Significant to Canadians: Russia shows bias against Trudeau!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

And yet again, the right's agenda is confused and is not able to handle contradictions being presented by the war.


Otherwise, let this be a test case on the advisability of posting outside of the badlands?

And yet again, the right's agenda is confused and is not able to handle contradictions being presented by the war.


Otherwise, let this be a test case on the advisability of posting outside of the badlands?
War? On drugs? On conservatives? On Turdeau? Please be concise when coaxing a debate duck, or put it in the Badlands.
At this point, the entire globe knows that the PM of Canada is a joke.

Not just Russia.
That's speaking to the point Beale. Russia is coming out on the side of Pollie-Ev and the cons, just as they've come out for Trump.

Can you and the political right ever accept Trump proclaiming that America started the war against Russia.

Therein lies a problem for Canada's extreme right too.
out on the side of Pollie-Ev
I have no idea what, "Pollie-Ev," is. . . this must be something native to Canucks?
just as they've come out for Trump.
This is a false narrative. Putin has continually, and explicitly come out and said, he sees no difference in our political leaders.

. . . you slurp up too much western agit-prop. TBH.
Can you and the political right ever accept Trump proclaiming that America started the war against Russia.

I'm neither left nor right. And yoar characterization and understanding of what the western intel agencies did, is sophomoric.

. . . I'm not even sure I should waste anymore time in this thread with your idiocy TBH.

Therein lies a problem for Canada's extreme right too.

Anyone who disagrees with you? Of course, they are all terrorists. If they are to the right of you? They are, "extreme." If they are to the left,' call them, "terrorists," too.

I have no idea what, "Pollie-Ev," is. . . this must be something native to Canucks?

This is a false narrative. Putin has continually, and explicitly come out and said, he sees no difference in our political leaders.

. . . you slurp up too much western agit-prop. TBH.

I'm neither left nor right. And yoar characterization and understanding of what the western intel agencies did, is sophomoric.

. . . I'm not even sure I should waste anymore time in this thread with your idiocy TBH.
You've hooked in. You can leave any time.
Anyone who disagrees with you? Of course, they are all terrorists. If they are to the right of you? They are, "extreme." If they are to the left,' call them, "terrorists," too.
It's confusing I know. Trump blames America for starting the war against Russia and I lean right on that too.
Can you tell us if you can handle that before you leave?
Fwiw Beale, nobody disagrees with me on Trump's words concerning America starting the war!

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