Should We Have The Freedom To KNOW What We Consume(eat/drink)?


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
It's really a basic question and it's crazy how it's a tearing point on the party system.

The basic question is "Should Corporations be forced to expose their ingredients so people know what they are consuming".

So why are "Freedom Fighters" fighting for the ability to not disclose what is in our food/water? The Freedom in that scenario is Corporation based.

If a Corporation is fighting for the "Freedom" to not tell YOU, THE PEOPLE what is in a product. Chances are, it's a profit based decision based on greed and it's not good for you.

And this is what the Right Wing use to be..Farmers Addicting Info Nebraska Farmer Makes Room Full Of Fracking Supporters Go Silent With Just A Glass Of Water VIDEO
You title the thread as though this is a consumable product that is being sold and then link to a meeting on fracking.

Are you planning on drinking fracking fluid? Are you in the market to purchase some to use?

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