Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

You guys are all about Da Blacks getting uppity.
your disrespect for our law enforcement institutions is a disgrace, Super Dupe. Try reality.
Your ignorance and turning the other way from the dishonesty and lawlessness of Democrats is a disgrace. Maybe you should open your eyes and pull your head out of your ass. Not necessarily in that order.
Your ignorance and turning the other way from the dishonesty and lawlessness of Democrats is a disgrace. Maybe you should open your eyes and pull your head out of your ass. Not necessarily in that order.
If your scumbag lying heroes had evidence that would stand up in court, they would take it to court. Just totally full of it. this is The United States of America not Russia dingbat
If your scumbag lying heroes had evidence that would stand up in court, they would take it to court. Just totally full of it. this is The United States of America not Russia dingbat
You are a disgrace, which of these hoaxes do you still believe? Dishonest Democrat.
Wait…did the tweet come before or after the phone call? Seems it came before…so maybe trump read that and thought that inaction could lead raffensperger to legal trouble.

I mean, there’s no indication, other than those on the left want it to be, that trump was implying he was going to try and put him in jail.

Look, I can see the strong arm tactic, I’m not disagreeing there, but it’s circumstantial evidence because trump never actuallly issued a threat. It’s innuendo at best, you’d have to know what trump was thinking to make something like that stick.

You can’t prosecute someone based on feelings and hunches. As the saying goes “it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove”. Raffensperger can say “it was a threat” and trump can say “no, I was just trying to inform him that he could be opening himself up to legal problems, as a courtesy, but I wasn’t implying any kind of action on my part”

What do you do with that?

The tweet came before Trump's "perfect" call on 1/2, but after other communication.

A president, who's responsible for ensuring laws be faithfully executed, telling someone they're committing a crime, is threatening them with jail. You have to twist yourself into a pretzel to deny that.
You’re trying to “construe” what trump said to make it a threat, he never actually made a threat but you say that his inference is the threat. Ok, I’ll buy that, but that means bidens inference is also a threat. Again, if you say something is a threat to the country, what is the natural inference? The threat must be eliminated.


Telling someone they're going to jail for not doing what they want done, is a threat when it comes from someone with the ability to have you put in jail.
And trump simply was informing raffensperger that his actions could cause him legal issues. We can do this all day.

Also, Biden wasn’t talking about 70% if anything. He said “maga extremism” (every Republican according to the left) is a threat to the country. It’s in video, for perpetuity.


By "legal actions," you mean saying he's going to jail for not publicly announcing there was election fraud in Georgia.
You are a disgrace, which of these hoaxes do you still believe? Dishonest Democrat.View attachment 822708
I saw Trump tell the Russians in a speech to go ahead and hack Hillary and three hours later they started hacking Hillary, and those were the emails that won the election for Trump even though they meant absolutely nothing.... The Russians sure as hell didn't want any help from the can't shoot straight gang...
I saw Trump tell the Russians in a speech to go ahead and hack Hillary and three hours later they started hacking Hillary, and those were the emails that won the election for Trump even though they meant absolutely nothing.... The Russians sure as hell didn't want any help from the can't shoot straight gang...
You are disgrace. you have believed lies for years and are responsible for the downgrade of the United States.
The dossier has neither been proven or disproven, sounds just like the Orange Clown Mussolini wannabe to me...

So there you have it.

Russiagate, the collective delusion that Donald Trump was secretly a Russian agent aided and abetted by the Kremlin, the topic of uncountable inches of Washington Post and New York Times copy and the entire primetime lineup of MSNBC, was a dirty trick by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Not just part of it. All of it. One of the most diabolical, successful misinformation campaigns ever concocted.

We already knew that the Steele dossier was garbage. Christopher Steele was paid indirectly by the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt, which he did by turning to other Clinton operatives, laundering every outlandish rumor about Trump he could find into an “investigative” document.

He shopped it to the FBI, which couldn’t verify his sources or any of his stories, but the agency dragged out the investigation to cast maximum suspicion on the new president. In the meantime, Steele found willing accomplices in the media to push his propaganda. The dupes at BuzzFeed even decided to print the whole pack of lies, with the flimsy rationale of “Well, why not?”

You are disgrace. you have believed lies for years and are responsible for the downgrade of the United States.
So let's see some links from respectable news outlets that agree with the election steel and the vaccine hoax and the global warming hoax. Rupert Murdoch is a total trouble making scumbag who has been thrown out of Australia and the UK and we are praying for the scumbag to die. And your Internet conspiracy nuts are even worse for crying out loud LOL. You hater dupes have the deepest disrespect for all our public servants and institutions like the FBI and courtrooms, because e-mails arghhh. Change the damn channel you're total chumps and an unamerican functional shyttehead.. Change the damn channel, you're totally misinformed uninformed and an unamerican functional loon....
You are disgrace. you have believed lies for years and are responsible for the downgrade of the United States.
everyone in the world believes the GOP base are absolutely insane ignoramuses. Keep up the good work, we need a Democratic landslide and reform after 40 years of GOP screw job Of everyone but the rich and big oil pharma health Etcetera Etcetera, dunce.
So let's see some links from respectable news outlets that agree with the election steel and the vaccine hoax and the global warming hoax. Rupert Murdoch is a total trouble making scumbag who has been thrown out of Australia and the UK and we are praying for the scumbag to die. And your Internet conspiracy nuts are even worse for crying out loud LOL. You hater dupes have the deepest disrespect for all our public servants and institutions like the FBI and courtrooms, because e-mails arghhh. Change the damn channel you're total chumps and an unamerican functional shyttehead.. Change the damn channel, you're totally misinformed uninformed and an unamerican functional loon....
Actually we just have a deep disrespect for idiots like you who believe all the crap that you were shoveled from the Democrats and the mainstream media.. you are so gullible and disrespectful, you deserve what you're going to get from the communist running the show.
everyone in the world believes the GOP base are absolutely insane ignoramuses. Keep up the good work, we need a Democratic landslide and reform after 40 years of GOP screw job Of everyone but the rich and big oil pharma health Etcetera Etcetera, dunce.
I hope you're enjoying bidenomics dunce. You are getting what you deserve LOL
So which riot did VP Harris supposedly 'incite', with which words?

Please be specific. There's no such thing as 'general incitement'.
The sad thing is those of us who were smart enough to not vote for Biden and the liberal lunacy have to suffer too.

And what specific riot was incited by what specific statements by VP Harris?

Are you familiar with the 'imminent lawless action' standard of 1st amendment protections? If no, you should be.

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