Sick of all the bull shit...

Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.
and bush?
The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
what a stupid list...especially since your supporting trump and that site supports gary johnson you moron
It shows the point I was making.
considering the first 20 or so on that list have to do with war and trump wants bomb half the planet i dont see how theyre related at all. I know gary johnson doesn't even know where Aleppo is, so I'm sure he doesn't want to go to war with anyone but what makes you think trump wont bomb 10 countries in first 100 days in office?

the only thing they have in common is that white supremacists like them both
Trump wants to eliminate ISIS that's all. Hillary is the one that wants to destroy Syria and Russia and North Korea. Give her some time I am sure she will come up with some more enemies.
what a stupid list...especially since your supporting trump and that site supports gary johnson you moron
It shows the point I was making.
considering the first 20 or so on that list have to do with war and trump wants bomb half the planet i dont see how theyre related at all. I know gary johnson doesn't even know where Aleppo is, so I'm sure he doesn't want to go to war with anyone but what makes you think trump wont bomb 10 countries in first 100 days in office?

the only thing they have in common is that white supremacists like them both
Trump wants to eliminate ISIS that's all. Hillary is the one that wants to destroy Syria and Russia and North Korea. Give her some time I am sure she will come up with some more enemies.
why do you want to eliminate ISIS? aren't they helping you in your war against the evil jews?
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.

Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.

Agreed. I think you can trust in the status quo. Trump will mimic Bush 43 and Clinton will likely continue Obama's trajectory.

As an anti-government independent who is fed up with Washington, your job is to vote for Trump and then be disappointed when it turns out that his promises were bullshit. This is what the Republican party wants. They want people who are so fed up with both parties that they always vote for the straight-talking "outsider", who is invariably a Republican. It's a brilliant shell game.

Here is the low-down, though.

Look at 2008 if you want to see what 8 years of Trump will end with. Look at the economy right now if you want to see where Hillary will end up. Both candidates are beholden to the formulas, special interests and bureaucracies in their respective camps. They both promise to fix things, but only morons believe that change come from Washington. There is too much win wink money at stake for anything to change, which is why we always fall for the angry "outsider."
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I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.

Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.

He is the first president to not reach at least 3% growth. More of that is stinky.
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.

He is the first president to not reach at least 3% growth. More of that is stinky.

He's also the first president to be handed a recession, 2 wars, and a huge deficit. All considered we are in really good shape.
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

How can you be the opposite of Obama AND Bush?

That makes no sense . You righties are insane .

Bush's second term was quite Democrat.

Listen to his plan to put poor people in houses. His theory was that the economic activity from a housing boom would stimulate an economy destroyed by 30 years of outsourcing and stagnant wages (so that our noble capitalists could have more incentive to invest). You get this right? Reagan's entire presidency was based on the supply side notion that lowering the cost of capitalist production would create job growth. Problem is: when you lower wages to ensure higher profits (and more incentive to grow jobs), your workers can't afford to buy the stuff they produce. This is called a "Contradiction of Capitalism" and it was solved by giving the American Consumer more credit - aka Debt. This is why we all started receiving 3 credit card offers a week under Reagan - to make up for what didn't trickle down.

You get this right? Reagan's Supply Siders were irate at the postwar, unionized wage structure. They believed that high, first-world labor costs were destroying American business, and preventing us from competing globally. So they created trade and labor policies that lowered wages, while using an expansion of credit (debt) to fill holes in the demand side. Research family debt starting in the 8os. It exploded. The credit infusion started as Morning in America. Indeed, the Reagan credit/debt revolution enabled consumers to buy stuff they couldn't dream of buying a decade earlier. Problem with debt, though, is that the bills eventually come due. By the time Bush 43 came to power, the American middle class was deeply in debt. They could no longer consume as much.

Which is to say, the consumer debt levels got so big that we had to think-up more ingenious ways to loan money into the demand side. So we went from bubble to bubble, and the housing bubble was the biggest yet.

While ol' Bush distracted us with fear over a powerless Hussein, he quietly exploded the real nuclear bomb over the housing sector, and did long term damage to the nation.

You don't need to trust me. Listen to his plan - HIS PLAN - for erasing every obstacle to home ownership.
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I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.

Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.

So you are going to ignore the unemployment rate is down dramatically? Stock market has done great. If Obama was a Republican you'd be praising him.
Simple. Clinton=4 more years of Obama. Her own words. Trump-COMPLETE opposite of Obama and Bush.

So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.

Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.

So you are going to ignore the unemployment rate is down dramatically? Stock market has done great. If Obama was a Republican you'd be praising him.
1. The unemployment rate is fake,its a false rate.
2. I HATED Bush. I HATED every candidate running for president EXCEPT Trump. I am not a republican and just registered as a Republican last Monday for first time.
So 4 more years of growing stronger economy? I'll take it.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.

Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.

So you are going to ignore the unemployment rate is down dramatically? Stock market has done great. If Obama was a Republican you'd be praising him.
1. The unemployment rate is fake,its a false rate.
2. I HATED Bush. I HATED every candidate running for president EXCEPT Trump. I am not a republican and just registered as a Republican last Monday for first time.

Sure it's fake. You have to be a conspiracy nut to vote trump. Meanwhile all my friends and neighbors are well employed. Houses keep going up in my neighborhood. The only problem with this economy is all the morons talking it down.
I can relate to the sentiment expressed in the OP. Which is why when somebody tells me I'm wasting my vote by not going with either major party candidate, I feel it's just the opposite.
Please use that 357 and pull the trigger....thanks! 1% growth is "stronger economy" to you. 90+ million out of the workforce is a "stronger economy" to you. Damn near 50 million on food stamps is "stronger economy" to you.

Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.

So you are going to ignore the unemployment rate is down dramatically? Stock market has done great. If Obama was a Republican you'd be praising him.
1. The unemployment rate is fake,its a false rate.
2. I HATED Bush. I HATED every candidate running for president EXCEPT Trump. I am not a republican and just registered as a Republican last Monday for first time.

Sure it's fake. You have to be a conspiracy nut to vote trump. Meanwhile all my friends and neighbors are well employed. Houses keep going up in my neighborhood. The only problem with this economy is all the morons talking it down.
Tell that to the 90+ unemployed and the 50 million on food stamps.
Please don't be such a joke. It was much worse when Obama started. It has been getting better consistently the last 8 years. 90 million out of the workforce? People retiring is bad? People getting more schooling is bad?
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.

So you are going to ignore the unemployment rate is down dramatically? Stock market has done great. If Obama was a Republican you'd be praising him.
1. The unemployment rate is fake,its a false rate.
2. I HATED Bush. I HATED every candidate running for president EXCEPT Trump. I am not a republican and just registered as a Republican last Monday for first time.

Sure it's fake. You have to be a conspiracy nut to vote trump. Meanwhile all my friends and neighbors are well employed. Houses keep going up in my neighborhood. The only problem with this economy is all the morons talking it down.
Tell that to the 90+ unemployed and the 50 million on food stamps.

I'll gladly tell it to the retired. People will get off food stamps as the economy keeps getting better. It would be much better already if clowns like you would stop talking it down in the face of great economic numbers.
Yep NINETY MILLION people retired mmhmm....sure thing moron.

44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush

4 years after Barry took office and it was up to 44 million on food stamps...more than EVER than when Bush was in office.

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps. During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period.

But from the last full year of Bush’s presidency (2008) through 2011, just three years into President Obama’s presidency, the number of people on food stamps increased 16.5 million -- going from 28.2 million to 44.7 million -- an increase of 59 percent in just a 3-year period.

So you are going to ignore the unemployment rate is down dramatically? Stock market has done great. If Obama was a Republican you'd be praising him.
1. The unemployment rate is fake,its a false rate.
2. I HATED Bush. I HATED every candidate running for president EXCEPT Trump. I am not a republican and just registered as a Republican last Monday for first time.

Sure it's fake. You have to be a conspiracy nut to vote trump. Meanwhile all my friends and neighbors are well employed. Houses keep going up in my neighborhood. The only problem with this economy is all the morons talking it down.
Tell that to the 90+ unemployed and the 50 million on food stamps.

I'll gladly tell it to the retired. People will get off food stamps as the economy keeps getting better. It would be much better already if clowns like you would stop talking it down in the face of great economic numbers.

When your opponent has bad economic numbers, you talk about the bad economic numbers.

When your opponent has good economic numbers, you create different numbers.

And when your side is losing 50K jobs month, like Bush in 2008, you blame the other side.

The one thing you never do - and I mean never - is give the other side credit for anything positive. The whole point of Talk Radio, Fox News and the internet is to ensure people have talking points.

You never hear them talk about the real poverty level of the Reagan years. You don't hear this because they use the standard employment metric when it benefits them.

There is no possible way to argue with a pure partisan who deeply believes that the other side is evil and must be stopped. This isn't about economic numbers. It goes way deeper than data.
1. The unemployment rate is fake,its a false rate.
Ok, let's be clear. The Unemployment rate claims to be the number of unemployed persons divided by the labor force where

Unemployed: "All persons who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment some time during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed."

And the Labor Force is all Unemployed plus all employed, where
Employed: "All persons who, during the reference week, (a) did any work at all (at least 1 hour) as paid employees, worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of the family, and (b) all those who were not working but who had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs."

Are you claiming that the published unemployment rate does not actually or accurately measure those?
o fuck off all of you....being a diabetic i cannot fucking drink....and we will all need to be drinking election night and i do not want to hear people in non swing states bitchin....its a living hell in nc right now and with the attack on the gop hq's in hillsborough i have said in the past....there is no crazy like north carolina crazy ....
I'll be glad when the election is finally over. I've been constantly subjected to bull shit from both political parties for over two years. Tired of hearing it all. It would be nice if the candidates would quit trashing each other long enough to tell me what they plan to do for the country. It would be even nicer if they told a lie about it, somehow their head would exploded. I'm tired of all the crap.
Sadly, You're what democrats and GOP'ers are counting on....

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