Should Trump build the border wall if he cant get Mexico to?

Should Trump/America build the border wall if Mexico wont?

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That wall is gonna keep you in.

If you want to stop the immigration problem, end the incentives.
There will still be the pacific and Atlantic coast line wide open and we don't have a problem with illegal Canadians that I know of? So I don't see why he would build a wall there? It would cost double maybe triple to build a wall separating the US from Canada.

If you care about your personal liberty, you'll be cautious.
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?

Yep, they blame their own inadequacies on everyone else instead of looking in the fucking mirror and big corporations. Nobody took their $20 an hour jobs they just couldn't cut the muster and now have the balls to blame illegals and dems. What ever happened that if you put your mind to it you could do it? Not these stupid rw fuckheads on this board.
Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up. But milk production is but one dimension of the low paid labor world where undocumented workers fill in the gaps.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

"The benefit multiplies over the long haul. As the baby boomers retire, the post-boom generation’s burden to finance their retirement is greatly alleviated by undocumented immigrants. Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration, told me that undocumented workers contribute about $15 billion a year to Social Security through payroll taxes. They only take out $1 billion (very few undocumented workers are eligible to receive benefits). Over the years, undocumented workers have contributed up to $300 billion, or nearly 10 percent, of the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund."

"The problem, though, is that undocumented workers are not evenly distributed. In areas like southern Texas and Arizona and even parts of Brooklyn, undocumented immigrants impose a substantial net cost to local and state governments, Shierholz says. Immigrants use public assistance, medical care and schools. Some immigrant neighborhoods have particularly high crime rates. Jared Bernstein, a fellow at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, told me that these are also areas in which low-educated workers are most likely to face stiff competition from immigrants. It’s no wonder why so much political furor comes from these regions.

Undocumented workers represent a classic economic challenge with a fairly straightforward solution. Immigrants bring diffuse and hard-to-see benefits to average Americans while imposing more tangible costs on a few, Shierholz says. The dollar value of the benefits far outweigh the costs, so the government could just transfer extra funds to those local populations that need more help. One common proposal would grant amnesty to undocumented workers, which would create a sudden increase in tax payments. Simultaneously, the federal government could apply a percentage of those increased revenues to local governments.

But that, of course, seems politically improbable. Immigration is one of many problems — like another economic no-brainer: eliminating farm subsidies — in which broad economic benefits battle against a smaller, concentrated cost in one area. As immigration reform seems more likely than at any time in recent memory, it’s important to remember that it is not the economic realities that have changed. It’s the political ones."

Adam Davidson is co-founder of NPR’s “Planet Money,” a podcast and blog.

A version of this article appears in print on February 17, 2013, on Page MM17 of the Sunday Magazine with the headline: Coming to America. Today's Paper|Subscribe

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"From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!
The benefit multiplies over the long haul. As the baby boomers retire, the post-boom generation’s burden to finance their retirement is greatly alleviated by undocumented immigrants. Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration, told me that undocumented workers contribute about $15 billion a year to Social Security through payroll taxes. They only take out $1 billion (very few undocumented workers are eligible to receive benefits). Over the years, undocumented workers have contributed up to $300 billion, or nearly 10 percent, of the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund."

NEGATIVE....That is completely fabricated bullshit originated by the Left.
The average Hispanic family here in Mexifornia looks like this:
Carlos and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works for $10 dollars an hour and averages 50 hours per week, Carlos grosses $500 per week in income. (usually paid in cash)
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Carlos and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Carlos' family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Do the third grade mathematics and PLEASE explain to me how Carlos and Guadalupe are assets and not liabilities to this nation.

Well fucking move to another state you goddamn cry baby.
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?

Yep, they blame their own inadequacies on everyone else instead of looking in the fucking mirror and big corporations. Nobody took their $20 an hour jobs they just couldn't cut the muster and now have the balls to blame illegals and dems. What ever happened that if you put your mind to it you could do it? Not these stupid rw fuckheads on this board.
That wall is gonna keep you in.

If you want to stop the immigration problem, end the incentives.
Keep us in where? from being able to escape to Mexico? He isn't building a wall around the whole country.

When countries destroy a currency, it does lead to capital controls and to people control. It's no wonder people are taking their money overseas. You don't think Mexicans are going to be the only ones in the database, do you?
No. But I do think that there are more illegal Mexican immigrants than any other immigrant in the United States. I do know they co American Taxpayers $135 billion this year. I do know there are also illegal immigrants from costa rico, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua who we think are Mexicans because they look exactly the same. And I do know, from experience, that they do not like when you call them Mexicans. lol There is this apartment high rise in my neighborhood right down the street from me. I knew this girl who lived there and first time I ever went in the building I said to myself, "Damn, so this is were all these damn Mexicans are coming from." There literally was hundreds of illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, and costa Ricans living in the building right next to each other and neither country liked one another. Turned out the landlord of the building who also owned a lot of property was housing them there in return for their work labor. I actually had a few ask me how to get a visa, green card, id, and how to become a legal citizen. Then one day they all disappeared. lol. But the would knock out a roof job like it was nothing.
That wall is gonna keep you in.

If you want to stop the immigration problem, end the incentives.
Keep us in where? from being able to escape to Mexico? He isn't building a wall around the whole country.

When countries destroy a currency, it does lead to capital controls and to people control. It's no wonder people are taking their money overseas. Have you listened to the drones on the left talking about sending them to prison? You don't think Mexicans are going to be the only ones in the database, do you?
Are you saying that if our currency gets destroyed, which actually might happen, Mexico and Canada will have an illegal American immigrant problem?
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?

Yep, they blame their own inadequacies on everyone else instead of looking in the fucking mirror and big corporations. Nobody took their $20 an hour jobs they just couldn't cut the muster and now have the balls to blame illegals and dems. What ever happened that if you put your mind to it you could do it? Not these stupid rw fuckheads on this board.

What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
See, this really isn't all about jobs....although you sorry, filthy fucks have tried to make it about just's more about dirty thirdworlders degrading and ruining our communities and even entire societies. Wetbacks, like it or not are disgusting human beings...they're one grade above Zulu's in the African jungles.
Nobody would give two shits if we had 20 million illegal Kiwi's here from New why the fuck do you think that is?
I wonder what immigrants were considered the worst as they came to America? Certainly the Irish were high on that list.
It cost more to pay for their welfare, free housing, free food, food stamps, student loans ( that your american kids can't get), medical cost yeah ok the wall cost nothing compared to the mentioned.
gawd ppl are dumbasses.
Are you saying it would be cheaper to build then the amount of money illegal immigrants cost taxpayers every year? or are you being sarcastic?
Illegal immigrants and their kids cost American taxpayers over $135 billion dollars a year. $135 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. The estimated cost to build the wall Is roughly $70 BILLION Dollars. $65 BILLION DOLLARS LESS that what the illegal immigrants cost us. The wall for sure decrease the total amount of immigrants that come here illegally. Which will decrease the cost they create for the American tax payer. Which will decrease the number of jobs illegal immigrants take away from US citizens. And the build of the wall will create jobs as well jobs to maintain the wall.

If $70 BILLION Dollars could decrease the number of $135 Billion that illegal immigrants are costing us yearly to a much less of a number, the amount we would save every year after will offset the difference in less a year and a half and the $150 million a year to maintain the wall will create more American jobs and $150 million is nothing compared to the $135 BILLION or more a year that illegal immigrants are currently cost us.

The $135 BILLION DOLLARS that illegal immigrants cost American tax payers every year is driven by free medical health care, education, and the huge law enforcement bill for illegal immigrants. SO yea that $135 BILLION dollars illegal immigrants are costing the US EVERY YEAR is a lot more than THE ONE TIME COST OF $70 BILLION to build the wall and the $150 million a year to maintain it.

The amount of $135 Billion dollars they cost us in 1 year, would take care off 900 years of maintaining the wall at $150 million a year.

If you cant see the benefits of the wall just with numbers you need to stay out of thing that involves numbers

This probably one of the top 5 most dumbest post I’ve ever seen.
The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall.......... Repeat inside this country.

The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president.
hellooooooooooooooo idiots - Trump aint building no gd wall, savvy ?

youre all SUCKERS

I voted no. I never believed it would be built, and if it were, the mexicans would still figure out how to get their drugs here.
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?

Yep, they blame their own inadequacies on everyone else instead of looking in the fucking mirror and big corporations. Nobody took their $20 an hour jobs they just couldn't cut the muster and now have the balls to blame illegals and dems. What ever happened that if you put your mind to it you could do it? Not these stupid rw fuckheads on this board.

What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
See, this really isn't all about jobs....although you sorry, filthy fucks have tried to make it about just's more about dirty thirdworlders degrading and ruining our communities and even entire societies. Wetbacks, like it or not are disgusting human beings...they're one grade above Zulu's in the African jungles.
Nobody would give two shits if we had 20 million illegal Kiwi's here from New why the fuck do you think that is?

You're just a fucking cry baby, boy, just like the rest of your ilk. Face it you id yourself as a loser. Get your lazy ass up out that bed today and get a fucking job cry baby.
It cost more to pay for their welfare, free housing, free food, food stamps, student loans ( that your american kids can't get), medical cost yeah ok the wall cost nothing compared to the mentioned.
gawd ppl are dumbasses.
Are you saying it would be cheaper to build then the amount of money illegal immigrants cost taxpayers every year? or are you being sarcastic?
Illegal immigrants and their kids cost American taxpayers over $135 billion dollars a year. $135 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. The estimated cost to build the wall Is roughly $70 BILLION Dollars. $65 BILLION DOLLARS LESS that what the illegal immigrants cost us. The wall for sure decrease the total amount of immigrants that come here illegally. Which will decrease the cost they create for the American tax payer. Which will decrease the number of jobs illegal immigrants take away from US citizens. And the build of the wall will create jobs as well jobs to maintain the wall.

If $70 BILLION Dollars could decrease the number of $135 Billion that illegal immigrants are costing us yearly to a much less of a number, the amount we would save every year after will offset the difference in less a year and a half and the $150 million a year to maintain the wall will create more American jobs and $150 million is nothing compared to the $135 BILLION or more a year that illegal immigrants are currently cost us.

The $135 BILLION DOLLARS that illegal immigrants cost American tax payers every year is driven by free medical health care, education, and the huge law enforcement bill for illegal immigrants. SO yea that $135 BILLION dollars illegal immigrants are costing the US EVERY YEAR is a lot more than THE ONE TIME COST OF $70 BILLION to build the wall and the $150 million a year to maintain it.

The amount of $135 Billion dollars they cost us in 1 year, would take care off 900 years of maintaining the wall at $150 million a year.

If you cant see the benefits of the wall just with numbers you need to stay out of thing that involves numbers

This probably one of the top 5 most dumbest post I’ve ever seen.
The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall.......... Repeat inside this country.

The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president.

"The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall"
Building the wall includes a multi-year plan to continue eradicating the tens of millions of dirty cockroaches within the wall.
Did you think once the wall goes up arrests and deportations would stop? NEGATIVE!

"The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president."

True...the economy is booming and yet Mexifornian's are still poverty stricken and living in filth and disgust....AND homeless "cities" continue to grow. WHY?
This is elementary as all's based on the elementary principal of supply vs demand...more jobs available and fewer people vying for said jobs equals HIGHER WAGES FOR ALL.....TA-DA!
It's hard to believe grown adults have such a problem wrapping their heads around this simple principal. Let me know if you need further teaching on this and I'll have my 10 year old nephew log in and go over it with you in detail.
View attachment 163106 Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?

Yep, they blame their own inadequacies on everyone else instead of looking in the fucking mirror and big corporations. Nobody took their $20 an hour jobs they just couldn't cut the muster and now have the balls to blame illegals and dems. What ever happened that if you put your mind to it you could do it? Not these stupid rw fuckheads on this board.

What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
See, this really isn't all about jobs....although you sorry, filthy fucks have tried to make it about just's more about dirty thirdworlders degrading and ruining our communities and even entire societies. Wetbacks, like it or not are disgusting human beings...they're one grade above Zulu's in the African jungles.
Nobody would give two shits if we had 20 million illegal Kiwi's here from New why the fuck do you think that is?

You're just a fucking cry baby, boy, just like the rest of your ilk. Face it you id yourself as a loser. Get your lazy ass up out that bed today and get a fucking job cry baby.

What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
See, this really isn't all about jobs....although you sorry, filthy fucks have tried to make it about just's more about dirty thirdworlders degrading and ruining our communities and even entire societies. Wetbacks, like it or not are disgusting human beings...they're one grade above Zulu's in the African jungles.
Nobody would give two shits if we had 20 million illegal Kiwi's here from New why the fuck do you think that is?
It cost more to pay for their welfare, free housing, free food, food stamps, student loans ( that your american kids can't get), medical cost yeah ok the wall cost nothing compared to the mentioned.
gawd ppl are dumbasses.
Are you saying it would be cheaper to build then the amount of money illegal immigrants cost taxpayers every year? or are you being sarcastic?
Illegal immigrants and their kids cost American taxpayers over $135 billion dollars a year. $135 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. The estimated cost to build the wall Is roughly $70 BILLION Dollars. $65 BILLION DOLLARS LESS that what the illegal immigrants cost us. The wall for sure decrease the total amount of immigrants that come here illegally. Which will decrease the cost they create for the American tax payer. Which will decrease the number of jobs illegal immigrants take away from US citizens. And the build of the wall will create jobs as well jobs to maintain the wall.

If $70 BILLION Dollars could decrease the number of $135 Billion that illegal immigrants are costing us yearly to a much less of a number, the amount we would save every year after will offset the difference in less a year and a half and the $150 million a year to maintain the wall will create more American jobs and $150 million is nothing compared to the $135 BILLION or more a year that illegal immigrants are currently cost us.

The $135 BILLION DOLLARS that illegal immigrants cost American tax payers every year is driven by free medical health care, education, and the huge law enforcement bill for illegal immigrants. SO yea that $135 BILLION dollars illegal immigrants are costing the US EVERY YEAR is a lot more than THE ONE TIME COST OF $70 BILLION to build the wall and the $150 million a year to maintain it.

The amount of $135 Billion dollars they cost us in 1 year, would take care off 900 years of maintaining the wall at $150 million a year.

If you cant see the benefits of the wall just with numbers you need to stay out of thing that involves numbers

This probably one of the top 5 most dumbest post I’ve ever seen.
The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall.......... Repeat inside this country.

The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president.

"The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall"
Building the wall includes a multi-year plan to continue eradicating the tens of millions of dirty cockroaches within the wall.
Did you think once the wall goes up arrests and deportations would stop? NEGATIVE!

"The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president."

True...the economy is booming and yet Mexifornian's are still poverty stricken and living in filth and disgust....AND homeless "cities" continue to grow. WHY?
This is elementary as all's based on the elementary principal of supply vs demand...more jobs available and fewer people vying for said jobs equals HIGHER WAGES FOR ALL.....TA-DA!
It's hard to believe grown adults have such a problem wrapping their heads around this simple principal. Let me know if you need further teaching on this and I'll have my 10 year old nephew log in and go over it with you in detail.
I never said it would stop or keep100% of illegals out of America! I said that number of $135 billion would decrease.
Are you saying it would be cheaper to build then the amount of money illegal immigrants cost taxpayers every year? or are you being sarcastic?
Illegal immigrants and their kids cost American taxpayers over $135 billion dollars a year. $135 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. The estimated cost to build the wall Is roughly $70 BILLION Dollars. $65 BILLION DOLLARS LESS that what the illegal immigrants cost us. The wall for sure decrease the total amount of immigrants that come here illegally. Which will decrease the cost they create for the American tax payer. Which will decrease the number of jobs illegal immigrants take away from US citizens. And the build of the wall will create jobs as well jobs to maintain the wall.

If $70 BILLION Dollars could decrease the number of $135 Billion that illegal immigrants are costing us yearly to a much less of a number, the amount we would save every year after will offset the difference in less a year and a half and the $150 million a year to maintain the wall will create more American jobs and $150 million is nothing compared to the $135 BILLION or more a year that illegal immigrants are currently cost us.

The $135 BILLION DOLLARS that illegal immigrants cost American tax payers every year is driven by free medical health care, education, and the huge law enforcement bill for illegal immigrants. SO yea that $135 BILLION dollars illegal immigrants are costing the US EVERY YEAR is a lot more than THE ONE TIME COST OF $70 BILLION to build the wall and the $150 million a year to maintain it.

The amount of $135 Billion dollars they cost us in 1 year, would take care off 900 years of maintaining the wall at $150 million a year.

If you cant see the benefits of the wall just with numbers you need to stay out of thing that involves numbers

This probably one of the top 5 most dumbest post I’ve ever seen.
The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall.......... Repeat inside this country.

The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president.

"The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall"
Building the wall includes a multi-year plan to continue eradicating the tens of millions of dirty cockroaches within the wall.
Did you think once the wall goes up arrests and deportations would stop? NEGATIVE!

"The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president."

True...the economy is booming and yet Mexifornian's are still poverty stricken and living in filth and disgust....AND homeless "cities" continue to grow. WHY?
This is elementary as all's based on the elementary principal of supply vs demand...more jobs available and fewer people vying for said jobs equals HIGHER WAGES FOR ALL.....TA-DA!
It's hard to believe grown adults have such a problem wrapping their heads around this simple principal. Let me know if you need further teaching on this and I'll have my 10 year old nephew log in and go over it with you in detail.
I never said it would stop or keep100% of illegals out of America! I said that number of $135 billion would decrease.
And I know that the $135 billion is what illegals inside the wall is costing American taxpayers. The wall would prevent that number increasing every year. Build the wall then get as many illegals out. Next year that $135 billion might be $225 billion, and the year after that $300 billion. Build the wall it will prevent that from happening. $70 billion to build wall is a lot cheaper than letting that number rise.
hellooooooooooooooo idiots - Trump aint building no gd wall, savvy ?

youre all SUCKERS

NO one said he is 100% actually going to. Trump said he will get Mexico to pay for the wall, and we all know that aint going to happen. This thread, I asked if he should still build the wall if Mexico wont. No where does it say he is for sure 100% positive going to. Want to see what people has to say. Me, myself, think it would be more beneficial to have it built.
It cost more to pay for their welfare, free housing, free food, food stamps, student loans ( that your american kids can't get), medical cost yeah ok the wall cost nothing compared to the mentioned.
gawd ppl are dumbasses.
Are you saying it would be cheaper to build then the amount of money illegal immigrants cost taxpayers every year? or are you being sarcastic?
Illegal immigrants and their kids cost American taxpayers over $135 billion dollars a year. $135 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. The estimated cost to build the wall Is roughly $70 BILLION Dollars. $65 BILLION DOLLARS LESS that what the illegal immigrants cost us. The wall for sure decrease the total amount of immigrants that come here illegally. Which will decrease the cost they create for the American tax payer. Which will decrease the number of jobs illegal immigrants take away from US citizens. And the build of the wall will create jobs as well jobs to maintain the wall.

If $70 BILLION Dollars could decrease the number of $135 Billion that illegal immigrants are costing us yearly to a much less of a number, the amount we would save every year after will offset the difference in less a year and a half and the $150 million a year to maintain the wall will create more American jobs and $150 million is nothing compared to the $135 BILLION or more a year that illegal immigrants are currently cost us.

The $135 BILLION DOLLARS that illegal immigrants cost American tax payers every year is driven by free medical health care, education, and the huge law enforcement bill for illegal immigrants. SO yea that $135 BILLION dollars illegal immigrants are costing the US EVERY YEAR is a lot more than THE ONE TIME COST OF $70 BILLION to build the wall and the $150 million a year to maintain it.

The amount of $135 Billion dollars they cost us in 1 year, would take care off 900 years of maintaining the wall at $150 million a year.

If you cant see the benefits of the wall just with numbers you need to stay out of thing that involves numbers

This probably one of the top 5 most dumbest post I’ve ever seen.
The $135 billions you are talking about is the cost of illegals that are inside this country. Inside the wall.......... Repeat inside this country.

The economy is booming and still booming. People like you are looking or want higher wages and unemployment is so low.
Who the hell doing all these low paying dirty jobs? Without these people the economy will NOT be this good. That is a FACT. And it’s NOT BECAUSE of this lousy president.

That $135 billion is just what they cost us this year. That number will keep increasing. The wall will have the number decrease. There are more illegals crossing than we are sending back and with the wall it would turn around and we will be sending more back than they are crossing over.

Your just dumb if you cant see the numbers and how something in the nature to building a wall would cost nothing compared to not coming up with a solution for the illegal immigrant problem.
Suppose America just sent Mexico a monthly check to keep Mexicans and others from border crossing? For every immigrant discovered after that there would be a deduction in our check.

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