Should Trump build the border wall if he cant get Mexico to?

Should Trump/America build the border wall if Mexico wont?

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Remember when Trump said he was going to bring down the costs of pharmaceuticals?
That was before he met in the Oval Office with the heads of Big Pharma.

After that..... nothing.

The swamp drowned the pussygrabber.

You suckers were so lied to. You were duped..
There is no such thing as an illegal human being. You just need to demonize them. It’s what you do.
They're trespassers.
They are families looking for a better life.
I guess you wouldn’t do the same for your family.
Trump’s wall is unamerican and not who we are as a country but I don’t need to go on any further.
There will never be a wall. The tea baggers won’t permit it. Spending tens of billions on a stupid wall will never fly. Money will never be allocated. We need to spend it on infrastructure which IS definitely needed.
Remember when trump promised infrastructure bills?
Have you heard him talk about it since he lied to you about it before the election?
Me neither..
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Real Americans?
Like the Native Americans?
Why don’t you take your fat ass and get the hell out of the country and leave it to its rightful owners.
We'd be better off going to mars or investing in cancer research
Have you ever heard trump say anything about cancer research or alternative energy research and development?
Me neither.
He’s too busy feuding with public citizens like Lavar Ball, or pissed over the NFL players demonstrating their 1st amendment rights or trying to rewrite reality saying his pussygrabbing tape wasn’t real or etc etc
This guy has the worst values of any president ever. It’s all about him. Always.
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.

YES.....There is no greater no-brainer than this one.
Anyone capable of doing 3rd grade arithmetic can figure this one out.
Thank you! People need to read and or understand something before they respond. Like don't respond if you don't know what you are talking about. I'm Glad you see what I am saying
It cost more to pay for their welfare, free housing, free food, food stamps, student loans ( that your american kids can't get), medical cost yeah ok the wall cost nothing compared to the mentioned.
gawd ppl are dumbasses.
Are you saying it would be cheaper to build then the amount of money illegal immigrants cost taxpayers every year? or are you being sarcastic?

View attachment 163096

Cost of wall is less than cost of services for illegals: Report

No I wasn't being sarcastic.
I'm sorry I thought you said duh but it was slyhunter. My apologies
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Go fuck yourself racist. The middle class can’t get ahead because of all the wealth is top heavy. And Trrump is the worst. Have you seen that POS tax bill? Explodes the debt so the top 1% can continue living their charmed lives. But you blame poor Mexicans.
How about that estate tax which will only benefit a handful of rich pricks?
Have I told you yet to go fuck yourself?

Haha..easy bud...don't break protocol and become intolerant and triggered.
We're in the process of "Making America Great Again" how do you propose we continue doing that while adding more human filth that takes away more than it gives back? Were you ever taught the principle of asset vs. liability?
Why are you refusing to wrap your peanut size mind around the basic math here? Are you really that iQ challenged? What's with your obsession of having American taxpayers haul foreigners around on their backs? REAL Americans are sick and tired of feeding these pet humans and then watching them degrade our communities. You wouldn't understand this as filth loves filth.
What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.

"Dwindled down" isn't good enough...the good people, the people that matter here don't want one more wetback across that border...PERIOD!
One wetback turns to many real fast as they reproduce like cockroaches.
The math is a no-brainer for anyone not a Liberal fool with their head in their ass.
Haha...I love the ole "it's not who we are as a nation" bunch of bullshit...WTF does that even mean?
$20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs, homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets and the fucking wackos still want to feed the rest of the world and tell REAL Americans to go fuck themselves. UnBeFuckinLievable!
Real Americans?
Like the Native Americans?
Why don’t you take your fat ass and get the hell out of the country and leave it to its rightful owners.

How far back do you want to go...My ancestors were cavemen...they were here long before "Natives". What now dumbass?
My people, the British came here and conquered this land because that's what badass armies did back then...they took shit they wanted. Thank God they did huh? Have you been to a Reservation and seen how Natives live...Had they built this nation your sorry ass wouldn't be able to freeload here....right?
You have the British to thank for building this once great nation....sorry fool.
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.

Here is some ACTUAL fact.

Trump’s border wall would cost same as 1.5 aircraft carriers
Yea it might cost more. but still be cheaper building a wall for $70 billion then continue to let illegal immigrants cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars a year. This year alone they costed taxpayers $135 billion a $70 billion wall is much cheaper considering that the amount the cost us each year will increase.
View attachment 163106
If Trump can not get Mexico to pay for the border wall, should Trump and America build it anyways?

My opinion is, Yes, why not?
As of Sept. 27,2017 illegal immigrants and their kids are costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill.

To build the border wall it could cost nearly $70 billion and $150 million a year to maintain.

So considering if its already costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, building the wall would make the most logical sense.

It will keep illegal immigrants out. It will create jobs and America will save so much money in the long run.
Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year. Started under Obama and continues today.
Spending tens of billions on a wall is not only fiscally irresponsible its not who we are as a nation.
This stupid wall will never be built. Never.
The amount of Mexicans crossing the border has dwindled down more each year? Yet this the cost US taxpayers $135 billion dollars more than any other year. You are wrong the amount they cost us annually is increasing so to me that's saying more Mexicans are crossing the border and is not dwindling. Whether it ever gets built I think it should and if you think it is more logical not building it then building it you are blind to the effects and benefits and should never be allowed to make any type of major decision involving numbers or money.
Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up. But milk production is but one dimension of the low paid labor world where undocumented workers fill in the gaps.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

"The benefit multiplies over the long haul. As the baby boomers retire, the post-boom generation’s burden to finance their retirement is greatly alleviated by undocumented immigrants. Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration, told me that undocumented workers contribute about $15 billion a year to Social Security through payroll taxes. They only take out $1 billion (very few undocumented workers are eligible to receive benefits). Over the years, undocumented workers have contributed up to $300 billion, or nearly 10 percent, of the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund."

"The problem, though, is that undocumented workers are not evenly distributed. In areas like southern Texas and Arizona and even parts of Brooklyn, undocumented immigrants impose a substantial net cost to local and state governments, Shierholz says. Immigrants use public assistance, medical care and schools. Some immigrant neighborhoods have particularly high crime rates. Jared Bernstein, a fellow at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, told me that these are also areas in which low-educated workers are most likely to face stiff competition from immigrants. It’s no wonder why so much political furor comes from these regions.

Undocumented workers represent a classic economic challenge with a fairly straightforward solution. Immigrants bring diffuse and hard-to-see benefits to average Americans while imposing more tangible costs on a few, Shierholz says. The dollar value of the benefits far outweigh the costs, so the government could just transfer extra funds to those local populations that need more help. One common proposal would grant amnesty to undocumented workers, which would create a sudden increase in tax payments. Simultaneously, the federal government could apply a percentage of those increased revenues to local governments.

But that, of course, seems politically improbable. Immigration is one of many problems — like another economic no-brainer: eliminating farm subsidies — in which broad economic benefits battle against a smaller, concentrated cost in one area. As immigration reform seems more likely than at any time in recent memory, it’s important to remember that it is not the economic realities that have changed. It’s the political ones."

Adam Davidson is co-founder of NPR’s “Planet Money,” a podcast and blog.

A version of this article appears in print on February 17, 2013, on Page MM17 of the Sunday Magazine with the headline: Coming to America. Today's Paper|Subscribe

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Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up. But milk production is but one dimension of the low paid labor world where undocumented workers fill in the gaps.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

"The benefit multiplies over the long haul. As the baby boomers retire, the post-boom generation’s burden to finance their retirement is greatly alleviated by undocumented immigrants. Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration, told me that undocumented workers contribute about $15 billion a year to Social Security through payroll taxes. They only take out $1 billion (very few undocumented workers are eligible to receive benefits). Over the years, undocumented workers have contributed up to $300 billion, or nearly 10 percent, of the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund."

"The problem, though, is that undocumented workers are not evenly distributed. In areas like southern Texas and Arizona and even parts of Brooklyn, undocumented immigrants impose a substantial net cost to local and state governments, Shierholz says. Immigrants use public assistance, medical care and schools. Some immigrant neighborhoods have particularly high crime rates. Jared Bernstein, a fellow at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, told me that these are also areas in which low-educated workers are most likely to face stiff competition from immigrants. It’s no wonder why so much political furor comes from these regions.

Undocumented workers represent a classic economic challenge with a fairly straightforward solution. Immigrants bring diffuse and hard-to-see benefits to average Americans while imposing more tangible costs on a few, Shierholz says. The dollar value of the benefits far outweigh the costs, so the government could just transfer extra funds to those local populations that need more help. One common proposal would grant amnesty to undocumented workers, which would create a sudden increase in tax payments. Simultaneously, the federal government could apply a percentage of those increased revenues to local governments.

But that, of course, seems politically improbable. Immigration is one of many problems — like another economic no-brainer: eliminating farm subsidies — in which broad economic benefits battle against a smaller, concentrated cost in one area. As immigration reform seems more likely than at any time in recent memory, it’s important to remember that it is not the economic realities that have changed. It’s the political ones."

Adam Davidson is co-founder of NPR’s “Planet Money,” a podcast and blog.

A version of this article appears in print on February 17, 2013, on Page MM17 of the Sunday Magazine with the headline: Coming to America. Today's Paper|Subscribe

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"From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!
The benefit multiplies over the long haul. As the baby boomers retire, the post-boom generation’s burden to finance their retirement is greatly alleviated by undocumented immigrants. Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration, told me that undocumented workers contribute about $15 billion a year to Social Security through payroll taxes. They only take out $1 billion (very few undocumented workers are eligible to receive benefits). Over the years, undocumented workers have contributed up to $300 billion, or nearly 10 percent, of the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund."

NEGATIVE....That is completely fabricated bullshit originated by the Left.
The average Hispanic family here in Mexifornia looks like this:
Carlos and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works for $10 dollars an hour and averages 50 hours per week, Carlos grosses $500 per week in income. (usually paid in cash)
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Carlos and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Carlos' family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Do the third grade mathematics and PLEASE explain to me how Carlos and Guadalupe are assets and not liabilities to this nation.

Remember when Trump said he was going to bring down the costs of pharmaceuticals?
That was before he met in the Oval Office with the heads of Big Pharma.

After that..... nothing.

The swamp drowned the pussygrabber.

You suckers were so lied to. You were duped..
no one will ever be able to bring big Pharma companies down. If some one did try, Pharma probably would have them assassinated.
The money Mexxko will save by NOT paying will enable them to offer jet packs for the tattooed wonders so they can simply fly over. You'll need a flying beaner (over) da fence system then. Missile systems are sooooooo overseas.
A) Land mines
C) Regular crop dusting with old bacon grease in case any mooseheads want to try it.
lol How could Trump expect that Mexico would agree to pay for the wall? Mexico isn't the country with an illegal immigration issue.

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