Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)

Does that apply to fat people who have some obesity associated disease? Here's a salad and I'll take your car keys so you can walk your fat ass home and maybe lose some weight on the way.

Are we going to stop treating diabetes? Shouldnt have eaten so much sugar.

Heart disease? How about lung cancer due to smoking?

If I walk in with a broken arm because I fell off a skateboard am I out of luck?

Easy to avoid these health problems, isn't it?

Drug overdose? Fuck off, good luck with whatever over the counter drugs you can come up with.

This is fun. I can play this game all day....

Drink? Sorry can treat your liver or kidney problems.

Kidney stone? You clearly didn't drink enough water. Back of the line.

Have a kid that you can't afford? Sorry, no welfare for you. We can't just keep bailing people out of their bad decisions, am I right?

Didn't save enough for retirement? That's not my fucking problem, bro.
Does that apply to fat people who have some obesity associated disease? Here's a salad and I'll take your car keys so you can walk your fat ass home and maybe lose some weight on the way.

Are we going to stop treating diabetes? Shouldnt have eaten so much sugar.

Heart disease? How about lung cancer due to smoking?

If I walk in with a broken arm because I fell off a skateboard am I out of luck?

Easy to avoid these health problems, isn't it?

Drug overdose? Fuck off, good luck with whatever over the counter drugs you can come up with.

This is fun. I can play this game all day....

Drink? Sorry can treat your liver or kidney problems.

Kidney stone? You clearly didn't drink enough water. Back of the line.

Have a kid that you can't afford? Sorry, no welfare for you. We can't just keep bailing people out of their bad decisions, am I right?

Didn't save enough for retirement? That's not my fucking problem, bro.
And still, no comparison relevant. I don't think there are vaccines for any of these deflections. :)...sigh...
And still, no comparison relevant. I don't think there are vaccines for any of these deflections. :)...sigh...
no, they are far easier to avoid health problems than COVID as I dont have to actively do anything to avoid them.
Oh and there are ZERO side effects of not smoking, not being a fat piece of shit, not doing drugs, and not skateboarding so win win. Good try though. They are not deflections. You want to not treat people because they in your mind made a bad decision and got sick because of it. How are those any different?
None of these outside of second hand smoke breathed in over long period of time can be construed as able to be transmitted from one human being to another. And as I look at it, there's no vaccine available to prevent any of these deflections you've so nicely listed for us.

There is however, a vaccine available for COVID-19. Booster bonus too if you're beyond 6 months vaccinated.
The means to keep your butt out of the hospital (for most) right there in front of you.

So what. It's less likely you're going to get it from a vaccinated person. Rationalization aside.

And you really don't pay attention do you? The OP was opining about rationing medical care to the unvaccinated. You are much less
likely to wind up in the hospital with a serious infection and die if you are vaccinated.
So, we should send then home to die then?
None of these outside of second hand smoke breathed in over long period of time can be construed as able to be transmitted from one human being to another. And as I look at it, there's no vaccine available to prevent any of these deflections you've so nicely listed for us.

There is however, a vaccine available for COVID-19. Booster bonus too if you're beyond 6 months vaccinated.
The means to keep your butt out of the hospital (for most) right there in front of you.
They are still avoidable healthcare issues that are an unnecessary strain on the healthcare system which under the OP's premise shouldn't be treated.
They are still avoidable healthcare issues that are an unnecessary strain on the healthcare system which under the OP's premise shouldn't be treated.
Boom. Someone finally gets it! :)
Getting vaccinated will avoid (largely) extreme sickness and hospitalization that will put a strain on the healthcare system.

Difference is, there's no vaccines for the other things. There is for COVID.
What about the flu or pneumonia? If you don't have the vaccine for those are you okay with the leftist discriminating against them as well?
Pneumonia kinda runs independent of the flu. There's a vaccine for pneumococcal disease. But I don't hear people resisting these types of vaccines because of conspiracy theories. Like the flu shot which for most people has been automatic for years.
Pneumonia kinda runs independent of the flu. There's a vaccine for pneumococcal disease. But I don't hear people resisting these types of vaccines because of conspiracy theories. Like the flu shot which for most people has been automatic for years.
Yes they are independent, but both have vaccines, and both you can choose to take or not. Do you deny healthcare for someone who doesn't get them? I have never received either, and many others have not as well. And for many it isn't about conspiracy theory at all. For some it is because of medical, or religious reasons. For me it is 2 fold... The most important is religious, and the other is the fact that it seems to be more about politics than actual health, and that always concerns me. If it was about health then those who have had covid and have natural immunities would be treated the same or even better than those with the vaccine.
Boom. Someone finally gets it! :)
Getting vaccinated will avoid (largely) extreme sickness and hospitalization that will put a strain on the healthcare system.

Difference is, there's no vaccines for the other things. There is for COVID.
But you can avoid them though right? BTW there are far more people in the hospital due to their ho ho addiction than there are because they didnt get a COVID vaccine.
The leftists will never change no matter how dumb they make themselves look.
vaxxed only.jpeg
Pneumonia kinda runs independent of the flu. There's a vaccine for pneumococcal disease. But I don't hear people resisting these types of vaccines because of conspiracy theories. Like the flu shot which for most people has been automatic for years.

That wasn't the question. The question was do you advocate for discrimination against people who don't get a pneumonia or flu vaccine (or shingles, chicken pox, measles, etc.) the way you are advocating for discrimination against people who don't get a covid vaccine?
That wasn't the question. The question was do you advocate for discrimination against people who don't get a pneumonia or flu vaccine (or shingles, chicken pox, measles, etc.) the way you are advocating for discrimination against people who don't get a covid vaccine?
Not the same Hoss. Pneumonia's been around since the beginning of time. It's had vaccines available for years.
And I'm sorry, I don't see hospitals being crowded because people refuse those BTW, same answer I gave earlier. :)

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