Shrub's invasion of Iraq justifies Putin's invasion of Crimea

Russia hasn't taken over the Ukraine.

No offense, but the post didn't assert Putin had done so, but a blind squirrel couldn't help but notice Putin's rattling the sabres in the eastern Ukraine.

"It's good not to have Russia taking over countries."

It was certainly implied that Russia had done so. Rattling sabers, absolutely, but he hasn't taken over anything.

true, the response was to 'what is out interest in the crimea or Ukraine."

And, putin is using the threat of force to influence politics in the Ukraine.

I just find it more than hair splitting. the issue is what is the distinction, if any, between W's neocon use of force and threat than Putins use of force and threat.
^ that is massively illogical, baseless and pretty fucking dumb.

First of all, W did not invade Iraq. The United States liberated Iraq from the scumbag mass murdering cock-bite, Saddam Hussein.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not one of liberation. It was one fucking imperialistic scumbag's (i.e., Putin's) unlawful effort to deny another country's people the freedom to change their own government.

Your sophistry and efforts at false equivalence are pretty laughable.
Good post. Regardless of how one feels about Iraq, we went in to liberate it and leave. It was up to them to take advantage of it.

Russia is annexing Crimea, part of Ukraine. It isn't the same thing. The Bush hatred still blinds the left.
^ that is massively illogical, baseless and pretty fucking dumb.

First of all, W did not invade Iraq. The United States liberated Iraq from the scumbag mass murdering cock-bite, Saddam Hussein.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not one of liberation. It was one fucking imperialistic scumbag's (i.e., Putin's) unlawful effort to deny another country's people the freedom to change their own government.

Your sophistry and efforts at false equivalence are pretty laughable.
Good post. Regardless of how one feels about Iraq, we went in to liberate it and leave. It was up to them to take advantage of it.

Russia is annexing Crimea, part of Ukraine. It isn't the same thing. The Bush hatred still blinds the left.

Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.


Obama has already failed. Have you priced a steak lately?

Obama's planned destruction of our economy is going exactly as planned, and idiots like you keep calling for more.

Calling Bush shrub just shows that you are nothing but a partisan asshole who is incapable of original thought.

you have the mind of a junior high kid with an IQ of 15.

And people who call Obama Obozo or worse are what? Intelligent, thought provoking personalities?


the comparison to a clown is appropriate, the comparison to a small plant is not.

Both made mistakes but you libs think its OK for obama to screw up because Bush screwed up. moral equivalency is a cop out to cover for the massive failure that has been in the white house for the last 5 years.

:lol: Say no more, say no more......I understand completely.:D
^ that is massively illogical, baseless and pretty fucking dumb.

First of all, W did not invade Iraq. The United States liberated Iraq from the scumbag mass murdering cock-bite, Saddam Hussein.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not one of liberation. It was one fucking imperialistic scumbag's (i.e., Putin's) unlawful effort to deny another country's people the freedom to change their own government.

Your sophistry and efforts at false equivalence are pretty laughable.
Good post. Regardless of how one feels about Iraq, we went in to liberate it and leave. It was up to them to take advantage of it.

Russia is annexing Crimea, part of Ukraine. It isn't the same thing. The Bush hatred still blinds the left.

Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.



Not all who say W had good intentions still parrot the line that he didn't fail miserably.
It's like Obama, the smartest president, is powerless against Bush's past policies, our dumbest president.
Some people actually believe this. Which explains why Obama's approval rating is above 5%
Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.
Like I said, it was up to them. Saddam was starving people and building the military and castles. And torturing many of his own citizens. A wild hair the world didn't need. That said, it could have been handled by the UN without violence if they were serious.
^ that is massively illogical, baseless and pretty fucking dumb.

First of all, W did not invade Iraq. The United States liberated Iraq from the scumbag mass murdering cock-bite, Saddam Hussein.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not one of liberation. It was one fucking imperialistic scumbag's (i.e., Putin's) unlawful effort to deny another country's people the freedom to change their own government.

Your sophistry and efforts at false equivalence are pretty laughable.
Good post. Regardless of how one feels about Iraq, we went in to liberate it and leave. It was up to them to take advantage of it.

Russia is annexing Crimea, part of Ukraine. It isn't the same thing. The Bush hatred still blinds the left.

Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.



Now, now, the Iraqi oil fields have been liberated.
Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.
Like I said, it was up to them. Saddam was starving people and building the military and castles. And torturing many of his own citizens. A wild hair the world didn't need. That said, it could have been handled by the UN without violence if they were serious.

Again, shut the fuck up.

Provide LINKS to your assertions.

Saddam had many women in those castles, why the fuck would he want to start a fight with the US, if tearing a new hymen every day was FAR more pleasurable.

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Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.
Like I said, it was up to them. Saddam was starving people and building the military and castles. And torturing many of his own citizens. A wild hair the world didn't need. That said, it could have been handled by the UN without violence if they were serious.

Again, shut the fuck up.

Provide LINKS to your assertions.

Saddam had many women in those castles, why the fuck would he want to start a fight with the US, if tearing a new hymen every day was more pleasurable.


Yeah, Saddam and his sons were stand up guys. Iraq was the Switzerland of the Middle East until Bush invaded because Saddam gave his dad the finger.

Fuck you, you ignorant piece of shit.
Like I said, it was up to them. Saddam was starving people and building the military and castles. And torturing many of his own citizens. A wild hair the world didn't need. That said, it could have been handled by the UN without violence if they were serious.

Again, shut the fuck up.

Provide LINKS to your assertions.

Saddam had many women in those castles, why the fuck would he want to start a fight with the US, if tearing a new hymen every day was more pleasurable.


Yeah, Saddam and his sons were stand up guys. Iraq was the Switzerland of the Middle East until Bush invaded because Saddam gave his dad the finger.

Fuck you, you ignorant piece of shit.

Yo fucktard, it was up to the Iraqis to remove him .

Of course he was a tyrant but it shouldn't have been up to the US to select his replacement. Specially when the Sunni vs Shiite civil war had been going on for a thousand years.


Again, shut the fuck up.

Provide LINKS to your assertions.

Saddam had many women in those castles, why the fuck would he want to start a fight with the US, if tearing a new hymen every day was FAR more pleasurable.
Sadaam had women in the castles? LOL. He and his sons did whatever they wanted. "Well rape you and your daughters but hey, you can drive to the doctor's office".

I said it was up to the country, you need a link for that? You provide one that says they're in worse shape.
No offense, but the post didn't assert Putin had done so, but a blind squirrel couldn't help but notice Putin's rattling the sabres in the eastern Ukraine.

"It's good not to have Russia taking over countries."

It was certainly implied that Russia had done so. Rattling sabers, absolutely, but he hasn't taken over anything.

true, the response was to 'what is out interest in the crimea or Ukraine."

And, putin is using the threat of force to influence politics in the Ukraine.

I just find it more than hair splitting. the issue is what is the distinction, if any, between W's neocon use of force and threat than Putins use of force and threat.

As I said before, it's a terrible analogy. There is no comparison between Bush and Iraq and Putin and Crimea no matter how you look at it.
Again, shut the fuck up.

Provide LINKS to your assertions.

Saddam had many women in those castles, why the fuck would he want to start a fight with the US, if tearing a new hymen every day was FAR more pleasurable.
Sadaam had women in the castles? LOL.

Yep. At the Perfume Palace.

I said it was up to the country, you need a link for that? You provide one that says they're in worse shape.

The Iraqi People Are Worse Off

We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

Obama is the one doing the most whinging, is that because he is the biggest wingnut?

A wingnut is a moron that uses the word WHINGING. Nice one moron.

Would this be the same Iraq invasion many Democrats voted for?
Cons did a nice con job on not only the dems, but the whole world. That's why the U.S. has no credibility any more. Just because you fooled the dems, doesn't justify the invasion. And it doesn't justify the $5 trillion the cons wasted on it. Cons "whine" about spending unless their the ones wasting it on their intervention policies.

And it was Ronnie Raygun that supplied the chemical weapons to Saddam. Cons are slime balls.
Shut the fuck up.

Under Saddam women could drive and they had more freedoms that under the radical Islamists - shiite controlled - Iraq.

So Iraq was not "liberated" , it regressed.

The ONLY thing that was liberated were the gazillion dollars that were handed over to the war profiteers and the military industrial complex.
Like I said, it was up to them. Saddam was starving people and building the military and castles. And torturing many of his own citizens. A wild hair the world didn't need. That said, it could have been handled by the UN without violence if they were serious.

No need for Michelle Witmer and all the other young American etc military personnel to die and be maimed for life.
Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq...both crazy IMO.
Were always gonna end badly.

After the 9/11 attacks, as NYC was burning and in ruin, Americans were calling for and trucks in America were seen on my tv with signs on them reading;


Someone was gonna get bombed, and hanged.
Washington was sick and tired of Saddam and his posturing/threats...and having to cart their military across the world every time he taunted them.

Toby sang a song;

[ame] [/ame]

Australian Prime Minister John Howard invoked the ANZUS Alliance/Treaty and our warships [glorified troop carriers, that must be changed] sailed for the Gulf, and planes left carrying troops.
60% of the population didn't agree with the invasions, but saw that we needed to support America as it had been attacked.

As the ships and plane left, and for years afterwards, the no 1 radio station played Toby's song every other day and often.
It was heard booming out of homes, cars, offices etc.

George W addressed the Australian parliament;

President Bush Addresses Australian Parliament; Greens Ejected
Oct 23, 2003
United States President George W. Bush has addressed the Australian Parliament during his visit to Canberra.

The speech was punctuated by interjections from Greens senators Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle.

■Listen to President Bush’s Address:

■Listen to Opposition Leader Simon Crean’s Speech of Welcome to Bush

■Text and Audio of Prime Minister John Howard’s Speech of Welcome to Bush

Transcript of President Bush’s address to the Australian Parliament.

Governor General Michael Jeffery, Prime Minister John Howard, Speaker of the House, Leader of the Senate, Leader of the Opposition Simon Crean, distinguished members of the House and the Senate, Premiers, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, ladies and gentlemen: Laura and I are honored to be in the Commonwealth of Australia. I want to thank the Prime Minister for his invitation. I want to thank the Members and Senators for convening this session of the Parliament. And I want to thank the people of Australia for a gracious welcome.

Five months ago, your Prime Minister was a distinguished visitor of ours in Crawford, Texas, at our ranch. You might remember that I called him a “man of steel.” That’s Texan for “fair dinkum.” Prime Minister John Howard is a leader of exceptional courage, who exemplifies the finest qualities of one of the world’s greatest democracies. (Hear, hear.) I’m proud to call him friend.

Americans know Australia as a land of independent and enterprising and good-hearted people. We see something familiar here, something we like. Australians are fair-minded and tolerant and easy-going. Yet in times of trouble and danger, Australians are the first to step forward, to accept the hard duties, and to fight bravely until the fighting is done.

In a hundred years of experience, American soldiers have come to know the courage and good fellowship of the diggers at their side. We fought together in the Battle of Hamel, together in the Coral Sea, together in New Guinea, on the Korean Peninsula, in Vietnam. And in the war on terror, once again we’re at each other’s side.

In this war, the Australia and American people have witnessed the methods of the enemy. We saw the scope of their hatred on September the 11, 2001. We saw the depth of their cruelty on October the 12, 2002. We saw destruction and grief — and we saw our duty. As free nations in peril, we must fight this enemy with all our strength.

No country can live peacefully in a world that the terrorists would make for us. And no people are immune from the sudden violence that can come to an office building, or an airplane, or a night club, or a city bus. Your nation and mine have known the shock and felt the sorrow, and laid the dead to rest. And we refuse to live our lives at the mercy of murderers.

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Obama has cut the deficit in half. Government spending is down in every area of the Federal government.

Didn't answer my question: are you wanting to police the world again? How are you going to pay for it?
He cut is own trillion dollar budget in half you moron!
Obama says deficit is falling at the fastest rate in 60 years


If you cherry pick cherry picking and you can prove anything.

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