Should we blacks celebrate 4th of July? Not this escaped slave!

I'll gladly start a fund to pay reparations, for every day that YOU, PERSONALLY, were a slave, and/or for every slave I ever PERSONALLY owned. Since neither of us is 150 years old, I think it's safe to say the balance due will be exactly....$.00. The only way you could ever be remotely considered an "escaped slave", is if you were to run away from Marse Barry's Liberal Plantation, and I don't imagine that is very likely.

Now then, one of the great things about America is, that if you don't wish to celebrate Independence Day, all you will do, is miss the fun. You're not going to be shot for it, persecuted for it, or hauled off to the gulag for it; matter of fact, you likely won't even get too much criticism for it. On balance, I have to say I think that's your loss, but everyone to his own cup of whatever. I'm sorry you feel that way, but no one else is going to be hurt by it (not even those you resent), and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
Should we blacks celebrate 4th of July? Not this escaped slave

Yes, if they are celebrating they will not be slinging drugs, pimpin ho's, robbin liquor stores or campaigning for the Grand Marxist.

Since 95% of blacks voted for Obama, that only leaves 5% that show any signs of intelligence at all.

Who cares what they do? I could give a fvck

I'll gladly start a fund to pay reparations, for every day that YOU, PERSONALLY, were a slave, and/or for every slave I ever PERSONALLY owned. Since neither of us is 150 years old, I think it's safe to say the balance due will be exactly....$.00. The only way you could ever be remotely considered an "escaped slave", is if you were to run away from Marse Barry's Liberal Plantation, and I don't imagine that is very likely.

Now then, one of the great things about America is, that if you don't wish to celebrate Independence Day, all you will do, is miss the fun. You're not going to be shot for it, persecuted for it, or hauled off to the gulag for it; matter of fact, you likely won't even get too much criticism for it. On balance, I have to say I think that's your loss, but everyone to his own cup of whatever. I'm sorry you feel that way, but no one else is going to be hurt by it (not even those you resent), and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

I asked a simple question that you're not able to answer, the fact of the matter is that 4th of July didn't matter to blacks because it had nothing to do with our freedom and Independence so why should we celebrate a holiday that didn't and doesn't apply to all Americans? Its no gain for me to celebrate it so its no loss not to.
If I were black, I would hate America too. Can't say I blame them. No fully functioning society can ever be actualized through the forced integration of the White and African Races. Jefferson, Monroe, Lincoln, and Marcus Garvey, to name a few, understood this, and supported peaceful repatriation to this end. The wrong of slavery can never be corrected as al slaves and slaveholders are dead. But we can give Africans a sense of kinship, cultural coherency, and unified purpose, by encouraging them to a forge a future back in Africa with their own people. And seeing as "African Americans" have statistically higher IQs than their Pure African counterparts, their reentrance into African Society might very well elevate the quality of life in Africa(can't get much lower), and perhaps a crop of decent leaders to lead African nations into the future can be forged from this African American class. Of course, this is all hypothetical and voluntary, but I think Africans and Whites would be better off and at better terms with one another at the end of the day if this plan came to fruition.
The white man has brought more freedom to the black man, then the black man could bring to thyself.
Granny says...

... if ya'd rather go back to some African country an' celebrate there...

... dat's fine...

... `merica - love it or leave it.
Clause 3: Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

See the above?

Does that read like it is announcing LIBERTY for slaves?


You were never a slave, Charlie. Get the fuck over yourself. If you want to hate white people, fine... but find an actual, valid reason and stop lying about your 'past'.

Free blacks during the time of slavery had nothing to celebrate either moron, now place a dunce cap on your head and STHU.

You were never a slave, Charlie. Get the fuck over yourself. If you want to hate white people, fine... but find an actual, valid reason and stop lying about your 'past'.

Free blacks during the time of slavery had nothing to celebrate either moron, now place a dunce cap on your head and STHU.

So don't celebrate. No one cares. Personally, I find your hatred very sad, particularly since you cared enough about your country to fight for it..... why bother fighting for a country that 'enslaved' you? Idiot.
One thing about it....if it never happened you be sitting with a bone in your nose swatting flies and picking bugs out of each others hair.......if the malaria didn´t get you first.
If you had a job, it wouldn't bother me at all if you wanted to work on the 4th.
You were never a slave, Charlie. Get the fuck over yourself. If you want to hate white people, fine... but find an actual, valid reason and stop lying about your 'past'.

Free blacks during the time of slavery had nothing to celebrate either moron, now place a dunce cap on your head and STHU.

So don't celebrate. No one cares. Personally, I find your hatred very sad, particularly since you cared enough about your country to fight for it..... why bother fighting for a country that 'enslaved' you? Idiot.

Hatred? How so? Just because I don't celebrate a holiday which during its creation didn't include black people as equals? Shut up and stuff a frankfurter and burger down your throat and celebrate your holiday. I guess Frederick Douglass was a hater too right?
Many blacks fought and died during the American revolution.

That cannot be denied.

Yes, American blacks need to participate on 4 July celebrations.

Because it is a part of their history here in the Americas.
I asked a simple question that you're not able to answer, the fact of the matter is that 4th of July didn't matter to blacks because it had nothing to do with our freedom and Independence so why should we celebrate a holiday that didn't and doesn't apply to all Americans? Its no gain for me to celebrate it so its no loss not to.

I agree.

While I and the rest of WASPs take the day off, Blacks should be required to work.

Now, fetch me a Mint Julep: I'm parched.
Many blacks fought and died during the American revolution.

That cannot be denied.

Yes, American blacks need to participate on 4 July celebrations.

Because it is a part of their history here in the Americas.

Crispus Attucks is said to be the first person to die in support of what would become the USA and his sacrifice was dishonored and pissed on by the way blacks were treated, so if we don't celebrate this farce of a holiday it has nothing to do with loyalty to country or a lack of patriotism.

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