Should wife abusers be armed?

So you're trying to tell me she couldnt find a place to hide a gun in her home? Thats laughable.
And as far as being readily available...obviously he doesnt beat beat on her 24-7 for Christ sake. I'd be willing to bet she's seen it often enough to know when he's going start shit.
At that point she should go to the laundry room(because you can bet he's never seen the inside of it)and grab her pistol.
Story over....

Would that the story was over then.

But in actuality, she'll probably go to prison, losing her kids in the process.

I understand you doubt that because it seems to obvviously unfair.

But yeah, that's pretty typically what happens to women who kill their tormentors.

Sucks doesn't it?

If she's all beat to shit when the cops show up she wont be doing any jail time,at least not where I live.

If she's "all beat to shit" she'd probably have not been able to kill her tormentor.

And here's a real problem, having a long recorded history of having been "all beat to shit" will NOT serve her defense well, if she managed to kill her torment BEFORE she got " all beat to shit" THIS TIME.

I understand why you don't get this, of course.

It is terribly diffuclt to believe that our courts are still THIS FUCKING STUPID.

But they are, and if you just look at the statistics of women currently in prison for killing their tormentors, you'd KNOW I'm right about this.
Quick question sportcheck................where's she gonna stash the weapon so that her abuser doesn't find it if she's STILL LIVING WITH HIM??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And................even if she does find a place to store the weapon, is it going to be readily available to her the next time she starts to be abused? Got news for you, as a person who lived with an abusive stepfather for 3 years from age 5 to 8, the abuser is going to know EXACTLY what the abusee is doing 24/7, because control is part of their game.

Might wanna try turning on your brain sometime.

So you're trying to tell me she couldnt find a place to hide a gun in her home? Thats laughable.
And as far as being readily available...obviously he doesnt beat beat on her 24-7 for Christ sake. I'd be willing to bet she's seen it often enough to know when he's going start shit.
At that point she should go to the laundry room(because you can bet he's never seen the inside of it)and grab her pistol.
Story over....

Never said she couldn't find a place to hide the weapon, I just told you that because of the paranoid nature of spouse abusers (and yeah............women do abuse men as well), they would eventually find the weapon.

As far as not being beat 24/7? You're right. never know what is gonna set off the abuser. It may be that the eggs are too runny, maybe it's because the shades let in too much sunlight, possibly even it is that the kids are being too loud (and yeah, those are examples out of my childhood). Since you never know when they will set off, how can you be sure you're going to be able to reach the weapon in time to stop the abuse (or even possible death)?

As far as the laundry room scenario, wanna hear something funny? My stepfather got drunk one night and stuffed me in the dryer, just because he thought it would be cool to watch.

Yeah..................right........................abusers never step into the laundry room.

Try again asshole........................

Your line of reasoning sucks. She's obviously still alive after multiple beatings. So he's obviously not trying to kill her. Although that could happen.
And considering she gets beat on a regular basis she'll have ample opportunities to blow his head off.
It's this simple. He beats her ass. Then he stops. She gets up and gets her piece and shoots his drunk ass in the head as he turns around from getting another beer out of the fridge.
She calls the cops. Cops show up to find her all beat to shit. And him with cut knuckles and a hole in his head.
She'll walk.

Sorry about the ride in the dryer. But there's a lot of people out there with stories.
You ain't special.

And if you're so weak as to call me out on my mythical hiding place I chose at random......
Thats some weak shit right there.
Like I said earlier, if the man has anger issues whether he has a gun or not isn't the issue. And if he is denied from ever owning a gun legally doesn't mean he won't find other means in getting one.

If the guy has anger issues to the point that he beats up women, he does not belong anywhere near firearms
Would that the story was over then.

But in actuality, she'll probably go to prison, losing her kids in the process.

I understand you doubt that because it seems to obvviously unfair.

But yeah, that's pretty typically what happens to women who kill their tormentors.

Sucks doesn't it?

If she's all beat to shit when the cops show up she wont be doing any jail time,at least not where I live.

If she's "all beat to shit" she'd probably have not been able to kill her tormentor.

And here's a real problem, having a long recorded history of having been "all beat to shit" will NOT serve her defense well, if she managed to kill her torment BEFORE she got " all beat to shit" THIS TIME.

I understand why you don't get this, of course.

It is terribly diffuclt to believe that our courts are still THIS FUCKING STUPID.

But they are, and if you just look at the statistics of women currently in prison for killing their tormentors, you'd KNOW I'm right about this.

If he is beating her to that point she's going to need medical attention. So obviously he's not or the hospital would have called the cops.
It's simple self defense. If she is truly getting the crap beat out of her.
And while there may be some women in prison who "said" they killed because the husband was abusive it appears that certain juries out there disagree with your assessment.

The abusive spouse defense gets used constantly by women who kill out of jealousy.
I believe there is a certain trial going on right now where it's being little effect.
So I believe your stats are skewed.
Like I said earlier, if the man has anger issues whether he has a gun or not isn't the issue. And if he is denied from ever owning a gun legally doesn't mean he won't find other means in getting one.

If the guy has anger issues to the point that he beats up women, he does not belong anywhere near firearms

Even if he couldn't purchase a gun legally, what makes you think he wouldn't find other means in getting his hands on one? Or better yet grabs a knife? Does that mean we should stop selling knives too? Or have background checks if you need to purchase one?

So if "society" were able to keep an abuser from having access to get a gun, does that solve the problem? Does that mean he thinks to himself, "Well I guess I can't kill her now?" :cuckoo:
Like I said earlier, if the man has anger issues whether he has a gun or not isn't the issue. And if he is denied from ever owning a gun legally doesn't mean he won't find other means in getting one.

If the guy has anger issues to the point that he beats up women, he does not belong anywhere near firearms

Even if he couldn't purchase a gun legally, what makes you think he wouldn't find other means in getting his hands on one? Or better yet grabs a knife? Does that mean we should stop selling knives too? Or have background checks if you need to purchase one?

So if "society" were able to keep an abuser from having access to get a gun, does that solve the problem? Does that mean he thinks to himself, "Well I guess I can't kill her now?" :cuckoo:

If the wife beater follows the law and and doesn't have a gun at his disposal when he has one of his little "temper tantrums" his wife has a better chance of survival

Your assumption that he will reach for a knife is not supported by any data. Other nations without open access to guns do not have the number of domestic violence murders that we do

If a wife beater loses his favorite toy because he can't control himself, I will not lose any sleep

Anyone with a history of spousal abuse should not be allowed to own a gun, male or female. I can only imagine what the abused person must think if the person who has abused them owns a gun. Terrified? I would be.
Like I said earlier, a wife abuser should be in jail. But what we seem to be talking about is former wife abusers. Stripping someone's rights permanently should be reserved for the most dangerous offenses or the most extreme recidivism.
Richard Henry Lee said:
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

To make sure we keep those that would enslave on the actual topic here...
Like I said earlier, a wife abuser should be in jail. But what we seem to be talking about is former wife abusers. Stripping someone's rights permanently should be reserved for the most dangerous offenses or the most extreme recidivism.

There is strong recidivism in wife beaters.

If you can't control your temper, you don't deserve a gun
There is no way to keep an abuser from having a weapon that could be used to kill a wife. To the abuser, everything is a weapon.

Nothing is going to stop an abuser from arming himself to kill his wife. The burden is on the wife to get out.
There is no way to keep an abuser from having a weapon that could be used to kill a wife. To the abuser, everything is a weapon.

Nothing is going to stop an abuser from arming himself to kill his wife. The burden is on the wife to get out.

If you can't control yourself and like to beat women......why should we make your life easier and give you a gun?

That gun makes it harder for the wife to get out. He can shoot the bitch and not even be near her
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There is no way to keep an abuser from having a weapon that could be used to kill a wife. To the abuser, everything is a weapon.

Nothing is going to stop an abuser from arming himself to kill his wife. The burden is on the wife to get out.

If you can't control yourself and like to beat women......why should we make your life easier and give you a gun?

That gun makes it harder for the wife to get out. He can shoot the bitch and not even be near her

So don't let them have a gun. It isn't going to affect domestic violence rates. Abusers preference isn't to use a gun. That's an end to the violence. Most of the time when an abuser shoots his wife, it's because he's on drugs and loses control. Spousal abuse is one of those crimes that's up close and personal. Like rape. Rapists weapon of choice is a knife, not a gun. That's why guns are so effective for preventing rape. Or, the woman gets a gun and then says something really stupid like "stop hitting me or I'll shoot you" and they struggle over her gun.

Prohibiting guns in homes makes some common sense. The most common use of a gun where spousal abuse exists, is when the abused spouse turns the gun on the police when they come to arrest the abuser. Spousal abuse in a mental illness that afflicts BOTH parties. The circumstances should prohibit the possession of a gun, not from the parties who should retain that right when the circumstance no longer exist.

A gun is serious business. Spousal abuse is not. A gun is not open to interpretation, spousal abuse is.

I am OPPOSED to ANY misdemeanor charge removing the right to own weapons. If they are a threat charge them with a felony.
There is no way to keep an abuser from having a weapon that could be used to kill a wife. To the abuser, everything is a weapon.

Nothing is going to stop an abuser from arming himself to kill his wife. The burden is on the wife to get out.

If you can't control yourself and like to beat women......why should we make your life easier and give you a gun?

That gun makes it harder for the wife to get out. He can shoot the bitch and not even be near her

So don't let them have a gun. It isn't going to affect domestic violence rates. Abusers preference isn't to use a gun. That's an end to the violence. Most of the time when an abuser shoots his wife, it's because he's on drugs and loses control. Spousal abuse is one of those crimes that's up close and personal. Like rape. Rapists weapon of choice is a knife, not a gun. That's why guns are so effective for preventing rape. Or, the woman gets a gun and then says something really stupid like "stop hitting me or I'll shoot you" and they struggle over her gun.

Prohibiting guns in homes makes some common sense. The most common use of a gun where spousal abuse exists, is when the abused spouse turns the gun on the police when they come to arrest the abuser. Spousal abuse in a mental illness that afflicts BOTH parties. The circumstances should prohibit the possession of a gun, not from the parties who should retain that right when the circumstance no longer exist.

A gun is serious business. Spousal abuse is not. A gun is not open to interpretation, spousal abuse is.

OMG A gun is serious, yes. But so is spousal abuse. What kind of human being says spousal abuse is not serious business? Wow. You're really sad.....sad, sad, sad.

And, though someone who submits to spousal abuse has mental or emotional problems, spousal abuse is down to the abuser, totally. Do not blame the victim. Do not do it. Again, doing that makes you very, very sad.....very sad.

If she's all beat to shit when the cops show up she wont be doing any jail time,at least not where I live.

If she's "all beat to shit" she'd probably have not been able to kill her tormentor.

And here's a real problem, having a long recorded history of having been "all beat to shit" will NOT serve her defense well, if she managed to kill her torment BEFORE she got " all beat to shit" THIS TIME.

I understand why you don't get this, of course.

It is terribly diffuclt to believe that our courts are still THIS FUCKING STUPID.

But they are, and if you just look at the statistics of women currently in prison for killing their tormentors, you'd KNOW I'm right about this.

If he is beating her to that point she's going to need medical attention. So obviously he's not or the hospital would have called the cops.
It's simple self defense. If she is truly getting the crap beat out of her.
And while there may be some women in prison who "said" they killed because the husband was abusive it appears that certain juries out there disagree with your assessment.

The abusive spouse defense gets used constantly by women who kill out of jealousy.
I believe there is a certain trial going on right now where it's being little effect.
So I believe your stats are skewed.

I was beaten by my father to the point of needing medical attention many times. Concussions, broken ribs, bloody urine, etc, etc, etc. I never actually GOT it, but I was well past the point I needed it.

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