Should We Teach Creation As Science In Public Schools?

I think that's two different questions, isn't it? Lucy is our ancestor. She didn't make little green apples, though. I'm confused.

there is no proof lucy is anything other than dead bones found in the ground

Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Better read up on it. The shape and angle of the pelvic bones would have prevented walking upright constantly. She also would have had the ape "sway" when she did walk upright.

Just a small ape evolutionists cling to in their quest to sell evolution.

And monkeys are strong as hell, they can RIP your face off .

We are weak
But we were smart enough to invent sharp objects to kill the monkeys, didn't we?
Poor James
They no longer teach that we evolved straight from chimps.

dont tell him that,,,he still thinks it

but what I'm asking for is this common ancestor and how it spawned all life as we know it
I think that's two different questions, isn't it? Lucy is our ancestor. She didn't make little green apples, though. I'm confused.

there is no proof lucy is anything other than dead bones found in the ground

Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

The question is would you kill me .

Of course you wouldn't. Would I hurt you..


We were created.
We Believe in love
there is no proof lucy is anything other than dead bones found in the ground

Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Better read up on it. The shape and angle of the pelvic bones would have prevented walking upright constantly. She also would have had the ape "sway" when she did walk upright.

Just a small ape evolutionists cling to in their quest to sell evolution.

And monkeys are strong as hell, they can RIP your face off .

We are weak
But we were smart enough to invent sharp objects to kill the monkeys, didn't we?

We were created.
Why would I show you our common ancestor? You'll just say it is a pile of dead bones. To a scientist those bones are a book filled with information, to you they are just bones because you can't read what they say. You're a science illiterate and won't admit it.

Just knock it off if you could you would[/QUOTE]
I could and I did. The answer I got from progressive hunter was that fossils are just a pile of dead bones. Willful ignorance is a tough barrier.
Why would I show you our common ancestor? You'll just say it is a pile of dead bones. To a scientist those bones are a book filled with information, to you they are just bones because you can't read what they say. You're a science illiterate and won't admit it.

Just knock it off if you could you would
I could and I did. The answer I got from progressive hunter was that fossils are just a pile of dead bones. Willful ignorance is a tough barrier.[/QUOTE]

Obviously....yours is preventing you from proving a damn thing you say.

Anyone paying attention recognizes that
Think about it. ..
I've thought about it a lot, bear, thanks. I'm old enough to have spent years on it, actually.
I'm not going to try and change your mind, but for a few of the posters here (not you) they are making claims that are just flat out wrong about the scientific process and what has been found. That's more what I'm arguing against.
Think about it. ..
I've thought about it a lot, bear, thanks. I'm old enough to have spent years on it, actually.
I'm not going to try and change your mind, but for a few of the posters here (not you) they are making claims that are just flat out wrong about the scientific process and what has been found. That's more what I'm arguing against.

I love you young old lady.

You know me I am not scared to say it .

But i really think love is the key to everything.

And I think mother Mary watches us
I think that's two different questions, isn't it? Lucy is our ancestor. She didn't make little green apples, though. I'm confused.

there is no proof lucy is anything other than dead bones found in the ground

Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Human Family Tree

Nice theory...and it is you know.

I guess.

So is everything. Even your belief in God when it comes right down to it.

Everything, in the end, is an epistemological leap of faith, ain't it? :113:
there is no proof lucy is anything other than dead bones found in the ground

Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Human Family Tree

Nice theory...and it is you know.

I guess.

So is everything. Even your belief in God when it comes right down to it.

Everything, in the end, is an epistemological leap of faith, ain't it? :113:

Yeah a leap of love as james said
Why would I show you our common ancestor? You'll just say it is a pile of dead bones. To a scientist those bones are a book filled with information, to you they are just bones because you can't read what they say. You're a science illiterate and won't admit it.

Just knock it off if you could you would
I could and I did. The answer I got from progressive hunter was that fossils are just a pile of dead bones. Willful ignorance is a tough barrier.

Obviously....yours is preventing you from proving a damn thing you say.

Anyone paying attention recognizes that[/QUOTE]
progressive hunter said "hey you ever find that proof of a common designer or what it looked like and how it spawned all other life???" Since you're paying attention, maybe you could translate what is being asked.
there is no proof lucy is anything other than dead bones found in the ground

Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Human Family Tree

Nice theory...and it is you know.

I guess.

So is everything. Even your belief in God when it comes right down to it.

Everything, in the end, is an epistemological leap of faith, ain't it? :113:

Pretty much...the difference is my leap of faith covers me in the event God is real. If He is there are going to be some real "oh shit" moments for some.

I'll never forget a woman telling our daughter she's going to be very surprised to die and find out her God was just a myth. Our daughter responded with not nearly as surprised as you'll be when you die and He does exist.

Mom smiled :)
Faith shouldn't be taught in schools. Period.

That's what we're doing now. We are teaching faith-based science. You have nothing to back up macroevolution via the scientific method.

Evolution is not fully discovered. It is a theory, a work in progress with a level of undeniable certainty.

I've seen no undeniable certainty in evolution,,

Evolution is small changes over a long time. Human beings are about 5% taller today than they were 100 years ago. That is a microcosm of evolution and it is undeniable.

And I’ve seen no evidence of a god that I should revere and pray to.

or it could be all the chemicals we are putting in the food,,,

sorry but that is not proof we all came from a rock

You’re an idiot. I didn’t say it was proof we can from a rock, and if you had any meaningful education you would know that evolution is not about the origin of man. It is about the changes that species go thru which are often caused by their environment, including what they eat.
Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Human Family Tree

Nice theory...and it is you know.

I guess.

So is everything. Even your belief in God when it comes right down to it.

Everything, in the end, is an epistemological leap of faith, ain't it? :113:

Yeah a leap of love as james said
I'm talking about reality here.

The Bible also states that the Earth is the center of the Universe, that the Sun, Moon, and stars revolve around it.

Thus, the Earth has an "above," and a "below."

The type of absolute fundamental adherence to scripture which folks are trying to necessitate are what caused Galileo's ideas to be condemned as just, "theories."

It is what, today, causes folks to deny that the Earth is round, or that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

All of the cosmological realities most folks take for granted, and then can easily be denied, all because ancient tales tell them to deny their common sense.
Lucy was just a small ape.
She walked upright, which apes don't, and we found 40% of her bones, which is a whole lot. The bigger brain that gives us the double sapiens in our name didn't come until later. But she was on her hind legs. That's big.

Human Family Tree

Nice theory...and it is you know.

I guess.

So is everything. Even your belief in God when it comes right down to it.

Everything, in the end, is an epistemological leap of faith, ain't it? :113:

Pretty much...the difference is my leap of faith covers me in the event God is real. If He is there are going to be some real "oh shit" moments for some.

I'll never forget a woman telling our daughter she's going to be very surprised to die and find out her God was just a myth. Our daughter responded with not nearly as surprised as you'll be when you die and He does exist.

Mom smiled :)

Not really. As Einstein said, the eternal is not here to fool us. This isn't a game.


You may find, heaven, hell, the afterlife, collective consciousness isn't what you have been led to believe.

I have already tasted it, I have already been in touch.


"Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: See, the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will go before you; if they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will go before you. But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty."

The potential for your own paradise, and your own condemnation already lay within your own soul sweet child. There is no fooling the eternal one. If your only reason for the belief you have is because you refuse to use the faculties that creation gave you. . . and that is because it is out of fear?


. . . . . . . . . .

Everyone will be judged by the measure they lived by. Thus, there will be no, "oh shit," moments. God is a construct of that by which we live.

Even those who refuse the concept will understand once they pass and will have no such moment. They will not accept, even after they pass. And it will not matter.
just admit you cant,,,its easier since we all know it doesnt exist
All?? Who is this 'all'? Certainly not me or a sizeable minority of the country. Not surprisingly, at least to me, belief in creationism decreases as education level increases.
as always you revert to creation as a defense,,,
if you know it exist then why are you keeping it a secret??
dude you still think we came from chimps.apes or some other form of life

you are more than welcome to believe in any religion you want but dont tell us its a fact without proof.
As I recall, you don't believe in evolution and claim you're not a creationist. So what exactly do you believe?

as of yet I dont have anything to believe in since neither has given me anything but opinion,
but creation at least admits its based on faith because its a religion

are you going to show me what this common ancestor looked like and explain how it spawned all life as we know it or not???
Why would I show you our common ancestor? You'll just say it is a pile of dead bones. To a scientist those bones are a book filled with information, to you they are just bones because you can't read what they say. You're a science illiterate and won't admit it.
so now you admit you havent shown it before,,,

if you do it would go a long way towards proof of evolution and give me omething of substance other than opinion which is all I've seen so far

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