Should trump over throw our current government?

You’re a con, evil, racist, stupid and a greedy liar.

My rich brother voted for trump. He’s not a democrat, liar, atheist. But yesterday he announced him and his son will not be voting for trump.

I stopped watching the news has trump been losing it? I hope so. Trump seems to be hanging himself and his supporters are turning off independents. Keep talking loser

People are looking for reassurance on the economy and Trump is giving them a weak comedy routine. They want leadership on the issues and Trump refuses to even mention the problems.

Corona virus is over. He's moved on. Except it's not over. 30,000+ new cases yesterday, and today, Ron DeSantis said that the rapid increase in cases isn't because they're doing more testing. The percentage of the tests testing positive is rising. not falling.

He has yet to utter George Floyd's name, or the names of the other victims. He's refusing to acknowledge that American policing and the justice system have turned the USA into a police state since 1980, with 20% of the world's prisoners, currently held in US prisons. The War on Drugs, Zero Tolerance, and over-policing of poor neighbourhoods has seen the prison population explode since 1980.

1/4 of the world's deaths from corona virus, 1/4 of the cases. 1/5 of the world's prison population. HIghest rate of drug and alcohol addiction in the first world. The highest rate of maternal death in childbirth and infant mortality in the first world. The highest rate of abortion in the first world. The only first world country where average life expectancy is declining.

When Trump was running for office, the economy was good, jobs were growing at the rate of 200,000 per month, pandemics were handled efficiently, with minimal deaths. Yes there were problems. There's always problems. But things were going along well.

All of that ended when Trump took office. At first, Trump manufactured crisis after crisis. The first self-inflicted wound was springing the Muslim ban on ports of entry on a Friday afternoon with no guildines, preparation or training on how to implement the ban and what the new rules were. Over the weekend, Airports were thrown into chaos as people with valid student visas, jobs and/or residence in the USA were refused entry after travelling abroad.

Then there was the DACA protections for the Wall deal, which Trump made with Chuck and Nancy and then renegged when Stephen Miller threw a hissy fit and said his base would NEVER accept citizenship for the DACA Kids.

Next was separating children at the border, and then losing tracking of them. When court orders were given to end the practice, Trump told DHS staff he'd pardon them for breaking the law. Ultimately, Trump put the for profit prison people in charge of this program. They have fewer scruples about breaking the law, but child protection services clamped down on these practices through the courts, and continue to monitor the children for abuses.

Then we had the budget shutdown.

Followed by trade wars and tariffs, few of which have been resolved. The interim agreement with China is a joke. No intellecual property rights protections. China agreed to increase agricultural imports back to 2017 levels by 2022. Five years to get back to where they started. How many family farms will be lost by then?

Then came the Ukraine Scandals, the Justice Department lies and scandals, now the Bolton book, the pandemic, the racial unrest, 30 million unemployed. And just what happened to the trillions of dollars in bailout money Mnuchin is now refusing to account for?

I look forward to the debates. The Trump Comedy Hour is over. The people want a real President, not a guy who plays one on TV.
Not dismantle the constitution, but stop the invasion of Marxist, and communist democrats..

Democrats used to cut off the limbs of blacks if they got a education.. they have destroyed our country with piss poor education. They are attacking free speech, and our bill of rights..

get the military in our cities, deport latinos and blacks that don’t want to be here,, have public hangings of trader Americans, ones that have committed treason, Media members, big tech officials.. if we don’t get them now they will be doing it to us with thoughts..

your over 70 trump.. let’s go our with a bang..
Come on over and try it, pussy. You’ll get your head stomped in.
Not dismantle the constitution, but stop the invasion of Marxist, and communist democrats..

Democrats used to cut off the limbs of blacks if they got a education.. they have destroyed our country with piss poor education. They are attacking free speech, and our bill of rights..

get the military in our cities, deport latinos and blacks that don’t want to be here,, have public hangings of trader Americans, ones that have committed treason, Media members, big tech officials.. if we don’t get them now they will be doing it to us with thoughts..

your over 70 trump.. let’s go our with a bang..
"have public hangings of trader Americans,"

so you HATE capitalism?

you said "TRADER Americans"

TRADERS are BUSINESSMEN who deal in commodities...products...buying and selling THINGS....

TRAITORS are your conservative friends....

definition of TRAITOR (as found in websters) "CONSERVATIVE HUMAN GARBAGE who want to DESTROY the USA"


YOU being a russian troll......made the mistake of spelling TRADERS when you meant TRAITORS

PROVING to everyone on this board that you are NOT an American citizen but, in reality, a russian......TRAITOR.....
you said "TRADER Americans"

TRADERS are BUSINESSMEN who deal in commodities...products...buying and selling THINGS....

TRAITORS are your conservative friends....

definition of TRAITOR (as found in websters) "CONSERVATIVE HUMAN GARBAGE who want to DESTROY the USA"


YOU being a russian troll......made the mistake of spelling TRADERS when you meant TRAITORS

PROVING to everyone on this board that you are NOT an American citizen but, in reality, a russian......TRAITOR.....
So the guy on my street that sells some thing my family needs is a trader and should be hung!? Huh
So the guy on my street that sells some thing my family needs is a trader and should be hung!? Huh

"So the guy on my street that sells some thing my family needs is a trader and should be hung!? Huh"

THAT is what YOU said.

in your OP

Lol how is he a traitor to America?


does this type of tactic actually work on stupid people? (you know...russians....American conservatives....)

I know what YOU posted and your misdirection attempts have failed miserably.

and you have PROVEN you are a russian troll


does this type of tactic actually work on stupid people? (you know...russians....American conservatives....)

I know what YOU posted and your misdirection attempts have failed miserably.

and you have PROVEN you are a russian troll


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