Sidney powell

If, in fact, you have any problem, go to and I don't have the number, but it's 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters D-E-M-V-O-T-E.

That number is not a voter fraud hotline, moron. It's a voter assistance hotline.

I just called the number. The recording says "Thank you for calling the Democratic party voter assistance hotline".
That number is not a voter fraud hotline, moron. It's a voter assistance hotline.

I just called the number. The recording says "Thank you for calling the Democratic party voter assistance hotline".
Which is what Biden was talking about. He said so. He said Republicans are trying to prevent Democrats from voting and to call that number if you experience problems voting.
Which is what Biden was talking about. He said so. He said Republicans are trying to prevent Democrats from voting and to call that number if you experience problems voting.
That's not all Pedo Joe talked about in the Crooked Media interview, you pathetic low IQ lying moron.

Obviously, Demento Joe also bragged about having the largest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. He's on video bragging about it.

I just flat out busted you lying to the USMB forum again when you falsely claimed that that number was a hotline to report voter fraud. I called the number and proved that you were lying.

And every other USMB forum can call the toll-free number and prove it to themselves that you were fucking lying to them.

Why are you lying to the USMB forum again?
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This is exactly why you should view it with skepticism.

What’s Dershowitz better at than convincing others that a person didn’t commit a crime they TOTALLY COMMITTED.
He’s not acting as Flynn’s defense attorney, he’s writing about federal law and criminal procedure (way different than being a defense attorney, sowing doubt, etc) and what Dershowitz is saying about the case is 100% correct. He’s also not at all a trump voter, life long democrat. He’s just simply stating the facts around the case and he has this crazy belief that the law should be applied equally to everyone. It’s impossible for Flynn’s alleged lie (he didn’t lie, even the agents who interviewed him CONFIRMED THIS) to be material to an investigation to a non existing crime when the FBI filed to close the case only a couple weeks prior because they didn’t find anything derogatory. The FBI withheld exculpatory evidence. The FBI illegally changed documents.
His case was not dismissed. He plead guilty and was pardoned. What is this delusional nonsense? Why are you wasting my time with this nonsense?

The Eddie Haskell Smarminess Award for the day goes to............ an unserious uninformed poster who tries too hard to be witty.

Unanimous decision by the judges.
You're a buffoon, so why should anyone give you a serious reply?
He’s not acting as Flynn’s defense attorney, he’s writing about federal law and criminal procedure (way different than being a defense attorney, sowing doubt, etc) and what Dershowitz is saying about the case is 100% correct. He’s also not at all a trump voter, life long democrat. He’s just simply stating the facts around the case and he has this crazy belief that the law should be applied equally to everyone. It’s impossible for Flynn’s alleged lie (he didn’t lie, even the agents who interviewed him CONFIRMED THIS) to be material to an investigation to a non existing crime when the FBI filed to close the case only a couple weeks prior because they didn’t find anything derogatory. The FBI withheld exculpatory evidence. The FBI illegally changed documents.
He is acting like Trump attorney and no, you don’t need to vote for your client.
He is acting like Trump attorney and no, you don’t need to vote for your client.
So he’s not getting paid. He lost all his friends. He didn’t vote for the guy. He’s already wealthy and famous. The fucking interviewing agents admit that Flynn didn’t lie...but he just decides he’s gonna be a half ass defense attorney for the public for trump?
"You're a buffoon"

Ah, mon petit!
You have a charm commensurate with your stature when you go all tantrum-y.
Your avatar's contributions are a small source of entertainment for not only my overworked avatar....but I suspect a small number of others too.

So sic 'em, l'il guy!
Ah, mon petit!
You have a charm commensurate with your stature when you go all tantrum-y.
Your avatar's contributions are a small source of entertainment for not only my overworked avatar....but I suspect a small number of others too.

So sic 'em, l'il guy!
Thanks for proving it.
Sidney Powell and Rudy Ghouliani and Lin Wood represent what the Republican Party has become

Batshit crazy
So he’s not getting paid.


Lawyer that made himself practicaclly a household name and is basically living on FOX not getting paid? How gullible can you get?

If anyone ever won on Trump it's Dershowitz.
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Lawyer that made himself practicaclly a household name and is basically living on FOX not getting paid? How gullible can you get?

If anyone ever won on Trump it's Dershowitz.

Lawyer that made himself practicaclly a household name and is basically living on FOX not getting paid? How gullible can you get?

If anyone ever won on Trump it's Dershowitz.
As a Fox News contributor? Way different than being paid as a high profile defense attorney. A Fox News contributor? That’s what? 100,000 dollars??? For the people on there every other day. He’s been on like 5 times, idk I don’t watch fox. He’s a high profile attorney, even if it’s 100,000, I doubt it, that’s a drop in a bucket vs loosing all his friends, loosing plenty of more lucrative business opportunities being blacklisted, and being vilified by the same crowd that was cheering him on as he took down the “lock her up” people. He’s been a civil libertarian his entire career, that’s what he’s advocated for whether it’s Hillary, or it’s Trump. His stance hasn’t changed.

Again, this is an AD HOMINEM attack. Is he wrong about the interviewing agents admitting that Flynn didn’t lie??? Is he wrong about the FBI filing to close the case? Is he wrong about the FBI withholding exculpatory evidence?
As a Fox News contributor?
You have knack for denying the obvious. Doesn't look good.

Dershowitz benefited HUGELY by carrying Trump water.

He got national exposure he could only dream of.
He got footnote in history by representing Trump in an impeachment trial.
He got Trump to pardon his clients and pals.

What is it you think this has-been could have done with his life in the past few years that would top that?
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That's not all Pedo Joe talked about in the Crooked Media interview, you pathetic low IQ lying moron.

Obviously, Demento Joe also bragged about having the largest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. He's on video bragging about it.

I just flat out busted you lying to the USMB forum again when you falsely claimed that that number was a hotline to report voter fraud. I called the number and proved that you were lying.

And every other USMB forum can call the toll-free number and prove it to themselves that you were fucking lying to them.

Why are you lying to the USMB forum again?
It's all he talked about during that segment. All you outed is exposing how ignorant you are.

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to

Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.

You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters, D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

And there it is -- Biden informing the public how Trump was trying to make it harder to vote and the hotline that was setup to contact for anyone having any problems voting.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have had to post an edited video. :eusa_naughty:

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