Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

The exact same arguments could be made in 1935 when life expectancy was 60 and there were many more incurable diseases and cancers.
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Simple common sense.
A larger and larger percentage of the population is being supported by a smaller and smaller percentage. This is unsustainable. Again, simple common sense.
You spew bullshit with no links proving your statements.
Fixing SS is fairly simple, reduce or remove the cap, increase the tax slightly, reduce the COLAs, raise the age 62 early retirement age, SS is then "fixed".
Its worked well for 70 years, its a solid program, anyone who wants to screw it up will get bounced at the next election.
You spew bullshit with no links proving your statements.
Fixing SS is fairly simple, reduce or remove the cap, increase the tax slightly, reduce the COLAs, raise the age 62 early retirement age, SS is then "fixed".
Its worked well for 70 years, its a solid program, anyone who wants to screw it up will get bounced at the next election.
Do all that and you don' need to raise the 62 date.

In fact simply raising the cap fixes it
The unsustainability of Social Security and Medicare is only going to get much worse. We have a declining birth rate. We are below the replacement rate.
SS is easily fixable, Medicare is a tougher fix. They both need to be fixed.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026. The Biden admin has done nothing to fix anything.
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
When is the last time you were a mason?
SS is easily fixable, Medicare is a tougher fix. They both need to be fixed.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026. The Biden admin has done nothing to fix anything.
And Republicans try to crash it all

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