Shouldn't the GOP be genuinely worried about 2012?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.
Geeeez, give me a break. I waiting for the debates between Obama and whoever wins the nomination from the repubicans.
I think both parties should be worried next year. Obama isn't even close to having this country running on 8 cylinders....not even 6 cylinders. I don't think he's up to the task of turning this country around with his policies.
In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.

9% unemployment.....buh-bye Obama.
No it's a lock. Go with either Cain/Gingrich or Cain/Perry. Strong teams there.
I think the GOP wins the Presidency, loses the House, wins the Senate.

Anti incumbancy is the plague that's spreading, and each time swooping victories happen and "teams" try to claim Victory, it rings hollow in middle America where all the REAL mo-fuggin barbecues happen. B'yotches.
There are some factors on the horizon that have not developed yet. The OWS protesters intend to make this election about the banking/investment industry, they will be a presence at every tea party republican rally next year, bound to be police beatings galore, not good for people already struggling to appear as if they give a damn about regular people, plus they will be forced to publicly side with the big banks.

The primaries are going to be a bitter exercise in party disunity, the candidates are going to sully each other's names to the point that none of them are likely to look good by Nov.

The incredible onslaught of smear ads against Obama will make this the most negative presidential race in history, people are getting sick of apocalyptic warnings of socialist takeovers already.

Finally a word to the conservative base, quit thinking the swing voters feel the same as you, you are now so far from the center that even they look like commies to you. Fringe politics will be terribly out of fashion by next November, do not be surprised when your tired old culture wars social issues lose traction.
I'm so glad the demonRats have tied their asses to the cows.. it's just perfect.
There are some factors on the horizon that have not developed yet. The OWS protesters intend to make this election about the banking/investment industry, they will be a presence at every tea party republican rally next year, bound to be police beatings galore, not good for people already struggling to appear as if they give a damn about regular people, plus they will be forced to publicly side with the big banks.

The primaries are going to be a bitter exercise in party disunity, the candidates are going to sully each other's names to the point that none of them are likely to look good by Nov.

The incredible onslaught of smear ads against Obama will make this the most negative presidential race in history, people are getting sick of apocalyptic warnings of socialist takeovers already.

Finally a word to the conservative base, quit thinking the swing voters feel the same as you, you are now so far from the center that even they look like commies to you. Fringe politics will be terribly out of fashion by next November, do not be surprised when your tired old culture wars social issues lose traction.

Fringe politics loses both ways.

I like this post, except Democrats say that Repubs wanna kill grandma and shit sometimes, you gotta hand them that "L" (as in loss).

Other than that, spot on my bretheren.

The basic premise of the OP is that only Romney could possibly defeat President Obama.

Utterly comical.

Such undiluted bullshit. :lol:

President Obama couldn't win re-election even if the GOP picked an imbecile like TDM to run against him.

Billy Nothing's post is a nominee for dumbass laugh of the day!

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There are some factors on the horizon that have not developed yet. The OWS protesters intend to make this election about the banking/investment industry, they will be a presence at every tea party republican rally next year, bound to be police beatings galore, not good for people already struggling to appear as if they give a damn about regular people, plus they will be forced to publicly side with the big banks.

The primaries are going to be a bitter exercise in party disunity, the candidates are going to sully each other's names to the point that none of them are likely to look good by Nov.

The incredible onslaught of smear ads against Obama will make this the most negative presidential race in history, people are getting sick of apocalyptic warnings of socialist takeovers already.

Finally a word to the conservative base, quit thinking the swing voters feel the same as you, you are now so far from the center that even they look like commies to you. Fringe politics will be terribly out of fashion by next November, do not be surprised when your tired old culture wars social issues lose traction.

Oh brother, :rolleyes:
No matter who runs for the Republicans, Obama will run the nastiest, most negative campaign in the history of politics
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I'm so glad the demonRats have tied their asses to the cows.. it's just perfect.

Itwould be almost as bad a move as the GOP tying themselves to....................YOU! :eek:

In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

There are some factors on the horizon that have not developed yet. The OWS protesters intend to make this election about the banking/investment industry, they will be a presence at every tea party republican rally next year, bound to be police beatings galore, not good for people already struggling to appear as if they give a damn about regular people, plus they will be forced to publicly side with the big banks.

The primaries are going to be a bitter exercise in party disunity, the candidates are going to sully each other's names to the point that none of them are likely to look good by Nov.

The incredible onslaught of smear ads against Obama will make this the most negative presidential race in history, people are getting sick of apocalyptic warnings of socialist takeovers already.

Finally a word to the conservative base, quit thinking the swing voters feel the same as you, you are now so far from the center that even they look like commies to you. Fringe politics will be terribly out of fashion by next November, do not be surprised when your tired old culture wars social issues lose traction.

So you are claiming that the OWs people will attend Republican or right leaning functions and cause violence. And that this will win the election for Obama......
OK! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fact is none of it matters. Should Obama win it will just take that much longer to get the country back to it's former greatness.

The basic premise of the OP is that only Romney could possibly defeat President Obama.

Utterly comical.

Such undiluted bullshit. :lol:

President Obama couldn't win re-election even if the GOP picked an imbecile like TDM to run against him.

Billy Nothing's post is a nominee for dumbass laugh of the day!


I like ya more and more each day man, no homo :razz:

The basic premise of the OP is that only Romney could possibly defeat President Obama.

Utterly comical.

Such undiluted bullshit. :lol:

President Obama couldn't win re-election even if the GOP picked an imbecile like TDM to run against him.

Billy Nothing's post is a nominee for dumbass laugh of the day!


I like ya more and more each day man, no homo :razz:

hey now!
Don't forget about the lobbyist funded advocacy ads that will flood the airwaves with incredible claims of marxist plots and treasonous activities, that crap may please the base but it will turn off an American public that wants jobs, not alarmist RW propaganda.

Citizen's united will be the undoing of the republicans, mark my words.
There are some factors on the horizon that have not developed yet. The OWS protesters intend to make this election about the banking/investment industry, they will be a presence at every tea party republican rally next year, bound to be police beatings galore, not good for people already struggling to appear as if they give a damn about regular people, plus they will be forced to publicly side with the big banks..

The country is already more than tired of the filthy ignorant OWS fools who are descending into violence, disease, and lawlessness. And btw, THEY are fond enough of big banks to use them for their own purposes. Fucking hypocrites.

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