Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Except Trump wasn't asking for a recount, Trump was in your observation, telling Rafzenberger to find 11,780 votes. A command to the Secretary of State as you pointed out, was an order by Trump.
“Find” doesn’t mean illegitimate votes. Gore also was hoping to “find” more votes. Trump meant finding ballots that were “cured” for Biden when signatures didn’t match, were difficult to interpret, or so forth.
“Find” doesn’t mean illegitimate votes. Gore also was hoping to “find” more votes. Trump meant finding ballots that were “cured” for Biden when signatures didn’t match, were difficult to interpret, or so forth.

But there wasn't another 11,780 votes out there. So the only way Raffensperger could "find" them would have been to "find" 11,780 votes illegally. Which is one of the charges against Trump. Asking an elected official to break the law. Seems Trump is guilty as charged.
“Find” doesn’t mean illegitimate votes. Gore also was hoping to “find” more votes. Trump meant finding ballots that were “cured” for Biden when signatures didn’t match, were difficult to interpret, or so forth.
Fake electors = fraud

Dumb Dumb
But there wasn't another 11,780 votes out there. So the only way Raffensperger could "find" them would have been to "find" 11,780 votes illegally. Which is one of the charges against Trump. Asking an elected official to break the law. Seems Trump is guilty as charged.
Trump told Raffen-whatevah to do it "ILLEGALLY"? How are such things done?
Trump told Raffen-whatevah to do it "ILLEGALLY"? How are such things done?
The hypocrisy with these libtards is so blatant! They keep saying “Kamala didn’t say to riot”! Well, then the same standard applies to Trump: he didn’t tell whoever to do anything illegal, either.
Finding votes to overturn an election is not illegal.
It is if he doesn’t go through legal processes.

A candidate calling up the Sec of State and telling him to do it isn’t the legal process. It’s corrupt.
Georgia had already had 3 separate recounts, Trump lost. The SOS had told him that, many times.

THE GEORGIA VOTE COUNT HAD ALREADY BEEN CERTIFIED, with Biden as the winner, when Trump told the S.O.S. to Recalculate and find 11780 votes, one more than Trump had, to beat Biden by one vote.

All recounts requested by Trump were completed, all court cases by Trump on their count and fraud were defeated in courts of Law, the election contested options of Trump's were all used up, he still lost, the election in Ga was certified before Trump's illegal call to find votes for Trump.

Ok, so you can accuse him of beating a dead horse. Again, not illegal. Trump was desperately trying to win. That still doesn’t mean he asked raffensperger to do anything illegal. He didn’t ask him to fabricate votes, or forge anything.

He just didn’t accept the loss.
Of COURSE they blamed the video!
"First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired."

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now." Is what she said on Meet the Press a few days later.

Best to wait on the Harris issue. Should liberal idiots actually prohibit Trump from running over their false interpretations of the Constitution, and should Biden be forced to resign, either for his abject corruption, utter incompetence, or poor health, Harris could be deemed unable to hold office. The House need only pass a resolution declaring the Summer of Love as an insurrection, and Harris' aid and comfort provided to insurrectionists would immediately disqualify her from holding office, giving the presidency to McCarthy.
Best to wait on the Harris issue. Should liberal idiots actually prohibit Trump from running over their false interpretations of the Constitution, and should Biden be forced to resign, either for his abject corruption, utter incompetence, or poor health, Harris could be deemed unable to hold office. The House need only pass a resolution declaring the Summer of Love as an insurrection, and Harris' aid and comfort provided to insurrectionists would immediately disqualify her from holding office, giving the presidency to McCarthy.
True! She aided and abetted the enemy when the TRUE insurrectionists took over our cities. Hello, President McCarthy.
True! She aided and abetted the enemy when the TRUE insurrectionists took over our cities. Hello, President McCarthy.
the Lotus blossom (yup---believe it or not---that jerkess is named in sanskrit --
LOTUS BLOSSOM ---I think----don't quote me) is the victim of an
activist mother back there in MYSORE. The little flower was introduced to
60s style stupidity as a child and she never managed to get over it. I hope SHIVA
and one of his four wives----KALI----saves us from THE IDIOT LITTLE FLOWER
Did that happen?
Did anyone ask for that to happen?
Did anyone agree they would make that happen?
The RICO charges allege that it did happen.

And those laws were directly created to cover for mob bosses that do not say outright that they want to break the law but talk around it. And that is why there are so many others charged, they are trying to establish that there was a criminal enterprise that was set up with these people in order to illgally change the election.

You might not think that they have the goods here but to be quite frank, it does not look good. There are a shit ton of 'coincidences' and a lot of other talk that shows intent.
Camel Toe Harris needs to clean out her Starkist vagina before she heads off to prison, as to not freak out the other prisoners. :drills:
Ok, so you can accuse him of beating a dead horse. Again, not illegal. Trump was desperately trying to win. That still doesn’t mean he asked raffensperger to do anything illegal. He didn’t ask him to fabricate votes, or forge anything.

He just didn’t accept the loss.

He threatened Raffensperger with committing a crime if he didn't publicly report there was fraud that would flip the election.
The RICO charges allege that it did happen.

And those laws were directly created to cover for mob bosses that do not say outright that they want to break the law but talk around it. And that is why there are so many others charged, they are trying to establish that there was a criminal enterprise that was set up with these people in order to illgally change the election.

You might not think that they have the goods here but to be quite frank, it does not look good. There are a shit ton of 'coincidences' and a lot of other talk that shows intent.

The Qult will never accept that.

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