Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?
I happen to agree with conservatives that we need to incentivize job creators
Where I disagree is their defininition that all wealthy are job creators
If you create jobs you pay zero taxes. If you keep jobs in the U.S. you pay very low taxes
If you lay off people or ship jobs overseas. You pay the price

Keep corporate taxes zero sum. Let the job exporters pay for tax cuts for job creators.
When income inequality continues to get worse worldwide, when the middle class has lost income over decades, when wages are stagnant, when the rich are recovering better then everyone else.. It's already been proven by the IMF that redistribution of wealth has more benefits then "trickle down" bullshit.

I bet you can't accurate describe what has caused this situation.

CONservative policy like low taxes on "job creators", policy that off shores jobs AND gives the person tax benefits AND cons "free trade", to name 3!

Three that are all lies.

How about the real truth which is the American consumer has become cheap. We flood our Wal-Mart stores to buy the cheapest Chinese garbage we can buy. Stores like Wal-Mart cater to the demands of their customers, so they don't bring in more expensive American made products.

You can't have the cheapest products and the best paying jobs. It's impossible. So producers look for ways to cut every corner they can to sell their goods to the American consumer, and that means low wage jobs and automation.

Weird you can't critically think and understand the 3 things are NOT mutually exclusive to your posit, but actually goes hand in hand. It's called GOV'T POLICY. Hint the US USED to have tariffs (since the US Founding) that kept US jobs in America

So isolationism is your solution?

If you remember back in the Bush years, he tried tariffs on imported steel. It was a failed attempt because those countries placed tariffs on our exported goods to their country.
I don't see the problem.
Greekonomics - Outspend your ability to sustain or repay then hope some capitalists write a check to cover your failing "Worker's Paradise."

Weird, I thought cons would ;LOVE Greece and their Gov't. They borrowed heavily and it's estimated they collect less than 60% of taxes owed?

Don't be silly. Greece is a black eye for the worldwide socialist dream which explains the whirling dervish routine employed in defense of the profligate gov't policies, arrogance and Game-Theory playing that essentially crashed Greece's economy. Only loony leftists and anarchists could love what has become of Greece, and they do ... or at least they hate those who believe one should have the integrity to repay ones debts.

Heritage, CATO, AEI's, etc playbook Bubba. Good job...

It is silly (but waaay typical) to assume that because you parrot the handbook that everyone needs that sort of guidance to form their opinions. Some of us are actually capable of thinking for ourselves ... not that one such as you could possibly understand.

Sorry, I forgot its not in the right wingers brain to actually have those that benefited the very most the past 40 years, as debt increased, actually be expected to pay for it. How socialists of me!
I think you should only tax discretionary income. People who only make enough to survive shouldn't have to pay income taxes. So no taxes on the first 30k indexed to inflation.

In fact minimum wage should be indexed to inflation too.
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
Weird, I thought cons would ;LOVE Greece and their Gov't. They borrowed heavily and it's estimated they collect less than 60% of taxes owed?

Don't be silly. Greece is a black eye for the worldwide socialist dream which explains the whirling dervish routine employed in defense of the profligate gov't policies, arrogance and Game-Theory playing that essentially crashed Greece's economy. Only loony leftists and anarchists could love what has become of Greece, and they do ... or at least they hate those who believe one should have the integrity to repay ones debts.

Heritage, CATO, AEI's, etc playbook Bubba. Good job...

It is silly (but waaay typical) to assume that because you parrot the handbook that everyone needs that sort of guidance to form their opinions. Some of us are actually capable of thinking for ourselves ... not that one such as you could possibly understand.

Sorry, I forgot its not in the right wingers brain to actually have those that benefited the very most the past 40 years, as debt increased, actually be expected to pay for it. How socialists of me!
I think you should only tax discretionary income. People who only make enough to survive shouldn't have to pay income taxes. So no taxes on the first 30k indexed to inflation.

In fact minimum wage should be indexed to inflation too.

"Discretionary Income"? As defined by whom?
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
We became the most powerful nation on earth under FDR. Didn't get there through tax cuts
I happen to agree with conservatives that we need to incentivize job creators
Where I disagree is their defininition that all wealthy are job creators
If you create jobs you pay zero taxes. If you keep jobs in the U.S. you pay very low taxes
If you lay off people or ship jobs overseas. You pay the price

Keep corporate taxes zero sum. Let the job exporters pay for tax cuts for job creators.
Make corporations compete for low taxes
Create more less taxes
Don't be silly. Greece is a black eye for the worldwide socialist dream which explains the whirling dervish routine employed in defense of the profligate gov't policies, arrogance and Game-Theory playing that essentially crashed Greece's economy. Only loony leftists and anarchists could love what has become of Greece, and they do ... or at least they hate those who believe one should have the integrity to repay ones debts.

Heritage, CATO, AEI's, etc playbook Bubba. Good job...

It is silly (but waaay typical) to assume that because you parrot the handbook that everyone needs that sort of guidance to form their opinions. Some of us are actually capable of thinking for ourselves ... not that one such as you could possibly understand.

Sorry, I forgot its not in the right wingers brain to actually have those that benefited the very most the past 40 years, as debt increased, actually be expected to pay for it. How socialists of me!
I think you should only tax discretionary income. People who only make enough to survive shouldn't have to pay income taxes. So no taxes on the first 30k indexed to inflation.

In fact minimum wage should be indexed to inflation too.

"Discretionary Income"? As defined by whom?
I already defined it. The first 30k of income is for survival. Only tax the money made above that amount and move it up at the rate of inflation.
Heritage, CATO, AEI's, etc playbook Bubba. Good job...

It is silly (but waaay typical) to assume that because you parrot the handbook that everyone needs that sort of guidance to form their opinions. Some of us are actually capable of thinking for ourselves ... not that one such as you could possibly understand.

Sorry, I forgot its not in the right wingers brain to actually have those that benefited the very most the past 40 years, as debt increased, actually be expected to pay for it. How socialists of me!
I think you should only tax discretionary income. People who only make enough to survive shouldn't have to pay income taxes. So no taxes on the first 30k indexed to inflation.

In fact minimum wage should be indexed to inflation too.

"Discretionary Income"? As defined by whom?
I already defined it. The first 30k of income is for survival. Only tax the money made above that amount and move it up at the rate of inflation.

What a stupid idea. Why is it up to you are anyone else to determine what somebody else "needs" to survive?
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
We became the most powerful nation on earth under FDR. Didn't get there through tax cuts

Sorry, fdr kept us in a depression for his entire term in office, had the rest of the world's industry not been bombed we would have been there still……...
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
We became the most powerful nation on earth under FDR. Didn't get there through tax cuts

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?
It is silly (but waaay typical) to assume that because you parrot the handbook that everyone needs that sort of guidance to form their opinions. Some of us are actually capable of thinking for ourselves ... not that one such as you could possibly understand.

Sorry, I forgot its not in the right wingers brain to actually have those that benefited the very most the past 40 years, as debt increased, actually be expected to pay for it. How socialists of me!
I think you should only tax discretionary income. People who only make enough to survive shouldn't have to pay income taxes. So no taxes on the first 30k indexed to inflation.

In fact minimum wage should be indexed to inflation too.

"Discretionary Income"? As defined by whom?
I already defined it. The first 30k of income is for survival. Only tax the money made above that amount and move it up at the rate of inflation.

What a stupid idea. Why is it up to you are anyone else to determine what somebody else "needs" to survive?
It isnt up to me its up to realidtic cost of food car and rent. Plus if these peopke ever want to make more money they need to go to college. It would totally suck if college was reserved for rich folks only due to cost. The fact that your an ass who foesnt give a fuck about anyone other than himsel and his own is besides the point
Weird, I thought cons would ;LOVE Greece and their Gov't. They borrowed heavily and it's estimated they collect less than 60% of taxes owed?

Don't be silly. Greece is a black eye for the worldwide socialist dream which explains the whirling dervish routine employed in defense of the profligate gov't policies, arrogance and Game-Theory playing that essentially crashed Greece's economy. Only loony leftists and anarchists could love what has become of Greece, and they do ... or at least they hate those who believe one should have the integrity to repay ones debts.

Heritage, CATO, AEI's, etc playbook Bubba. Good job...

It is silly (but waaay typical) to assume that because you parrot the handbook that everyone needs that sort of guidance to form their opinions. Some of us are actually capable of thinking for ourselves ... not that one such as you could possibly understand.

Sorry, I forgot its not in the right wingers brain to actually have those that benefited the very most the past 40 years, as debt increased, actually be expected to pay for it. How socialists of me!

As continually noted (yet persistently ignored) it is and long has been America's largest earners who are paying for it while the weak earners get a free ride. I've repeatedly told you that the top 25% of American earners carry 86% of the total fed personal income tax load. So rather than ignore that fact again, do tell what would satisfy your little socialist heart? 96%? 106%?

Weird, you mean the share of federal revenues less than half of income?

Lets not forget the top 25% take 70% of ALL US income. How much should they pay Bubs? lol
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.

Weird, you mean Romney paid a smaller percentage of his income than a plumber, baker or small Biz owner?

Yeah, when the top tax rate was 70%-94% the US sucked right? AND YES THE EFFECTIVE TAXES ON THE "JOB CREATORS" AT THE TOP 1/10TH OF 1% WAS TRIPLE TODAYS!
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.

You are a fukkn liar,Ronnie's tax cuts COST the treasury money dummy. Grow a brain and get honest ONCE

When Ronald Reagan took over the leadership of the United States in 1981, he inherited an economy that was in terrible shape—the worst American economy, in fact, since the Great Depression of the 1930s

Tax Cuts or Tax Redistribution?

When all was said and done, the total tax burden imposed on the American people from all sources—state and local taxes, federal income and capital gains taxes, and payroll taxes—remained basically unchanged throughout the 1980s. In the end, Reagan's reputation as a tax-cutter far outran his actual performance.

Reagan's tax policies did, however, redistribute the tax burden significantly, even if they failed to reduce it overall. By cutting income taxes, which are paid at a higher rate by the wealthy, while increasing payroll taxes, which are paid at a higher rate by the working poor and middle class, Reagan shifted the tax burden down the income scale. During the 1980s, the total effective federal taxation rate for the poorest one-fifth of American families actually increased by more than 16%. By contrast, the effective taxation rate for the wealthiest one-fifth of families fell by 5.5%, and the richest one percent of Americans saved even more: their tax rate fell by 14.4% (AS THEIR INCOMES SOARED)

Economy in The Reagan Era

CBO finds that, between 1979 and 2007, income grew by:

275 percent for the top 1 percent of households,
65 percent for the next 19 percent,
Just under 40 percent for the next 60 percent, and
18 percent for the bottom 20 percent.

Trends in the Distribution of Household Income Between 1979 and 2007 Congressional Budget Office

From 1992 to 2007 the top 400 earners in the U.S. saw their income increase 392% and their average tax rate reduced by 37%

It s the Inequality Stupid Mother Jones

It's the Inequality, Stupid

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
We became the most powerful nation on earth under FDR. Didn't get there through tax cuts

Sorry, fdr kept us in a depression for his entire term in office, had the rest of the industry not been bombed we would have been there still……...

FDR made us the most powerful nation on earth. We had the seventeenth largest military in the world prior to FDR.....undisputed number one after
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
We became the most powerful nation on earth under FDR. Didn't get there through tax cuts

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?
Paid a higher percent in taxes than Romney but then again I keep my money in the U.S.
Last edited:
Mitt Romey paid 1.94 million in taxes in 2011….he paid more than his fair share…….if you want high tax rates like they had after WW2 the way you make them work is to destroy the industrial base of the rest of the world, like they did in WW2…..and then, when Kennedy lowered the tax rate, the government brought in more money, not less, and dittos Reagan……

High tax rates are immoral……and counter productive.
I pay a higher effective rate than Romney

With higher top tier tax rates we paid for WWII, built the interstate highway system, sent a man to the moon

What have we done since Reagan slashed them?

Did you pay 1.94 million dollars in taxes?

Become the most powerful nation on earth…until the democrats spent all of the tax revenue his tax cuts created.
We became the most powerful nation on earth under FDR. Didn't get there through tax cuts

Sorry, fdr kept us in a depression for his entire term in office, had the rest of the world's industry not been bombed we would have been there still……...

Weird how you fukkn morons try to change history all the time. Hint FDR was left a HUGE hole (like Obama) but had cut unemployment by nearly half when the conservatives demanded he do something on the deficit, so he cut spending 10% in 1937 and took US back into the GOP/Conservatives great depression!

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