shut it all down

I know of at least one person making $250K per year, he is not hurting, see, he goes to the U.S. Government for TAX WRITE OFFS, and he just looooooves it, laughs all the way to the bank, and what is his party affiliation? REPUBLICAN. He's just not a whining republican, which is a big difference between the republicans using this forum.
Starting w/ all federal workers/military in Texas. Then, Alabama, Mississippi, S.Carolina, Oklahoma, etc...
.....And, declare Martial Law....


.....everywhere else there's a serious-concentration o' trailer-courts; the natural breeding/inbreeding-grounds for Teabaggers.​
If the GOP insists on payng the present game, the President should send every Federal Employee, including military home twenty four hours after the vote. Give them what they want, minimum federal government.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) - Everything's Alright‬‏[/ame]
Notice how the left calls for cutting and shutting down our military first.

They would rather leave US DEFENSLESS than have to cut their NANNY GUBERMENT.
Sounds good to me.

That would be the last time Americans ever elect a Democrat, so go right ahead: destroy the Democrat party. I urge you to do it.
If the Dems needed to destroy their Party, we'd simply need to hire the same clown the 1%ers did.....when they hijacked the Republican Party:



Dick "The Outsider" Armey
22nd Majority leader of the United States House of Representatives
In office
January 3, 1995 – January 3, 2003

Speaker: Newt Gingrich (1995-1999) Dennis Hastert (1999-2003)

Whip: Tom DeLay​
Clever idea, OR.

Shut down all Federal government operations overseas and in the RED STATES.

That'll balance the CRAP out of government.

And as those states rather rapidly devolve into anarchy, our conservative libertarian chums will get to use those guns they've been storing for just such an eventuality, too.

Let them put their social theory (the government that rules best rules least) to the real test.
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It's actually hysterical to listen to the "ideas" coming from a political party that's blaming bank ATM's and airport kiosks for unemployment... I've been laughing for 5 minutes now
The blame will rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans/T-Partiers.

How so? Will Obama hold a press conference and claim the Republicans made him do it?

Democrat political theory is indistinguishable from playground ethics.

Democrat political theory, huh??

That (almost) sounds like a valid-term....but, more like Palin-speak; sophomoric-rhetoric, signifying zero.

Clever idea, OR.

Shut down all Federal government operations overseas and in the RED STATES.

That'll balance the CRAP out of government.

And as those states rather rapidly devolve into anarchy, our conservative libertarian chums will get to use those guns they've been storing for just such an eventuality, too.

Let them put their social theory (the government that rules best rules least) to the real test.

holy smokes. that some hate right there for your fellow Americans.
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Clever idea, OR.

Shut down all Federal government operations overseas and in the RED STATES.

That'll balance the CRAP out of government.

And as those states rather rapidly devolve into anarchy, our conservative libertarian chums will get to use those guns they've been storing for just such an eventuality, too.

Let them put their social theory (the government that rules best rules least) to the real test.

holy smokes. that some hate right there for your fellow Americans.

It was a MODEST PROPOSAL meant as sarcasm, Stephanie.

A shot across the bow of the regionalists who imagine that somehow STATES RIGHTS is more important than national integrity.
Government run economies have failed every time they've been attempted only because it was never done on a large enough scale, right, Progressives?
No problem.. and then due to lack of funds we could rid ourselves of the union leeches as well.
Clever idea, OR.

Shut down all Federal government operations overseas and in the RED STATES.

That'll balance the CRAP out of government.

And as those states rather rapidly devolve into anarchy, our conservative libertarian chums will get to use those guns they've been storing for just such an eventuality, too.

Let them put their social theory (the government that rules best rules least) to the real test.

holy smokes. that some hate right there for your fellow Americans.

What would TruthMatter say about such hateful rhetoric?
tim geithner is on with bob schaeffer. we were so lucky to get him. he's the only guy who could have saved our economy, i hope he stays forever. he's the greatest money genius since the great depression.
No problem.. and then due to lack of funds we could rid ourselves of the union leeches as well.

Hmm, we could rid ourselves of the slob individual scabs instead. You know, anti-worker parasites who oppose workers rights, will work for food & no benefits. That you Jones?:eusa_angel:
If the GOP insists on payng the present game, the President should send every Federal Employee, including military home twenty four hours after the vote. Give them what they want, minimum federal government.

That's what I want! :rock:

Even better, make it permanent. Government should never do more them the minimum critical functions.
"To provide for the common defense" is the first (some would say only) requirement of the federal government. Leave it to the left to suggest keeping a thousand bloated bureaucracies while laying off the Military. Why don't democrats cave in and maybe try to live within a balanced budget?
"To provide for the common defense" is the first (some would say only) requirement of the federal government. Leave it to the left to suggest keeping a thousand bloated bureaucracies while laying off the Military. Why don't democrats cave in and maybe try to live within a balanced budget?

Ahh,..........what's "Common Defense?" Is that like stay on American soil and defend it?

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