Should voting be an ever-changing obstacle course?

Should voting be an ever-changing obstacle course?

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I decline to participate in the poll since I've only experienced voting from a white privilege perspective.
Present voter ID.
Be a registered voter.
Most importantly a legal American citizen.
What is so hard about that? Every other country requires it.

You obviously don't understand the full extent of voter suppression. The following link will help you...

It’s apparent you have swallowed the Dimbo’s false narrative hook line and sinker.
Some democracies have compulsory voting. This has always seemed to me to be anti-democratic as it acknowledges a poor level of involvement by a citizen. The standard should be that everyone participates in a democratic election, some by not voting. That is the choice made by participating citizens. Paying a fine for not voting premises the possibility that a person is not participating even though he is present and active and is a citizen. Citizenship may involve responsibilities in, and allegiance to, consensual compacts. That is a poor way to regard the body politique.
There should be the minimum of impediments to voting, and that should be joined to at least a minimum of effort. Trying to make it so that anyone can vote from anywhere any time around the official date in November requires levels of checks and security beyond the acceptable.
The right to vote is guaranteed by law, which requires personal responsibility, should be cherished by all Americans to insure your rights and privilege to vote. Maintenance of the voter rolls, removal of dead people, those that have moved and failed to notify the county are and should be maintained. You notify DMV, power company, bank, IRS, Soc Sec office, Medicare ….. so why not the voter registration office? One is required to present ID to cash a check, purchase liquor, medicines, fly on a plane, apply for government assistance, purchase a gun, car….. yet voter identification and signature authentication is some how racist or “GOP conspiracy” to deny one’s constitutional rights? For real, your hypocrisy is killing me.
When you get down to it the issue is personal accountability and responsibility which this generation apparently doesn’t possess.
the fear Dimbo’s have is if the aforementioned were required they wouldn’t remain in control.
The right to vote is guaranteed by law, which requires personal responsibility, should be cherished by all Americans to insure your rights and privilege to vote. Maintenance of the voter rolls, removal of dead people, those that have moved and failed to notify the county are and should be maintained. You notify DMV, power company, bank, IRS, Soc Sec office, Medicare ….. so why not the voter registration office? One is required to present ID to cash a check, purchase liquor, medicines, fly on a plane, apply for government assistance, purchase a gun, car….. yet voter identification and signature authentication is some how racist or “GOP conspiracy” to deny one’s constitutional rights? For real, your hypocrisy is killing me.

Republican voter suppression runs far beyond voter ID. Learn some facts...

Dahleen Glanton: Voter fraud is fake. Voter suppression is real

Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? What do you think?
Just get a fucking ID and go IN PERSON to the polling place! What's so tough about that?
One needs photo ID to open a bank account, cash a check, purchase alcohol(or legal controlled substances), rent/lease a place to live, operate a motor vehicle, etc.
If you can't get a photo ID you likely aren't smart enough to be an informed voter in the first place.

In my state, Washington, we've done away with polling places and all "voters"* get their ballots in the mail. They return such either via the USPS mail or to a local "secure" ballot box.

HOWEVER ... my state also has "motor voter" so when you get a state driver's license or ID, you can be automatically registered to vote, with just an affidavit claiming you are a citizen (proof not required, unless going for an enhanced driver license/ID).

* = This is the first gate way to possible fraud as non-citizens can become registered to vote via this system.
Second gateway is the mail to voter, mail ballot system because as long as the signature sort of matches the "registered voter", the ballot goes through.

The process work with the ballot going into a plain white "security" envelope that is unmarked. This goes into the return envelope which is signed and dated by the voter.

At the local county auditor's office, the signature is checked against those on file/list and if looks valid, the inner "secure" ballot envelope is removed and placed with others to go through the counting machine. Note that from this point on there is no way to match a given ballot with the voter.

Those "secure" ballot envelopes are then opened by the ballot counting machine, ballots removed and run through the scanner and votes tallied. So long as the persons working in the auditor's office where ballots are counted are honest and there are observers there to oversee, the system should work without fraud.

However, that doesn't mean all is foolproof. If no observers are present, then "real" ballots could be switched for "altered/fake" ballots. The counting machines might have ways their counting algorithms could be adjusted to favor counts for one candidate over another (exclusion programs). Records for ballots received versus ballots counted might get altered. Etc.

I think it was Stalin said; "Doesn't matter whom the people vote for, what matters is whom counts the ballots."
Clueless you are my friend. Many heavily Dem districts in GOP states have as much as five hour waits and Repub states are changing regs all over the place to make more of that happen

I never waited more than 3 minutes to vote. Perhaps you are just clueless
Repeating your stupidity only makes you look dumber
It took me about 6 times longer to vote last year than usual.

That's because KY's Democratic governor closed all but two polling places in the country. My usual place was 5 minutes down the street. Last year, I had to drive 20 minutes.

Can't wait to hear how you'll blame that on Republicans.
I have yet to be shown how anyone was prevented from voting.
Tens of thousands have been removed "in error" from voter rolls and only found ot on election day

More importantly , is the DIFFICULTY of voting. The harder it is to vote, the easier it is to win election with fewer but more committed voters...and Republicans ARE committed. They are driven by fear and have been for decades and fear is a powerful motivator.

Make no mistake...this culture wars thing is all about is pretty much everything Republicans talk about
It isn't hard to vote
Yes, it can be. Particularly if they strike your name from the rolls.
Is it really that hard to check to see if you are a registered voter?
One call to the town hall is all it takes and if you're not listed all you have to do download and mail in a form.

Yeah really difficult.
Have you tried to call the offices of a major metropolitan area?
Voter registration lists are public records anyone can look at them
Another hoop to jump through...

It's your responsibility to make sure you are on the registered voter lists.

Maybe we should require that everyone register annually which you can do by mail or at the DMV would that stop your whining?
One more obstacle to voting...for people who are legal voters.

Boo Fuckin hoo.

I suppose you want to do away with voter registration altogether.
No, we just want you anti-american whack-jobs to quit fuckin' with it!
Remember, kids, it's anti-American to want only people legally allowed to vote to vote.

Why not just bleat that the only valid elections are the ones where the Democrat wins?
I have yet to be shown how anyone was prevented from voting.
Tens of thousands have been removed "in error" from voter rolls and only found ot on election day

More importantly , is the DIFFICULTY of voting. The harder it is to vote, the easier it is to win election with fewer but more committed voters...and Republicans ARE committed. They are driven by fear and have been for decades and fear is a powerful motivator.

Make no mistake...this culture wars thing is all about is pretty much everything Republicans talk about
It isn't hard to vote
Yes, it can be. Particularly if they strike your name from the rolls.
Is it really that hard to check to see if you are a registered voter?
One call to the town hall is all it takes and if you're not listed all you have to do download and mail in a form.

Yeah really difficult.
Have you tried to call the offices of a major metropolitan area?
Voter registration lists are public records anyone can look at them
Another hoop to jump through...

It's your responsibility to make sure you are on the registered voter lists.

Maybe we should require that everyone register annually which you can do by mail or at the DMV would that stop your whining?
One more obstacle to voting...for people who are legal voters.

Boo Fuckin hoo.

I suppose you want to do away with voter registration altogether.
No, we just want you anti-american whack-jobs to quit fuckin' with it!
Nothing about registering to vote has changed in my lifetime other that it's easier than ever.
And they might wipe you off the rolls be sure they don't like the neighborhood you're from of that your last name sounds Hispanic or that you're skin color is darker than average or.....
Kentucky removed thousands of voters from the rolls.

Of course, they did it after the election last fall. :rolleyes:
Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? I feel sorry for many voters who continue to face an ever-changing obstacle course just to cast their ballots. Republicans don't want to even have a debate on voting rights. What do you think?

We should just vote for president the day after the new one is sworn in so we can be maximally open about voting

then you can shut the fuck up

never been easier to vote in this country.

People need to stop saying otherwise. NY had more stringent voting restrictions than georgia
It should, of course.

The problem is how people are defined as eligible. I believe they should be alive, live where they say they live, can prove who they said they are when they registered, and should vote only once.

Some people don't like those ideas.


And vote fraud should be punished with death.
Well, I don't agree with that, but it should be a severe felony.
Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? What do you think?
Just get a fucking ID and go IN PERSON to the polling place! What's so tough about that?

Shouldn't be necessary. Mail in voting should be the norm. All states match signatures. Election Day should be a national holiday.
What's tough? Republicans knowing that if everyone is allowed to vote, they'll be winning the most lily white counties in the US...and not much else. :)
Why? Because they have no new policy ideas. Hence the hissy fit over voting legislation and phony claims of "fraudulent" elections.
The only thing the Dumbshitocrats are offering is more government, high confiscatory taxation, normalizing all forms of sexual perversion including PAEDOPHILIA, and destroying MY country. No early voting, no mail in ballots, EVERYONE reports, and no electronic voting machines. paper ballots or mechanical voting booths.
So what you are saying is that you think your views justify your actions. For a country which was founded on "No Taxation without representation..", you are willing to ask that citizens not be able to vote in a democracy. Just wanting your people to vote is how Sadam Hussain used to win elections...

Thanks for being honest and I hope any decent person totally rejects your premise...
Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? What do you think?
Just get a fucking ID and go IN PERSON to the polling place! What's so tough about that?

Shouldn't be necessary. Mail in voting should be the norm. All states match signatures. Election Day should be a national holiday.
What's tough? Republicans knowing that if everyone is allowed to vote, they'll be winning the most lily white counties in the US...and not much else. :)
Why? Because they have no new policy ideas. Hence the hissy fit over voting legislation and phony claims of "fraudulent" elections.
The only thing the Dumbshitocrats are offering is more government, high confiscatory taxation, normalizing all forms of sexual perversion including PAEDOPHILIA, and destroying MY country. No early voting, no mail in ballots, EVERYONE reports, and no electronic voting machines. paper ballots or mechanical voting booths.
So what you are saying is that you think your views justify your actions. For a country which was founded on "No Taxation without representation..", you are willing to ask that citizens not be able to vote in a democracy. Just wanting your people to vote is how Sadam Hussain used to win elections...

Thanks for being honest and I hope any decent person totally rejects your premise...
We are NOT a fucking DEMOCRACY!!!!!! How many times do we have to say it?
Shouldn't voting be easy and painless for all eligible American voters? What do you think?
Just get a fucking ID and go IN PERSON to the polling place! What's so tough about that?

You are an uninformed dumbass. Apparently you aren't aware of the voter suppression laws that are being passed in several states. In fact, in some states your vote may not even be counted. In some Republican states Electoral College votes may even be awarded to the losing candidate - instead of the winning candidate chosen by the people.
The people are stupid idiots. The EC guaran-damn-tees that the urban shitholes NEVER get undue influence over the Presidential election, as it should be.
States need an EC to prevent Detroit from running Michigan, Chicago for Illinois, and NYC from destroying New York State
So people who live in cities should have less of a voice than people living outside...

Didn't get the "All men are created equal bit...."?

What right has someone outside a city to have a bigger say in the government than someone living in a city?
The right to vote is guaranteed by law, which requires personal responsibility, should be cherished by all Americans to insure your rights and privilege to vote. Maintenance of the voter rolls, removal of dead people, those that have moved and failed to notify the county are and should be maintained. You notify DMV, power company, bank, IRS, Soc Sec office, Medicare ….. so why not the voter registration office? One is required to present ID to cash a check, purchase liquor, medicines, fly on a plane, apply for government assistance, purchase a gun, car….. yet voter identification and signature authentication is some how racist or “GOP conspiracy” to deny one’s constitutional rights? For real, your hypocrisy is killing me.

Republican voter suppression runs far beyond voter ID. Learn some facts...

Dahleen Glanton: Voter fraud is fake. Voter suppression is real

I am well versed in your narrative and must say you are full of it. Have a nice day!

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