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Should we make the corporate tax rate 0%?

That would be great! It would be an increase! Right now the government GIVES them money.

And we could eliminate military spending. Go back to original intent.

Everyone has a musket and is part of the militia.

Along with the requirement to fund the navy.

Couple of PT boats should suffice!
This shall be paid for eliminating useless leftist government programs.

The good things from this?

Many MANY Jobs will be created in America, since companies will return to their homeland.

I'd be in favor of that. But I'd also want to see some fundamental changes made to corporate law - particularly in the area of 'limited liability'.
We see who the conservatives are in the pocket of...

This would be bull shit...

Who do you think pays corporate income taxes? Any idea, Matt? We do. Consumers pay the corporate taxes in the price of everything we buy. Cut the corporate tax rate, prices go down and hiring goes up.

Its really a no-brainer once you get over the "all corporations are evil" lies.
This shall be paid for eliminating useless leftist government programs.

The good things from this?

Many MANY Jobs will be created in America, since companies will return to their homeland.

I'd be in favor of that. But I'd also want to see some fundamental changes made to corporate law - particularly in the area of 'limited liability'.

So you want the employees to be personally liable for the acts of the corporation?
We see who the conservatives are in the pocket of...

This would be bull shit...

Who do you think pays corporate income taxes? Any idea, Matt? We do. Consumers pay the corporate taxes in the price of everything we buy. Cut the corporate tax rate, prices go down and hiring goes up.

Its really a no-brainer once you get over the "all corporations are evil" lies.

Matthew doesn't know anything beyond his preprogramed one liner, science tech & infrastructure.
Sounds good but I say we end subsidies to them first along with banning pork spending. Then see where we are and go from there.

define "subsidies". what exactly do you want to eliminate?

ANY payments to private industry that are not their own taxes or part of some purchasing program.

IE: Paying joe farmer to NOT sell his corn on the open market is bullshit.
This shall be paid for eliminating useless leftist government programs.

The good things from this?

Many MANY Jobs will be created in America, since companies will return to their homeland.

I'd be in favor of that. But I'd also want to see some fundamental changes made to corporate law - particularly in the area of 'limited liability'.

So you want the employees to be personally liable for the acts of the corporation?

Employees should only be responsible for their own actions. I'm referring the limited liability of investors. If the owner of a non-incorporated company hires a manager with the blanket instructions to "do whatever it takes" to earn a profit, that owner will be, at least to some degree, liable for the actions of that manager. But if shareholders of and LLC elect a CEO, with essentially the same instructions, they get a pass.

I'm not sure exactly where the line should be drawn, but I think it needs to be reconsidered. As it is, the status quo of the corporate charter creates companies that enjoy special rights not afforded to non-incorporated companies. That's fundamentally unjust in my view.
This shall be paid for eliminating useless leftist government programs.

The good things from this?

Many MANY Jobs will be created in America, since companies will return to their homeland.

While we're at it, all subsidies should be ended as well.

which "subsidies" Helen?
Real subsidies, not the tax breaks that so many progressives call subsidies.

Things like paying farmers not to grow crops and raise livestock.

Like price supports that gave us government cheese in the '80s.

Things like that.
This shall be paid for eliminating useless leftist government programs.

The good things from this?

Many MANY Jobs will be created in America, since companies will return to their homeland.

Many corporations pay 0%. They are sitting on historic levels of cash.

Problem is, they lack customers. The middle class is currently digging itself out from 30 years of debt-based consumption. -and 30 years of losing jobs to Communist China so that our suppliers could realize the benefits of ultra-cheap labor.

Lower taxes and deregulation made sense in the 80s , but now supply side policies have been over cooked ... and we need to bring back the demand centered policies of the postwar years.

Obama, mostly because of the sequester, has cut more government jobs than Reagan or Bush. In fact, Reagan added more jobs to the Federal payroll than any modern president, especially defense jobs (in places like Southern California). Reagan refused to cut jobs during his recession because he understood that people with American jobs spend money on Main Street, thus allowing small business to stay afloat.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Savage, Levine, OReilly, and FOX have one answer: cut taxes on the wealthy. But the best employment happened under, LBJ, Truman, Eisenhower and Nixon (when taxes were above 70% on the top bracket).

Son, here is what you don't understand. Until recently, the state has always played both sides of the economic divide. It subsidized and bailed out suppliers, while boosting the solvency and purchasing power of consumers through a myriad of fiscal tools and government programs. But make no mistake: we had great results when we effectively taxed the surplus capital on top so that it could be used for something other than lobbying and election funding, which is where corporate money currently goes in order to perpetuate our no-bid rat's nest of dysfunctional monopolies.

Our postwar government understood that if middle class consumers had more spending money, capital would go after that money. Nothing spurs job growth more than a fat middle class wallet.

Unfortunately, Reagan - who was a closet Keynesian - convinced us to remove all the supports and programs for the non-wealthy. He got us to double down on suppliers through tax, regulatory, labor and trade policy. And he converted the Fed from an agency that concerned itself with full employment to one that fought inflation. He said that all these measures would incentivize capital investment and grow jobs. So we got rid of 70% of what the government did to boost middle class purchasing power in order to make room for tax cuts and reduce the labor costs of our suppliers. Then we watched jobs slowly trickle to Asia because Nike investors simply make more money when their sneaks area made by workers who get paid $5/day and live beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.

As Americans lost good jobs and as their subsidized education, health care and transportation was removed, they had less and less money for consumption. So we quietly expanded credit and have spent the last 30 years fueling domestic consumption with debt. By the Bush years too many Americans were spending more than they made. Now our middle class is digging out from unprecedented levels of debt. They can no longer borrow enough to fuel job growth (through consumption). Lowering the taxes of suppliers who are sitting on historic levels of cash will not enable the consumption of those too indebted to consume.

We are facing the largest demand crisis in over 1/2 a century. To apply more supply side policies would only make the problem worse. Just like we smartly reformed Keynesian policies in the 80s, we now need to dismantle the Republican special interests which are preventing us from finally reforming the supply side policies which have greatly outlived their utility.
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Should we make the corporate tax rate 0%?
The corporate tax rate is why we have a $17 trillion national debt. Those that have almost everything pay nothing. Comcast just bought Time Warner cable for $45 billion, to get rid of the competition, so they could charge raise everyone's rates. The future is monopolies, not free market. Soon it will be called the CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA, where 98% of the people are slaves to pay the national debt.
I'm fine with that 0% rate as long as all grants, subsidies and transfer payments to corporations are also eliminated.
Sure, so long as passive income is taxed as ordinary income over 250K year, regardless of whether cap gains are taken. Of course, there'd be a tax credit that could be income averaged for 7 years Imo, that actually would be a positive.

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