Should we Erase Columbus or others from the History Books?

IOW, the indigenous people of America had the same human frailties as other peoples. I will note, however, that the Europeans (up until the time of the mass Totalitarian-Communist-Socialist-Fascist atrocities of the 20th century) did not engage in the mass ritual murders that the Aztecs performed.

They didn't? So you never heard of witch burnings or the inquisition or the crusades?

Link to a witch burning involving hundreds of people? There are a variety of estimates, the most reliable appears to be 60,000 throughout Europe during Burning Times. The Aztecs sacrificed 80,000 in 1487 alone, with an estimated 20,000 sacrifices per year on for other years. 3,000 people were executed during the Spanish Inquisition. The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims - not really relevant when discussing a society's democide - no one really knows how many people were killed, but it's reasonable to guess that the death tolls between the two sides were fairly well matched.

How many people did the Aztecs sacrifice?

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia
The Crusades were a counteroffensive against Islamonazi aggression. The great Pope Urban II made that crystal clear when they were proclaimed at Clermont, although no tapes exist of his address.

Urban II was trying to get street cred because the Holy Roman Emperor set up a rival anti-pope. They actually were counterproductive, as they spend up the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

My personal favorite was the Fourth Crusade, which resulted in the sack of Constantinople in 1204 and didn't kill a single Muslim.

The Inquisition was initiated by the Latinos after they had finally expelled the Islamonazis after 7 1/2 centuries of terror. The concern was that not all of the jihadi vamoosed and some were secretly pretending to be Christians.

Yet, they were oppressing not just Muslims but Jews. The last person executed by the Inquisition was a Deist! In the 19th Century.

At least you didn't try to rationalize witch burning. That would have been amusing.
Link to a witch burning involving hundreds of people? There are a variety of estimates, the most reliable appears to be 60,000 throughout Europe during Burning Times. The Aztecs sacrificed 80,000 in 1487 alone, with an estimated 20,000 sacrifices per year on for other years.

Wow, you use the word estimate a lot, but the fact is, both sides seemed to have killed a lot of people unnecessarily to appease their magic sky man! (Or Serpent).

But here's the point. The Aztecs killed maybe 20K a year... probably less. Usually captured enemy POW's. In the 100 years after Cortez, the native population of Mexico dropped from some 20 Million to about 2 million.

The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims - not really relevant when discussing a society's democide - no one really knows how many people were killed, but it's reasonable to guess that the death tolls between the two sides were fairly well matched.

The Christian World started a 200 year war against people who weren't bothering them because they believed something different. That's kind of fucked up.
Link to a witch burning involving hundreds of people? There are a variety of estimates, the most reliable appears to be 60,000 throughout Europe during Burning Times. The Aztecs sacrificed 80,000 in 1487 alone, with an estimated 20,000 sacrifices per year on for other years.

Wow, you use the word estimate a lot, but the fact is, both sides seemed to have killed a lot of people unnecessarily to appease their magic sky man! (Or Serpent).

But here's the point. The Aztecs killed maybe 20K a year... probably less. Usually captured enemy POW's. In the 100 years after Cortez, the native population of Mexico dropped from some 20 Million to about 2 million.

The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims - not really relevant when discussing a society's democide - no one really knows how many people were killed, but it's reasonable to guess that the death tolls between the two sides were fairly well matched.

The Christian World started a 200 year war against people who weren't bothering them because they believed something different. That's kind of fucked up.
The Catholic Church represents Catholics and only the Catholic Church… Christians have nothing to do with it. Fuck face
Link to a witch burning involving hundreds of people? There are a variety of estimates, the most reliable appears to be 60,000 throughout Europe during Burning Times. The Aztecs sacrificed 80,000 in 1487 alone, with an estimated 20,000 sacrifices per year on for other years.

Wow, you use the word estimate a lot, but the fact is, both sides seemed to have killed a lot of people unnecessarily to appease their magic sky man! (Or Serpent).

But here's the point. The Aztecs killed maybe 20K a year... probably less. Usually captured enemy POW's. In the 100 years after Cortez, the native population of Mexico dropped from some 20 Million to about 2 million.

The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims - not really relevant when discussing a society's democide - no one really knows how many people were killed, but it's reasonable to guess that the death tolls between the two sides were fairly well matched.

The Christian World started a 200 year war against people who weren't bothering them because they believed something different. That's kind of fucked up.

We're talking about human sacrifice and democide, not wars of conquest.

And you haven't provided any evidence that a European civilization practiced Death Cult human sacrifice in any way that is equivalent to the scale of the Aztecs.

But thanks for playing.
The Crusades were a counteroffensive against Islamonazi aggression. The great Pope Urban II made that crystal clear when they were proclaimed at Clermont, although no tapes exist of his address.

Urban II was trying to get street cred because the Holy Roman Emperor set up a rival anti-pope. They actually were counterproductive, as they spend up the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

My personal favorite was the Fourth Crusade, which resulted in the sack of Constantinople in 1204 and didn't kill a single Muslim.

The Inquisition was initiated by the Latinos after they had finally expelled the Islamonazis after 7 1/2 centuries of terror. The concern was that not all of the jihadi vamoosed and some were secretly pretending to be Christians.

Yet, they were oppressing not just Muslims but Jews. The last person executed by the Inquisition was a Deist! In the 19th Century.

Not quite. The Byzantine Empire didn't fall until the Islamonazi terror attack on Constantinople on 29 May 1453. Centuries after the Crusades were already completed.

The Inquisition, like many institutions, morphed over time. Its initial efforts was to purge secret Jihadi from the Spanish realm who were a 5th Column. The muslims did complain about that, needless to say, pointing out that Jews aren't Catholic either. They were right, so in the interest of fairness and not wanting to be seen as islamophobic, they did indeed expand the Inquisition to see if there were any secret Jews pretending to be Catholic. But the initial purpose of the Señor Torquemada's efforts was the preservation of the Spanish state after Jihadi invaded and were expelled.
Not quite. The Byzantine Empire didn't fall until the Islamonazi terror attack on Constantinople on 29 May 1453. Centuries after the Crusades were already completed.

Wow, you totally missed the point about the Fourth Crusade... I'd explain it to you again, but you still wouldn't get it.

The Inquisition, like many institutions, morphed over time. Its initial efforts was to purge secret Jihadi from the Spanish realm who were a 5th Column. The muslims did complain about that, needless to say, pointing out that Jews aren't Catholic either. They were right, so in the interest of fairness and not wanting to be seen as islamophobic, they did indeed expand the Inquisition to see if there were any secret Jews pretending to be Catholic. But the initial purpose of the Señor Torquemada's efforts was the preservation of the Spanish state after Jihadi invaded and were expelled.

Okay... that was retarded.

So Columbus, like most of the early world explorers was an exploitationist and at times inhumanely cruel. What are the real ethics we are reaching for here? We already knew most of this. Centuries later the celebration of Columbus Day has about as much to do with Christopher Columbus as a cigar store elephant statue has to do with a Wooley mammoth.

Fact is these things actually happened. Not giving them "press" so to speak isn't going to change that fact.

The idea of the Western Hemisphere being located by European culture...the predominant world culture of the time is a pretty big deal.

Really it's irrelevant who Columbus was
Cad, slaver, exploiter.... It's more important to know what role he played in the process of connecting the two hemispheres. As for Columbus Day why bother to change the name? How does that contribute to the factuality or non factuality of its history? Should all of Latin America now reject the Spanish language as racist and abusive?

I'm all for teaching kids the whole story
But I resist the Idea that removing Columbus's name from the day somehow improves us morally. It is quite impossible for us to reach back and correct the wrongs of History...even pretending that we can is foolish.


Huh? Why would we "erase" anything from the history books?

And what the hell does the Spanish language have to do with the actions of an Italian navigator? But at least you let Brazil and Haiti off the hook.
The Catholic Church represents Catholics and only the Catholic Church… Christians have nothing to do with it.
Uh...more christians are catholic than all the other Christian demoniations put together...

When I said in the other thread that some Christians are extremely arrogant, this is exactly what I meant.

I'm not Catholic - damn, their services are boring! - but to say they aren't Christian is just retarded.
And what the hell does the Spanish language have to do with the actions of an Italian navigator? But at least you let Brazil and Haiti off the hook.

Columbus was an Italian but he discovered America in the employ of the Latinx couple that led Spain at the time. Further, after Chris passed, he was buried in Spain.
And what the hell does the Spanish language have to do with the actions of an Italian navigator? But at least you let Brazil and Haiti off the hook.

Columbus was an Italian but he discovered America in the employ of the Latinx couple that led Spain at the time. Further, after Chris passed, he was buried in Spain.

Dafuck's that got to do with associating the Spanish language with --- I'll have to go back and get the quote since you CUT IT OUT:

Should all of Latin America now reject the Spanish language as racist and abusive?

And how come he lets Portuguese, French, Dutch and ---- English ---- off the hook? Are we to believe not only that slave traders all spoke Spanish but it was a causative factor in slave trading?

Where does that leave Bartholome de las Casas?
Eric, read the post I put up. Please.
I have and I specifically can't understand why you think a lack of domesticated beasts to pull wagons and carts
makes the lack of wagons and carts in Meso-American cultures understandable.

As long as rolling something is easier than dragging or carrying that thing it remains absolutely inexplicable.
Anyone Who Sympathizes With These Retrograde Retards Hates Human Intelligence

In the beginning, the fugitive savages had horses available, but these genetic misfits were too dumb to see that such prey could be used for transportation instead. Intelligent creatures wouldn't have exterminated them, in the kind of wasteful hunting these improvident wanderers have dealt with natural challenges ever since. This land was never meant for them, nor was it meant for degenerate slumming feralphiles like your silly New Age cult.
They should be proud
The other european countries were involved in Colonialism and used slave labor to perform the hard tasks

Most of Europe abandoned slavery by 1800

Took the US til 1865 and the death of 600,000 fighting over it

The real question I'm trying to get to is whether or not Poles should be required to pay reparations for slavery?
Who the fuck cares?

Spoken like a typical Progressive Pickpocketer.

Do you understand we the people created a Government in the Constitution?

As such, we are responsible for any debts of that Government

So...America accepts what? That has nothing to do with money.
Wanna talk reparations? The American Indians are at the front of that particular line. How much are they owed for their stolen real estate? The slaves can have what's left.

I don’t support reparations
If you pay reparations to this generation of blacks, why aren’t every generation from now on entitled to the same reparations?
Get rid of St Patrick first. What a scumbag

Patrick's greatness in successfully expelling Snakes from Ireland is celebrated to this day.

What problem do you have with this? Millions of Catholics celebrate his accomplishments each March with the traditional green beer.
Get rid of St Patrick first. What a scumbag

Patrick's greatness in successfully expelling Snakes from Ireland is celebrated to this day.

What problem do you have with this? Millions of Catholics celebrate his accomplishments each March with the traditional green beer.
Try it today and the EPA will be on your ass

I don't think so. The tradition in Chicago is to dye the rivers green- and the EPA doesn't do shit about it.

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