Should the Tea Party be for Whites only?

In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.
For someone who claims to be a Republican, you sure do sound an awful lot like a Democrat.

Tell me, is increasing spending with no inclination to slow down the accumulation of debt good fiscal management?

By the way...not all bailouts were paid back. GM's, for instance.

I use to like the old Tea Party. I liked the group of men and women who gathered to tell America that we were tired of the irresponsible government spending and the ever growing size of the fed. That is not the Tea Party we have on our hands today. Back when this group was without central funding of a small group of men, believed in sane, concise thoughts on spending, wanted to see the government to change for the better, I was in full support of them. I remember specifically. I was a senior in high school, and I truly believed that this was the future of the GOP, unfortunately, this is not the same group of 2008.

Today, the Tea Party has mutated into a radical fringe aspect of the GOP. They have taken conservative ideals and made them borderline fundamentalist. Today, they are funded by a small contingent of billionaires, but still maintain that their funds are comprised of blue-collar men and women. They no longer think, "Hey we would like to see the government shrink to a more manageable size, and we would like to see more controlled spending" to, "If you don't give us exactly what we want, we will shut down the gov. and default on our bills for the first time ever." In the process of turning into the monster that they are today, they have taken the rest of the GOP down with them. Don't believe me? Listen to the things that people like Uncensored say. It is crazy, and then they think everyone else is the asshole for disagreeing with them.

Listen, I wish the Tea Party was still the Tea Party of old, but they aren't, and if we ever want to win another election again we need to eradicate them completely. I am a republican. A guy who has stern financial politcs. Everyone that has ever met me knows that I am a Republican, and my girlfriend thinks I can be a little over-zealous in conversation at points. No one has EVER claimed that I am a RINO outside of this booard. Growing up in the Northeast, I have battled liberal friends, teachers, professors and parents, by being able to connect with them. It is how guys like Christie and Romney were able to succeed in their own states. By being reasonable Republicans, moderates connect with us and often agree with our politics. It is when we introduce this fringe belief system into our party, people start to look at us with a funny eye. If we were just able to shed ourselves of these crazy Tea Party people maybe, jsut maybe, we would be able to win another election.
Ya, my useless bachelors degree that got me into law school.. What will I do with this silly JD?

Ask customers "You want fries with that?"

Better educated - there is a difference. (A HUGE difference.)

Again, you're a demagogue without so much as a hint of integrity. You throw shit at your political opponent like a feral baboon.

The feeling is mutual, monkey boi.

No worries, I'm not a democrat.


its time for full on irradiation of this disease.

Get thee to a baboonary.

Standard Disclaimer: Of course you don't grasp the literary reference, no one expected you to.

And what is your degree in? The TPM is not better educated, for they wouldn't know what a book was if it was thrown at them. They are educated by Fox News and talk radio. Great resources! you may not be a Democrat, but you sure as hell aren't a Republican.

Jake are you that bored?
In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.
For someone who claims to be a Republican, you sure do sound an awful lot like a Democrat.

Tell me, is increasing spending with no inclination to slow down the accumulation of debt good fiscal management?

By the way...not all bailouts were paid back. GM's, for instance.

I use to like the old Tea Party. I liked the group of men and women who gathered to tell America that we were tired of the irresponsible government spending and the ever growing size of the fed. That is not the Tea Party we have on our hands today. Back when this group was without central funding of a small group of men, believed in sane, concise thoughts on spending, wanted to see the government to change for the better, I was in full support of them. I remember specifically. I was a senior in high school, and I truly believed that this was the future of the GOP, unfortunately, this is not the same group of 2008.

Today, the Tea Party has mutated into a radical fringe aspect of the GOP. They have taken conservative ideals and made them borderline fundamentalist. Today, they are funded by a small contingent of billionaires, but still maintain that their funds are comprised of blue-collar men and women. They no longer think, "Hey we would like to see the government shrink to a more manageable size, and we would like to see more controlled spending" to, "If you don't give us exactly what we want, we will shut down the gov. and default on our bills for the first time ever." In the process of turning into the monster that they are today, they have taken the rest of the GOP down with them. Don't believe me? Listen to the things that people like Uncensored say. It is crazy, and then they think everyone else is the asshole for disagreeing with them.

Listen, I wish the Tea Party was still the Tea Party of old, but they aren't, and if we ever want to win another election again we need to eradicate them completely. I am a republican. A guy who has stern financial politcs. Everyone that has ever met me knows that I am a Republican, and my girlfriend thinks I can be a little over-zealous in conversation at points. No one has EVER claimed that I am a RINO outside of this booard. Growing up in the Northeast, I have battled liberal friends, teachers, professors and parents, by being able to connect with them. It is how guys like Christie and Romney were able to succeed in their own states. By being reasonable Republicans, moderates connect with us and often agree with our politics. It is when we introduce this fringe belief system into our party, people start to look at us with a funny eye. If we were just able to shed ourselves of these crazy Tea Party people maybe, jsut maybe, we would be able to win another election.

Liberal concern troll is concerned.

Kid, we have one liberal party. We don't need two.
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

Your question is understandable, given the scarcity of persons of color at TPM ‘rallies.’ The fact that the TPM is solely republican and conservative of course explains this.

You should let all these people know they don't really exist.

Of course, if the only news I watched was MSDNC, I'd be as ignorant as you.
Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy
You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey.

Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.
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Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy
You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey.

Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.

Your post reads blah blah blah OFA pays me to post here
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You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey.

Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.

Your post reads blah blah blah OFA pays me to post here

Kind of like yours reads, La La La I'm a poor, southern hillbilly who has couldn't get laid in a womens prison with a hand full of pardons
Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy
You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey.

Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.
You're not the first kid to come in here all full of himself, rhetorical guns a-blazin', telling us conservatives what the GOP should do.

You're not the first to claim that we need to slide even further to the left.

Hint: That's what got this nation in the mess it's in now. It damn sure won't fix it.

The way to counter the DNC's leftward slide is not by joining it, son. It's by returning to conservative values.

Oh, and you should get your ideas about conservatism from conservatives...not from liberals. They lie. A LOT.
You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey.

Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.
You're not the first kid to come in here all full of himself, rhetorical guns a-blazin', telling us conservatives what the GOP should do.

You're not the first to claim that we need to slide even further to the left.

Hint: That's what got this nation in the mess it's in now. It damn sure won't fix it.

The way to counter the DNC's leftward slide is not by joining it, son. It's by returning to conservative values.

Oh, and you should get your ideas about conservatism from conservatives...not from liberals. They lie. A LOT.

You sure as hell aren't the first old person to tell the younins to go back to the way it was. Funny thing is, if conservatives of the 80's were up on stage today they would be laughed off of the stage by those Tea Party try-hards claiming that they are RINO's. Remember when the solider got on the screen in the primary and commended the repeal of don't ask, Don't tell and he was booed? Who do you think it was booing the solider putting his life on the line for you and I, just because he was gay? It sure wasn't the moderate Republican's in the room. It was those hard-line cons who make the entire party look bad. Have you ever studied Reagan's politics, or Nixon's or even Eisenhower? Those guys were REAL Republican's and they look nothing like the fools that I see post on this board claiming to be "true conservatives". We really need to think about who the real RINO's are in today's GOP.

Here is the deal. We have to types of people in the GOP today. In one corner, we have the elderly, poorly informed, southerners, etc., all of whom wish to turn the party into a this radical conservative movement that looks nothing like the GOP of old. In the other corner we have a group of 30 and under millennial who want to have a party to look for that will provide economic relief from the mountains of debt that we are currently facing. We want our party to have appeal to moderates and youth and minorities so that we can win another major election. We want to get over abortion, we want to allow gays to marry, we want to recognize that we have a gun problem in our inner-cities and we want to address these issues. Who do you think is going to win this fight? Once we lose a few more elections and everyone in our party sees how much damage the tea party has done to our credibility with the majority of America, they will be forced out. The upcoming congressional election will show you what America really thinks of the Tea Party, but you still won't get it. After we lose enough elections and our party is crippled to the point that fixing it is almost impossible, perhaps then you will be happy. I and my "know it all youngins" are going to do something about it though, we wont go down without a fight. We are going to move this party forward and adapt to the changing landscape of America, either you are with us or you're against us, but you can't be both.
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Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.
You're not the first kid to come in here all full of himself, rhetorical guns a-blazin', telling us conservatives what the GOP should do.

You're not the first to claim that we need to slide even further to the left.

Hint: That's what got this nation in the mess it's in now. It damn sure won't fix it.

The way to counter the DNC's leftward slide is not by joining it, son. It's by returning to conservative values.

Oh, and you should get your ideas about conservatism from conservatives...not from liberals. They lie. A LOT.

You sure as hell aren't the first old person to tell the younins to go back to the way it was. Funny thing is, if conservatives of the 80's were up on stage today they would be laughed off of the stage by those Tea Party try-hards claiming that they are RINO's. Remember when the solider got on the screen in the primary and commended the repeal of don't ask, Don't tell and he was booed? Who do you think it was booing the solider putting his life on the line for you and I, just because he was gay? It sure wasn't the moderate Republican's in the room. It was those hard-line cons who make the entire party look bad. Have you ever studied Reagan's politics, or Nixon's or even Eisenhower? Those guys were REAL Republican's and they look nothing like the fools that I see post on this board claiming to be "true conservatives". We really need to think about who the real RINO's are in today's GOP.

Here is the deal. We have to types of people in the GOP today. In one corner, we have the elderly, poorly informed, southerners, etc., all of whom wish to turn the party into a this radical conservative movement that looks nothing like the GOP of old. In the other corner we have a group of 30 and under millennial who want to have a party to look for that will provide economic relief from the mountains of debt that we are currently facing. We want our party to have appeal to moderates and youth and minorities so that we can win another major election. We want to get over abortion, we want to allow gays to marry, we want to recognize that we have a gun problem in our inner-cities and we want to address these issues. Who do you think is going to win this fight? Once we lose a few more elections and everyone in our party sees how much damage the tea party has done to our credibility with the majority of America, they will be forced out. The upcoming congressional election will show you what America really thinks of the Tea Party, but you still won't get it. After we lose enough elections and our party is crippled to the point that fixing it is almost impossible, perhaps then you will be happy. I and my "know it all youngins" are going to do something about it though, we wont go down without a fight. We are going to move this party forward and adapt to the changing landscape of America, either you are with us or you're against us, but you can't be both.

Your lack of good analytical skills is your biggest problem regarding politics....I think you mean well and have convinced yourself that the Republicans need to shift to the left and adopt politically correct positions in order to appeal to the minorities and the mythical youth vote you claim to represent...what you fail to understand is that the policies you advocate are exactly why the Republicans have lost so many recent elections on the National fail to understand there is no way in hell the minorities are going to vote Republican in your lifetime to any significant extent......that vote is sewn up by the democrats and if you are a republican(very much doubt regarding that for sure)you are guiltly of aiding the enemies of America.

Political Correctness has brought America to its knees...yet you want to adopt pc programs naively believing it will help the Republican Party win back the Presidency....even if it was true...which it is woul be no better than a whore....selling out the truth, selling out what made America Great, selling out any possibility of restoring America to Greatness simply in order to win an election....first of all you will not be able to out liberal the democrats....but even if you were and even if such a liberal republican party as you advocate were to win the next Presidential Election....what would we have gained? Absolutely nothing...might as well keep the democrats in power because what you offer up is no better...just more of the same stuff that is destroying America.

BTW You completely fail to understand the youth of America...they are not in your camp>>>>>>>
You sure as hell aren't the first old person to tell the younins to go back to the way it was. Funny thing is, if conservatives of the 80's were up on stage today they would be laughed off of the stage by those Tea Party try-hards claiming that they are RINO's. Remember when the solider got on the screen in the primary and commended the repeal of don't ask, Don't tell and he was booed? Who do you think it was booing the solider putting his life on the line for you and I, just because he was gay? It sure wasn't the moderate Republican's in the room. It was those hard-line cons who make the entire party look bad. Have you ever studied Reagan's politics, or Nixon's or even Eisenhower? Those guys were REAL Republican's and they look nothing like the fools that I see post on this board claiming to be "true conservatives". We really need to think about who the real RINO's are in today's GOP.

Here is the deal. We have to types of people in the GOP today. In one corner, we have the elderly, poorly informed, southerners, etc., all of whom wish to turn the party into a this radical conservative movement that looks nothing like the GOP of old. In the other corner we have a group of 30 and under millennial who want to have a party to look for that will provide economic relief from the mountains of debt that we are currently facing. We want our party to have appeal to moderates and youth and minorities so that we can win another major election. We want to get over abortion, we want to allow gays to marry, we want to recognize that we have a gun problem in our inner-cities and we want to address these issues. Who do you think is going to win this fight? Once we lose a few more elections and everyone in our party sees how much damage the tea party has done to our credibility with the majority of America, they will be forced out. The upcoming congressional election will show you what America really thinks of the Tea Party, but you still won't get it. After we lose enough elections and our party is crippled to the point that fixing it is almost impossible, perhaps then you will be happy. I and my "know it all youngins" are going to do something about it though, we wont go down without a fight. We are going to move this party forward and adapt to the changing landscape of America, either you are with us or you're against us, but you can't be both.
Boy, mindless repetition of progressive talking points is less than compelling.
Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.

Your post reads blah blah blah OFA pays me to post here

Kind of like yours reads, La La La I'm a poor, southern hillbilly who has couldn't get laid in a womens prison with a hand full of pardons

The fact is the TPM is rotten to the core with reactionary let's go back to the fifties it was so great.

The GOP's base is mainstream middle of the road Republicans who have awakened to the fact that the TPM gangsters have tried, and failed, to hijack the GOP.

Thank heavens.
The fact is the TPM is rotten to the core with reactionary let's go back to the fifties it was so great.

The GOP's base is mainstream middle of the road Republicans who have awakened to the fact that the TPM gangsters have tried, and failed, to hijack the GOP.

Thank heavens.

The moderates/liberals/pc republicans are the problem.....they have brought the GOP to the brink of disaster...presided over the last two Presidential defeats and will set up another Republican defeat if the Tea Party fails to wrest control of the levers of power in the party from these losers.

It is quite simple.....the Republican Party must change or appears the Fat Cat, elite, east coast republicans would rather suffer another defeat than allow the Republican Party to transform into a party capable not only of winning but of leading America back to greatness that we had in the fifties....the fact you do not understand the fifties was a fantastic time for America demonstrates your liberal stupidity.
You're not the first kid to come in here all full of himself, rhetorical guns a-blazin', telling us conservatives what the GOP should do.

You're not the first to claim that we need to slide even further to the left.

Hint: That's what got this nation in the mess it's in now. It damn sure won't fix it.

The way to counter the DNC's leftward slide is not by joining it, son. It's by returning to conservative values.

Oh, and you should get your ideas about conservatism from conservatives...not from liberals. They lie. A LOT.

You sure as hell aren't the first old person to tell the younins to go back to the way it was. Funny thing is, if conservatives of the 80's were up on stage today they would be laughed off of the stage by those Tea Party try-hards claiming that they are RINO's. Remember when the solider got on the screen in the primary and commended the repeal of don't ask, Don't tell and he was booed? Who do you think it was booing the solider putting his life on the line for you and I, just because he was gay? It sure wasn't the moderate Republican's in the room. It was those hard-line cons who make the entire party look bad. Have you ever studied Reagan's politics, or Nixon's or even Eisenhower? Those guys were REAL Republican's and they look nothing like the fools that I see post on this board claiming to be "true conservatives". We really need to think about who the real RINO's are in today's GOP.

Here is the deal. We have to types of people in the GOP today. In one corner, we have the elderly, poorly informed, southerners, etc., all of whom wish to turn the party into a this radical conservative movement that looks nothing like the GOP of old. In the other corner we have a group of 30 and under millennial who want to have a party to look for that will provide economic relief from the mountains of debt that we are currently facing. We want our party to have appeal to moderates and youth and minorities so that we can win another major election. We want to get over abortion, we want to allow gays to marry, we want to recognize that we have a gun problem in our inner-cities and we want to address these issues. Who do you think is going to win this fight? Once we lose a few more elections and everyone in our party sees how much damage the tea party has done to our credibility with the majority of America, they will be forced out. The upcoming congressional election will show you what America really thinks of the Tea Party, but you still won't get it. After we lose enough elections and our party is crippled to the point that fixing it is almost impossible, perhaps then you will be happy. I and my "know it all youngins" are going to do something about it though, we wont go down without a fight. We are going to move this party forward and adapt to the changing landscape of America, either you are with us or you're against us, but you can't be both.

Your lack of good analytical skills is your biggest problem regarding politics....I think you mean well and have convinced yourself that the Republicans need to shift to the left and adopt politically correct positions in order to appeal to the minorities and the mythical youth vote you claim to represent...what you fail to understand is that the policies you advocate are exactly why the Republicans have lost so many recent elections on the National fail to understand there is no way in hell the minorities are going to vote Republican in your lifetime to any significant extent......that vote is sewn up by the democrats and if you are a republican(very much doubt regarding that for sure)you are guiltly of aiding the enemies of America.

Political Correctness has brought America to its knees...yet you want to adopt pc programs naively believing it will help the Republican Party win back the Presidency....even if it was true...which it is woul be no better than a whore....selling out the truth, selling out what made America Great, selling out any possibility of restoring America to Greatness simply in order to win an election....first of all you will not be able to out liberal the democrats....but even if you were and even if such a liberal republican party as you advocate were to win the next Presidential Election....what would we have gained? Absolutely nothing...might as well keep the democrats in power because what you offer up is no better...just more of the same stuff that is destroying America.

BTW You completely fail to understand the youth of America...they are not in your camp>>>>>>>

I am in no way advocating a "liberal rrepublican party" in any way. I am saying that if we do not shift our social views to a more reasonable position we will be doomed to fail. I don't wish to out liberal democrats, I want to out reason them. We can win minorities such as the hispanic vote, we can win the youth and the moderat vote again, and it is the only way we can win another election.

Romney lost the youth vote big, capturing just over 35 percent of them. What if he was able to win that. Ya see, the first thing kids my age tell me when I start advocating the GOP to them and they don't know much about politics, the first concern they have is the fact that most Repubs don't back gay marriage, or abortion, or womens health issues, or gun laws. They want a fiscally responsible party, but they don't want to substitute fiscal responsibility with social backwardness.

If we can manage to move this party forward and progress to a more relateable party we can win major elections again. However, if we go the opposite direction, adopting this fringe radical ideals that the TPM advocates, what states will we win? Will the moderates in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania hop on board? Absolutely not. We will lose and lose and lose, until one day you realize that I was right and the GOP is as dead as the former members that made this party so great.
You sure as hell aren't the first old person to tell the younins to go back to the way it was. Funny thing is, if conservatives of the 80's were up on stage today they would be laughed off of the stage by those Tea Party try-hards claiming that they are RINO's. Remember when the solider got on the screen in the primary and commended the repeal of don't ask, Don't tell and he was booed? Who do you think it was booing the solider putting his life on the line for you and I, just because he was gay? It sure wasn't the moderate Republican's in the room. It was those hard-line cons who make the entire party look bad. Have you ever studied Reagan's politics, or Nixon's or even Eisenhower? Those guys were REAL Republican's and they look nothing like the fools that I see post on this board claiming to be "true conservatives". We really need to think about who the real RINO's are in today's GOP.

Here is the deal. We have to types of people in the GOP today. In one corner, we have the elderly, poorly informed, southerners, etc., all of whom wish to turn the party into a this radical conservative movement that looks nothing like the GOP of old. In the other corner we have a group of 30 and under millennial who want to have a party to look for that will provide economic relief from the mountains of debt that we are currently facing. We want our party to have appeal to moderates and youth and minorities so that we can win another major election. We want to get over abortion, we want to allow gays to marry, we want to recognize that we have a gun problem in our inner-cities and we want to address these issues. Who do you think is going to win this fight? Once we lose a few more elections and everyone in our party sees how much damage the tea party has done to our credibility with the majority of America, they will be forced out. The upcoming congressional election will show you what America really thinks of the Tea Party, but you still won't get it. After we lose enough elections and our party is crippled to the point that fixing it is almost impossible, perhaps then you will be happy. I and my "know it all youngins" are going to do something about it though, we wont go down without a fight. We are going to move this party forward and adapt to the changing landscape of America, either you are with us or you're against us, but you can't be both.
Boy, mindless repetition of progressive talking points is less than compelling.

And a failure to acknowledge important issues that are destroying America is indicative of the stupid.
If we can manage to move this party forward...

Let me see if I have this straight. You want Republicans to act and vote more like Democrats so they can win more elections with Republicans acting and voting like Democrats.

Um...yea, pass.

You want to get the Republican base out in full force at election time, which has been proven time and time again to be the only way to win? Then start acting like Republicans.
If we can manage to move this party forward...

Let me see if I have this straight. You want Republicans to act and vote more like Democrats so they can win more elections with Republicans acting and voting like Democrats.

Um...yea, pass.

You want to get the Republican base out in full force at election time, which has been proven time and time again to be the only way to win? Then start acting like Republicans.

No I want the Republican party to stop acting like idiots. Maintain our same fiscal policies that help business owners and tax payers, but get off the crazy social issues. Worry about actual problems, and stop making the rest of us look dumb. Stop shutting down the government and act like you know what you are doing. Why are we still fighting gay marriage? Why are we still arguing abortion (It was 40 years ago)? Why are you saying women don't have contraception rights? Get with the picture, it is almost 2014. Go back to the days where we worked with democrats to pass welfare reform, healthcare reform, debt crisis, etc. Our conservative idol Ronald Reagan did all of this, and I don't hear any of you calling him a RINO. Sad thing is, if he was around today, passing the same policies as he did in the 80's, you would be saying that...
Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy
You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey.

Funny thing is, when I chose this username, I thought that I would be agreeing with other Republicans on this site as we tried to convince Democrats that our party is on the up-swing and we were going to start reclaiming this country. Then when I started to post and read what other "Republicans" had to say, I realized that my time on this board was destined for other adventures. I call it "A Young Republican's quest to save a party, and enlighten the lost", it is really a good read. It is about this 22 year old Republican who has spent his young life explaining conservative concepts to other kids who don't have interest in politics and to get them to become involved. He went to college and he founded his schools first ever Young Republicans Club. He battled professors in his political science classes with the intelligence he gathered on topics, and sound reasoning. Then he interned for the Romney Campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania where he got his first taste of ignorance. It was here where his naive ideals on hard-line conservative's disappeared. He would knock on doors and ask who people were planning on voting for, and would be forced to sit and listen to why these people "Would never vote for that n****", and have to smile and nod. This is where the story gets good, because as the months went on he lost more and more patience with the ignorant, he realized why the party he was working so hard for was failing. The story is still in it's early stages. Currently he is in Law School in Chicago, and has a little free time on his hands with his girlfriend out of town, so he went back on to a political message board, and he is trying to get the unintelligent and ignorant to realize that they are making this party virtually impossible to relate with for youths, minorities, moderates and any one else with half an interest in sensible politics. So here he is, confused and angry, just waiting for the next idiot to post something about Obama being from Kenya, or Ben Carson being a viable Republican candidate in 2016 so that he can just maybe enlighten some of these misguided radicals into leaving the GOP and forming their own party to get a couple thousand of votes every election, kind of like the libertarians.

excellent post. Too bad more Repub voters on this site don't possess critical thinking skills like you.

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