists are persistent idiots. Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH. Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME. You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

"They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax." - David

The fact that some (or many) have more wealth than you has no bearing on their fed tax liability. The fact that the top 25% of American earners carry 86% of the fed income tax load (with the bottom 49% paying nothing) seems unsatisfactory to you. So what would satisfy you? 96%? 106%?
Of course the bottom 49% pay nothing, what do they have to pay? How much income do they have that is comparable to the income of the top 25%? No one said I wanted it raised, well, maybe on those making more then $250,000..

You lefties just can't be honest. You whine about the wealth of others as though you would have us confiscate it to benefit the people you prefer and claim not to want to raise the tax burden on the top 25% of American earners only to then admit (in the same sentence) that you really do. You fool no one.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...
Loony leftists are persistent idiots. Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH. Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME. You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

"They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax." - David

The fact that some (or many) have more wealth than you has no bearing on their fed tax liability. The fact that the top 25% of American earners carry 86% of the fed income tax load (with the bottom 49% paying nothing) seems unsatisfactory to you. So what would satisfy you? 96%? 106%?
Of course the bottom 49% pay nothing, what do they have to pay? How much income do they have that is comparable to the income of the top 25%? No one said I wanted it raised, well, maybe on those making more then $250,000..

Oh, what do they have to pay?

Why don't you on the left ask that of your party when they inflict unnecessary costs to the poor like increasing sin taxes as Obama did first thing in the White House? Or increasing the cost of fuel for a "greener" environment? Over here, they put a sales tax that mostly subsidizes public transportation. Oh, for that the poor have money, but not for taxes and digging this country out of the tremendous hole that we are in.
Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I bet you can't accurate describe what has caused this situation.

CONservative policy like low taxes on "job creators", policy that off shores jobs AND gives the person tax benefits AND cons "free trade", to name 3!

Three that are all lies.

How about the real truth which is the American consumer has become cheap. We flood our Wal-Mart stores to buy the cheapest Chinese garbage we can buy. Stores like Wal-Mart cater to the demands of their customers, so they don't bring in more expensive American made products.

You can't have the cheapest products and the best paying jobs. It's impossible. So producers look for ways to cut every corner they can to sell their goods to the American consumer, and that means low wage jobs and automation.
Wrong. Investors pay medicare taxes on investment income, bub. And for all your class warfare nonsense, most "rich" people pay a higher overall share of their income on taxes than do The Poor.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I don't know about that. If you want equality, then I suggest you go to Cuba and see how equity works when it comes to money. Nearly everybody there is equally poor.
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I don't know about that. If you want equality, then I suggest you go to Cuba and see how equity works when it comes to money. Nearly everybody there is equally poor.

Everyone except for the Elite Overlords and their cronies. It's not a coinkydink that Chavez' daughter is the richest women in Venezuela while the Small Folk can't afford toilet paper.
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.

So what you're saying then is gimme gimme gimme I want?
The moonbats in this thread put me in mind of an R.A. Heinlein quote:

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

Their redistributionist schemes are failing around the world, and yet they fail to understand why.



They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...
Loony leftists are persistent idiots. Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH. Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME. You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

"They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax." - David

The fact that some (or many) have more wealth than you has no bearing on their fed tax liability. The fact that the top 25% of American earners carry 86% of the fed income tax load (with the bottom 49% paying nothing) seems unsatisfactory to you. So what would satisfy you? 96%? 106%?
Of course the bottom 49% pay nothing, what do they have to pay? How much income do they have that is comparable to the income of the top 25%? No one said I wanted it raised, well, maybe on those making more then $250,000..

Oh, what do they have to pay?

Why don't you on the left ask that of your party when they inflict unnecessary costs to the poor like increasing sin taxes as Obama did first thing in the White House? Or increasing the cost of fuel for a "greener" environment? Over here, they put a sales tax that mostly subsidizes public transportation. Oh, for that the poor have money, but not for taxes and digging this country out of the tremendous hole that we are in.




That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I bet you can't accurate describe what has caused this situation.

CONservative policy like low taxes on "job creators", policy that off shores jobs AND gives the person tax benefits AND cons "free trade", to name 3!

Three that are all lies.

How about the real truth which is the American consumer has become cheap. We flood our Wal-Mart stores to buy the cheapest Chinese garbage we can buy. Stores like Wal-Mart cater to the demands of their customers, so they don't bring in more expensive American made products.

You can't have the cheapest products and the best paying jobs. It's impossible. So producers look for ways to cut every corner they can to sell their goods to the American consumer, and that means low wage jobs and automation.

Weird you can't critically think and understand the 3 things are NOT mutually exclusive to your posit, but actually goes hand in hand. It's called GOV'T POLICY. Hint the US USED to have tariffs (since the US Founding) that kept US jobs in America
They own most of the wealth, of course they pay most of the income tax. Maybe if the poor had higher wages...

Loony leftists are persistent idiots.
Income taxes do not (nor were they ever intended to) apply to WEALTH.
Income taxes apply only to - drum roll, please - INCOME.
You do know the diff, right Lefty?
That doesn't change the fact they own most of the wealth, and it was obvious I was referencing income as well.

BFD. Who cares how much wealth someone else has? Only pea-green-with-envious people who constantly compare themselves to others.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I don't know about that. If you want equality, then I suggest you go to Cuba and see how equity works when it comes to money. Nearly everybody there is equally poor.

Only low informed or the ideologically driven don't understand NO serious person want economic equality for all, but less INEQUALITY at rates not since since the first Gilded Age. Weird you don't get that!

This chart explains everything you need to know about inequality


Everybody knows the story of the rise and fall and rise again of the top 1 percent. Income inequality was at Downton Abbey levels in the 1920s, fell between the 1940s and 1960, paused during the 1970s, and then exploded since the 1980s. It's gone so far that the top 1 percent now get as big a slice of the income pie—about 22 percent of it—as they ever have.

....It turns out, though, that even if a rising tide lifts all boats, most people can't afford a boat. The bottom 90 percent, in other words, haven't done much better the last 30 years, even as the top 1 percent have created a second Gilded Age.

This chart explains everything you need to know about inequality - The Washington Post

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