Sign the Petition. BRING BACK OUR OLD FORUM.

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It's all a vast blank on my screen...

Do you have AdBlock running?

What I would like is a full screen. Not a 3rd of the screen blank or filled up with bullshit. That was my question. I assume the answer is tough shit.

But..I will refrain. lol
I've been posting like mad since I got here at 3pm. I am sorta getting used to it. Kinda.
Allow me to refer you to: Vbulletin : Security vulnerabilities

This is why you don't want to stay with a product that has a terrible development team.

Years ago, Jelsoft sold out to a crew of ass clowns that can't code for shit, so patching the older software is a lot tougher to do without the developers that coded it because the new crew are inept.

Also, as holes are patched, it increases the likelihood of opening new ones, especially when some patches affect others.

NOT patching the holes means leaving your information vulnerable to anyone with a basic understanding of software exploits, and I'm sure CK doesn't want people having their passwords, e-mail addresses, and PM's compromised on his watch.

Grow up and learn a little something about what you're bitching about.
We take security very seriously. Protecting members privacy/personal info is of utmost importance to us and staying with vBulletin just wouldn't cut it.
What's a FN key? I did mine on my monitor buttons. It was a PITA.

This means a Function key. On notebooks it's usually denoted by a large F and small n (Fn).

I just have a windows logo thingy. I tried it and all it did was make my screen small.
Allow me to refer you to: Vbulletin : Security vulnerabilities

This is why you don't want to stay with a product that has a terrible development team.

Years ago, Jelsoft sold out to a crew of ass clowns that can't code for shit, so patching the older software is a lot tougher to do without the developers that coded it because the new crew are inept.

Also, as holes are patched, it increases the likelihood of opening new ones, especially when some patches affect others.

NOT patching the holes means leaving your information vulnerable to anyone with a basic understanding of software exploits, and I'm sure CK doesn't want people having their passwords, e-mail addresses, and PM's compromised on his watch.

Grow up and learn a little something about what you're bitching about.

Aren't the developers of XENFORO the same people who wrote the code for VBULLETIN? Isn't that what the big lawsuit was about or is my memory failing me?
What's a FN key? I did mine on my monitor buttons. It was a PITA.

On my pc laptop (Dell inspiron) it's on the bottom row, left side between the 'ctrl' key and the 'windows' key. don't know what Fn stands for but if you hold that button down and hit the down arrow key at the same time, the brightness of your computer goes down. Hold the up key and it goes up.
You should make a thread about that. I for one will shut my mouth now. If you already DID make a thread about that then I apologize :)
Remember when Miss Pink did that thread about rep? How concise it was? Someone needs to make another one with the basics of the new software so folks know what is going on.
Aren't the developers of XENFORO the same people who wrote the code for VBULLETIN? Isn't that what the big lawsuit was about or is my memory failing me?

I stopped following the Xenforo/vBulletin drama some time back, but considering Xenforo is still in business, the lawsuit apparently failed.

To answer your first question, yes... which is why converting to Xenforo is, in some respects, "upgrading" to vBulletin 4.

Same quality software from the same quality developers.

Different isn't always terrible, just... different.
This new "upgrade" sucks! The smilies suck! The Format sucks! There is nothing about it, I like and don't give me BS about "bugs." The old forum was better. That's no bug, that's fact.

Post here if you agree!

I agree. This isn't an upgrade, this is a whole new board, and the game has changed from baseball to cricket. That's not to say that this new format has nothing positive in it. Perhaps a hybrid of the two with an emphasis on the old?

Plus, many of the valuable threads were destroyed because of the conversion, non of the images or smilies, etc. are showing any longer.

I don't think any of this will make a difference anyhow, the amount of money that went into the new format is astronomical. Even if the work was farmed out to overseas programmers, still. I can only imagine the number of man hours that went into this. They should have at least run a trial run somehow. Either way were stuck with it in my opinion.
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