Should we always believe women accusers?

Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.

Guilty until proven innocent, eh, Fathead? So when a cop says he fired, shot and killed an irate black man on the highway in self defense in fear of his life, we will apply your logic, BELIEVE THE POLICE, and leave it up to the deceased's family to disprove it in a court of law. :laughing0301:
See? This is why I think youre an idiot. Dont complain the next time I doubt your intellect and reading comprehension.
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.

Guilty until proven innocent, eh, Fathead? So when a cop says he fired, shot and killed an irate black man on the highway in self defense in fear of his life, we will apply your logic, BELIEVE THE POLICE, and leave it up to the deceased's family to disprove it in a court of law. :laughing0301:
See? This is why I think youre an idiot. Dont complain the next time I doubt your intellect and reading comprehension.

STICK TO THE TOPIC and ARGUE THE POINT or STFU, jackass with your endless ad hominem arguments. I'm merely applying your own reasoning in a way you weren't expecting. Really not that hard at all. Remember that the next time you attack the police for an incident you know nothing about.

If women want to be credible and be believed, then if truly attacked, they need to bite the bullet and come forward with credible evidence. With today's favorable climate, they no longer have any excuse for not coming forward. Statute of limitations apply: wait years to come forward and you kiss your claim goodbye.
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Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.

Guilty until proven innocent, eh, Fathead? So when a cop says he fired, shot and killed an irate black man on the highway in self defense in fear of his life, we will apply your logic, BELIEVE THE POLICE, and leave it up to the deceased's family to disprove it in a court of law. :laughing0301:
See? This is why I think youre an idiot. Dont complain the next time I doubt your intellect and reading comprehension.

STICK TO THE TOPIC and ARGUE THE POINT or STFU, jackass with your endless ad hominem arguments. I'm merely applying your own reasoning in a way you weren't expecting. Really not that hard at all. Remember that the next time you attack the police for an incident you know nothing about.
Learn how to read jackass. That way you wont embarrass yourself.
Innocent until proven guilty. This should be a no brainer.
Great, which of these women do you believe were telling the truth....?

  • Juanita Broaddrick
  • Kathleen Willey
  • Paula Jones
  • Sandra Allen James
  • Eileen Wellstone
  • Christy Zercher
  • Carolyn Moffet
  • Helen Dowdy
  • Becky Brown
  • Regina Blakely Hopper
  • Elizabeth Ward Gracen
  • Gennifer Flowers
  • Connie Hamzy
  • Dolly Kyle Browning
  • Sally Miller (Sally Perdue)
  • Lencola Sullivan
"Well, Dick, do I have a story for you,” she responded. “Once upon a time Bill Clinton raped me." ~ Juanita Broaddrick, 2018

"During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family." ~ Juanita Broaddrick under oath, 1998

Is that perjury...?

At what point?

When Democrats are the accusers.

Herman Cain.

Parading out bimbos and making false accusations is and has been SOP for Liberals for decades. Herman Cain was the one in which they finally crossed a line into new unacceptable depths.

Women crawled out of the woodwork and lawsuits piled up. Liberal media declared Cain a sexual predator that had to be dealt with. As soon as he dropped out of the race the bomb is crawled back into the wood pile, every law suit was dropped, and the media never spoke of Cain or the accusations again.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child, as well, for sexual predator enablers. She spent most of her life bullying, intimidating, demonizing, and silencing her sexual predator husband's victims.

Seems to be a woman just has to make an allegation and hey presto, the good reputation and possibly career of the accused is tarnished, or worse.

Even when the allegation relates to almost 40 yrs ago.

I don’t know what can be done about this, but something has to change.

Men are having their lives ruined when their isn’t even any evidence to support the claims made.

IMHO, women who can’t provide evidence and who didn’t report the incident at the time should not make such accusations.

Clearly they are aware of these facts but do so anyway - at opportune times - so it seems they are just out to ruin someone.
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YES lets believe scumbags TRUMP Thomas and Kavinough ,,, Franken had the decency to walk away Republicans and granpaw have no honor

So you don’t require any evidence before destroying someone’s reputation?

Any man who sexually assaults a women is going to deny it. They won't do it in front of anyone, so it turns into a he said/she said scenario.

Why would a woman wait so many years to say anything? She doesn't wait, she has told friends or family about it, and until the perp is being considered for high office, she may decide to come out of the closet.

This is going to be very interesting with Kavanuagh. High schoolers? Is it possible he did it? Yes, of course.

As far as you right wingers, you didn't believe this People Magazine writer either--but I bet most of you do now.


Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story

Do you think she was too ugly for Trump--:auiqs.jpg:
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At what point?

When Democrats are the accusers.

Herman Cain.

Parading out bimbos and making false accusations is and has been SOP for Liberals for decades. Herman Cain was the one in which they finally crossed a line into new unacceptable depths.

Women crawled out of the woodwork and lawsuits piled up. Liberal media declared Cain a sexual predator that had to be dealt with. As soon as he dropped out of the race the bomb is crawled back into the wood pile, every law suit was dropped, and the media never spoke of Cain or the accusations again.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child, as well, for sexual predator enablers. She spent most of her life bullying, intimidating, demonizing, and silencing her sexual predator husband's victims.

If Cain was innocent why didnt he sue them and not drop the lawsuits?

At what point?

When Democrats are the accusers.

Herman Cain.

Parading out bimbos and making false accusations is and has been SOP for Liberals for decades. Herman Cain was the one in which they finally crossed a line into new unacceptable depths.

Women crawled out of the woodwork and lawsuits piled up. Liberal media declared Cain a sexual predator that had to be dealt with. As soon as he dropped out of the race the bomb is crawled back into the wood pile, every law suit was dropped, and the media never spoke of Cain or the accusations again.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child, as well, for sexual predator enablers. She spent most of her life bullying, intimidating, demonizing, and silencing her sexual predator husband's victims.

If Cain was innocent why didnt he sue them and not drop the lawsuits?

Educate yourself. Read up on everything reported at the time.

Cain's wife was done with all of it, like most Americans, and just wanted it to all go away / end.

What liberals / Democrats have reduced politics to in this country is despicable and pretty much ensures some of the most qualified / best people never run because they do not want to be ''violated" like every other conservative candidate.

They have also pretty much ensures that unless the American people go outside the box and pick a candidate on their own like they did with Trump their only other choice is a proven felon / criminal candidate that breaks laws, rigs primaries, cheats in debates, can't win her party's nomination and has to gave it given to her, after which she colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for help in attempting to alter an Hillary did.
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.

So...the accused is guilty until proven innocent, to you? You just blindly believe whatever a witness says until she is proven wrong? That puts the onus on the accused to prove their innocence.

Not me.

The accused is ALWAYS innocent until proven guilty to me.

All evidence should be thoroughly examined before it is judged truthful or not and/or relevant or not.

I NEVER assume a witness is either lying or telling the truth until I hear ALL of the testimony AND the cross examination AND any further evidence that validates/invalidates the testimony.

The same goes for this Kavanaugh jerk. IMO, he IS innocent of these charges until I hear ALL of the evidence against him AND ONLY if ALL of the evidence (taken as a whole) points to his guilt.

At what point?

When Democrats are the accusers.

Herman Cain.

Parading out bimbos and making false accusations is and has been SOP for Liberals for decades. Herman Cain was the one in which they finally crossed a line into new unacceptable depths.

Women crawled out of the woodwork and lawsuits piled up. Liberal media declared Cain a sexual predator that had to be dealt with. As soon as he dropped out of the race the bomb is crawled back into the wood pile, every law suit was dropped, and the media never spoke of Cain or the accusations again.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child, as well, for sexual predator enablers. She spent most of her life bullying, intimidating, demonizing, and silencing her sexual predator husband's victims.

If Cain was innocent why didnt he sue them and not drop the lawsuits?

Educate yourself. Read up on everything reported at the time.

Cain's wife was done with all of it, like most Americans, and just wanted it to all go away / end.

What liberals / Democrats have reduced politics to in this country is despicable and pretty much ensures some of the most qualified / best people never run because they do not want to be ''violated" like every other conservative candidate.

They have also pretty much ensures that unless the American people go outside the box and pick a candidate on their own like they did with Trump their only other choice is a proven felon / criminal candidate that breaks laws, rigs primaries, cheats in debates, can't win her party's nomination and has to gave it given to her, after which she colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for help in attempting to alter an Hillary did.

None of that answered my question. I repeat. Cain had recourse but chose not to take it just like Drumpf and all the other sexual predators. Why?
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.

So...the accused is guilty until proven innocent, to you? You just blindly believe whatever a witness says until she is proven wrong? That puts the onus on the accused to prove their innocence.

Not me.

The accused is ALWAYS innocent until proven guilty to me.

All evidence should be thoroughly examined before it is judged truthful or not and/or relevant or not.

I NEVER assume a witness is either lying or telling the truth until I hear ALL of the testimony AND the cross examination AND any further evidence that validates/invalidates the testimony.

The same goes for this Kavanaugh jerk. IMO, he IS innocent of these charges until I hear ALL of the evidence against him AND ONLY if ALL of the evidence (taken as a whole) points to his guilt.
Thats not what I said. I am going to believe the woman until she proves her story to be a lie in court or its disproven to be true prior to that. Innocence or guilt was never used in my post.
I'm not believing anyone man or woman without proof. Anyone can make an allegation and YOU CAN'T KNOW if they are telling the truth or making it up. How do you know for example that this Blasey Ford woman hasn't been promised a very healthy payday from Mr. Deep Pockets Democrat? Have you ever heard the term gold digger? Have there ever been women known to sell out for the big bucks? For revenge? Have there ever been men do the same thing? Gosh I sure think so.
I'm not believing anyone man or woman without proof. Anyone can make an allegation and YOU CAN'T KNOW if they are telling the truth or making it up. How do you know for example that this Blasey Ford woman hasn't been promised a very healthy payday from Mr. Deep Pockets Democrat? Have you ever heard the term gold digger? Have there ever been women known to sell out for the big bucks? For revenge? Have there ever been men do the same thing? Gosh I sure think so.
You dont have to have proof to believe someone. All you need to have is trust.
Yes we should believe them until its settled in court or disproven with evidence prior to trial.
You just admitted you reject the principle of innocent until proven guilty. You invoked the principle from the dark ages know as guilty until proven innocent.
Aren't you proud to know that your thinking is identical to that of ignorant brutes from 1000 years ago?

Always is a big word. So... “No.” Would seem to be the reasonable answer...

I think women should be believed until it can be proven they are lying.

Really? And why shouldn’t men be believed until it’s proved they are lying?

Aclepsis is a stone age moron.

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