Should wife abusers be armed?

Any way you look at this, adding weapons of any kind does not help.

And, it has nothing at all to do with any real or perceived 2nd amendment "right".

How can you say it doesn't help? It may not help in every case, but a weapon, of any kind is a tool. It depends on the person who holds the tool to determine whether it's helpful or not.

That's how kids become orphans and adults land in jail.

Weapons, even if its a frying pan or a shoe, are not the answer. I know because I've been there.
[ame=]the little girl-by John Micheal Montgomery with lyrics in the description :) - YouTube[/ame]
Any way you look at this, adding weapons of any kind does not help.

And, it has nothing at all to do with any real or perceived 2nd amendment "right".

How can you say it doesn't help? It may not help in every case, but a weapon, of any kind is a tool. It depends on the person who holds the tool to determine whether it's helpful or not.

Quick question sportcheck................where's she gonna stash the weapon so that her abuser doesn't find it if she's STILL LIVING WITH HIM??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And................even if she does find a place to store the weapon, is it going to be readily available to her the next time she starts to be abused? Got news for you, as a person who lived with an abusive stepfather for 3 years from age 5 to 8, the abuser is going to know EXACTLY what the abusee is doing 24/7, because control is part of their game.

Might wanna try turning on your brain sometime.
Should wives of wife abusers be armed?

I wondered how long before this totally ASSSSiine suggestion would be made.

How about the kids?

You wanna arm them too?

Maybe little Barbie-doll-pink rifles for the girls?

(Sorry syrenn. Leweman gets the DUMBEST POST AWARD. Better luck next time.)

Sad that you don't think an abused woman has a right to protect herself.......

but why does that not surprise me.

That's not what Luddy was saying. Maybe Ghandi said it best, "An eye for an eye and the whole world would be blind". MLK said something along the same lines, "Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars".

Current law doesn't give a lot of leverage to a woman threatened by domestic violence besides filing for a restraining order. These current laws were written by old white men who liked to keep a woman in her place ".....with whatever means necessary." (Malcom X).
Quote: Originally Posted by Luddly Neddite
Oh yeah, and please do not put words in my mouth. You are free to post any post of mine where I said anyone should be "disarmed" but do not pretend to know something you do not.

Merely asking a question. So it is ok for the wife of a wife abuser to remain armed in your view?

Does it make one a "WACKO NUTTERS" to ask you a question?

I think it is best that there are NO guns in that household

If they say no, then they're supporting gun control.

If they say yes, then they're once again waging war on women.

My guess is that they'll avoid this thread like the plague. :D

I still beat my wife. Just to get that over with.
Should wives of wife abusers be armed?

I wondered how long before this totally ASSSSiine suggestion would be made.

How about the kids?

You wanna arm them too?

Maybe little Barbie-doll-pink rifles for the girls?

(Sorry syrenn. Leweman gets the DUMBEST POST AWARD. Better luck next time.)

Should wife abusers be armed?


A significant percetage of the murders done by gun are husbands, boyfriends and stalkers killing women.

Among all female murder victims in 1995, 26 percent were slain by husbands or boyfriends, while 3 percent of the male victims were slain by wives or girlfriends.
---By circumstance, 28 percent of the murders resulted from arguments and 18 percent from felonious activities such as robbery, arson, etc.
---In approximately 7 out of every 10 murders reported during 1995, firearms were the weapons used.
Just in case it wasn't clear from my previous post, I can't take this thread seriously at all. Wife abusers should be in jail. The question of the OP is like asking "should bank robbers be armed?"
Any way you look at this, adding weapons of any kind does not help.

And, it has nothing at all to do with any real or perceived 2nd amendment "right".

How can you say it doesn't help? It may not help in every case, but a weapon, of any kind is a tool. It depends on the person who holds the tool to determine whether it's helpful or not.

Quick question sportcheck................where's she gonna stash the weapon so that her abuser doesn't find it if she's STILL LIVING WITH HIM??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And................even if she does find a place to store the weapon, is it going to be readily available to her the next time she starts to be abused? Got news for you, as a person who lived with an abusive stepfather for 3 years from age 5 to 8, the abuser is going to know EXACTLY what the abusee is doing 24/7, because control is part of their game.

Might wanna try turning on your brain sometime.

So you're trying to tell me she couldnt find a place to hide a gun in her home? Thats laughable.
And as far as being readily available...obviously he doesnt beat beat on her 24-7 for Christ sake. I'd be willing to bet she's seen it often enough to know when he's going start shit.
At that point she should go to the laundry room(because you can bet he's never seen the inside of it)and grab her pistol.
Story over....
Actually, on reflection - maybe there is something to be salvaged from this thread. What if we changed the question (slightly) to "Should former wife abusers be armed?". That actually points to a general principle that is worth debating - should criminals lose rights permanently as a result of their acts. Or once they have paid the price (jail time, fine, rehab, etc...), should their rights be restored in full?

Should domestic abusers have the right to own a gun?


Will they still be able to buy one? there a gun show close by where they can get a gun without a background check?

Or steal it or buy it illegally from a private party, or just buy it from a government agent.
Actually, on reflection - maybe there is something to be salvaged from this thread. What if we changed the question (slightly) to "Should former wife abusers be armed?". That actually points to a general principle that is worth debating - should criminals lose rights permanently as a result of their acts. Or once they have paid the price (jail time, fine, rehab, etc...), should their rights be restored in full?

I would think that would depend on what you were convicted of in the first place.
Obviously if armed robbery and other violent crimes was your thing then no you shouldnt be allowed to own a firearm.
I could accept gun ownership by felons if it was a nonviolent crime,and after a period of say 5 years with no further trouble with the law he/she could petition the court for the return of that right.
If the abuser knew the woman had a gun wouldn't he be less likely to abuse?
Actually, on reflection - maybe there is something to be salvaged from this thread. What if we changed the question (slightly) to "Should former wife abusers be armed?". That actually points to a general principle that is worth debating - should criminals lose rights permanently as a result of their acts. Or once they have paid the price (jail time, fine, rehab, etc...), should their rights be restored in full?

I would think that would depend on what you were convicted of in the first place.
Obviously if armed robbery and other violent crimes was your thing then no you shouldnt be allowed to own a firearm.
I could accept gun ownership by felons if it was a nonviolent crime,and after a period of say 5 years with no further trouble with the law he/she could petition the court for the return of that right.

So, for some crimes, there's no end to 'paying your debt to society'? Which ones? This seems like a fairly slippery slope, to a world where we all have different rights based on our history.
Actually, on reflection - maybe there is something to be salvaged from this thread. What if we changed the question (slightly) to "Should former wife abusers be armed?". That actually points to a general principle that is worth debating - should criminals lose rights permanently as a result of their acts. Or once they have paid the price (jail time, fine, rehab, etc...), should their rights be restored in full?

I would think that would depend on what you were convicted of in the first place.
Obviously if armed robbery and other violent crimes was your thing then no you shouldnt be allowed to own a firearm.
I could accept gun ownership by felons if it was a nonviolent crime,and after a period of say 5 years with no further trouble with the law he/she could petition the court for the return of that right.

So, for some crimes, there's no end to 'paying your debt to society'? Which ones? This seems like a fairly slippery slope, to a world where we all have different rights based on our history.

Repeat drunk drivers loose their driving privileges. I would think repeat armed robbery would do the same to gun privileges.
Pretty simple really. If you are a violent offender you shouldnt have a gun.
If the abuser knew the woman had a gun wouldn't he be less likely to abuse?

Evidently not

In many of these cases there are guns in the household. In cases of women shooting men in domestic violence cases....the guy is usually shot with his own gun

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