Sign the Petition. BRING BACK OUR OLD FORUM.

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I understand, and I appreciate those reasons. But ads are the wild west. Pop-ups, hidden malware, browser hijacks, redirects. I protect my machine and my personal information first, and am very security-conscious.

Of course, and I also totally use ad-block when roaming around the seedy areas of the interweb... but AdBlock does have a White List, ya know. ;)
Probably because advertisements are there and that is the least likely thing that websites are going to allow you to filter off. I too assume that I am SOL as I have the same request. Anything on that Cereal?

And background color seems to be on everyone list. I never really noticed it and it really is not that big of a deal to me but I think the old grey would be nicer to have and bring back some of the old 'feel' of USMB. Is that something that might be possible?

Then again, I could just assume that others are being whiny idiots and go with your assertion....

I understand that some people are pissed. But I honestly think it's just a knee-jerk reaction to change.

People should just give themselves time, and give the admins time.

Some of the reactions are just a bit over the top and demanding for my taste, considering that it's a free site.

And since this is a political message board, I will point out that some of the most negative reactions have come from far-Right posters, which makes sense since
conservatism by definition resists change.
I stopped following the Xenforo/vBulletin drama some time back, but considering Xenforo is still in business, the lawsuit apparently failed.

To answer your first question, yes... which is why converting to Xenforo is, in some respects, "upgrading" to vBulletin 4.

Same quality software from the same quality developers.

Different isn't always terrible, just... different.

The details of the settlement were confidential but the word was that the Xenforo folks must have "won". Before this makeover came into effect I cautioned that many people might be unhappy with the "new and improved". I thought I would likely be in that group. (I was a member of a great board that had been destroyed by software upgrades years ago). As it turns out I haven't found anything to really complain about yet. Haven't figured out how to access my old posts easily yet and a couple of other minor issues that I'll probably figure out with use. And if and when I get used to the new bells and whistles I might just end up in the "It's an improvement" column. I always like to be able to say "I told you so" but fortunately I don't think I'll be able to in this case. Soon I'll have to take a few minutes to find out the best way to dial down the screen candlepower though, I think it's about to induce a stroke.
Search is not working Properly. Unable to find my past posts , or that of others very easily.

Takes way too long to relocate threads I was participating in . Once on the thread , it's more time consuming to follow it and the various posters participating- it requires additional clicks.

When posting the quote feature [ quote box] is gone.

Plug Ins aren't loading [shockwave] , that may be on my end- but don't have problems on other sites.

Oh yes .... The smilees don't forget the smilees can you have a serious conversation without the proper smilees - I click on the smilee icon and nothing happens ...Oy Vay !
Search function we still need to get to. Looking for your posts is as simple as clicking on your username and choosing "your content". What additional clicks does it take to follow it and the various posters in it?

Quote feature is still there (I'm looking at it now) Shockwave is on your end. Smilies have been covered (they are coming). Skins will be coming

We're only 7 or so hours in. Fine tuning everything is a process. We'll eventually get there but give us a couple days.
I've tested on my windows phone, android phone and tablet as well as my wife's Windows rt tablet running ie.

It's a winner on all of all of them and without an app.

click on your username (top right) Choose "Your Content" and away you go
This is a bit off the subject but is the Online green icon not working to be placed on "inactive" or the like? It appears to only default to being "Online" even if the little box is unchecked and some may want the other option also at times.
yeah works great on my cell phone..Still don't care for the lay out on the computer yet
If only it were that simple ;)

Be specific about what you don't like. Saying it sucks I don't like it helps us with nothing. Be specific please
CK.....what are trophy points...and how do you give someone a neutral rep?....what are ratings? there a page that explains all this new stuff?....
I don't mind anything else, but I'd sign to bring back the user CP and subscriptions the way they auto subbed when you posted in a thread and were bolded for you when said thread had new posts. It's a way easier way to follow a thread days/hours later to pick up where you left off. This way is too tedious.
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