Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

Stop changing the subject. Welfare has nothing to do with this. AIDS has nothing to do with this (heading you off at the pass).
Bad decision -> Not getting vaccinated => Bad Decision => Sent Home.

So people injured in drunk driving accidents, drug overdoses, any diseases caused by being overweight, smoking, taking drugs, or engaging in risky sports or activities should also be "sent home", right?
So people injured in drunk driving accidents, drug overdoses, any diseases caused by being overweight, smoking, taking drugs, or engaging in risky sports or activities should also be "sent home", right?

According to that analysis, if you overdose on drugs then you should be turned down and thrown out to the curb at the hospital.
So people injured in drunk driving accidents, drug overdoses, any diseases caused by being overweight, smoking, taking drugs, or engaging in risky sports or activities should also be "sent home", right?
Not..the..subject. Stop deflecting.
Is it possible for you to transmit any of the above to me by being in my presence?
Then your deflection doesn't apply. :)
Why not withhold emergency medical treatment for drug addicts or AIDS patients and smokers and former smokers and old people in general? The list goes on for fascist regimes while the rich elite and political elite go to the head of the line. Orwell was right.
Stop changing the subject. Welfare has nothing to do with this. AIDS has nothing to do with this (heading you off at the pass).
Bad decision -> Not getting vaccinated => Bad Decision => Sent Home.
I don't believe AIDS is caused by a virus.
Simian Immunodeficiency Virus?
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus?
Come on, now, dirty porno-addicted doctors are rolling in too much dough writing prescriptions on their computer screens with all that medical imaging technology.
People are shooting up in the locker room. Steroids wreck the immune system and they're doing other drugs on top of that. "Men who have Sex with Men" don't really exist as the WHO/MSF doctors claim, and even if they did, why don't lesbians ever catch STDs?
For parasitic infections. Been approved for that for years.
Not approved for COVID. Not proven to work on COVID.
That's why I suggested your choice of podcast. :)
Many drugs are use for off label treatments.

Edit: Adding in a link with examples.

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Depends if the doctors took the Hippocratic oath ;). Also, if we do this, we need to do the same for people in the country illegally.
By their logic, smokers, drinkers, and anyone who gets injured doing a dangerous activity should also be denied medical care. After all, those are all risky behaviors that could've been avoided.
Oh, and deny care to the vaccinated down the road when the long-term adverse effects come to light. It's quite risky to take a vaccine that hasn't been fully tested.
By their logic, smokers, drinkers, and anyone who gets injured doing a dangerous activity should also be denied medical care. After all, those are all risky behaviors that could've been avoided.
Oh, and deny care to the vaccinated down the road when the long-term adverse effects come to light. It's quite risky to take a vaccine that hasn't been fully tested.
Or those who didn't get the flu or pneumonia vaccine that had to go to the hospital. Or BLM rioters who burn themselves while setting fires, or dropped something they looted onto their foot.

Be honest democrats, it makes you want government run health care, doesn't it.

Just think, all of your political opponents targeted by government run health care to die, much like the IRS targeted conservatives for audits under Obama.
Bleach and natl sunlite
Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)

This is really good news. From here on out let's do this.

If you're fat, I'm sorry, fuck off and eat better, you don't get healthcare or must pay more for it. Free-choice.

If you smoke, I'm sorry, fuck off and quit smoking, you don't get healthcare or must pay more for it. Free-choice.

If you're gay, I'm sorry, it's not society's fault that way of life is unhealthy. You don't get healthcare or must pay more for it. Free-choice.

If you find these experimental vaccines are detrimental to health fuck off, you shouldn't have had one. You don't get healthcare or must pay more for it. Free-choice.

If you're a drug-addict fuck off, just because the left opens drugs stores doesn't mean you get healthcare for your addiction. Free-choice.

If you're leftist and need mental health like most do fuck off, had your parents raised you right this wouldn't be a problem.
Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)

Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)
Endlösung, Ja.
It's possible for the vaccinated to transmit COVID to you, dummy. By your logic, they should be turned down for care as well.
They were vaccinated. And they comprise far less of the hospitalized
But thanks for playing.

Podcast?...Rogan?..Levin?...meh, he's kind of a hack.
Haven't been paying attention what's been going on in the healthcare system have you? Understaffed, overworked, hospitals overflowing with COVID patients..and worse, sometimes unable to provide care or services for any other medical emergency beyond COVID...when the means to stay out of the hospital due to the virus has been available to you for almost a year now. But you sit there and swallow your daily diet of alt-right media pablum that is telling you the pandemic is a hoax, the vaccine will kill you or make you grow a second head, and that public health servants are lying to you. Don't know what to say to people like that anymore but at some point, we need to go into triage mode and restore a sense of matter how painful that is.

You had your chance to add to the healthcare discussion in 2009 and 2010. You chose to be a whiny little bitch instead and side with the Republicans who made every attempt to kill
the ACA for a decade.
Please share with us a half dozen video examples of "Understaffed, overworked, hospitals overflowing with COVID patients".

Oh, wait. DANG! There's that damned HIPAA dodge that says you can't do that because of patient privacy. How convenient for you.

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