Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

She had a private server with classified information on it. Keep up with the news.

No law broken keep up with the law.

failure to properly protect classified documents is a felony. I had a top secret clearance, I know exactly what the rules and laws say. If I did what she did, I would already be in jail.

Yeah, it also requires a certification of custody and if they don't have her name and signature they have nothing.

possession without a custody transfer is a worse crime than release of classified data.

If she had it but never signed for it, she is in real trouble.

If it was sent as unclassified and later classified by State, the problem isn't in the Clinton camp.

thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?
No law broken keep up with the law.

failure to properly protect classified documents is a felony. I had a top secret clearance, I know exactly what the rules and laws say. If I did what she did, I would already be in jail.

Yeah, it also requires a certification of custody and if they don't have her name and signature they have nothing.

possession without a custody transfer is a worse crime than release of classified data.

If she had it but never signed for it, she is in real trouble.

If it was sent as unclassified and later classified by State, the problem isn't in the Clinton camp.

thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?

Sorry I don't fantasize, if and when it becomes fact we can discuss it at length until then, let it be solely your wet dream.
horseshit-------------they are two of the most arrogant people ever to occupy DC. The comment was not that they ARE above the law, but that they THINK they are above the law.

and get over the race and sex crap. they would be looked at exactly the same if they were both white males. BTW, which one do you think is female?

But he's not a Democrat....

I'm a registered Republican

I'm Loretta Lynn
Hey, I'm all about the GOP!

It's always lame when you go that route, but it's particularly lame after you called Republicans racists and sexists
I didn't call you a racist or sexist.

You have trouble taking direction from blacks and women. And you think women are inferior.

Don't hide behind other Republicans
No law broken keep up with the law.

failure to properly protect classified documents is a felony. I had a top secret clearance, I know exactly what the rules and laws say. If I did what she did, I would already be in jail.

Yeah, it also requires a certification of custody and if they don't have her name and signature they have nothing.

possession without a custody transfer is a worse crime than release of classified data.

If she had it but never signed for it, she is in real trouble.

If it was sent as unclassified and later classified by State, the problem isn't in the Clinton camp.

thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?
You hate women too?

Maybe if you got laid more often you'd become a moderate conservative
I'm sorry you're losing your cool, and feel trapped.

Bring it on over here, let's hug it out.

Big cyber hug time....c'mon

Sorry I made you cry, here's a tissue, try to calm down. Maybe you should take a break from the Internet if it gets you that upset.
Copying me just makes you seem impotent.

Mocking you is a guy thing, you wouldn't understand
Ahhh, so you think women are inferior......uhuh.....very telling

Um...OK? You think not mocking makes people inferior? You sure do think with your emotions, girlfriend, are you even reading the posts you're responding to?
See, you're calling me girlfriend because you think that's an insult.

You think women are inferior.
failure to properly protect classified documents is a felony. I had a top secret clearance, I know exactly what the rules and laws say. If I did what she did, I would already be in jail.

Yeah, it also requires a certification of custody and if they don't have her name and signature they have nothing.

possession without a custody transfer is a worse crime than release of classified data.

If she had it but never signed for it, she is in real trouble.

If it was sent as unclassified and later classified by State, the problem isn't in the Clinton camp.

thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?
You hate women too?

Maybe if you got laid more often you'd become a moderate conservative

How does pointing out Hillary's crimes equal.hating women?
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!

TYpo. Big deal. Iraq was the losers quest.

You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run
You seem a little confused there.... We were in a war with IRAN?????

Did Obozo forget to tell us?????
You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run

We have not been in a shooting war with Iran although when they invaded the US Embassy and held Americans hostage it was an act of war. Jimmy Carter was the President and didn't have the nads to take them on.

TYPO! You meant Iraq instead of Iran. Isn't that the the war that Senators Clinton and Kerry voted for? And it has absolutely nothing to do with the OP thread.

Most Presidents don't send the troops to war without the approval of Congress. Obama and Clinton are two that did.
Yeah, it also requires a certification of custody and if they don't have her name and signature they have nothing.

possession without a custody transfer is a worse crime than release of classified data.

If she had it but never signed for it, she is in real trouble.

If it was sent as unclassified and later classified by State, the problem isn't in the Clinton camp.

thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?
You hate women too?

Maybe if you got laid more often you'd become a moderate conservative

How does pointing out Hillary's crimes equal.hating women?
Pointing out unproven accusations of crimes that Hillary may, or may not have committed does equal hating women.

The fact that Hillary is a irrelevant

Redfish thinks feminine terms are an insult to a male, which means women are inferior to him. If women were equal, being called a woman, if you're a man, is not an insult.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.

Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.

Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.
Hillary: "Loses" 30,000 state department e-mails from a personal server that should never have existed, ignores the issue entirely.

Why am I not in the least bit surprised to discover you blatantly lying in yet another thread?

Read this and tell me you don't feel stupid.


Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton deleted nearly 32,000 emails she deemed private from her time in the Obama administration and refused Tuesday to turn over her personal email server, insisting she “fully complied” with the law and that voters will have to trust her judgment.

Answering questions for the first time about her emails,Mrs. Clinton said she’s turned over to the State Department 55,000 pages of emails she deemed work-related, but said she got rid of the rest last year. She defended her decision to keep control of her emails by using a private account, saying previous secretaries did the same thing, and saying it was more “convenient” for her this way.

Hillary Clinton deleted 32 000 private emails refuses to turn over server - Washington Times
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.

Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

I will answer it even if it harmed nothing. Of course if her private account was hacked there is a very good possibility that harm was done.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.

§ FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information."

§ The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."

§ Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison."

Fact Check Hillary Clinton Those Emails And The Law It s All Politics NPR
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.

Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

Agree, trying to make a case out of erasing 30,000 personal emails is like me going to his house and insisting the police charge him for doing the same. YCMTSU
But he's not a Democrat....

I'm a registered Republican

I'm Loretta Lynn
Hey, I'm all about the GOP!

It's always lame when you go that route, but it's particularly lame after you called Republicans racists and sexists
I didn't call you a racist or sexist.

You have trouble taking direction from blacks and women. And you think women are inferior.

Don't hide behind other Republicans

Another leftist race whore. I gave you the one, but nothing I have said has anything to do with race or sex. Race whores are you who in the middle of discussions just suddenly start blathering that ridiculous crap.

I've decided to enhance my posting experience by sending you to oblivion. It has made my posting experience far better. So, as a present to me, bye bye
Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

I will answer it even if it harmed nothing. Of course if her private account was hacked there is a very good possibility that harm was done.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.

§ FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information."

§ The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."

§ Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison."

Fact Check Hillary Clinton Those Emails And The Law It s All Politics NPR
If I'm not're under the impression that federal guidelines exist that should ensure 100% access by a hostile and biased congressional committe to all the emails the state dept sends.

I wonder if that has ever been the case?
I'm a registered Republican

I'm Loretta Lynn
Hey, I'm all about the GOP!

It's always lame when you go that route, but it's particularly lame after you called Republicans racists and sexists
I didn't call you a racist or sexist.

You have trouble taking direction from blacks and women. And you think women are inferior.

Don't hide behind other Republicans

Another leftist race whore. I gave you the one, but nothing I have said has anything to do with race or sex. Race whores are you who in the middle of discussions just suddenly start blathering that ridiculous crap.

I've decided to enhance my posting experience by sending you to oblivion. It has made my posting experience far better. So, as a present to me, bye bye
But you think women are inferior, and you'd never put up with a black boss, or president.

The more you deny it, the worse it sounds
Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

Agree, trying to make a case out of erasing 30,000 personal emails is like me going to his house and insisting the police charge him for doing the same. YCMTSU
Personal on a server that was used for conducting all of Hillary's government business... All emails should have been retained, just like the requirements for a government server. The government OWNED that server when she did that.
Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

Agree, trying to make a case out of erasing 30,000 personal emails is like me going to his house and insisting the police charge him for doing the same. YCMTSU
They really have no idea that if Fox News says anything in a voice that suggests we should be outraged, they're going to get outraged.

They could say "HIllary brushes her teeth twice a day, when the average American only does once, how arrogant!"

They could also defend Ebeneezer Scrooge as a job creator, and criticize Bob Cratchett as an entitlement seeker....and if they say it like they mean it....Fox News viewers all over the country will be mad about Bob Cratchett
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

I will answer it even if it harmed nothing. Of course if her private account was hacked there is a very good possibility that harm was done.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.

§ FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information."

§ The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress."

§ Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison."

Fact Check Hillary Clinton Those Emails And The Law It s All Politics NPR
If I'm not're under the impression that federal guidelines exist that should ensure 100% access by a hostile and biased congressional committe to all the emails the state dept sends.

I wonder if that has ever been the case?
But the Russians and Chinese can have them, since the server undoubtedly got hacked due to the lack of security???
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident

What's to prove? Hillary already publicly stated that she deleted 30,000 e-mails. Case closed!
Deleting emails is violation of federal law?

Wait, don't answer that...because even if that harmed nothing, you'll call for her head.

Agree, trying to make a case out of erasing 30,000 personal emails is like me going to his house and insisting the police charge him for doing the same. YCMTSU
Personal on a server that was used for conducting all of Hillary's government business... All emails should have been retained, just like the requirements for a government server. The government OWNED that server when she did that.

What about "private" bothers you? Clinton owned that server not the government and there was no law against it, just like when GW and the RNC dumped 22 million email.

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