Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Let's say average life expectancy rises to 100. Would it make sense that you would spend one third of your life on Social Security?

We are on an unsustainable trend. We are living decades longer than our ancestors. It simply does not logically follow we should be on Social Security longer without working longer.
We are on an unsustainable trend because of fiscal insanity by our political class (Ds and Rs). Just stop funding the enormous war machine and intelligence agencies will save billions. Shut down all the subsidies and special deals given big corporations. Then close all tax loopholes for the ultra wealthy and big corporations. Viola! Problem fixed.
Get a better job. No one in this country should have to support these people.

Are you so tone deaf that you are unaware that millions of Americans live in or near poverty? These same Americans are surrounded by dysfunction such as crime, poor schools, illiteracy, poverty, drugs, gangs, illegitimacy, etc. You walk in their shoes for one day and you’ll change your tune.

We live in a failed state. This failed state generates millions of Americans unable to succeed. Income inequality is a major problem along with the misallocation of resources by our corrupt government.
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No they do not.

It requires 10 Republican to get anything done...and the number willing to do anything is ZERO
Got a link that shows the dems put up ANY fix for a vote? Didn't think so. Stop lying.
The dems are all about more power and race cards, nothing else.

Keep the payroll taxes in place for the next 40 years and end the benefits for anyone 30 years old or younger.
Pay that bill now and get it off the table.

If States want to come up with their own Senior Benefits and Healthcare Assistance ...
They are more than welcome to.

Only once that I know for sure and I went from 65 t0 67.

When that happened ... Did you think it was the Federal Government showing concern towards whether or not you survive and prosper ...
Or their further attempt to shackle you to a negative return on your investments if at all possible?


When that happened ... Did you think it was the Federal Government showing concern towards whether or not you survive and prosper ...
Or their further attempt to shackle you to a negative return on your investments if at all possible?

I was more concerned with my military retirement, which they stole in 1994.

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