Silence from the board’s Jews is Deafening.

My own opinion on immigration is,
of course we are a country of immigrants.


Jefferson, Washington, Paine and the whole gang made it absolutely clear that America was supposed to be a country of WHITE immigrants:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America that any Alien being a free white person... may be admitted to become a citizen.

Naturalization Act of 1790
Originally posted by candycorn
I’m responsible for what happened 10,000 miles away?

Only in the extremely dilluted, indirect sense that you are one among millions of Americans who support the jewish racial dictatorship.
Netanyahu opposes any peace agreement with the Palestinians or any 2 state solution. He wants genocide. That's why Obama stiffed Netanyahu.

Israel is no better than Hamas.
You're getting way too much of your news from TikTok. China loves you!
Elon Musk posted this:

View attachment 860335

Agreeing with the posters take on the behavior of what he calls “western Jews”. This happened in the last 96 hours.

Given the events in Gaza with the unwarranted, deliberate, and bloodthirsty HAMAS attack, this is a particularly sensitive time for Musk to be making this ridiculous assertion or at least agreeing with it.

What is more bizarre is that since the attack, the board’s Jews-- AzogtheDefiler and Lisa558 have been militant about their support of Israel--and rightly so. I, too, fully support Israel kicking the ever-loving shit out of HAMAS and anyone supporting them in Gaza. The situation in Gaza is 100% the fault of HAMAS.

But what I’m curious about is given that tweet above...and the posts below about Elon Musk.

Why aren’t you two (and others) calling for a boycott of Twitter/X?

Seems odd that given the passionate posts over the last few days and weeks, the cat has suddenly got your tongue on this front.
Hmmm what do I want to say about this? Ah yes.....:th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
Originally posted by candycorn
Meanwhile back in reality, President Biden is helping Israel kick the shit out of HAMAS and other terrorist orgs...the ones your blob praised.

And preparing the next batch of US citizens destined to become minced meat under tons of concrete in the process.

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Originally posted by The Duke
Musk did nothing wrong.

So you agree with him that the jewish american community (most of it, anyway) behaved like a 5th column trying to undermine the country's white majority?
And rightly so.

When you are oppressed by a christian supremacist state (19th century America) or a jewish supremacist state (21th century Israel) you have no other option but to confront the enemy and shoot to kill.
Brother Turner was a committed Christian. He was deeply religious and loved Jesus.

In America today everyone has equal rights, that’s not the case in Israel.

Wow Lesh support Israel he supports the invasion of Gaza but doesn’t support the Russian invasion of Ukraine. WTH these are some of the most hypocritical people on the planet.
That’s the fear mongering from the media, trying to brainwash you. And the fact, sire that it is the Jewish people who are the most loud voices when it comes to support in Palestine. Even if the Grand Central terminal in New York City, where the subway was shut down it was hundreds of Jews who led and started that event.

Try and get more nuanced viewpoints when it comes to Israel and Palestine. Because you are being sad propaganda. And if you believe that your own fellow Americans are bigoted, then you have been corrupted but you can change for the better by watching alternative media sources. Don’t believe the hype.
What media? It’s literally happening in front of my eyes. Don’t talk down to me.
So you agree with him that the jewish american community (most of it, anyway) behaved like a 5th column trying to undermine the country's white majority?
I already Explained it. You’re too fucking stupid to understand it seems, JoseB
He isn’t wrong (Azog is referring to Musk).

The Jews, my people have voted Democrat overwhelmingly. The Democratic Party has labeled whites as having white privilege, racist, complicit, etc. and the Jews stood silent. The ADL overwhelmingly supported this rhetoric and BLM.

Shame on my people.


Your baffling, brutal honesty was duly noted and appreciated, Azog, even though I didn't comment on it.

Just like Quasar 44, instead of trying to deny the history of the United States, you courageously look your own people in the eyes and say:

"My people championed the destruction of America's racial composition and the over the top secularism that plagues US society today."

You and your astonishing sincerity earned my respect, Azog...

If instead of the US jewish community the hispanic community had advanced those horrendous, despicable causes I would have the same courage and say:

"My people pushed for the destruction of America's white majority."

But you don't have to be ashamed for the collective actions of the jewish american community, Azog.

All that matters is the fact that you oppose their vile, abominable agenda. 👍👍👍👍

All the rest is on them, not on you.
Meanwhile back in reality, President Biden is helping Israel kick the shit out of HAMAS and other terrorist orgs...the ones your blob praised.

Total rubbish. Not only did he and his Party had over billions in untraceable cash, they dwarfed that money flow to terrorists 6 times over by not enforcing sanctions against Iranian oil exports, an additional $32 billion on top of the cash on doubled oil exports. He's also trying to rescue Hamas thugs from extinction by lobbying for Israel to 'cease fire' and shipping in fuel and food to keep them going.
Total rubbish. Not only did he and his Party had over billions in untraceable cash, they dwarfed that money flow to terrorists 6 times over by not enforcing sanctions against Iranian oil exports, an additional $32 billion on top of the cash on doubled oil exports. He's also trying to rescue Hamas thugs from extinction by lobbying for Israel to 'cease fire' and shipping in fuel and food to keep them going.
Wow....could you imagine if any of that were remotely true?
Because Musk is a conservative; because Musk has allowed rightwing hate speech to flourish on X, rightwing hate speech conservatives support.

And when rightwing hate speech turns antisemitic, the hypocrisy of the right silences conservatives.
I support both Israel and Ukraine. Yet I believe both homosexuality and slaughtering babies in the womb are sick.

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