Should the Tea Party be for Whites only?

I am a liar?

Yes, but that is a requirement for being a democrat.

So the Koch brothers haven't provided millions of dollars for Tea Party candidates to win elections?

Ah, a straw man - right out of the Soros playbook.

How much has your boss, the filthy criminal George Soros spent to destroy America with democrats?

Come on scumbag, throw out a figure.

You attack the Koch brothers - because you are a mindless drone, programmed by the hate sites run by Soros to attack - but what is it that you allege they have done?

Shall I wait while you slither off to Communist Dream or ThinkProgress to download the hating points?

While we wait, here are some facts about the filthy fuck who does your thinking for you;

{Compounding the underlying problems inherent in the pound's inclusion into the ERM was the economic strain of reunification that Germany found itself under, which put pressure on the mark as the core currency for the ERM. The drive for European unification also hit bumps during the passage of the Maastricht Treaty, which was meant to bring about the euro. Speculators began to eye the ERM and wondered how long fixed exchange rates could fight natural market forces. Spotting the writing on the wall, Britain upped its interest rates to the teens to attract people to the pound, but speculators, George Soros among them, began heavy shorting of the currency}

How did George Soros "break the Bank of England"?

Ah, so the fucker you work for defrauded an entire nation and stole their life saving - BEFORE he attacked America with foot soldiers like you? Nice.

Want to know more about your filthy boss?

{New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.}

George Soros - Discover the Networks

Look, you're a leftist. Integrity has no place in the left. Of course you're a liar and a scumbag - that's what being a leftist is all about.

You know who was a Republican? Ronald Reagan was a Republican. A conservative idol. Want to know what he did? Read up on things like the Tax Reform Act of 86'. He raised taxes, a few times because he needed to. He understood that it was necessary for America's long term success. Reagan provided Amnesty for 3 million immigrants and also supported gun control acts such as the Brady Bill. That is a Republican, and the sad thing is, if Reagan was running for office today he would be called a RINO by you lunatics. How sad is that? The greatest idol the GOP has to look up to, and one of the finest Republican Presidents of all time and you people would be calling him a liberal.


Ah the Soros scum are so busy rewriting history. Problem is, too many of us were alive under Reagan for your lies to have the impact you wish they did.

No doubt you view yourself as a good little Stalinist, with truth as the first casualty of your GLORIOUS campaign to end the exercise in Liberty that was America. You work hard to move your boss from shadow dictator to actual dicator - I understand.

The fact is, you people generally don't know what you are talking about and resort to name calling and anecdotes when arguing with people because the facts wouldn't get you very far. In fact I don't think I have read one fact from you yet. So please, if you have anything to disprove that your group is funded by a few rich guys, electing people who have brought congress to an approval rate of 5%, all while making the rest of us ACTUAL REPUBLICANS look like idiots, then I invite you to argue your points. But, until you can use words like an adult, and use actual facts to back up your arguments, just leave the politics to the grown ups.


The people in this forum are vastly better educated and far more knowledgeable than you are used to encountering.

You have a mission to attack the right and promote the goals of George Soros - but you're attempts to mask your goals have failed.

You are a liar and a scumbag, and everyone here knows it.

Oh this is all just too good. You didnt address any of my points, all you did was compare me to George Sorros. That is the problem with you idiots, you can't even talk with people in your own party without sounding like lunatics. Please enlighten me on any of those facts about Reagan that are wrong.. You wouldn't know any of those things because community college never went over that stuff. you were too busy learning basic algebra, while I was in advanced History and Poly Sci classes. You know what I find just amazing? I dont even need to make you look stupid because you already look stupid on your own.

All you are is am ignorant, religous, radical nut. You use guys like George Sorros to make a point, not realizing that you are, our equivalent of him. Ya see you have Democrats, and then you have radical liberals like Sorros. We have Republicans (like me) and then we have radical fundamentalists like yourself. Your no Republican so stop calling yourself one. You're just a naive, simple little man, probably from th esouth or midwest, that has been so brainwashed by radicals that you cant even have a conversation with another human.

Ya see, I know you. I know the type of person you are. You're the person who starts talking about politics and everyone shakes their heads or groans and says "here we go", but you still don't get the point. You think everyone around you is wrong, but in actuality everyone looks at you like you are an idiot, which you are. Not one of those oh, that guys a character idiiot, like the kind of idiot that makes everyone around them look bad. You don't want to go out with your type of idiot because your afraid their crazy ass will embarrass them. Im sure your kids are so proud!

Why dont you just leave the politics to the people who can actually have conversations with others. You can bring up Sorros all you want because he is just another liberal bat to me. I am a real Republican. A person who went out and proudly voted for John McCain, Mitt Romney and MY Governor Chris Christie with pride because they are actual Republicans too. Your the kind of person who defends idiots like the Koch brothers and when someone questions you, the only argument you can fix up in that small brain of yours is that they are liberals. That tells people all they need to know about you.

P.S. its use to, not used to. You high school drop out
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Ya, my useless bachelors degree that got me into law school.. What will I do with this silly JD?

Ask customers "You want fries with that?"

The Tea Party is more intelligent than the Republican Party?

Better educated - there is a difference. (A HUGE difference.)

Again, you're a demagogue without so much as a hint of integrity. You throw shit at your political opponent like a feral baboon.

The feeling is mutual, monkey boi.

I don't have time to wean you out of my party,

No worries, I'm not a democrat.


its time for full on irradiation of this disease.

Get thee to a baboonary.

Standard Disclaimer: Of course you don't grasp the literary reference, no one expected you to.

And what is your degree in? The TPM is not better educated, for they wouldn't know what a book was if it was thrown at them. They are educated by Fox News and talk radio. Great resources! you may not be a Democrat, but you sure as hell aren't a Republican.
I am a liar?

Yes, but that is a requirement for being a democrat.

Ah, a straw man - right out of the Soros playbook.

How much has your boss, the filthy criminal George Soros spent to destroy America with democrats?

Come on scumbag, throw out a figure.

You attack the Koch brothers - because you are a mindless drone, programmed by the hate sites run by Soros to attack - but what is it that you allege they have done?

Shall I wait while you slither off to Communist Dream or ThinkProgress to download the hating points?

While we wait, here are some facts about the filthy fuck who does your thinking for you;

{Compounding the underlying problems inherent in the pound's inclusion into the ERM was the economic strain of reunification that Germany found itself under, which put pressure on the mark as the core currency for the ERM. The drive for European unification also hit bumps during the passage of the Maastricht Treaty, which was meant to bring about the euro. Speculators began to eye the ERM and wondered how long fixed exchange rates could fight natural market forces. Spotting the writing on the wall, Britain upped its interest rates to the teens to attract people to the pound, but speculators, George Soros among them, began heavy shorting of the currency}

How did George Soros "break the Bank of England"?

Ah, so the fucker you work for defrauded an entire nation and stole their life saving - BEFORE he attacked America with foot soldiers like you? Nice.

Want to know more about your filthy boss?

{New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.}

George Soros - Discover the Networks

Look, you're a leftist. Integrity has no place in the left. Of course you're a liar and a scumbag - that's what being a leftist is all about.


Ah the Soros scum are so busy rewriting history. Problem is, too many of us were alive under Reagan for your lies to have the impact you wish they did.

No doubt you view yourself as a good little Stalinist, with truth as the first casualty of your GLORIOUS campaign to end the exercise in Liberty that was America. You work hard to move your boss from shadow dictator to actual dicator - I understand.

The fact is, you people generally don't know what you are talking about and resort to name calling and anecdotes when arguing with people because the facts wouldn't get you very far. In fact I don't think I have read one fact from you yet. So please, if you have anything to disprove that your group is funded by a few rich guys, electing people who have brought congress to an approval rate of 5%, all while making the rest of us ACTUAL REPUBLICANS look like idiots, then I invite you to argue your points. But, until you can use words like an adult, and use actual facts to back up your arguments, just leave the politics to the grown ups.


The people in this forum are vastly better educated and far more knowledgeable than you are used to encountering.

You have a mission to attack the right and promote the goals of George Soros - but you're attempts to mask your goals have failed.

You are a liar and a scumbag, and everyone here knows it.

Oh this is all just too good. You didnt address any of my points, all you did was compare me to George Sorros. That is the problem with you idiots, you can't even talk with people in your own party without sounding like lunatics. Please enlighten me on any of those facts about Reagan that are wrong.. You wouldn't know any of those things because community college never went over that stuff. you were too busy learning basic algebra, while I was in advanced History and Poly Sci classes. You know what I find just amazing? I dont even need to make you look stupid because you already look stupid on your own.

All you are is am ignorant, religous, radical nut. You use guys like George Sorros to make a point, not realizing that you are, our equivalent of him. Ya see you have Democrats, and then you have radical liberals like Sorros. We have Republicans (like me) and then we have radical fundamentalists like yourself. Your no Republican so stop calling yourself one. You're just a naive, simple little man, probably from th esouth or midwest, that has been so brainwashed by radicals that you cant even have a conversation with another human.

Ya see, I know you. I know the type of person you are. You're the person who starts talking about politics and everyone shakes their heads or groans and says "here we go", but you still don't get the point. You think everyone around you is wrong, but in actuality everyone looks at you like you are an idiot, which you are. Not one of those oh, that guys a character idiiot, like the kind of idiot that makes everyone around them look bad. You don't want to go out with your type of idiot because your afraid their crazy ass will embarrass them. Im sure your kids are so proud!

Why dont you just leave the politics to the people who can actually have conversations with others. You can bring up Sorros all you want because he is just another liberal bat to me. I am a real Republican. A person who went out and proudly voted for John McCain, Mitt Romney and MY Governor Chris Christie with pride because they are actual Republicans too. Your the kind of person who defends idiots like the Koch brothers and when someone questions you, the only argument you can fix up in that small brain of yours is that they are liberals. That tells people all they need to know about you.

P.S. its use to, not used to. You high school drop out

You have definitely proved your point.
You are a Progressive Republican and that means you are against Conservatism and the Constitution.
You are no more different than Liberal Socialists in the Democratic Party.
Yes, but that is a requirement for being a democrat.

Ah, a straw man - right out of the Soros playbook.

How much has your boss, the filthy criminal George Soros spent to destroy America with democrats?

Come on scumbag, throw out a figure.

You attack the Koch brothers - because you are a mindless drone, programmed by the hate sites run by Soros to attack - but what is it that you allege they have done?

Shall I wait while you slither off to Communist Dream or ThinkProgress to download the hating points?

While we wait, here are some facts about the filthy fuck who does your thinking for you;

{Compounding the underlying problems inherent in the pound's inclusion into the ERM was the economic strain of reunification that Germany found itself under, which put pressure on the mark as the core currency for the ERM. The drive for European unification also hit bumps during the passage of the Maastricht Treaty, which was meant to bring about the euro. Speculators began to eye the ERM and wondered how long fixed exchange rates could fight natural market forces. Spotting the writing on the wall, Britain upped its interest rates to the teens to attract people to the pound, but speculators, George Soros among them, began heavy shorting of the currency}

How did George Soros "break the Bank of England"?

Ah, so the fucker you work for defrauded an entire nation and stole their life saving - BEFORE he attacked America with foot soldiers like you? Nice.

Want to know more about your filthy boss?

{New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.}

George Soros - Discover the Networks

Look, you're a leftist. Integrity has no place in the left. Of course you're a liar and a scumbag - that's what being a leftist is all about.


Ah the Soros scum are so busy rewriting history. Problem is, too many of us were alive under Reagan for your lies to have the impact you wish they did.

No doubt you view yourself as a good little Stalinist, with truth as the first casualty of your GLORIOUS campaign to end the exercise in Liberty that was America. You work hard to move your boss from shadow dictator to actual dicator - I understand.


The people in this forum are vastly better educated and far more knowledgeable than you are used to encountering.

You have a mission to attack the right and promote the goals of George Soros - but you're attempts to mask your goals have failed.

You are a liar and a scumbag, and everyone here knows it.

Oh this is all just too good. You didnt address any of my points, all you did was compare me to George Sorros. That is the problem with you idiots, you can't even talk with people in your own party without sounding like lunatics. Please enlighten me on any of those facts about Reagan that are wrong.. You wouldn't know any of those things because community college never went over that stuff. you were too busy learning basic algebra, while I was in advanced History and Poly Sci classes. You know what I find just amazing? I dont even need to make you look stupid because you already look stupid on your own.

All you are is am ignorant, religous, radical nut. You use guys like George Sorros to make a point, not realizing that you are, our equivalent of him. Ya see you have Democrats, and then you have radical liberals like Sorros. We have Republicans (like me) and then we have radical fundamentalists like yourself. Your no Republican so stop calling yourself one. You're just a naive, simple little man, probably from th esouth or midwest, that has been so brainwashed by radicals that you cant even have a conversation with another human.

Ya see, I know you. I know the type of person you are. You're the person who starts talking about politics and everyone shakes their heads or groans and says "here we go", but you still don't get the point. You think everyone around you is wrong, but in actuality everyone looks at you like you are an idiot, which you are. Not one of those oh, that guys a character idiiot, like the kind of idiot that makes everyone around them look bad. You don't want to go out with your type of idiot because your afraid their crazy ass will embarrass them. Im sure your kids are so proud!

Why dont you just leave the politics to the people who can actually have conversations with others. You can bring up Sorros all you want because he is just another liberal bat to me. I am a real Republican. A person who went out and proudly voted for John McCain, Mitt Romney and MY Governor Chris Christie with pride because they are actual Republicans too. Your the kind of person who defends idiots like the Koch brothers and when someone questions you, the only argument you can fix up in that small brain of yours is that they are liberals. That tells people all they need to know about you.

P.S. its use to, not used to. You high school drop out

You have definitely proved your point.
You are a Progressive Republican and that means you are against Conservatism and the Constitution.
You are no more different than Liberal Socialists in the Democratic Party.

I am a fiscally conservative Republican with moderate social views. I don't believe that we should restrict people from loving each other, and I think we should get over Roe v. Wade, it was forty years ago. I think my social beliefs are important, but no where near as important as my economic views. I am 22, in my first year of Law School, and am looking at a pile of debt to go along with a stagnate economy. I want our government to stop cutting off its nose, just to spite its face ebcause I am the nose. I want us to grow up, realize that people in other parts of the country have different views and we need to make concessions and compromise in order to get things done. If we don't start getting things done, im going to end up working at some dead end government job, instead of getting into the field of corporate defense that I want to be in.

However, eventually I plan to get into politics, and I want a Republican party to exist when I decide to run. If we keep up the BS in congress and keep letting people like the idiots above have a voice, there will be no party for me to run in. Wanna know why? Same reason we lost the last election, because moderates and regualr people don't take us seriously any more. we need to get with it and soon.
Oh this is all just too good. You didnt address any of my points,

Awwww. I didn't address your talking points? After you went to all that trouble to cut and paste them from the hate site?


Poor little guy..

all you did was compare me to George Sorros.

You're quite the stupid one, aren't you?

Remember Goober, YOU tossed out your talking point of "Koch Brothers," just as ThinkProgress programmed you to.

So, if we are to talk about those funding movements, a good look at the scumbag behind your filthy party is fully warranted.

You following along, Cletus?

That is the problem with you idiots, you can't even talk with people in your own party without sounding like lunatics. Please enlighten me on any of those facts about Reagan that are wrong.. You wouldn't know any of those things because community college never went over that stuff. you were too busy learning basic algebra, while I was in advanced History and Poly Sci classes.


You are full of yourself and just don't get why others aren't similarly impressed....

There might be a reason, doofus.

You know what I find just amazing? I dont even need to make you look stupid because you already look stupid on your own.

Oh, is that what you think is happening here, spunky? :lol::lol::rofl:

All you are is am ignorant, religous, radical nut.

Izzatrite, Cletus? (The word is "religious," you illiterate baboon. Edit added for your shit noted at the end.)


You use guys like George Sorros to make a point,

Kinda like you do with the Koch brothers, spunky?

($5 says you couldn't correctly pronounce their name, monkey boi..)

not realizing that you are, our equivalent of him.

I am huh, brite boi?

Yep, I'm worth $32 billion and brought down the Bank of England.

LOL, you're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, Cletus...

Ya see you have Democrats, and then you have radical liberals like Sorros. We have Republicans (like me) and then we have radical fundamentalists like yourself. Your no Republican so stop calling yourself one.

I'm a "fundamentalist" am I, retard?

ROFL - you morons toss our what you believe to the epithets (look it up, stupid) with no grasp as to the meaning behind the words.

Here's a hint retard, no one has mentioned anything about religion. You're just spewing the bigotry of your shameful party.

Also dumbfuck, may I call you "dumbfuck?' At any rate, never have I said I was a "Republican," and were you literate, you might have read what I state to be.

You're just a naive, simple little man, probably from th esouth or midwest, that has been so brainwashed by radicals that you cant even have a conversation with another human.

Ya see, I know you. I know the type of person you are. You're the person who starts talking about politics and everyone shakes their heads or groans and says "here we go", but you still don't get the point. You think everyone around you is wrong, but in actuality everyone looks at you like you are an idiot, which you are. Not one of those oh, that guys a character idiiot, like the kind of idiot that makes everyone around them look bad. You don't want to go out with your type of idiot because your afraid their crazy ass will embarrass them. Im sure your kids are so proud!


You, the leftist fool who thinks that Republicans are SO STUPID that an OWS Shitter like you can fool them into thinking you are one of their own..

So, how many people have you fooled?

So, WHO is the stupid one, monkey boi?

Why dont you just leave the politics to the people who can actually have conversations with others.

Oh, we know your method of conversing, fuckwad..


You can bring up Sorros all you want because he is just another liberal bat to me. I am a real Republican.

Yawn - you retard hacks are a dime a dozen.

No one believes you. You've failed, crawl back to DailyKOS with your tail between your legs.

A person who went out and proudly voted for John McCain, Mitt Romney and MY Governor Chris Christie with pride because they are actual Republicans too. Your the kind of person who defends idiots like the Koch brothers and when someone questions you, the only argument you can fix up in that small brain of yours is that they are liberals. That tells people all they need to know about you.

P.S. its use to, not used to. You high school drop out

P.S. When one has grammar the level of your posts, one is in no position to play spelling Nazi, Cletus.
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And what is your degree in?


What is my MBA in? Dayum, have to think about that one...

The TPM is not better educated, for they wouldn't know what a book was if it was thrown at them.

That isn't "a book" you're flinging, it's feces - you feral baboon.

They are educated by Fox News and talk radio. Great resources! you may not be a Democrat, but you sure as hell aren't a Republican.

Just as you are "educated" by MSDNC and Rachel Madcow - monkey boi.
The Tea Party is fighting exactly for our young, they are fighting the established Washington insiders that has caused exactly what you just described. The Progressives are in both parties and they are for the Government & Power and not for the people or our freedoms.
The Tea Party are fighting for your freedoms and Constitutional rights. They also want a great education for all of our young people. They are fighting Common Core which is just as horrible and bad as the new Health Care Law.
They want to get the government under control of it's spending so that our young are not so burdened with such a large debt. You will also, not only have to be paying the 17 Trillion in debt, but you will be paying for a very expensive new program called The Affordable Health Care Act.
The Tea Party want the people to be in power again, to get our States Rights back and not Washington D.C. who are taking away those rights by both parties.
Between Bush and Obama they have racked up almost 12 Trillion in overspending and the Progressives in both parties have refused to deal with it.

If it had not been for Ted Cruz, no one would even be talking about the debt and all the problems that we have in Washington D.C.
Thanks to him we have some of our politicians who are addressing the stupid ways things are set up.
One of the many problems is, that each Department has to spend all of it's money at the end of each year or they don't get the money for the next year. That adds up to billions in wasteful spending.
Thanks to Ted Cruz he has exposed those politician's and the media bias, to those that are paying attention to politics.
Thanks to the Tea Party they are educating Americans on the Constitution, the policies and issues of what is going on.
They are a threat to the establishment so they are labeled and vilified by the Politicians, the Media and Companies, all of whom have the power over the people right now.
Oh this is all just too good. You didnt address any of my points,

Awwww. I didn't address your talking points? After you went to all that trouble to cut and paste them from the hate site?


Poor little guy..

all you did was compare me to George Sorros.

You're quite the stupid one, aren't you?

Remember Goober, YOU tossed out your talking point of "Koch Brothers," just as ThinkProgress programmed you to.

So, if we are to talk about those funding movements, a good look at the scumbag behind your filthy party is fully warranted.

You following along, Cletus?


You are full of yourself and just don't get why others aren't similarly impressed....

There might be a reason, doofus.

Oh, is that what you think is happening here, spunky? :lol::lol::rofl:

Izzatrite, Cletus? (The word is "religious," you illiterate baboon. Edit added for your shit noted at the end.)


Kinda like you do with the Koch brothers, spunky?

($5 says you couldn't correctly pronounce their name, monkey boi..)

I am huh, brite boi?

Yep, I'm worth $32 billion and brought down the Bank of England.

LOL, you're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, Cletus...

I'm a "fundamentalist" am I, retard?

ROFL - you morons toss our what you believe to the epithets (look it up, stupid) with no grasp as to the meaning behind the words.

Here's a hint retard, no one has mentioned anything about religion. You're just spewing the bigotry of your shameful party.

Also dumbfuck, may I call you "dumbfuck?' At any rate, never have I said I was a "Republican," and were you literate, you might have read what I state to be.


You, the leftist fool who thinks that Republicans are SO STUPID that an OWS Shitter like you can fool them into thinking you are one of their own..

So, how many people have you fooled?

So, WHO is the stupid one, monkey boi?

Oh, we know your method of conversing, fuckwad..


You can bring up Sorros all you want because he is just another liberal bat to me. I am a real Republican.

Yawn - you retard hacks are a dime a dozen.

No one believes you. You've failed, crawl back to DailyKOS with your tail between your legs.

A person who went out and proudly voted for John McCain, Mitt Romney and MY Governor Chris Christie with pride because they are actual Republicans too. Your the kind of person who defends idiots like the Koch brothers and when someone questions you, the only argument you can fix up in that small brain of yours is that they are liberals. That tells people all they need to know about you.

P.S. its use to, not used to. You high school drop out

P.S. When one has grammar the level of your posts, one is in no position to play spelling Nazi, Cletus.

You think that your curse ridden, insult filled responses to my posts make you look smart and correct, but all they do is show your true stupidity. He doesn't believe in every hardline fiscal conservatism that I do so he must be a Communist! Phew.. What an idiot.

I am a 22 year old Republican, a man with deeply ingrained political views that won't be mutilated by the radicals in my party. I believe that we as a party need to work with those across the isle in order to actually get things done. You believe that those across the isle are scum that don't deserve the time of day. Do you know what the difference is? When people who are not really interested in politics want to know more, or are ready to become involved, and they are ready to choose a political party who do you think will attract them more? You may think that it doesn't matter, but if we ever want to win another major election it does matter. It is people like you who are preventing all Republicans from ever winning another another election, and you are proud of it.

So, keep thinking you are the conservative savior, out to right all the RINO's in the party and make them look like idiots, but all you will ever be is a sad sad little man. Was I right about everyone hating to talk about politics with you? Was I right that your children are afraid to bring their friends around their house because their dad is an ignorant nut-job? I know the answer so you really don't need to answer it. I can't wait until my generation takes over this party and saves it from the pit you are digging it in to. Your going to be sitting on your couch, eating your microwave dinner for one after talking to one of your multiple ex wives, and there I will be on your T.V. screen, you won't know me, so I'll have to think of a code word. I'll always reference the Tea Party when someone asks me how we got rid of those idiots as "uncensored morons". Then while I'm talking about social justice and fiscal responsibility and how we reinvented the GOP, and there you will be, alone, sad, and wallowing in defeat.

Also, did anyone else just hear this guy say he was worth 32 billion dollars? Whoever is responsible for teaching the elderly and insane to use computers should be taken out behind the barn..
Last edited: a leading member of the Tea Party I can say with all honesty that...

sir, with all due respect, you are NOT a leading member of the Tea Party.

Maybe the Nazi party, but not the Tea Party.

and yes, the TP should be for whites only cause they only have their interests at heart.
Who the hell keeps pos-repping you? a leading member of the Tea Party I can say with all honesty that we welcome all...realizing of course the minorities have been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and bribed by the democrats to such an extent they are not interested in the truth...only interested in who promises them the most freebies. to comment on the following link since you advertise your supposed Jewishness....those who do so are usually imposters.

Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia

And, this is why the answer to your question is no. Anyone who "claims" to be a leading member of the Tea Party, and follows it with that statement should be all the answer you need. You know what the sad thing is? Talking like that, I wouldnt doubt that whoever this person is that they aren't a leader of the Tea Party. LOL what a joke.

The strongest and most loyal members of the Tea Party is not really a party...are very racially conscious. That is why we understand and identify with The White Working Class...who also are fed up with political correctness, liberals and widespread racial violence...aka racist blacks preying on innocent and usually whites unable to defend themselves...the elderly, the handicapped etc.

If we can persuade the great MAJORITY of the White Working Class to stand with us and our up and coming leader....Ted Cruz we will reclaim America. Deal wid it chumps.
Run along back to Stormfront, Cupcake.
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

There are Black Tea Parties
Black Tea Party group to rally against the NAACP | theGrio

And then there's Herman Cain, who the Tea Party supported for POTUS, and Alan West of Florida whom the Tea Party also supported.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to show that the racism claims against the Tea Party are complete garbage.


Tea Party Fuels Surge of Minorities Into Office -
In the beginning, the Tea Party was a group of grass-root, blue-collar workers that wanted their government to be more manageable and efficient. They were pretty much really fiscally conservative Republicans who wanted to focus on economic issues. Today, they have mutated into this radical group that doesn't understand the consequences of their fiscal mismanagement. All of the signs were there when they protesting the federal bailouts, all of which were paid back with interest and prevented major corporations from going bankrupts. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were saved and millions of dollars, but you people still see it as a poor financial decision. Huh?

Now, we have a similar issue. Every economist who know way more about the economy and financial decisions then any of these Tea Party nuts are saying the exact same thing. If we default on our bills, it will be the most disastrous financial decision our politicians could ever make. But people like you want to follow through with another misguided, mismanagement of financial moves that would destroy this country.
For someone who claims to be a Republican, you sure do sound an awful lot like a Democrat.

Tell me, is increasing spending with no inclination to slow down the accumulation of debt good fiscal management?

By the way...not all bailouts were paid back. GM's, for instance.
Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy
You should pick a more honest username, kid. You're no more Republican than Fake Starkey. a leading member of the Tea Party I can say with all honesty that we welcome all...realizing of course the minorities have been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and bribed by the democrats to such an extent they are not interested in the truth...only interested in who promises them the most freebies. to comment on the following link since you advertise your supposed Jewishness....those who do so are usually imposters.

Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia

And, this is why the answer to your question is no. Anyone who "claims" to be a leading member of the Tea Party, and follows it with that statement should be all the answer you need. You know what the sad thing is? Talking like that, I wouldnt doubt that whoever this person is that they aren't a leader of the Tea Party. LOL what a joke.

Obviously you do not get out much...........the great majority of tea partiers do not like parasitic black people who play the system and allow their thuggish offspring to comitt mayhem on our streets..... nor do we like liberal American Jews who are the descendants of Bolsheviks...who not only participated in the murder of millions of white people.....they stole our Nuclear Secrets and gave them to Russia...ever heard of the Rosenbergs?

True Tea Partiers understand White Folk must take care of their own because no one else will....America was built by and for White Folk. We must re-claim America.

Tea Partiers are patriotic and support other true patriots ...we do not support cabals of foreigners who are more interested in the old country than in America...who will sell out America in order to benefit their cousins overseas aka Jonathan Pollard. The democratic party is rife with liberal Jews and that is where they belong.

Tea Partiers are waking up and they are beginning to understand what is happening to America.

"Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice" and also let me remind you.....moderation in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue" -- Barry Goldwater. Now that is the kind of Jews Tea Partiers will accept.
Oh, goody. Yet another stupid skinhead son of a bitch.

Move to Antarctica. I believe it's white enough to suit you.
Oh so you don't see how people could possibly view you as racists? Did you read your last post? Can you even read? You religious nuts kill me every time. Like God could fix stupid.
You southerners wonder why in every study that comes out you are, fatter than the rest of the country, your kids are stupider than the rest of the country and your poorer than the rest of the country. Then you don't understand why people don't take you seriously. Maybe if you left the house, ran a little or read a book, you wouldn't be so stupid and poor. But, lets just leave that readin stuff for dem fancy college goers!

P.S. I find it hilarious that we get all of you to vote against your financial interest in every election by just throwing some menial issue like abortion at you, and you get so scarred you don't care about any of the real issues. idiots..

Boy, only an idiot would believe Sawbriars is mainstream TEA Party.

Are you an idiot?

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