Should there be women prison guards in mens' prison? (Female prison guard strangled)


Defender of the month
May 16, 2010
I don't know if you all heard about this story. A 5'3" female prison guard was left alone in the prison chapel where a serial rapist, lifer was. She was strangled and left for dead.

Since when are there female guards in mens' prison? This was news to me. What do you think? I thought they only hired burly tough guys for that job.

Inmate had history of violence towards women - Seattle News -

Jayme Biendl, 34, was only 5 foot 3 inches, but she stood tall among her peers.

"Officer Biendl was the corrections officer of the year at Monroe, 2008," says Department of Corrections spokesman Chad Lewis. "She'd been with the department since 2002 and was very well respected, and very well liked."

Biendl often lead religious programs in the prison's chapel. It was there, Lewis says, she was found unconscious, Saturday night, "medical officials declared her dead at the scene."

Investigators say she had been strangled.

The prime suspect in her death is 52-year-old inmate, Byron Scherf who'd been missing during a head-count an hour earlier and had been promptly found in the chapel lobby.

Scherf has a history of violence towards women, according to the Spokesman Review.
I worked in a super maximum prison once, and there was lots of women correctional officers there too, and judging by the size of some of the wimpy little gang bangers in there, the big fat women C.O. could have held their own. But a muscle bound inmate against a tiny little woman, what a stupid thing to do.
I think there should be a hefty size requirement for prison guards. They should be male and they should be big and strong.
I don't think women guards should be in mens prisons and I don't think men guards should be in womens prisons, too much shit goes wrong.

I totally agree. It's common sense. I've heard stories of women prisoners either having affairs with guards, or accusing them of rape.
I don't think women guards should be in mens prisons and I don't think men guards should be in womens prisons, too much shit goes wrong.

I totally agree. It's common sense. I've heard stories of women prisoners either having affairs with guards, or accusing them of rape.

Yup, same thing with the women guards in male prisons. Sometimes they have affairs with the inmates and alot of the times inmates will expose their privates to the female guards when they walk by their cells, probably to get a little excitement going cause their locked up 24/7. Definently not a place I would want my girlfriend working.
I don't know if you all heard about this story. A 5'3" female prison guard was left alone in the prison chapel where a serial rapist, lifer was. She was strangled and left for dead.

Since when are there female guards in mens' prison? This was news to me. What do you think? I thought they only hired burly tough guys for that job.

Inmate had history of violence towards women - Seattle News -

Jayme Biendl, 34, was only 5 foot 3 inches, but she stood tall among her peers.

"Officer Biendl was the corrections officer of the year at Monroe, 2008," says Department of Corrections spokesman Chad Lewis. "She'd been with the department since 2002 and was very well respected, and very well liked."

Biendl often lead religious programs in the prison's chapel. It was there, Lewis says, she was found unconscious, Saturday night, "medical officials declared her dead at the scene."

Investigators say she had been strangled.

The prime suspect in her death is 52-year-old inmate, Byron Scherf who'd been missing during a head-count an hour earlier and had been promptly found in the chapel lobby.

Scherf has a history of violence towards women, according to the Spokesman Review.

there have been female corrections officers in male prisons for years.
They can and do cause a lot of problems; but they can also be really good.

There are also male officers in women's prisons, which is equally horrible.

all prisons have their share of entanglements/relationship scandals between guards and inmates. That's nothing new.
I don't think women guards should be in mens prisons and I don't think men guards should be in womens prisons, too much shit goes wrong.

I totally agree. It's common sense. I've heard stories of women prisoners either having affairs with guards, or accusing them of rape.

Yup, same thing with the women guards in male prisons. Sometimes they have affairs with the inmates and alot of the times inmates will expose their privates to the female guards when they walk by their cells, probably to get a little excitement going cause their locked up 24/7. Definently not a place I would want my girlfriend working.

You're afraid her eyes might be polluted by the sight of other men's genitals?


I've worked in co-ed detention; nothing happens in prisons that doesn't happen there including people exposing themselves and just being flat out disgusting.

Not everyone is cut out for prison work. You need to be pretty laid back about the human condition or you'll end up in the loony bin yoruself.
I totally agree. It's common sense. I've heard stories of women prisoners either having affairs with guards, or accusing them of rape.

Yup, same thing with the women guards in male prisons. Sometimes they have affairs with the inmates and alot of the times inmates will expose their privates to the female guards when they walk by their cells, probably to get a little excitement going cause their locked up 24/7. Definently not a place I would want my girlfriend working.

You're afraid her eyes might be polluted by the sight of other men's genitals?


I've worked in co-ed detention; nothing happens in prisons that doesn't happen there including people exposing themselves and just being flat out disgusting.

Not everyone is cut out for prison work. You need to be pretty laid back about the human condition or you'll end up in the loony bin yoruself.

I'm not saying that, I would hope a woman working in corrections would have thick skin but its just an example of the kind of harassment women CO's go through. If a riot breaks out women officers are the first ones targetted because the women are usually smaller, whats a woman going to do against a 6 foot 8 200+ pound gangbanger?
What's a short man going to do against him? They get raped and dismembered, too.

It's a dangerous job and it draws the people who thrive on it.

And though guards are crude, lewd, and obnoxious themselves if they've worked with the population much; truly most of them enjoy working with that population. They like them, and for the most part, try to do their best by them.

For the most part.
What's a short man going to do against him? They get raped and dismembered, too.

It's a dangerous job and it draws the people who thrive on it.

And though guards are crude, lewd, and obnoxious themselves if they've worked with the population much; truly most of them enjoy working with that population. They like them, and for the most part, try to do their best by them.

For the most part.

Good point.
There should be a height, weight, and fitness requirement for the job. In other fields of endeavor, there are requirements. A college professor must know his/her subject, be intelligent, and have a certain degree. A computer programmer must have an above average intelligence and ability. A teacher needs a certificate in teaching, plus must having continuing ed to keep that certificate.

What's wrong with minimum physical requirements for prison guards?
There should be a height, weight, and fitness requirement for the job. In other fields of endeavor, there are requirements. A college professor must know his/her subject, be intelligent, and have a certain degree. A computer programmer must have an above average intelligence and ability. A teacher needs a certificate in teaching, plus must having continuing ed to keep that certificate.

What's wrong with minimum physical requirements for prison guards?

There are. They have to pass a physical fitness test, and continue to pass it throughout their career.

But there's no height requirement that I'm aware of, though there may be certain prisons that have different requirements. I've never heard of a height requirement.

Because ultimately, it doesn't matter. If they want to get you, eventually they're going to get you. A guard who is attacked and doesn't have back up really doesn't have a chance, regardless of their size. For one thing, they usually aren't attacked from the front. It's usually completely unexpected and size doesn't make any difference. A 6'4" is just as debilitated by a dumbell to the head as a 5'4" woman.
There should be a height, weight, and fitness requirement for the job. In other fields of endeavor, there are requirements. A college professor must know his/her subject, be intelligent, and have a certain degree. A computer programmer must have an above average intelligence and ability. A teacher needs a certificate in teaching, plus must having continuing ed to keep that certificate.

What's wrong with minimum physical requirements for prison guards?

I think they do have requirements they have to meet.
Allie, I'm sure you are correct but I see no reason to be hiring petite women to work in a men's prison. Frankly, I can't see the sense in hiring ANY women for such a place....are we low on male guards?

What a terrible, terrible crime. And how do they punish a lifer? Take away his tv privileges?
Allie, I'm sure you are correct but I see no reason to be hiring petite women to work in a men's prison. Frankly, I can't see the sense in hiring ANY women for such a place....are we low on male guards?

What a terrible, terrible crime. And how do they punish a lifer? Take away his tv privileges?

I believe we are low on guards, our inmate population is huge and we really don't have enough guards to keep track of everything, plus the budgets are totally fucked and its not like we can go on a hiring spree for prison guards.
Well exactly; lifers have nothing to lose anyway; they often do exactly what they please.

But for this crime he'll go into the hole for a long time...they'll put him in seg. He was probably in seg, anyway. Most sex offenders are. Not only are they at risk in general population; they're also very dangerous themselves, and they always want special treatment. Sex offenders almost always need special meals (they have an unhealthy obsession with their guts and bowel movements, go figure) and often request seg.
Well exactly; lifers have nothing to lose anyway; they often do exactly what they please.

But for this crime he'll go into the hole for a long time...they'll put him in seg. He was probably in seg, anyway. Most sex offenders are. Not only are they at risk in general population; they're also very dangerous themselves, and they always want special treatment. Sex offenders almost always need special meals (they have an unhealthy obsession with their guts and bowel movements, go figure) and often request seg.

This might be the only argument for the death penalty that holds water with me -- to try to protect guards from lifers.

BTW, why aren't prisons covered every foot by video?
Well exactly; lifers have nothing to lose anyway; they often do exactly what they please.

But for this crime he'll go into the hole for a long time...they'll put him in seg. He was probably in seg, anyway. Most sex offenders are. Not only are they at risk in general population; they're also very dangerous themselves, and they always want special treatment. Sex offenders almost always need special meals (they have an unhealthy obsession with their guts and bowel movements, go figure) and often request seg.

This might be the only argument for the death penalty that holds water with me -- to try to protect guards from lifers.

BTW, why aren't prisons covered every foot by video?

Who has the money for all that? most of the prisons in California are old buildings from the 50s and you want money for video everywhere?
Well exactly; lifers have nothing to lose anyway; they often do exactly what they please.

But for this crime he'll go into the hole for a long time...they'll put him in seg. He was probably in seg, anyway. Most sex offenders are. Not only are they at risk in general population; they're also very dangerous themselves, and they always want special treatment. Sex offenders almost always need special meals (they have an unhealthy obsession with their guts and bowel movements, go figure) and often request seg.

This might be the only argument for the death penalty that holds water with me -- to try to protect guards from lifers.

BTW, why aren't prisons covered every foot by video?


Besides which, the person watching the vids may be 1/4 mile away; communication is iffy in prisons. There are blind spots, there are times when of course guards are alone with the population..

Obviously in this instance someone forgot who they were dealing with. That happens sometimes, and sometimes it can be fatal.

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