Should the U.S. Support or Oppose Overthrow of the House Of Saud?


Mar 7, 2011
Should we opppose or support the overthrow of the kingdom that bred the terrorists that perpetrated 9/11?
Oppose, if the Kingdom falls, then it will turn into a hostile anti-American theocracy in no time, that the US will have to go to war with later.
The US should not get involved. We have enough problems of our own to pay attention to. And since our government just fucks up everything here, why should we expect them to do any better elsewhere?
So, we should support a dictatorship that tortures and murders its people?

Don't forget, Saudi Arabia already fostered the attacks on 9/11 as almost every single attacker was from Saudi Arabia.

The strange thing is that we attacked Iraqis for what radical Saudis did.
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Support democracy everywhere.
Even if it means we have to go to war with that nation by the end of the year, as a result? Saudi Arabia's pop wants 'democracy' of the Iranian kind. :lol:

You can not be a libertarian and support the fifty-year brutal military occupation that is being conducted by Israel.

What would you do if your land and people suffered from being placed in open-air concentration camps so as to be more easily slaughtered as your land and homes were stolen and destroyed?

You should see the film on Google Video called "If Americans Knew". It drives the Zionists crazy when people see this film.

It is mostly U.S. military lawyers, State Department personnel and Jews speaking out agains the torturous and murderous occupation of Palestine.
Stay completely out of it. We have no business deciding the outcome. Let the Saudis decide their own future.

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