Should the Tea Party be for Whites only?

Reform entitlements and we won't need to downsize the Dept. of Defense (which is a terrible idea, regardless).
Speaking as a veteran, yes, there is some fat that could be trimmed. And the procurement process is colossally effed up. It wastes billions of dollars -- especially when Congress insists the military buy weapons systems they don't want or need.

Brand-New Air Force Planes Dumped at Tucson Boneyard | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch | Tucson Weekly

Cutting waste and improving efficiency is not the same as taking a hatchet because some myopic politicians think it's a fat, easy target.
Oh, indeed. Cuts need to be made, but not driven by ideology or with an eye to pandering to the base.
I agree that spending needs to be checked.

Reform entitlements and downsize DoD.
That's a start.

Reform entitlements and we won't need to downsize the Dept. of Defense (which is a terrible idea, regardless).

Ya we need to keep funding the DOD bigg time! Considering that we outspend the next 27 countries COMBINED, and hey, no big deal that 25 of them are allies... Why wouldn't we dump more and more into that department? I really do wonder sometimes if you people understand basic algebra..
That's a start.

Reform entitlements and we won't need to downsize the Dept. of Defense (which is a terrible idea, regardless).

Ya we need to keep funding the DOD bigg time! Considering that we outspend the next 27 countries COMBINED, and hey, no big deal that 25 of them are allies... Why wouldn't we dump more and more into that department? I really do wonder sometimes if you people understand basic algebra..

When you grow up you just might understand a lot of things you don't now, kid.
That's a start.

Reform entitlements and we won't need to downsize the Dept. of Defense (which is a terrible idea, regardless).

Ya we need to keep funding the DOD bigg time! Considering that we outspend the next 27 countries COMBINED, and hey, no big deal that 25 of them are allies... Why wouldn't we dump more and more into that department? I really do wonder sometimes if you people understand basic algebra..

If you want to credibly deny you're a progressive, you probably shouldn't repeat progressive talking points.
I agree with a lot of the things that you are saying,


but I disagree with a lot of things too.

Then I hope you will articulate those disagreements with specificity.

That sounds like you're suggesting government involvement based on INTENTIONS (getting people to get on their feet) when the REALITY of that involvement has been exactly the opposite (keeping people dependent).

Take a look at my avatar and the wise words of Uncle Milty!

I believe that the base was so afraid of Obama that they got off their ass to vote, considering the large proportion of white men and women that voted for Romney, however, he lost so poorly among youngins and minorities and moderates that the only answer I can come up with for his loss was his lack of relation to moderates.

You know, Obama actually got fewer votes in '12 compared to '08. Polling indicates that it was the Republican base (and libertarian leaning folks) that couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney. He got fewer of those votes than even big government McCain!

The GOP needs to get back to the way it was. a rational, fiscally responsible organization who focuses on getting business back on its feet. I want that GOP, not this. This isn't the way we win over people and votes

I understand those words, but I would argue more compromise isn't the way to do that.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the GOP. I care about freedom. I care about free minds and free markets. I care about the Constitution and the ideals of limited government it contains. I'd vote for any one in any party that stood for those ideals. With a few exceptions, I haven't seen that from Republicans in at least 100 years.

Okay, here's a straight forward question: Do you like Rand Paul? Would you vote for him as a Republican running for President? I admit, he's my favorite R, by a long shot.

Honestly, I would not. I will tell you why though.

Economically- His advocacy against the bank bailouts bothered me. I understand that some people thought that we needed these companies to fail for them to recognize their faults, but the bailouts save hundreds of thousands of jobs, all of the companies minus GM paid back the gov't with interest. This isn't a huge issue with me because I can understand where he was coming from, but the way he disregarded all of these peoples lives, only focusing on the CEO's bothered me. I like the cut-cap-and balance approach. I like Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. His economic policy can be a little too laissez faire, bu tthat's not why I wouldn't vote for him.

He is against same sex marriage, he even supported a same sex marriage full on ban, not just saying no to it on the federal level. He voted no reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act this February. His approval of home schooling is weird, home schooled kids are weird. His foreign policy really bothers me too. The way he wants to leave the U.N. and divorce ourselves from the world around us bothers me. We are in a position to really help others in need. I believe that the United States has a big picture responsibility to the world around us. There are more important things on this spinning spec in the galaxy, Rand Paul doesnt seem to see it that way though.

Here is where he really loses me though, American Security. His policies against keeping surveillance out of the hands of those who are trying to keep us safe. I want us to be able to take out any enemy combatant through the use of a flying, controlled missile, right through their passenger side window. I want our CIA to be able to watch any threat to this nation. I know what you are going to say, "I don't want them looking into me!", but I don't understand that mentality. I have nothing to hide, the CIA doesn't care that I am buying a gram of pot from some kid in Trenton. They are looking for actual threats to this nation, but Rand Paul doesn't seem interested in keeping us safe from those threats and that bothers me. I am pro drone warfare to enemy combatants, I am for the denial of a trial for American Terrorist, I don't really care because if I ever turned into a terrorist, I would hope that out CIA takes me out. I am a threat, and an enemy to the state.

If Rand Paul did not take on this secluded view of America's world policy I would support him. I like his views on economics, and I support all of the fiscal responsibility and limited government. I do not like his social policies on gay marriage and I really don't like the way his foreign policy puts me in direct danger. That's usually where libertarians lose me. If it wasn't for that, I could see myself voting for one, but it is just so important in their ideals.
I agree with a lot of the things that you are saying,


Then I hope you will articulate those disagreements with specificity.

That sounds like you're suggesting government involvement based on INTENTIONS (getting people to get on their feet) when the REALITY of that involvement has been exactly the opposite (keeping people dependent).

Take a look at my avatar and the wise words of Uncle Milty!

You know, Obama actually got fewer votes in '12 compared to '08. Polling indicates that it was the Republican base (and libertarian leaning folks) that couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney. He got fewer of those votes than even big government McCain!

The GOP needs to get back to the way it was. a rational, fiscally responsible organization who focuses on getting business back on its feet. I want that GOP, not this. This isn't the way we win over people and votes

I understand those words, but I would argue more compromise isn't the way to do that.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the GOP. I care about freedom. I care about free minds and free markets. I care about the Constitution and the ideals of limited government it contains. I'd vote for any one in any party that stood for those ideals. With a few exceptions, I haven't seen that from Republicans in at least 100 years.

Okay, here's a straight forward question: Do you like Rand Paul? Would you vote for him as a Republican running for President? I admit, he's my favorite R, by a long shot.

Honestly, I would not. I will tell you why though.

Economically- His advocacy against the bank bailouts bothered me. I understand that some people thought that we needed these companies to fail for them to recognize their faults, but the bailouts save hundreds of thousands of jobs, all of the companies minus GM paid back the gov't with interest. This isn't a huge issue with me because I can understand where he was coming from, but the way he disregarded all of these peoples lives, only focusing on the CEO's bothered me. I like the cut-cap-and balance approach. I like Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. His economic policy can be a little too laissez faire, bu tthat's not why I wouldn't vote for him.

He is against same sex marriage, he even supported a same sex marriage full on ban, not just saying no to it on the federal level. He voted no reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act this February. His approval of home schooling is weird, home schooled kids are weird. His foreign policy really bothers me too. The way he wants to leave the U.N. and divorce ourselves from the world around us bothers me. We are in a position to really help others in need. I believe that the United States has a big picture responsibility to the world around us. There are more important things on this spinning spec in the galaxy, Rand Paul doesnt seem to see it that way though.

Here is where he really loses me though, American Security. His policies against keeping surveillance out of the hands of those who are trying to keep us safe. I want us to be able to take out any enemy combatant through the use of a flying, controlled missile, right through their passenger side window. I want our CIA to be able to watch any threat to this nation. I know what you are going to say, "I don't want them looking into me!", but I don't understand that mentality. I have nothing to hide, the CIA doesn't care that I am buying a gram of pot from some kid in Trenton. They are looking for actual threats to this nation, but Rand Paul doesn't seem interested in keeping us safe from those threats and that bothers me. I am pro drone warfare to enemy combatants, I am for the denial of a trial for American Terrorist, I don't really care because if I ever turned into a terrorist, I would hope that out CIA takes me out. I am a threat, and an enemy to the state.

If Rand Paul did not take on this secluded view of America's world policy I would support him. I like his views on economics, and I support all of the fiscal responsibility and limited government. I do not like his social policies on gay marriage and I really don't like the way his foreign policy puts me in direct danger. That's usually where libertarians lose me. If it wasn't for that, I could see myself voting for one, but it is just so important in their ideals.

For a guy that calls himself a conservative, you INCREDIBLY like a Progressive.
Reform entitlements and we won't need to downsize the Dept. of Defense (which is a terrible idea, regardless).

Ya we need to keep funding the DOD bigg time! Considering that we outspend the next 27 countries COMBINED, and hey, no big deal that 25 of them are allies... Why wouldn't we dump more and more into that department? I really do wonder sometimes if you people understand basic algebra..

When you grow up you just might understand a lot of things you don't now, kid.

When you read a book, you may start to understand the things you don't know, guy.

Then I hope you will articulate those disagreements with specificity.

That sounds like you're suggesting government involvement based on INTENTIONS (getting people to get on their feet) when the REALITY of that involvement has been exactly the opposite (keeping people dependent).

Take a look at my avatar and the wise words of Uncle Milty!

You know, Obama actually got fewer votes in '12 compared to '08. Polling indicates that it was the Republican base (and libertarian leaning folks) that couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney. He got fewer of those votes than even big government McCain!

I understand those words, but I would argue more compromise isn't the way to do that.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the GOP. I care about freedom. I care about free minds and free markets. I care about the Constitution and the ideals of limited government it contains. I'd vote for any one in any party that stood for those ideals. With a few exceptions, I haven't seen that from Republicans in at least 100 years.

Okay, here's a straight forward question: Do you like Rand Paul? Would you vote for him as a Republican running for President? I admit, he's my favorite R, by a long shot.

Honestly, I would not. I will tell you why though.

Economically- His advocacy against the bank bailouts bothered me. I understand that some people thought that we needed these companies to fail for them to recognize their faults, but the bailouts save hundreds of thousands of jobs, all of the companies minus GM paid back the gov't with interest. This isn't a huge issue with me because I can understand where he was coming from, but the way he disregarded all of these peoples lives, only focusing on the CEO's bothered me. I like the cut-cap-and balance approach. I like Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. His economic policy can be a little too laissez faire, bu tthat's not why I wouldn't vote for him.

He is against same sex marriage, he even supported a same sex marriage full on ban, not just saying no to it on the federal level. He voted no reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act this February. His approval of home schooling is weird, home schooled kids are weird. His foreign policy really bothers me too. The way he wants to leave the U.N. and divorce ourselves from the world around us bothers me. We are in a position to really help others in need. I believe that the United States has a big picture responsibility to the world around us. There are more important things on this spinning spec in the galaxy, Rand Paul doesnt seem to see it that way though.

Here is where he really loses me though, American Security. His policies against keeping surveillance out of the hands of those who are trying to keep us safe. I want us to be able to take out any enemy combatant through the use of a flying, controlled missile, right through their passenger side window. I want our CIA to be able to watch any threat to this nation. I know what you are going to say, "I don't want them looking into me!", but I don't understand that mentality. I have nothing to hide, the CIA doesn't care that I am buying a gram of pot from some kid in Trenton. They are looking for actual threats to this nation, but Rand Paul doesn't seem interested in keeping us safe from those threats and that bothers me. I am pro drone warfare to enemy combatants, I am for the denial of a trial for American Terrorist, I don't really care because if I ever turned into a terrorist, I would hope that out CIA takes me out. I am a threat, and an enemy to the state.

If Rand Paul did not take on this secluded view of America's world policy I would support him. I like his views on economics, and I support all of the fiscal responsibility and limited government. I do not like his social policies on gay marriage and I really don't like the way his foreign policy puts me in direct danger. That's usually where libertarians lose me. If it wasn't for that, I could see myself voting for one, but it is just so important in their ideals.

For a guy that calls himself a conservative, you INCREDIBLY like a Progressive.

I am a socially progressive Republican with strong fiscal conservative values that are centered around keeping jobs in he hands of American workers and money in the pockets of all Americans, rich or poor. I believe that everyone is entitled to do what they want with their body, be it marry another man, or terminate a sperm and an egg before the first trimester is up. I believe that corporations that send their business overseas while they maintain that they are an American company should be taxed, and those companies that maintain manufacturing in the states should be provided incentive to stay here. I believe that we have a gun problem in are inner cities and not acknowledging that is killing children on a daily basis. I believe that funding a department that, combined, receives more money then the next 25 allies of America do is irresponsible, and politicians exploit Americans fear of our enemies that barely have enough technology to build a microwave in order to do so. If you want to call me a progressive, or a RINO, or a Commi bastard, I really don't care, because of one thing. In ten years, when I am up on a podium preaching my values to a crowd, I know they will respond, and I know that is what America wants to have happen. They want a responsible, fiscally conservative Republican with values that don't make him sound like Strom Thurman. It is who I am, and I do not define myself as a Republican, rather as an American, and these are my values. It just happens that Republicans are the ones that best fit my values, or at least they use to.
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Ya we need to keep funding the DOD bigg time! Considering that we outspend the next 27 countries COMBINED, and hey, no big deal that 25 of them are allies... Why wouldn't we dump more and more into that department? I really do wonder sometimes if you people understand basic algebra..

When you grow up you just might understand a lot of things you don't now, kid.

When you read a book, you may start to understand the things you don't know, guy.

If you live to be 100 you won't read as many books as I already have, junior. Go play with your toys.
Honestly, I would not. I will tell you why though.

Economically- His advocacy against the bank bailouts bothered me. I understand that some people thought that we needed these companies to fail for them to recognize their faults, but the bailouts save hundreds of thousands of jobs, all of the companies minus GM paid back the gov't with interest. This isn't a huge issue with me because I can understand where he was coming from, but the way he disregarded all of these peoples lives, only focusing on the CEO's bothered me. I like the cut-cap-and balance approach. I like Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. His economic policy can be a little too laissez faire, bu tthat's not why I wouldn't vote for him.

He is against same sex marriage, he even supported a same sex marriage full on ban, not just saying no to it on the federal level. He voted no reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act this February. His approval of home schooling is weird, home schooled kids are weird. His foreign policy really bothers me too. The way he wants to leave the U.N. and divorce ourselves from the world around us bothers me. We are in a position to really help others in need. I believe that the United States has a big picture responsibility to the world around us. There are more important things on this spinning spec in the galaxy, Rand Paul doesnt seem to see it that way though.

Here is where he really loses me though, American Security. His policies against keeping surveillance out of the hands of those who are trying to keep us safe. I want us to be able to take out any enemy combatant through the use of a flying, controlled missile, right through their passenger side window. I want our CIA to be able to watch any threat to this nation. I know what you are going to say, "I don't want them looking into me!", but I don't understand that mentality. I have nothing to hide, the CIA doesn't care that I am buying a gram of pot from some kid in Trenton. They are looking for actual threats to this nation, but Rand Paul doesn't seem interested in keeping us safe from those threats and that bothers me. I am pro drone warfare to enemy combatants, I am for the denial of a trial for American Terrorist, I don't really care because if I ever turned into a terrorist, I would hope that out CIA takes me out. I am a threat, and an enemy to the state.

If Rand Paul did not take on this secluded view of America's world policy I would support him. I like his views on economics, and I support all of the fiscal responsibility and limited government. I do not like his social policies on gay marriage and I really don't like the way his foreign policy puts me in direct danger. That's usually where libertarians lose me. If it wasn't for that, I could see myself voting for one, but it is just so important in their ideals.

For a guy that calls himself a conservative, you INCREDIBLY like a Progressive.

I am a socially progressive Republican with strong fiscal conservative values that are centered around keeping jobs in he hands of American workers and money in the pockets of all Americans, rich or poor. I believe that everyone is entitled to do what they want with their body, be it marry another man, or terminate a sperm and an egg before the first trimester is up. I believe that corporations that send their business overseas while they maintain that they are an American company should be taxed, and those companies that maintain manufacturing in the states should be provided incentive to stay here. I believe that we have a gun problem in are inner cities and not acknowledging that is killing children on a daily basis. I believe that funding a department that, combined, receives more money then the next 25 allies of America do is irresponsible, and politicians exploit Americans fear of our enemies that barely have enough technology to build a microwave in order to do so. If you want to call me a progressive, or a RINO, or a Commi bastard, I really don't care, because of one thing. In ten years, when I am up on a podium preaching my values to a crowd, I know they will respond, and I know that is what America wants to have happen. They want a responsible, fiscally conservative Republican with values that don't make him sound like Strom Thurman. It is who I am, and I do not define myself as a Republican, rather as an American, and these are my values. It just happens that Republicans are the ones that best fit my values, or at least they use to.

News flash, kid: You're a democrat. Go register and join the rest of your ilk.
If you live to be 100 you won't read as many books as I already have, junior. Go play with your toys.

What does reading a book have to do with outspending the world on defense?

I didn't bring it up, he did.

It means him thinking that the fact that we outspend the next 25 allies combined on defense, stands to reason that he doesn't know what he is talking about. It was a subtle insult, but we can get back to the point. Please explain to me why the United States needs to spend over 682 billion dollars for defense when China, a country with a billion people and real threats of war, spends just over 166 billion. Not to mention no other country goes over the hundred billion mark. I am not saying we need to under spend China, but what is wrong with spending 300 billion instead of six? I mean, it takes up almost 5 percent of our GDP. You all say I am not a conservative, but I am as fiscally conservative as they come. Maybe we could use those billions to invest in, IDK, education? I just think that a nation that spends that much money ensuring its military supremacy is either overcompensating, or running extremely inefficiently. Given how much we pay our men in uniform, I would lean to the latter in that statement.
You think that your curse ridden, insult filled responses to my posts make you look smart and correct, but all they do is show your true stupidity.



You're on a roll, Cletus...

He doesn't believe in every hardline fiscal conservatism that I do so he must be a Communist! Phew.. What an idiot.

What you are is an OWS moron who thinks that by pretending to by a Republican, you can somehow convince conservatives to support radical leftism.

You're a moron hack, following a script from the leftist hate sites - but you're far from the first one.

Also, did anyone else just hear this guy say he was worth 32 billion dollars? Whoever is responsible for teaching the elderly and insane to use computers should be taken out behind the barn..

My god but you're stupid.....
Ya we need to keep funding the DOD bigg time! Considering that we outspend the next 27 countries COMBINED, and hey, no big deal that 25 of them are allies... Why wouldn't we dump more and more into that department? I really do wonder sometimes if you people understand basic algebra..

When you grow up you just might understand a lot of things you don't now, kid.

When you read a book, you may start to understand the things you don't know, guy.
Which text does your liberal Poli Sci 101 prof use?
Please explain to me why the United States needs to spend over 682 billion dollars for defense when China, a country with a billion people and real threats of war, spends just over 166 billion. Not to mention no other country goes over the hundred billion mark.

The kind of ignorance you are displaying here will take years to overcome, kid. Just STFU and stay in school.

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