Shrub's invasion of Iraq justifies Putin's invasion of Crimea

We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

well it certainly isn't anyone's business, and if Russia wanted to take Germany, hey it's all good, eh comrade?
Oh, are Republicans back to wanting to police the world?

Figure out how to pay for it, or is it credit card time again?
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

just curious leftard; where in your opinion do we have national security interests?
What's our national interest in Ukraine or Crimea?

directly none, same with Kuwait, but in larger geopolitics, it's good not to have Russia taking over countries. I mean ask all your Hollywood friends that bitch about Tibet.
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

well it certainly isn't anyone's business, and if Russia wanted to take Germany, hey it's all good, eh comrade?
Oh, are Republicans back to wanting to police the world?

Figure out how to pay for it, or is it credit card time again?

Since when did liberals care about paying for anything? Are you for a shutdown? Oh wait only the military, every other program we can just put on the credit card.....gotcha
just curious leftard; where in your opinion do we have national security interests?
What's our national interest in Ukraine or Crimea?

directly none, same with Kuwait, but in larger geopolitics, it's good not to have Russia taking over countries. I mean ask all your Hollywood friends that bitch about Tibet.

We didn't have a national security interest in protecting Kuwaiti ports in the Persian Gulf, against Saddam's invasion?

There's not much we can or should do regarding Ukraine. Europe is too dependent on Russian energy (another reason to go solar/renewable) to impose any meaningful sanctions - they would just be sanctioning themselves. And out sanctions can't do anything on their own.

So unless you are advocating putting American lives at risk in a shooting war with Russia, I don't know what you expect, except the opportunity to take cheap shots at our country's leader.
well it certainly isn't anyone's business, and if Russia wanted to take Germany, hey it's all good, eh comrade?
Oh, are Republicans back to wanting to police the world?

Figure out how to pay for it, or is it credit card time again?

Since when did liberals care about paying for anything? Are you for a shutdown? Oh wait only the military, every other program we can just put on the credit card.....gotcha

Obama has cut the deficit in half. Government spending is down in every area of the Federal government.

Didn't answer my question: are you wanting to police the world again? How are you going to pay for it?
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

well it certainly isn't anyone's business, and if Russia wanted to take Germany, hey it's all good, eh comrade?
Oh, are Republicans back to wanting to police the world?

Figure out how to pay for it, or is it credit card time again?

policing the world? what was obama doing when he rained missiles on libya?
besides allowing al qaeida to replace qaddaffi

idiots and hypocrites
Oh, are Republicans back to wanting to police the world?

Figure out how to pay for it, or is it credit card time again?

Since when did liberals care about paying for anything? Are you for a shutdown? Oh wait only the military, every other program we can just put on the credit card.....gotcha

Obama has cut the deficit in half. Government spending is down in every area of the Federal government.

Didn't answer my question: are you wanting to police the world again? How are you going to pay for it?

government spending is not down you self-deceiving idiot

it's up by just over 5%

when you say government spending is down you mean on the state and local level you idiot. federal spending is up; and obama has nothing to do with state and local spending
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

Foreign policy comprehension FAIL ^^^^^^

Genius, do you have any idea how stupid you sound? Had Obama not believe there was a national interest in curbing the threat of a rising Russia and it's Chinese buddies then he wouldn't have allowed the neocons that push his buttons to get involved in and fuck up this pathetic attempt at a color revolution in the Ukraine, hence a missile shield in the Ukraine. It's all about weakening Russia and maintaining the empire.
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

You should stop posting after drinking all night long.
Oh, are Republicans back to wanting to police the world?

Figure out how to pay for it, or is it credit card time again?

Since when did liberals care about paying for anything? Are you for a shutdown? Oh wait only the military, every other program we can just put on the credit card.....gotcha

Obama has cut the deficit in half. Government spending is down in every area of the Federal government.

Didn't answer my question: are you wanting to police the world again? How are you going to pay for it?
He cut is own trillion dollar budget in half you moron!

When you treat the planet as your own personal military playpen, you can't be terribly surprised or indignant when someone else does the same thing.

We don't own the patent.

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Would this be the same Iraq invasion many Democrats voted for?
Democrats didn't vote for an invasion.

This has been proven time and time again, yet you'll continue to spread the lie.

yes they did vote to authorize an invasion. y ou losers never stop making excuses for your votes.. and the size of the federal government is up under obama; yet you continue to spread the lie that is is smaller
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

Oh come on, Crimea is right next door to Russia. Iraq was on the other side of the world. So we're a much better super-bully. President Bush did destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression his father helped to achieve in the First Gulf War, but I don't think that has any thing to do with Russia taking the Crimea back from a Ukraine that wants to align with the EU.

actually leftard Bush built a large coalition in Iraq

on the other hand obama couldnt get a single county on board with him to address slaughter in Syria

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Look, we were the aggressors in Iraq and all the countries that signed onto the invasion and occupation were too. Got it? The world wouldn't respond against the aggressor because they all wanted the Iraqi oil on the world market too.:D

Iraq returns as world's fastest-growing oil exporter | Reuters

The world's leading oil companies have been expanding Iraq's giant southern fields - Rumaila led by BP, West Qurna-1 run by Exxon and Zubair operated by Eni - since 2010 when they signed a series of service contracts with Baghdad.

That revival, now into its fifth year, prompted Iraq to set an export target of 3.4 million bpd for 2014, including 400,000 bpd from the Kurdistan region, implying output of 4 million bpd, including oil used internally.
Oh come on, Crimea is right next door to Russia. Iraq was on the other side of the world. So we're a much better super-bully. President Bush did destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression his father helped to achieve in the First Gulf War, but I don't think that has any thing to do with Russia taking the Crimea back from a Ukraine that wants to align with the EU.

actually leftard Bush built a large coalition in Iraq

on the other hand obama couldnt get a single county on board with him to address slaughter in Syria

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Look, we were the aggressors in Iraq and all the countries that signed onto the invasion and occupation were too. Got it? The world wouldn't respond against the aggressor because they all wanted the Iraqi oil on the world market too.:D

Iraq returns as world's fastest-growing oil exporter | Reuters

The world's leading oil companies have been expanding Iraq's giant southern fields - Rumaila led by BP, West Qurna-1 run by Exxon and Zubair operated by Eni - since 2010 when they signed a series of service contracts with Baghdad.

That revival, now into its fifth year, prompted Iraq to set an export target of 3.4 million bpd for 2014, including 400,000 bpd from the Kurdistan region, implying output of 4 million bpd, including oil used internally.

yawn; a whole bunch of nothing.

what country that has oil doesnt go tget it and sell it?
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

just curious leftard; where in your opinion do we have national security interests?
What's our national interest in Ukraine or Crimea?

For a brief period, Ukraine was the world’s third-largest nuclear power.

It gave up thousands of nuclear warheads inherited from the Soviet Union in return for a 1994 promise from the U.S. and Russia not to use force or threaten military action against the newly independent nation, a pledge Russian President Vladimir Putin repudiated yesterday after his troops took control of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula.

Ukraine Gave Up Nuclear Arms in 1994 Deal Russia Flouts - Bloomberg

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