Should we come up with another name for Chicago?

Nothing ...


What shows this picture? A wild party? And please: Do not give me any information about such a complex theme from an AI. AI's are liars.
I gave you the link, why did you ignore yet another link?

You are able to give me a relevant information. An AI search is not able to do so. An AI will tell you two ant-nations attacked each other with nukes if you like to hear this. And it will produce every evidence you like to hear. The only problem: An AI program not knows what's real or unreal or true and untrue and so on ... . So again: What shows this picture? Or is this picture also made from an AI?

I used now a German source. Looks like in the USA grew violence and murder during and after the fight against Corona. So this process started under Donald Trump. Is this correct? Ended this process (growing of criminal violence) or is it still active? It is also said between 1993-2019 violent crimes had been halved in the USA.
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You are able to give me a relevant information. An AI search is not able to do so. An AI will tell you two ant-nations attacked each other with nukes if you like to hear this. And it will produce every evidence you like to hear. The only problem: An AI program not knows what's real or unreal or true and untrue and so on ... . So again: What shows this picture? Or is this picture also made from an AI?

I used now a German source. Looks like in the USA grew violence and murder during and after the fight against Corona. So this process started under Donald Truimp. Is this correct? Ended this process (growing of criminal violence) or is it still active? It is also said between 1993-2019 violent crimes had been halved in the USA.
you avoided my question yet again, amazing. I provided you a link and you lied about it. come on son, stand on your morals if you have any.
Ahh demfk play

I am a German. I have absolutelly nothing to do with the political party "the Democrats" of the USA. And I have nothing to do with the word "fuck". And now again my question: "Which question?" What did you ask me? Which answer on what question do you miss?
Of course it is. High black-on-black crime, astronomical gun violence, high taxes, high rates of addiction, shitty schools, tons of homeless. And they kill HUGE numbers of black babies. You LOVE it.
Your excellent analysis defines almost every Democrat controlled shithole in this country right now.
How about stay out of every metro area in America. As you well know, your kind isnt welcome there anyway. Just save yourself the trouble of having to bring up cities you have never been to or dont have any intentions of ever visiting. Go back to planning your next Jan 6th.

The blue shitholes are in massive debt they can’t payback and your idea is to generate even less tourist dollars. Typical clueless leftist.
How about stay out of every metro area in America. As you well know, your kind isnt welcome there anyway. Just save yourself the trouble of having to bring up cities you have never been to or dont have any intentions of ever visiting. Go back to planning your next Jan 6th.
That would seem a very long name.
Pretty much anywhere in town as the thugs from Chicago go home in body bags when they visit
Chicago has actual nightlife.
Theater, nightclubs , sporting events

Republican cities there is nothing to do after Walmart closes
You're blind. I'd rather live in Appalachia than Chicago any day. I went to first grade in Chicago. First day of school two Buckwheats stole my raincoat.
I have been to Chicago, I had a great time

I have also been to Appalachia
It was freaking depressing
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