Should women be forced to birth deformed babies who will only live a short time ?

Baby butchery?? Are you freaking serious?
You are here day in and day out screaming about big government and how you hate government overreach. but you seem fine in the government telling a women what she can and can't do with her body.
Horrid analogy. Basic human rights is not "big government", it's the very foundation of our government.
There are many deformities that would cause the child to die in agony hours after birth. Being born without a bladder, Anencephanly, which is being born without a brain or only a partial one, being born without a stomach, or like Timmy said, being born with the insides on the outside. All of these are fatal and the baby will die hours after birth, and some in excruciating pain. Why would any woman want to put her child through that when knowing it will die anyway, can give it a peaceful and pain free death? And some of the worst deformities aren't detected until well into the pregnancy, Despite the "expert" opinions of some here. No woman at 6 months into her pregnancy all of a sudden says.....gee, I knew there was something I forgot to do....get an abortion!
Abortion will always be legal, baby butchery is too profitable and people like to hide their fuck ups.
Baby butchery?? Are you freaking serious?
You are here day in and day out screaming about big government and how you hate government overreach. but you seem fine in the government telling a women what she can and can't do with her body.
And once again, for the pregnant woman doesn't all of a sudden decide at 6 or 7 months that she wants to have an abortion. She is carrying a very much wanted child and then finds out that child has serious issues that will cause it agony and death only hours after it is born. She has to make one of the most agonizing decisions of her life...allow this child to die in peace or be born and die in agony. Not that i would expect you to understand.
People like you are always looking for the easy way out
Easy way out you moron??? Did you even read what I said? Probably not as all you would do is allow the child to die in agony. The child is going to DIE and possibly take the mother with it. That seems to be fine by you Tonto!
A woman should NEVER be forced to carry a pregnancy or give birth, but we are firmly on the road to fascism now.

We women must worship our "betters," like graham and jeffress and focus on the family, as they are wiser than we are and must rule between our legs and in all hospitals and doctors' offfices.

We live in an era when some business owner, manufacturing employee, auto mechanic, plumber is allowed to overrule women, ob/gyns, and neonatologists.

Uneducated trash is being allowed to rule the day.

Who do we call among them, when the woman did not want this to happen, to come take these babies away? Are they there? Will they assume responsibility since they know so much? Will they arrive at the hosipital with the required equipment? I still have a form from the hospital I was born in listing what my parents must furnish in order for the hospital to release me to their custody.

How can treatment of such a newborn be put on their bills? They must be able to assume the bill. I'm still wondering how the anti-vax parents will pay the nearly one million dollar bill for saving their son's life.
A woman should NEVER be forced to carry a pregnancy or give birth, but we are firmly on the road to fascism now.

We women must worship our "betters," like graham and jeffress and focus on the family, as they are wiser than we are and must rule between our legs and in all hospitals and doctors' offfices..

1. Any individual who is not willing to become a parent should not be engaging in sexual acts which can cause pregnancy. You should get the CHOICE to have sex or the CHOICE to terminate the pregnancy. Never both.

2. Men and women both have their proper roles/places in Society. They are not the SAME roles/places but they are both vital to the survival and propriety of Society.
Baby butchery?? Are you freaking serious?
You are here day in and day out screaming about big government and how you hate government overreach. but you seem fine in the government telling a women what she can and can't do with her body.
Horrid analogy. Basic human rights is not "big government", it's the very foundation of our government.
Yeah, basic rights for men but not for women,huh? Not the right for her and her doctor to decide on a medical procedure because some men who don't even know her wants to control her choices? Want her to stay pregnant after it's discovered that her baby, who was very much wanted, would die an agonizing death after birth, or that she would die carrying it any further?
how would you feel if the government had a say in any of your medical decisions?
A woman should NEVER be forced to carry a pregnancy or give birth, but we are firmly on the road to fascism now.

We women must worship our "betters," like graham and jeffress and focus on the family, as they are wiser than we are and must rule between our legs and in all hospitals and doctors' offfices..

1. Any individual who is not willing to become a parent should not be engaging in sexual acts which can cause pregnancy. You should get the CHOICE to have sex or the CHOICE to terminate the pregnancy. Never both.

2. Men and women both have their proper roles/places in Society. They are not the SAME roles/places but they are both vital to the survival and propriety of Society.
Yeah, tell that to the women and girls who are raped, or given date rape drugs.
And I know from your history that you think a woman's "role" is to obey her husband or father or whatever other piece of abusive filth is in her life because she is a woman and as such, a second class person.
Yeah, basic rights for men but not for women,huh? Not the right for her and her doctor to decide on a medical procedure because some men who don't even know her wants to control her choices? Want her to stay pregnant after it's discovered that her baby, who was very much wanted, would die an agonizing death after birth, or that she would die carrying it any further? how would you feel if the government had a say in any of your medical decisions?

I don’t believe in Rights for ANYONE, Male or female. I believe in Privileges, issued to those who have proven their ability to live properly. So, in fact, I want everyone’s choices severely limited.

As one of those deformed children who might have died in infancy, I wonder how many children wh might have gone on to cure Cancer or unlock the secret of unlimited energy we’ve aborted.

Are you in favor of the ACA or any form of Government controlled medical service (including Medicare)? Because those are forms of Government controlling people’s medical choices.
Yeah, tell that to the women and girls who are raped, or given date rape drugs.

And I know from your history that you think a woman's "role" is to obey her husband or father or whatever other piece of abusive filth is in her life because she is a woman and as such, a second class person.

1. I’m the husband of a rape survivor. Long before I met her I believed that Rape was one of two situations where abortion is acceptable. As I said above you either get to CHOOSE to have sex or CHOOSE to abort, not both. Of course I also believe thst to claim a rape abortion, the crime must be reported to Police.

2. The role of a woman is to support and assist her Husband and to be the homemaker in the family. The Role of Men is to provide for the family, be the head of household and the disciplinarian. Two sides of the same coin; neither more or less valuable as neither has a value without the other.
and should the doctors be forced to pointlessly try and save these babies or risk jail time ?

Cause this is the reality of these “infant protection “ laws the anti choice crowd is trying to get passed .

This is the reality of late term abortion.

The best you dirtbags can do is a juvenile 'Motte and Bailey' fallacy??

dimocraps are some seriously juvenile scumbags.

Motte and bailey - RationalWiki

And stupid
It appears that many of those arguing "pro-choice" haven't deduced the cause of pregnancy, or the fact that it can be prevented in many cases by making other choices. I could give you some links if necessary.
1. I’m the husband of a rape survivor. Long before I met her I believed that Rape was one of two situations where abortion is acceptable. As I said above you either get to CHOOSE to have sex or CHOOSE to abort, not both. Of course I also believe thst to claim a rape abortion, the crime must be reported to Police.

2. The role of a woman is to support and assist her Husband and to be the homemaker in the family. The Role of Men is to provide for the family, be the head of household and the disciplinarian. Two sides of the same coin; neither more or less valuable as neither has a value without the other.

Respectfully, you left one out.

"To defend, to the death if necessary, the family unit"
Yeah, basic rights for men but not for women,huh? Not the right for her and her doctor to decide on a medical procedure because some men who don't even know her wants to control her choices? Want her to stay pregnant after it's discovered that her baby, who was very much wanted, would die an agonizing death after birth, or that she would die carrying it any further? how would you feel if the government had a say in any of your medical decisions?

I don’t believe in Rights for ANYONE, Male or female. I believe in Privileges, issued to those who have proven their ability to live properly. So, in fact, I want everyone’s choices severely limited.

As one of those deformed children who might have died in infancy, I wonder how many children wh might have gone on to cure Cancer or unlock the secret of unlimited energy we’ve aborted.

Are you in favor of the ACA or any form of Government controlled medical service (including Medicare)? Because those are forms of Government controlling people’s medical choices.
Your problem isn't your deformity on the outside, it's your deformity on the inside. There are millions who have severe physical deformities who are kind, loving people and as a result, their deformities are overlooked. Not you though, you embrace yours and use it as an excuse to be hatred and disgusting. And properly? You admit yourself that your favorite emotion is hate. That is NOT a proper life, no matter how much you lie to yourself.
I am on Medicare and have benefited from it for years. I paid into it my entire working life and am now reaping the benefits of it. Oh, and here a's not free. It costs a certain amount every month. I have a supplemental insurance that covers some procedures better, but they still take the Medicare amount out of my SS. And why wouldn't I be for the ACA? It provides medical coverage to many who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it. You would be paying for them when they go to the ER and couldn't cover the cost and it is passed onto the tax payers.
Face it, you're a miserable person and want everyone around you and here to be as miserable as you are.
There are many deformities that would cause the child to die in agony hours after birth. Being born without a bladder, Anencephanly, which is being born without a brain or only a partial one, being born without a stomach, or like Timmy said, being born with the insides on the outside. All of these are fatal and the baby will die hours after birth, and some in excruciating pain. Why would any woman want to put her child through that when knowing it will die anyway, can give it a peaceful and pain free death? And some of the worst deformities aren't detected until well into the pregnancy, Despite the "expert" opinions of some here. No woman at 6 months into her pregnancy all of a sudden says.....gee, I knew there was something I forgot to do....get an abortion!
Abortion will always be legal, baby butchery is too profitable and people like to hide their fuck ups.
Baby butchery?? Are you freaking serious?
You are here day in and day out screaming about big government and how you hate government overreach. but you seem fine in the government telling a women what she can and can't do with her body.
And once again, for the pregnant woman doesn't all of a sudden decide at 6 or 7 months that she wants to have an abortion. She is carrying a very much wanted child and then finds out that child has serious issues that will cause it agony and death only hours after it is born. She has to make one of the most agonizing decisions of her life...allow this child to die in peace or be born and die in agony. Not that i would expect you to understand.
What makes a woman carry a child for nine months, give birth to a perfectly healthy child, then wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash?
and should the doctors be forced to pointlessly try and save these babies or risk jail time ?

Cause this is the reality of these “infant protection “ laws the anti choice crowd is trying to get passed .

This is the reality of late term abortion.
If the child is going to be deformed, it is known long before the 3rd trimester.

This bullshit argument needs to be aborted.

The question still stands. Why won’t u answr it?
The question is a bullshit strawman, undeserving of any serious consideration.

The likelihood of a mother carrying a child so deformed that it won't live long full term, are so negligible as to be non-existent.

Wrong . Who do you think is getting late term abortions ?

Cons have this delusional fantasy that hormonal super preggy woman get into arguments wh their husband and run off to the 24 hr abortion factory in a fit a rage .

That's just asinine. Or maybe par for the course.
Easy way out you moron??? Did you even read what I said? Probably not as all you would do is allow the child to die in agony. The child is going to DIE and possibly take the mother with it. That seems to be fine by you Tonto!
And how much agony does the child endure as it's being chopped up in pieces? That seems to be fine with you.
Your problem isn't your deformity on the outside, it's your deformity on the inside. There are millions who have severe physical deformities who are kind, loving people and as a result, their deformities are overlooked. Not you though, you embrace yours and use it as an excuse to be hatred and disgusting. And properly? You admit yourself that your favorite emotion is hate. That is NOT a proper life, no matter how much you lie to yourself.

I am on Medicare and have benefited from it for years. I paid into it my entire working life and am now reaping the benefits of it. Oh, and here a's not free. It costs a certain amount every month. I have a supplemental insurance that covers some procedures better, but they still take the Medicare amount out of my SS. And why wouldn't I be for the ACA? It provides medical coverage to many who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it. You would be paying for them when they go to the ER and couldn't cover the cost and it is passed onto the tax payers.

Face it, you're a miserable person and want everyone around you and here to be as miserable as you are.

1. My problem is, and always has been, the world I am forced to live in. I don’t foresee thst changing any time soon. I embrace the fact that I am different than the rest of you on pretty much every level possible and I simply learned to return to the world the same hatred and loathing the world has shown me. I don’t hide who and what I am. That scares a lot of people.

2. Incapable or unwilling to fend for yourself. I decry anyone who takes Medicare coverage. I’ve already informed them that I won’t be and we got my wife off hers as soon as we got married. The ACA has been a horror show for my company provided gealth insurance. I pay more and get less now thanks to thst awful legislation. Health care is a PRIVILEGE, not a Right. Hopefully it will stay that way at least until the end of my life.

3. Misery, or st least something close to it, is the proper station of mankind. Especially in a Society like this one where Morals and Values no longer exist. In a proper Society it would be more of a nonexistence of emotion rather than misery, but most of you would suggest they’re the same thing.
There are many deformities that would cause the child to die in agony hours after birth. Being born without a bladder, Anencephanly, which is being born without a brain or only a partial one, being born without a stomach, or like Timmy said, being born with the insides on the outside. All of these are fatal and the baby will die hours after birth, and some in excruciating pain. Why would any woman want to put her child through that when knowing it will die anyway, can give it a peaceful and pain free death? And some of the worst deformities aren't detected until well into the pregnancy, Despite the "expert" opinions of some here. No woman at 6 months into her pregnancy all of a sudden says.....gee, I knew there was something I forgot to do....get an abortion!
Abortion will always be legal, baby butchery is too profitable and people like to hide their fuck ups.
Baby butchery?? Are you freaking serious?
You are here day in and day out screaming about big government and how you hate government overreach. but you seem fine in the government telling a women what she can and can't do with her body.
And once again, for the pregnant woman doesn't all of a sudden decide at 6 or 7 months that she wants to have an abortion. She is carrying a very much wanted child and then finds out that child has serious issues that will cause it agony and death only hours after it is born. She has to make one of the most agonizing decisions of her life...allow this child to die in peace or be born and die in agony. Not that i would expect you to understand.
What makes a woman carry a child for nine months, give birth to a perfectly healthy child, then wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash?
How many women have done that? A few maybe? Those are sick, twisted people regardless of their sex and you can't use them as an example of women in general. Women who are forced to carry their pregnancy to term are more than willing to give them up for adoption. And for those men out there who think it's their duty to tell us what we can and can't do with our bodies, what is your take on the men who gets us pregnant and then runs away from their responsibility?
True story: When I was in my late teens, a girl I knew got pregnant and her boyfriend of about 3 years was the father. She had to take him to court for child support and the asshole had a few of his friends show up and swear that they had also had sex with her too. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, the judge listened to all of their testimonies and when they were through, he came down with this verdict.....he told ALL of them they would be paying child support for the next 18 years, and BANG went the gavel!! Well, you never saw so many walk backs in your life and they all said they were lying and only did it as a favor to their friend. the judge reminded they swore under oath and that what they were saying would get them into even more hot water, so they had better shut the F up, and his decision was final. This was back in the mid 60's. That judge was wise beyond the times and knew bullshit from a mile away. He made an example out of those asses and as far as I know, no one else ever did that again. It was glorious!
Easy way out you moron??? Did you even read what I said? Probably not as all you would do is allow the child to die in agony. The child is going to DIE and possibly take the mother with it. That seems to be fine by you Tonto!
And how much agony does the child endure as it's being chopped up in pieces? That seems to be fine with you.
You've bought into that false propaganda that's been proven to be a lie I see.

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