Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

They were vaccinated. And they comprise far less of the hospitalized
But thanks for playing.
This was your justification:
Is it possible for you to transmit any of the above to me by being in my presence?
Poor Jackoff.
It is possible for the vaccinated to transmit COVID to you by being in your presence.
Are you such an idiot that you don't realize you've undermined your own position here? Lulz.
This is really good news. From here on out let's do this.

If you're fat, I'm sorry, fuck off and eat better.

If you smoke, I'm sorry, fuck off and quit smoking.

If you're gay, I'm sorry, it's not society's fault that way of life is unhealthy.

If you find these experimental vaccines are detrimental to health fuck off, you shouldn't have had one.

If you're leftist and need mental health like most do fuck off, had your parents raised you right this wouldn't be a problem.
None of these outside of second hand smoke breathed in over long period of time can be construed as able to be transmitted from one human being to another. And as I look at it, there's no vaccine available to prevent any of these deflections you've so nicely listed for us.

There is however, a vaccine available for COVID-19. Booster bonus too if you're beyond 6 months vaccinated.
The means to keep your butt out of the hospital (for most) right there in front of you.
Please share with us a half dozen video examples of "Understaffed, overworked, hospitals overflowing with COVID patients".

Oh, wait. DANG! There's that damned HIPAA dodge that says you can't do that because of patient privacy. How convenient for you.
All you have to do is turn on the nightly news..and log off or turn off any alt-right or right wing media sources.
Dang..there goes that talking point. :)
This was your justification:

Poor Jackoff.
It is possible for the vaccinated to transmit COVID to you by being in your presence.
Are you such an idiot that you don't realize you've undermined your own position here? Lulz.
How so, Kitty Kat? Can you transmit obesity to me by sitting next to me?
Can you cause me to get into a car accident by sitting next to me?
If not, none of your examples apply.

And the OP was about the unvaccinated being rationed healthcare..not the vaccinated.
None of these outside of second hand smoke breathed in over long period of time can be construed as able to be transmitted from one human being to another. And as I look at it, there's no vaccine available to prevent any of these deflections you've so nicely listed for us.

There is however, a vaccine available for COVID-19. Booster bonus too if you're beyond 6 months vaccinated.
The means to keep your butt out of the hospital (for most) right there in front of you.

WOW are you a shallow thinker. Neat little twist on your part though, nobody expected much.

ILMAO at boosters, see that, I haven't rec'd any vaccines, but if I did then supposedly I need my 6 month shot, which means the shot has become useless.

You're a great american doing your part to enhance our GDP.
If they don't want to treat the unvaccinated then I think the fair trade off is they don't treat democrats either.

Be honest democrats, it makes you want government run health care, doesn't it.

Just think, all of your political opponents targeted by government run health care to die, much like the IRS targeted conservatives for audits under Obama.
Triage....end of the line.
All you have to do is turn on the nightly news..and log off or turn off any alt-right or right wing media sources.
Dang..there goes that talking point. :)
I don't have a TV. You said it and I asked you to verify it. You obviously can't. Got it. You don't think rules apply to you. The usual.
I don't have a TV. You said it and I asked you to verify it. You obviously can't. Got it. You don't think rules apply to you. The usual.
Fine. All you have to do is find real news sources. Not alt-right Internet ones.
No talking to people like you. You're lost in your own little alternate fantasy world.
Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)
Sounds good. Give me the packs from india in advance so it can be taken as soon as you test positive. Chop chop go get on your knees and bow to the FDA for permission.


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