Should the Tea Party be for Whites only?

The Tea Party is about changing the way Washington D.C. does business.
They want a smaller more manageable government.
Their movement started in 2008 when President Bush started baling out the Banks.

The Tea Party movement is drawing people from all political stripes, social causes, and income brackets. It is drawing people who have never participated in any kind of political or grassroots movement before. What we have in common, and what holds us together, is a very deep love for the uniqueness of the United States of America, a desire for the limited government that our Founding Fathers created, a fairly "strict" interpretation of the Constitution, a belief in capitalism and free enterprise and a strong sense of personal responsibility

The issues and ideas that are at the core of the Tea Party movement:

1) All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions.

2) All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget.

3) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation. laws, and pork barrel projects.

4) ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People.

5) Excessive tax burdens kill prosperity.

6) Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

7) Neither major political party is "clean" on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, "No, you aren't above the law".

8 ) The American public at large is ignorant of the purpose of government, the founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers. As a result, they allow politicians to sell them false hope and "rights" and "entitlements" that are not guaranteed by the Constitution. By educating the American people on the foundations of our history, we hope to bring sanity to the election and legislative processes.

9) As a group, we are appalled at the audaciousness and arrogance of our government in the last few years, particularly the proposals and bills passed in the last few months, despite massive public disapproval.

They are being vilified by both parties who are Progressives and that is a threat to their power.

Our Government is about the people having the power, not our Government.

What a bunch of boring will never win an election with claptrap like...."we must change the way they do business"....."we want a smaller government" and the "budget must be balanced"----and so on and so forth. Keep talking that crap and you will never get the democrats out of the White House.

People like you have two really, really big do not know why the Republicans Lost the last two times and you have no clue as to what is needed to win next time.

I should have said you have 3 big problems....tack on being hard-headed. You will not listen to those who not only know why you lost but can also tell you how to want to keep on doing and saying the same stuff whilst expecting a different will not happen....doing the same thing over and expecting different results is one definition of insanity.

If you and your ilk keep up the stupidity then you deserve to lose.

If you really want to understand.....research why Romney lost....get the facts...aka who voted for whom and why...get the election statistics......quit listening to the talking heads who have misled you.

Also you desperately need to understand that White Folk will remain the largest voting bloc for the next 50 years even if current demographic trends continue.

All the answers have been presented on this will not have to work that hard to get the truth.....but of course I know you are not interested in the and your ilk are all about parroting and regurgitating something you heard on T.V. ....too often msnbc but fox news is little better.

Romney and the GOP lost for one simple reason: The stupid and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive.
The Tea Party is a movement and anyone who cares about American Freedom should be a part of it.
The majority of voters who think pretty much the same way about wanting to see our Government become smaller and more manageable vote for the Tea Party candidates.

During this shut down, it has been proven that Democrats and some Republicans care about the Government and not the American people.
The Tea Party is a movement and anyone who cares about American Freedom should be a part of it....

The Tea Party's version of "freedom" is the same as the Confederacy's version of "property rights".
should they be for Whites only or should they also allow in non-White people, like blacks and Chinese? a leading member of the Tea Party I can say with all honesty that we welcome all...realizing of course the minorities have been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and bribed by the democrats to such an extent they are not interested in the truth...only interested in who promises them the most freebies. to comment on the following link since you advertise your supposed Jewishness....those who do so are usually imposters.

Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia

And, this is why the answer to your question is no. Anyone who "claims" to be a leading member of the Tea Party, and follows it with that statement should be all the answer you need. You know what the sad thing is? Talking like that, I wouldnt doubt that whoever this person is that they aren't a leader of the Tea Party. LOL what a joke.

Obviously you do not get out much...........the great majority of tea partiers do not like parasitic black people who play the system and allow their thuggish offspring to comitt mayhem on our streets..... nor do we like liberal American Jews who are the descendants of Bolsheviks...who not only participated in the murder of millions of white people.....they stole our Nuclear Secrets and gave them to Russia...ever heard of the Rosenbergs?

True Tea Partiers understand White Folk must take care of their own because no one else will....America was built by and for White Folk. We must re-claim America.

Tea Partiers are patriotic and support other true patriots ...we do not support cabals of foreigners who are more interested in the old country than in America...who will sell out America in order to benefit their cousins overseas aka Jonathan Pollard. The democratic party is rife with liberal Jews and that is where they belong.

Tea Partiers are waking up and they are beginning to understand what is happening to America.

"Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice" and also let me remind you.....moderation in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue" -- Barry Goldwater. Now that is the kind of Jews Tea Partiers will accept.
Obviously you do not get out much...........the great majority of tea partiers do not like parasitic black people who play the system and allow their thuggish offspring to comitt mayhem on our streets..... nor do we like liberal American Jews who are the descendants of Bolsheviks...who not only participated in the murder of millions of white people.....they stole our Nuclear Secrets and gave them to Russia...ever heard of the Rosenbergs?

True Tea Partiers understand White Folk must take care of their own because no one else will....America was built by and for White Folk. We must re-claim America....

I agree with you that the Tea Party is about white Christians.
Obviously you do not get out much...........the great majority of tea partiers do not like parasitic black people who play the system and allow their thuggish offspring to comitt mayhem on our streets..... nor do we like liberal American Jews who are the descendants of Bolsheviks...who not only participated in the murder of millions of white people.....they stole our Nuclear Secrets and gave them to Russia...ever heard of the Rosenbergs?

True Tea Partiers understand White Folk must take care of their own because no one else will....America was built by and for White Folk. We must re-claim America....

I agree with you that the Tea Party is about white Christians.

you're both full of crap
If you don't know about THEM stop making up shit what you think they are...

now they are all WHITE CHRISTIANS

they are YOUR fellow countrymen and women that is all you should care about..they have their views on government and you progressive/socialist/commies have yours

what a pathetic joke
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The Tea Party is about changing the way Washington D.C. does business.
They want a smaller more manageable government.
Their movement started in 2008 when President Bush started baling out the Banks.

The Tea Party movement is drawing people from all political stripes, social causes, and income brackets. It is drawing people who have never participated in any kind of political or grassroots movement before. What we have in common, and what holds us together, is a very deep love for the uniqueness of the United States of America, a desire for the limited government that our Founding Fathers created, a fairly "strict" interpretation of the Constitution, a belief in capitalism and free enterprise and a strong sense of personal responsibility

The issues and ideas that are at the core of the Tea Party movement:

1) All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions.

2) All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget.

3) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation. laws, and pork barrel projects.

4) ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People.

5) Excessive tax burdens kill prosperity.

6) Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

7) Neither major political party is "clean" on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, "No, you aren't above the law".

8 ) The American public at large is ignorant of the purpose of government, the founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers. As a result, they allow politicians to sell them false hope and "rights" and "entitlements" that are not guaranteed by the Constitution. By educating the American people on the foundations of our history, we hope to bring sanity to the election and legislative processes.

9) As a group, we are appalled at the audaciousness and arrogance of our government in the last few years, particularly the proposals and bills passed in the last few months, despite massive public disapproval.

They are being vilified by both parties who are Progressives and that is a threat to their power.

Our Government is about the people having the power, not our Government.

What a bunch of boring will never win an election with claptrap like...."we must change the way they do business"....."we want a smaller government" and the "budget must be balanced"----and so on and so forth. Keep talking that crap and you will never get the democrats out of the White House.

People like you have two really, really big do not know why the Republicans Lost the last two times and you have no clue as to what is needed to win next time.

I should have said you have 3 big problems....tack on being hard-headed. You will not listen to those who not only know why you lost but can also tell you how to want to keep on doing and saying the same stuff whilst expecting a different will not happen....doing the same thing over and expecting different results is one definition of insanity.

If you and your ilk keep up the stupidity then you deserve to lose.

If you really want to understand.....research why Romney lost....get the facts...aka who voted for whom and why...get the election statistics......quit listening to the talking heads who have misled you.

Also you desperately need to understand that White Folk will remain the largest voting bloc for the next 50 years even if current demographic trends continue.

All the answers have been presented on this will not have to work that hard to get the truth.....but of course I know you are not interested in the and your ilk are all about parroting and regurgitating something you heard on T.V. ....too often msnbc but fox news is little better.

Romney and the GOP lost for one simple reason: The stupid and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive.

No...not at all....that is the sort of disinformation put out by Fox News...........Romeny lost because he was too politically correct, belonged to a cultish relgion and simply did not appeal to the White Working Class in enough ways to get the overwhelming numbers of White Working Class votes he needed.....tooo many White Working Class folk up North and in the Mid West Actually voted for Obama...........coupled with the proven fact that a great many White Folk stayed home....refused to vote for a stupid Negro or a fat cat east coast republican with a weird religion.

Whites Stayed Home and Re-Elected Obama | American Renaissance
Obviously you do not get out much...........the great majority of tea partiers do not like parasitic black people who play the system and allow their thuggish offspring to comitt mayhem on our streets..... nor do we like liberal American Jews who are the descendants of Bolsheviks...who not only participated in the murder of millions of white people.....they stole our Nuclear Secrets and gave them to Russia...ever heard of the Rosenbergs?

True Tea Partiers understand White Folk must take care of their own because no one else will....America was built by and for White Folk. We must re-claim America.

Tea Partiers are patriotic and support other true patriots ...we do not support cabals of foreigners who are more interested in the old country than in America...who will sell out America in order to benefit their cousins overseas aka Jonathan Pollard. The democratic party is rife with liberal Jews and that is where they belong.

Tea Partiers are waking up and they are beginning to understand what is happening to America.

"Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice" and also let me remind you.....moderation in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue" -- Barry Goldwater. Now that is the kind of Jews Tea Partiers will accept.

Obviously you lie a great deal and spend time on hate sites like ThinkProgress and Communist dreams..

You voted for Obama dincha, Herr Goebbels?

Im not a Tea Bagger.

But you are Hamas....

BTW fuckwad, what act of violence has the Tea Party ever engaged in?

Obviously you do not get out much...........the great majority of tea partiers do not like parasitic black people who play the system and allow their thuggish offspring to comitt mayhem on our streets..... nor do we like liberal American Jews who are the descendants of Bolsheviks...who not only participated in the murder of millions of white people.....they stole our Nuclear Secrets and gave them to Russia...ever heard of the Rosenbergs?

True Tea Partiers understand White Folk must take care of their own because no one else will....America was built by and for White Folk. We must re-claim America.

Tea Partiers are patriotic and support other true patriots ...we do not support cabals of foreigners who are more interested in the old country than in America...who will sell out America in order to benefit their cousins overseas aka Jonathan Pollard. The democratic party is rife with liberal Jews and that is where they belong.

Tea Partiers are waking up and they are beginning to understand what is happening to America.

"Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice" and also let me remind you.....moderation in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue" -- Barry Goldwater. Now that is the kind of Jews Tea Partiers will accept.

Obviously you lie a great deal and spend time on hate sites like ThinkProgress and Communist dreams..

You voted for Obama dincha, Herr Goebbels?

heh heh You need to get your head out of your ass and see what is happening in remind me of that old phrase.................."if it looks like a libera, if it walks like a liberal, if it talks like a just might be a politically correct republican"....not that old of a phrase....I came up with that one a couple of years back.

Yes, we understand you are a politically correct republican and it is youse guys that are responsible for a dumbass negro polluting the White House with that peculiar odor of his kind.

Tea Partiers need to understand no matter how politically correct you may try to have been labled racist and it has stuck....the only way to overcome that is to go on the offensive....the best defense is a good offense. Be proud, stand up for white folk and when they call you racist accept it and do so with pride......cuz....America was built by White Folk for White Folk.....our forefathers did not even consider negroes to be fully human. Did you know that? Our forefathers were much wiser than we.
Only a true Racist Asshole would posit the question in the OP.
....America was built by White Folk for White Folk.....our forefathers did not even consider negroes to be fully human. Did you know that? Our forefathers were much wiser than we.

no, but the Tea Party was build by, for, and of white Christians.

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