Should the Tea Party be for Whites only?

....America was built by White Folk for White Folk.....our forefathers did not even consider negroes to be fully human. Did you know that? Our forefathers were much wiser than we.

no, but the Tea Party was build by, for, and of white Christians.

Unfortunately you are not correct....but I do like the sentiment. heh heh

And if a republican wants to win...he must understand that the White Working Class is fed up with the coddling of Negroes....if they do not work ...they should not eat. The White Working Class is also fed up with their tax dollars being used to feed at least half of Africa if not more...under the guise of the U.N.....who do you think pays for all that food sent to Africa....the good ole White Working Class.
heh heh You need to get your head out of your ass and see what is happening in remind me of that old phrase.................."if it looks like a libera, if it walks like a liberal, if it talks like a just might be a politically correct republican"....not that old of a phrase....I came up with that one a couple of years back.

Yes, we understand you are a politically correct republican and it is youse guys that are responsible for a dumbass negro polluting the White House with that peculiar odor of his kind.

Tea Partiers need to understand no matter how politically correct you may try to have been labled racist and it has stuck....the only way to overcome that is to go on the offensive....the best defense is a good offense. Be proud, stand up for white folk and when they call you racist accept it and do so with pride......cuz....America was built by White Folk for White Folk.....our forefathers did not even consider negroes to be fully human. Did you know that? Our forefathers were much wiser than we.

Labeled "racist" by you Obamunist fucks?


Who cares? Y'all are fucking scumbags, demagogues and hate mongers.

Oh and sparky, only a moron mistakes me for a Republican.
...Do you think whites should be rounded up and put into death camps?

Does the democratic party support the genocide of whites?

holy crap, where the hell did this come from?????

you'd been listening to too much Alex Jones and reading too much Stormfront.
heh heh You need to get your head out of your ass and see what is happening in remind me of that old phrase.................."if it looks like a libera, if it walks like a liberal, if it talks like a just might be a politically correct republican"....not that old of a phrase....I came up with that one a couple of years back.

Yes, we understand you are a politically correct republican and it is youse guys that are responsible for a dumbass negro polluting the White House with that peculiar odor of his kind.

Tea Partiers need to understand no matter how politically correct you may try to have been labled racist and it has stuck....the only way to overcome that is to go on the offensive....the best defense is a good offense. Be proud, stand up for white folk and when they call you racist accept it and do so with pride......cuz....America was built by White Folk for White Folk.....our forefathers did not even consider negroes to be fully human. Did you know that? Our forefathers were much wiser than we.[/quote]

Labeled "racist" by you Obamunist fucks?


Who cares? Y'all are fucking scumbags, demagogues and hate mongers.

Oh and sparky, only a moron mistakes me for a Republican.[/QUOTE]

There is nothing wrong with righteous is a Biblical precept.

"][url=]Bible Hate
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese?

They should let in all nationalities ....well except muslims of course.
Need to keep them out.

Tea Party ignorance at its finest.

No my dear, Muslims aren't a nationality. was easier then giving the whole "race,creed,nationality,religion,etc....etc......
And you know what? You got me to thinking,muslims are more like a disease that needs to be eradicated. Or maybe a rat infestation.
And the idea that you of all people want to call out intelligence is a joke.
Just look at your opening post ......I rest my case.
Hey I can only send you on your way, I cannot do the thinking for you. It appears you have quite a long road to go. Good luck with it. Here's one final thing for you to ponder, and yopu probably won't but here it is anyway: If we take the issues out that you want out; anything that the left ties to race, the GOP's stance on homosexuals, and abortion. Then what is the difference between the GOP and the DNC? You don't have to answer me, I already know it. This will just help you get your head straight. Again, good luck.

I'm going to answer you because this is the most poignant question you can ask and that I can answer about the future of the GOP. When we modernize and adapt our beliefs to the way society feels, it will give us the range to win elections by winning over moderates. I'm not saying we lose our conservative identities, rather we adapt and evolve. Progression like this has been happening since the early 20th century. Imagine if we didn't evolve on the segregation issue? Still protesting interracial schools.. There would be no "sort of", you would just be called a racist. It's the same way with same sex marriage. In twenty years if you still oppose it you will be called a bigot, you're a bigot today, but some in society have yet to move on the issue. It is only a matter of time though. Is that where you want our party to be? Stuck in the past, just a bunch of bigots clinging on to what the world use to be.

Ok, let me add one more for you: You also need to study more history. The GOP wasn't protesting against segregation, the Democrats were.

In time you will gain wisdom. If you desire to get there sooner than follow my advice. Good luck.

Ya because my Bachelors degree in History and Political Science really skipped out on teaching me history part.. Have you ever heard of Nixon's Southern Strategy? His successful attempt to turn the south red by exploiting their dated social ideology. It worked for the GOP for so long. Getting the poor to vote for policies that didn't favor them by scaring them into believing that minorities would take over their lands. We had such a good thing going for such a long time, but now the Tea Party is doing it. Exploiting the less intelligent into voting for their candidates out of fear of the liberal. Hell, they even have you believing that Republicans a liberals these days you are all so impressionable. Do yourslef a favor, turn off Rush Limbaugh or whatever radical right-wing nut you are listening to today and open a book, maybe economics. And maybe you'll learn something about politics, or I dont know, being a reasonable human being.
They still are grass roots and they are not just a majority of Republicans.
They are Republican, Independent and Democrats.
Not a one of them is saying we should default. The media and Democrats are saying that.
The Tea Party are saying that we need to make long term plans in cuts and the Democrats are totally against it.
Does it make sense to you that we now have another big government program in Health Care that will cost 1.2 trillion, when we have to borrow money to pay for past big government programs?
When does the overspending stop?

Ah yes, the grassroot movement funded by old billionaires. I love it when Tea Party members think that they are comprised of all different types of people giving 5, 10 or 15 dollars as contributions when in actuality it is guys like the Koch brothers that bankroll the entire movement. You think that Democrats are in the Tea Party? Republicans don't want to associate with you crazies, and you think people who have the complete opposite views as you do?

No, the Tea Party is saying we need to default. No one else is. That is just so irresponsible. I'm not saying that the ACA is going to help our country in any way, but not reforming healthcare would destroy it. If Romney didnt have to back peddle on his health care reform we would have a legitimate option to provide health care to people who needed it. We need to find a way to fix healthcare, and there is no easy answer. But to stop the government because we arent getting exactly what we want is just crazy

You're a liar
you should be called the young Democrat you repeat their talking point to hate on your fellow countrymen and women..the tea are a radical group...just wow
stop pretending you're a Republican, it's dishonest

I am a liar? So the Koch brothers haven't provided millions of dollars for Tea Party candidates to win elections? Is that where I am lying? I'd really appreciate you telling me what part was dishonest. You know who is a liar? You are for calling yourself a Republican. You are no Republican, you're a radical. Really what did you get your Bachelors degree in? I am curious, because I'm not sure you have ever opened a history or poly sci book in your life.
You know who was a Republican? Ronald Reagan was a Republican. A conservative idol. Want to know what he did? Read up on things like the Tax Reform Act of 86'. He raised taxes, a few times because he needed to. He understood that it was necessary for America's long term success. Reagan provided Amnesty for 3 million immigrants and also supported gun control acts such as the Brady Bill. That is a Republican, and the sad thing is, if Reagan was running for office today he would be called a RINO by you lunatics. How sad is that? The greatest idol the GOP has to look up to, and one of the finest Republican Presidents of all time and you people would be calling him a liberal.

The fact is, you people generally don't know what you are talking about and resort to name calling and anecdotes when arguing with people because the facts wouldn't get you very far. In fact I don't think I have read one fact from you yet. So please, if you have anything to disprove that your group is funded by a few rich guys, electing people who have brought congress to an approval rate of 5%, all while making the rest of us ACTUAL REPUBLICANS look like idiots, then I invite you to argue your points. But, until you can use words like an adult, and use actual facts to back up your arguments, just leave the politics to the grown ups.
... was easier then giving the whole "race,creed,nationality,religion,etc....etc......
And you know what? You got me to thinking,muslims are more like a disease that needs to be eradicated. Or maybe a rat infestation....

Calling for genocide of an entire people.

Tea Party intelligence and tolerance at its finest.

Proves this thread is spot on, as you guys are a bunch of Nazis.
heh heh You need to get your head out of your ass and see what is happening in remind me of that old phrase.................."if it looks like a libera, if it walks like a liberal, if it talks like a just might be a politically correct republican"....not that old of a phrase....I came up with that one a couple of years back.

Yes, we understand you are a politically correct republican and it is youse guys that are responsible for a dumbass negro polluting the White House with that peculiar odor of his kind.

Tea Partiers need to understand no matter how politically correct you may try to have been labled racist and it has stuck....the only way to overcome that is to go on the offensive....the best defense is a good offense. Be proud, stand up for white folk and when they call you racist accept it and do so with pride......cuz....America was built by White Folk for White Folk.....our forefathers did not even consider negroes to be fully human. Did you know that? Our forefathers were much wiser than we.

Labeled "racist" by you Obamunist fucks?


Who cares? Y'all are fucking scumbags, demagogues and hate mongers.

Oh and sparky, only a moron mistakes me for a Republican.[/QUOTE]

There is nothing wrong with righteous is a Biblical precept.

"][url=]Bible Hate

Oh so you don't see how people could possibly view you as racists? Did you read your last post? Can you even read? You religious nuts kill me every time. Like God could fix stupid.
You southerners wonder why in every study that comes out you are, fatter than the rest of the country, your kids are stupider than the rest of the country and your poorer than the rest of the country. Then you don't understand why people don't take you seriously. Maybe if you left the house, ran a little or read a book, you wouldn't be so stupid and poor. But, lets just leave that readin stuff for dem fancy college goers!

P.S. I find it hilarious that we get all of you to vote against your financial interest in every election by just throwing some menial issue like abortion at you, and you get so scarred you don't care about any of the real issues. idiots..
... was easier then giving the whole "race,creed,nationality,religion,etc....etc......
And you know what? You got me to thinking,muslims are more like a disease that needs to be eradicated. Or maybe a rat infestation....

Calling for genocide of an entire people.

Tea Party intelligence and tolerance at its finest.

Proves this thread is spot on, as you guys are a bunch of Nazis.

To be honest.......? I'm just trolling your dumbass for starting this thread.
And the fact that you dont recognize that speaks for itself..
Ya because my Bachelors degree in History and Political Science really skipped out on teaching me history part.. Have you ever heard of Nixon's Southern Strategy? His successful attempt to turn the south red by exploiting their dated social ideology.

Ah, so you are a Jakestarkey type - a liar and a fraud. Good to know. You're about as "Republican" as Harry Reid. An arrogant elitist with contempt for your fellow Americans - IOW a typical leftist.

Well, I'll tell you son, I'm not impressed by your academic prowess, particularly since I have a Masters. Now granted, it's in Business Administration, something with value to society that I can make a living from. I realize that liberal arts has value only withing the confines of academia - and far more often, fast food. A liberal arts lefty looking down his nose at others is the epitome of irony. Oh, and my BS is in Management Information Systems, another discipline with actual value to society.

It worked for the GOP for so long. Getting the poor to vote for policies that didn't favor them by scaring them into believing that minorities would take over their lands.

Oh? Unlike you noble leftists who prey upon the poor through dependency programs designed to perpetrate a cycle of reliance on government and your shameful party?

We had such a good thing going for such a long time, but now the Tea Party is doing it. Exploiting the less intelligent into voting for their candidates out of fear of the liberal.

Ah see, there's a good democrat, employing demagoguery and slandering people. Of course the Tea Party is better educated than the GOP as a whole, so again you are just lying to smear your political opponents.

Hey, you're a democrat - OF COURSE you're a scumbag.

Hell, they even have you believing that Republicans a liberals these days you are all so impressionable. Do yourslef a favor, turn off Rush Limbaugh or whatever radical right-wing nut you are listening to today and open a book, maybe economics. And maybe you'll learn something about politics, or I dont know, being a reasonable human being.

Why don't you turn off Rachell Maddow and navigate away for the hate sites that do your thinking for you, sparky?
I am a liar?

Yes, but that is a requirement for being a democrat.

So the Koch brothers haven't provided millions of dollars for Tea Party candidates to win elections?

Ah, a straw man - right out of the Soros playbook.

How much has your boss, the filthy criminal George Soros spent to destroy America with democrats?

Come on scumbag, throw out a figure.

You attack the Koch brothers - because you are a mindless drone, programmed by the hate sites run by Soros to attack - but what is it that you allege they have done?

Shall I wait while you slither off to Communist Dream or ThinkProgress to download the hating points?

While we wait, here are some facts about the filthy fuck who does your thinking for you;

{Compounding the underlying problems inherent in the pound's inclusion into the ERM was the economic strain of reunification that Germany found itself under, which put pressure on the mark as the core currency for the ERM. The drive for European unification also hit bumps during the passage of the Maastricht Treaty, which was meant to bring about the euro. Speculators began to eye the ERM and wondered how long fixed exchange rates could fight natural market forces. Spotting the writing on the wall, Britain upped its interest rates to the teens to attract people to the pound, but speculators, George Soros among them, began heavy shorting of the currency}

How did George Soros "break the Bank of England"?

Ah, so the fucker you work for defrauded an entire nation and stole their life saving - BEFORE he attacked America with foot soldiers like you? Nice.

Want to know more about your filthy boss?

{New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.}

George Soros - Discover the Networks

Is that where I am lying? I'd really appreciate you telling me what part was dishonest. You know who is a liar? You are for calling yourself a Republican. You are no Republican, you're a radical. Really what did you get your Bachelors degree in? I am curious, because I'm not sure you have ever opened a history or poly sci book in your life.

Look, you're a leftist. Integrity has no place in the left. Of course you're a liar and a scumbag - that's what being a leftist is all about.

You know who was a Republican? Ronald Reagan was a Republican. A conservative idol. Want to know what he did? Read up on things like the Tax Reform Act of 86'. He raised taxes, a few times because he needed to. He understood that it was necessary for America's long term success. Reagan provided Amnesty for 3 million immigrants and also supported gun control acts such as the Brady Bill. That is a Republican, and the sad thing is, if Reagan was running for office today he would be called a RINO by you lunatics. How sad is that? The greatest idol the GOP has to look up to, and one of the finest Republican Presidents of all time and you people would be calling him a liberal.


Ah the Soros scum are so busy rewriting history. Problem is, too many of us were alive under Reagan for your lies to have the impact you wish they did.

No doubt you view yourself as a good little Stalinist, with truth as the first casualty of your GLORIOUS campaign to end the exercise in Liberty that was America. You work hard to move your boss from shadow dictator to actual dicator - I understand.

The fact is, you people generally don't know what you are talking about and resort to name calling and anecdotes when arguing with people because the facts wouldn't get you very far. In fact I don't think I have read one fact from you yet. So please, if you have anything to disprove that your group is funded by a few rich guys, electing people who have brought congress to an approval rate of 5%, all while making the rest of us ACTUAL REPUBLICANS look like idiots, then I invite you to argue your points. But, until you can use words like an adult, and use actual facts to back up your arguments, just leave the politics to the grown ups.


The people in this forum are vastly better educated and far more knowledgeable than you are used to encountering.

You have a mission to attack the right and promote the goals of George Soros - but you're attempts to mask your goals have failed.

You are a liar and a scumbag, and everyone here knows it.
Ya because my Bachelors degree in History and Political Science really skipped out on teaching me history part.. Have you ever heard of Nixon's Southern Strategy? His successful attempt to turn the south red by exploiting their dated social ideology.

Ah, so you are a Jakestarkey type - a liar and a fraud. Good to know. You're about as "Republican" as Harry Reid. An arrogant elitist with contempt for your fellow Americans - IOW a typical leftist.

Well, I'll tell you son, I'm not impressed by your academic prowess, particularly since I have a Masters. Now granted, it's in Business Administration, something with value to society that I can make a living from. I realize that liberal arts has value only withing the confines of academia - and far more often, fast food. A liberal arts lefty looking down his nose at others is the epitome of irony. Oh, and my BS is in Management Information Systems, another discipline with actual value to society.

It worked for the GOP for so long. Getting the poor to vote for policies that didn't favor them by scaring them into believing that minorities would take over their lands.

Oh? Unlike you noble leftists who prey upon the poor through dependency programs designed to perpetrate a cycle of reliance on government and your shameful party?

We had such a good thing going for such a long time, but now the Tea Party is doing it. Exploiting the less intelligent into voting for their candidates out of fear of the liberal.

Ah see, there's a good democrat, employing demagoguery and slandering people. Of course the Tea Party is better educated than the GOP as a whole, so again you are just lying to smear your political opponents.

Hey, you're a democrat - OF COURSE you're a scumbag.

Hell, they even have you believing that Republicans a liberals these days you are all so impressionable. Do yourslef a favor, turn off Rush Limbaugh or whatever radical right-wing nut you are listening to today and open a book, maybe economics. And maybe you'll learn something about politics, or I dont know, being a reasonable human being.

Why don't you turn off Rachell Maddow and navigate away for the hate sites that do your thinking for you, sparky?

Ya, my useless bachelors degree that got me into law school.. What will I do with this silly JD? The Tea Party is more intelligent than the Republican Party? Ha thats a great one! I don't think any in the TPM have ever so much has read a book, let alone attended a decent college. Yes, I do look down on people like you because you warrant it. I don't have time to wean you out of my party, its time for full on irradiation of this disease.
Ya, my useless bachelors degree that got me into law school.. What will I do with this silly JD?

Ask customers "You want fries with that?"

The Tea Party is more intelligent than the Republican Party?

Better educated - there is a difference. (A HUGE difference.)

Ha thats a great one! I don't think any in the TPM have ever so much has read a book,

Again, you're a demagogue without so much as a hint of integrity. You throw shit at your political opponent like a feral baboon.

let alone attended a decent college. Yes, I do look down on people like you because you warrant it.

The feeling is mutual, monkey boi.

I don't have time to wean you out of my party,

No worries, I'm not a democrat.


its time for full on irradiation of this disease.

Get thee to a baboonary.

Standard Disclaimer: Of course you don't grasp the literary reference, no one expected you to.

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