Should Trump testify under oath?

The cons said it will never happen and it's a nothing burger lol. They also said Clinton will be locked up. :afro:

Republicans worst fear is Trump testifying where he breaks the law by lying. Trump was caught telling 30 lies in a civil deposition.
NO. These "investigations" are politically motivated. It's a huge waste of tax dollars. Nothing good can come out of acknowledging this garbage.
I say Trump should testify under oath. What does he have to lose?


In the vast majority of these political witch hunts it is never the basis of the investigation / crime being investigated (and in Trump's case there is none) that gets people indicted / prosecuted - it's the 'gottcha' traps laid by the prosecutors....Just as Scooter Libby, or Manafort, or Flynn...

WHY does Mueller NEED to question the President? He can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting his investigation.

I know Trump has stated he looks forward to testifying and wants to do so under oath...but no way his lawyer lets him do so ... especially considering the extremist bias, illegal methods of getting warrants, proven protection of Hillary and Pro-Hillary bias, the treason exposed within the FBI and DOJ and their plan to 'take Trump down' (Insurance Policy')... No way.
Trump is arrogant enough to think he can match wits with Mueller and maybe he can. The perjury trap is open and waiting for him to walk into it by remembering something, a date, a comment, that is slightly different than what he's said in the past. On the other hand, if he doesn't, Mueller can subpoena him to appear before his grand jury (which supposedly looks like a BLM conference) without his lawyers present.....a Hobson's Choice if there ever was one.
Let the investigation go where it needs to go. Trump needs to keep answers to yes and no.

Trump reminds me of Hillary, the truth is so simple but they just can't seem to help themselves by embellishing on facts.

Of course he can always use Hillary's defense, "What difference does it make."
We knew Hitlery Commited Crimes.

Did The FBI have her testify under Oath?

They exonerated her and gave her immunity months before interviewing her so fuck Mueller and Fuck The FBI!

Most of All Fuck Clinton & Obama! May they rot in Hell.

And they will!
I actually don’t think Mueller can subpoena him because no crime has been committed and Mueller cannot even cite a crime to lobby for a Grand Jury to be formed.

Trump is arrogant enough to think he can match wits with Mueller and maybe he can. The perjury trap is open and waiting for him to walk into it by remembering something, a date, a comment, that is slightly different than what he's said in the past. On the other hand, if he doesn't, Mueller can subpoena him to appear before his grand jury (which supposedly looks like a BLM conference) without his lawyers present.....a Hobson's Choice if there ever was one.
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NO. These "investigations" are politically motivated. It's a huge waste of tax dollars. Nothing good can come out of acknowledging this garbage.

The investigations started because the NSA picked up Russian telephone traffic. Those conversations lead to a person at the very top of the national security chain, and a direct line to the president of the united states.

And when asked about his conversations with the Russians, he denied everything.
In the vast majority of these political witch hunts it is never the basis of the investigation / crime being investigated (and in Trump's case there is none) that gets people indicted / prosecuted - it's the 'gottcha' traps laid by the prosecutors....Just as Scooter Libby, or Manafort, or Flynn...

The difference is that Bill Clinton lied about sex.

The republicans lied about national security.

Here is an interesting audio of Trump meeting with the press yesterday. The press is asking him if he would testify under oath, to which Trump adamantly claimed he would love to do so. He added, unlike how Hillary was treated. As we all know, if Hillary had testified under oath, the results would have been disastrous for her and she would be behind bars for lying to the FBI. However, the FBI, who wrote her exoneration letter before the investigation, had no such desire to do so.

Having said that, do you think Trump should testify? Would you testify?

It seems to me that this witch hunt is coming to a close, and this is Mueller's last ditch effort to come at Trump. Just trap him in a lie much like Bill Clinton was trapped in a lie under oath about the blue dress. I say if Trump does not testify, he walks. Clearly they have nothing.

I think not...unless it can be agreed that all questions must concern the alleged involvement of Russians in trying to affect the outcome of our election and that he can have any number of lawyers present to assure that happens.
Trump is arrogant enough to think he can match wits with Mueller and maybe he can. The perjury trap is open and waiting for him to walk into it by remembering something, a date, a comment, that is slightly different than what he's said in the past. .

We aren't talking Trump saying something slightly different than previously. Like if Schummers offer for the wall was $16 billion, or $24 billion. We're talking fundamental questions like "Why did you fire Comey?" And see which of several different stories he wants to go on record for.

Fired over the Hillary emails?
Fired over the Russian investigation?
Fired because of the Sessions letter?
Fired because he was going to do it anyway?
Let the investigation go where it needs to go."

It HAS gone where it needs to go, and in letting it do so it has failed to provide any evidence of why an investigation was needed in the 1st place but HAS exposed un-paralleled crimes - Conspiracy, Sedition, Espionage, Obstruction, Treason, violations of the FOIA / Federal Records Act, etc...!

There is a MASSIVE difference of where it NEEDS to go and where it has been POLITICALLY DRIVEN.
I actually don’t think Mueller can subpoena him because no crime has been committed and Mueller cannot even cote a crime to lobby for a Grand Jury to be formed.

We have 2 convictions around Trump. Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos. So crimes have been committed, with the convictions to prove it. And two more multi count indictments, with who knows how many more indictments or superseding indictments are to come.
I actually don’t think Mueller can subpoena him because no crime has been committed and Mueller cannot even cote a crime to lobby for a Grand Jury to be formed.

Trump is arrogant enough to think he can match wits with Mueller and maybe he can. The perjury trap is open and waiting for him to walk into it by remembering something, a date, a comment, that is slightly different than what he's said in the past. On the other hand, if he doesn't, Mueller can subpoena him to appear before his grand jury (which supposedly looks like a BLM conference) without his lawyers present.....a Hobson's Choice if there ever was one.

Mueller has had a grand jury empaneled for months. I agree his investigation is illegal because it cites no crime which makes him an "independent" prosecutor instead of the "special" prosecutor named in his charter from Rosenstein. There is no law against "collusion" so even if they found something there, it would be useless to them. That's why he's going for obstruction of justice for revenge...revenge because he didn't get Comey's job, for some tee fees he disputed at a Trump golf course, and because he's making good money again being a tool for Hillary's DOJ. I agree he should probably speak to Mueller but not go off-script. "Yes, No, I don't recall, are we done here?" and then stare him down.
Trump is arrogant enough to think he can match wits with Mueller and maybe he can. The perjury trap is open and waiting for him to walk into it by remembering something, a date, a comment, that is slightly different than what he's said in the past. .

We aren't talking Trump saying something slightly different than previously. Like if Schummers offer for the wall was $16 billion, or $24 billion. We're talking fundamental questions like "Why did you fire Comey?" And see which of several different stories he wants to go on record for.

Fired over the Hillary emails?
Fired over the Russian investigation?
Fired because of the Sessions letter?
Fired because he was going to do it anyway?
Trump's motives for any decision within his prerogative should be off limits. Comey was fired by the President because the President decided to fire him. No explanation is required.
In the vast majority of these political witch hunts it is never the basis of the investigation / crime being investigated (and in Trump's case there is none) that gets people indicted / prosecuted - it's the 'gottcha' traps laid by the prosecutors....Just as Scooter Libby, or Manafort, or Flynn...

The difference is that Bill Clinton lied about sex.

The republicans lied about national security.

Hillary confidential e-mails anyone?
Trump takes terrific oaths. The best. The failing FBI's interrogation will collapse under the sheer weight of Trump's alternative facts. By the time Trump is finished with Mueller, Putin will be made the US Defense Secretary.
The difference is that Bill Clinton lied about sex.
The republicans lied about national security.

30,000 existing potential criminal charges just waiting to be filed - violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act

THOUSANDS of existing potential criminal charges just waiting to be filed for mishandling of classified information, for 'Gross Negligence', for Illegal possession / handling / storage / sharing / destruction of classified information and devices

Obstruction of Justice - a reported 35k documents destroyed (and recovered) and multiple devices NOT turned in as required by the law, in violation of FBI Subpoenas

...enough criminal charges to make sure the former 1st Lady never sees the light of day outside the walls of a prison as a free, non-felon again in this lifetime....

Barry Obama declared he never knew about Hillary's server and e-mails until we al learned about them in the media...only to have it revealed he had been using a pseudonym and his own personal e-mail account to e-mail beak and forth were her for a long which point Barry immediately sealed them and claimed Executive Privilege.

It was also proved at the time Loretta Lynch was also using a pseudonym and a personal e-mail to coordinate with Obama and even Hillary

If we leave all that out, you might have the potential for a point, snowflake....

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