Should we always believe women accusers?

Any man who sexually assaults a women is going to deny it. They won't do it in front of anyone, so it turns into a he said/she said scenario.

Why would a woman wait so many years to say anything? She doesn't wait, she has told friends or family about it, and until the perp is being considered for high office, she may decide to come out of the closet.

This is going to be very interesting with Kavanuagh. High schoolers? Is it possible he did it? Yes, of course.

As far as you right wingers, you didn't believe this People Magazine writer either--but I bet most of you do now.


Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story

Do you think she was too ugly for Trump--:auiqs.jpg:

Another moron self identifies.
I'm not believing anyone man or woman without proof. Anyone can make an allegation and YOU CAN'T KNOW if they are telling the truth or making it up. How do you know for example that this Blasey Ford woman hasn't been promised a very healthy payday from Mr. Deep Pockets Democrat? Have you ever heard the term gold digger? Have there ever been women known to sell out for the big bucks? For revenge? Have there ever been men do the same thing? Gosh I sure think so.
You dont have to have proof to believe someone. All you need to have is trust.
True, stone age morons like you don't need proof. However, our so-called justice system is based on the principle that you have to prove someone committed a crime. We can't just trust all the Trump hating morons who claim Trump tried to kiss them when there were no witnesses.
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.

So...the accused is guilty until proven innocent, to you? You just blindly believe whatever a witness says until she is proven wrong? That puts the onus on the accused to prove their innocence.

Not me.

The accused is ALWAYS innocent until proven guilty to me.

All evidence should be thoroughly examined before it is judged truthful or not and/or relevant or not.

I NEVER assume a witness is either lying or telling the truth until I hear ALL of the testimony AND the cross examination AND any further evidence that validates/invalidates the testimony.

The same goes for this Kavanaugh jerk. IMO, he IS innocent of these charges until I hear ALL of the evidence against him AND ONLY if ALL of the evidence (taken as a whole) points to his guilt.
Thats not what I said. I am going to believe the woman until she proves her story to be a lie in court or its disproven to be true prior to that. Innocence or guilt was never used in my post.
We know you're believe anyone who accuse a Republican of wrongdoing because you're a brain damaged moron. You just enunciated the principle of "guilty until proven innocent." Your view of justice died 500 years ago.
None of that answered my question. I repeat. Cain had recourse but chose not to take it just like Drumpf and all the other sexual predators. Why?
As you know, Trump is 'Non-Standard'. Unlike the others, Trump just did not give a $hit and would not be bullied. Their tactics did not even phase him.

Should we always believe women accusers

Their initial accusations most definitely should be taken seriously, not just dismissed.

are you saying that anyone who accuses someone is always right?

How is it fair to ask someone to defend themselves decades after a supposed moment? Please, who has the advantage to the incident? What if a witness is no longer around? what if someone changed names? What if they're dead?

If someone can't remember the where and the when, how is it they're so sure of the who?

Why is a 15 year old in a house with four boys drinking? Older boys at that?

seriously, I think you all have lost your fking minds. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Should we always believe women accusers?

Should we always disbelieve them and convict them of fraud if they're not part of our political Bubble?

Like you did earlier today?
It would have been believable if she had gone to the authorities when the incident happened, not 35 years later.
And under these circumstances.

"Believable" is irrelevant here. The OP, in his other earlier thread, already convicted her. An absolute for which he has no basis.
did you read her letter? it's all over the map. I wouldn't ever believe it.

Nope, sure didn't. As I said I haven't been following or reading about this story at all. That's why I don't comment on it.

Again for the slow readers, "believability" is irrelevant here. What I asked is exactly *HOW* y'all can possibly know for a fact that the story is a lie. And none of you have an answer, because the answer is you CAN'T know that, which makes your assertion unfounded.

and I answered you earlier, she never reported it. Therefore, there is no evidence it happened. so I can conclude she made it up. She can't prove it happened can she?

We should always, ALWAYS take the accusations of rape seriously. Each and every one should be investigated to the fullest.

nope, not thirty to forty years afterward. your opportunity to report ended. sorry! BTW, this wasn't rape.
I am not sure this is something that we need to have any view on until the trial and the evidence is prevented.
Making an accusation is a huge step for a woman to take.
Being accused is a nightmare for any man, especially if he is innocent.
In the UK the accuser is given anonymity but the accuseds name is made public.
The police do it for one reason. They hope to flush out other accusers.
I understand that it is difficult for women to come forward. But it seems that it can be one sided.
I would prefer both parties to be given anonymity until after the trial.
It may deter the very few fake victims.
how can anyone defend themself thirty five to forty years after something happened? You know there are studies on our memories and what is retained. Hmmmmmm. why do you all avoid that?

Now if the incident had been reported, an entirely different ballgame, that means the accused would know about it.
funny, on the radio this morning, callers calling in and saying what they did as teenagers. One dude said it best, boys were inquisitive and wanted to learn about the opposite sex and girls loved the attention back forty years ago. there were games like spin the bottle, chase, chase, kiss, kiss. the Culture was very different. And you all push it aside like it's a weed. I can assume she must of loved the attention of boys if she was with four of them alone. Eh? Promiscuous much? Inquisitive maybe, what's in the liquor cabinet?

how is it anFBI jurisdiction?

Frisky boyhood antics ranks right up there with terrorist plots don't ya know!
Yes there are people who lie about sexual situations, just like there are those who tell the truth. seems like it matters not what political party( or no party at all) that they belong too. yet of late we prosecute or defend along party lines, seems weird, but we do it.
Stuff should be investigated to see if the facts fit in with the story. Regardless of whether it is a woman or man as the complainant.

Although when someone waits over 30 years to say anything, and THEN reports it to a politician instead of the authorities, there's not much investigating that can be done.
I have something. You obviously have nothing because you are unaware of the facts.
If you had something, you would have posted it just to prove your right.
No. I am going to make you educate yourself. I am teaching you how to fish instead of giving you welfare.
I googled it and found nothing but Ford accusing Kav. Nothing with regards to the Dr. releasing the notes.
I'm calling you a liar and am done with our conversation. You did leave your integrity at the door, sonny.

The doctor showed her (his?) notes to the Washington Post.

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

Read down a little ways, and you'll see where the article says so.
I have to pay money to see the article. My question is if Ford actually called out Kavanaugh by name in 2012?

No, apparently not.

How about the FBI already said, "Yeah, no"? Not only is it not a federal crime, it's also long past the statute of limitations, and ridiculously vague.
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.
No we should be entirely skeptical about both the accuser and the accused until evidence is presented to a court and the matter is settled to the satisfaction of law.

Believing one or the other before the outcome of a trial contradicts the innocent until proven guilty edict our legal system operates under therefore all judgement of the veracity of both parties has to be avoided until after the trial
Kav is not on trial for sexual assault .

He is applying for a very important job. I don’t believe her just cause she said it , you take in the whole situation .
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.
No we should be entirely skeptical about both the accuser and the accused until evidence is presented to a court and the matter is settled to the satisfaction of law.

Actually, I feel no need to be particularly skeptical about Kavanaugh at all at this point. Maybe if we hadn't seen boatloads of evidence about him being an absolutely sterling person and jurist for his entire adult life, OR if there was even the remotest amount of substantiation whatsoever to the accusation, OR if it hadn't been treated exactly like a sleazy, cynical political ploy, it would be different. But given that all of those things actually DID happen, I feel quite comfortable saying it's bullshit, and moving the fuck on with our lives.
Kav is not on trial for sexual assault .

He is applying for a very important job. I don’t believe her just cause she said it , you take in the whole situation .
he is not applying he was an appointed candidate

there's a difference
Kav is not on trial for sexual assault .

He is applying for a very important job. I don’t believe her just cause she said it , you take in the whole situation .
he is not applying he was an appointed candidate

there's a difference

No there is not . He’s not forced to be a candidate . He’s not being drafted to the Supreme Court.

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