Should Trump Trial Go Direct To Supreme Court?

He was given a trial by jury as the Constitution requires. He will be given his chance to appeal. Unless the SCOTUS can rule that one of the laws broken is unconstitutional, there is no reason for them to take this case
To prove the dems aren't, once again, engaging in election interference or rigging, they should support and push for an expedited appeals process to be done before the election.

In all fairness..............
To prove the dems aren't, once again, engaging in election interference or rigging, they should support and push for an expedited appeals process to be done before the election.

In all fairness..............

Why should he get special treatment just because he is running for office?
There is no doubt in the minds of Americans that it was a fair trial. Let the appeals process run.

You speak for all Americans then? And if His appeals are successful in, say, 18 months, and the original charges contributed to His loss, what say you then?

Tough shit? Suddenly the democrats have successfully disenfranchised some 80 million plus voters.

I think that a person's political status should not be a determining factor in how the legal system treats them.

In this case, due process may deny Him a successful election. Your OK with that?

The charges are criminal not political.

Why did Colangelo, number three DOJ lawyer, go and help Bragg................LOL
You speak for all Americans then? And if His appeals are successful in, say, 18 months, and the original charges contributed to His loss, what say you then?

Tough shit? Suddenly the democrats have successfully disenfranchised some 80 million plus voters.

In this case, due process may deny Him a successful election. Your OK with that?

Why did Colangelo, number three DOJ lawyer, go and help Bragg................LOL
Because he is a prosecutor. Who prosecutes.

What a stupid question.
In this case, due process may deny Him a successful election. Your OK with that?

I have not met nor spoken with a single person that was going to vote for him that now is not due to this.

Do you know any?
That's not the point. So if He would lose the election over these charges, and then is found not guilty on appeal, well after the election, just a case of tough shit or what?

If he loses the election, how will you know it was because of those charges?

Do you believe that someone's status as a candidate for office should impact how the justice system views them?
If he loses the election, how will you know it was because of those charges?
Say He's well ahead in the polling, if that makes it a little simpler for you.

Do you believe that someone's status as a candidate for office should impact how the justice system views them?

In this instance, they have gone well out of their way doing just that.
If he loses the election, how will you know it was because of those charges?

Yale Law Professor Has Brilliant Plan for Trump Legal Team to Overturn 'Guilty' Verdict Before the Election

"Of course that would take years, and that's a problem here. Why is it a problem? It's a problem because the election will have taken place and if this conviction is unlawful and unconstitutional, it could have an effect on that election."

"There are surveys, many polls in which a substantial number of American voters say they will not vote for Trump if he is convicted of a felony. Many independents say that, many Republicans even say that. If that's true, an unlawful conviction in this case could interfere with and in fact decide the outcome of the next election of the next President of the United States"

"Even if the conviction were reversed on appeal years later, that effect could not be undone in legal terms. That's called IRREPARABLE HARM. The irreparable harm, once again, is that a 'convicted felon' could affect the election, could decide the election."

"And if so, then District Attorney Bragg and Judge Merchan will have UNLAWFULLY INTERFERED with the election and decided the outcome of the next election through unconstitutional means. And no years long appeal could have any effect on that."
"Well, is that where we are? So are we stuck with that possibility? Well, believe it or not, there is one other avenue that the Trump lawyers could pursue. They could sue in federal court and ask for an emergency temporary restraining order.""Restraining order of what? Well, let me tell you something that you might not know. You've probably been reading in the press if you've been reading about this case. The Trump is already a "convicted felon." The jury has convicted him. He's a "convicted felon."

"Well, guess what? THAT'S NOT TRUE."

"You're not a convicted felon because of a jury verdict. You're not convicted unless the judge enters a judgment of guilt against you. The judge still has the power, as I told you before, to throw out that verdict and enter a judgment of acquittal. You are not convicted until the judge enters that judgment of guilt."
"So what would this federal case be about in this federal action? Trump would sue District Attorney Bragg and other state actors and ask the judge, the federal judge, for an emergency temporary restraining order halting Judge Merchan from entering that judgment of guilt until the federal courts have had an opportunity to review and rule on the serious constitutional arguments that exist here."
"It's an especially bad look when the folks bring in the case and the judge deciding it are members of the opposing political party. And it's an even worse look when the crime is so unclear that the state is hiding the ball about what the actual charges are right up through the trial and indeed into the trial."

"And even now, we don't know exactly what the jury found Trump guilty of. If you're going to go after a former president and somebody who's running for president now the poll leading candidate, if you're a member of the other party and you're going to do that, YOU BETTER HAVE THE GOODS. You better not be pursuing some novel legal theory where you have to hide the ball. It's not even clear what the charges are."
"The only way to achieve that before the election takes place is for the Trump team to file an action in federal court and ask the federal court to temporarily hold off the entry of the judgment of guilt until the federal courts and maybe the Supreme Court itself can on an emergency basis adjudicate the likelihood of success of these constitutional arguments."


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