Silence from the board’s Jews is Deafening.

Silence from the board’s Jews is Deafening.​

As adorable is your concern for us. I have to shatter your grand illusion that we are all of a singular hive mind.

Jews frequently take different opinions from other Jews. Jews frequently find themselves in disagreement with other Jews.

When it comes to politically partisan discussions among non-Jews on who is, or isn't, the most antisemitic and who does, or doesn't love us the most, I, for one, am going to bow out.

The whole idea of "Vote for us because we love Jews more" or "Don't vote for them because they hate Jews more" political discussion tactic is condescending and patronizing.

My personal aspiration for The Jews is for the world to just LEAVE US ALONE. Don't be for us, or against us, just pretend we don't exist.
Indirectly. Most of these far left policies are pushed by Jewish leaders whether they are politicians, corporate executives, "advocacy groups" like the ADL. That includes demanding the West let in millions of third worlders inside their borders, who then turn around and openly express hatred for Jews and Israel.
Didn’t realize that the majority of our Politicians including Presidents are Jewish Pleaee tell us who these “ Jewish Leaders “ are to make such demands
Didn’t realize that the majority of our Politicians including Presidents are Jewish Pleaee tell us who these “ Jewish Leaders “ are to make such demands

International Jewish Conspiracy meets every Thursday Night at the community center. Bring a dessert.

As adorable is your concern for us. I have to shatter your grand illusion that we are all of a singular hive mind.
Well let me apologize if I sounded like that. I didn't mean to.

What I meant was that given the (and I may have just missed it in your case--you don't pick fights here like they do) passionate post the two who I did mention have made, it was remarkable that they have remained silent in the case of Elon Musk who is certainly a widely quoted personality.
Well let me apologize if I sounded like that. I didn't mean to.

What I meant was that given the (and I may have just missed it in your case--you don't pick fights here like they do) passionate post the two who I did mention have made, it was remarkable that they have remained silent in the case of Elon Musk who is certainly a widely quoted personality.

I had no respect for Musk when he was the EV building hero of The Left. I have no respect for him now that he's the X-owning free-speech darling of The Right.

He's a huckster.

Space-X is pretty cool (like playing with model rockets if you're a Billionaire) but he ain't going to Mars, he's not even going to The Moon.

When he voices concern for liberal leaning Jews who side against Israel or support for Israeli just trying to keep their own people safe, I don't think either position is inherently antisemitic or pro-Jewish. He's just a guy in love with his own voice who doesn't always remember that everyone will dissect ever word that comes out of his figurative mouth and use what they find to bolster their own political ideology.
Elon Musk posted this:

View attachment 860335

Agreeing with the posters take on the behavior of what he calls “western Jews”. This happened in the last 96 hours.

Given the events in Gaza with the unwarranted, deliberate, and bloodthirsty HAMAS attack, this is a particularly sensitive time for Musk to be making this ridiculous assertion or at least agreeing with it.

What is more bizarre is that since the attack, the board’s Jews-- AzogtheDefiler and Lisa558 have been militant about their support of Israel--and rightly so. I, too, fully support Israel kicking the ever-loving shit out of HAMAS and anyone supporting them in Gaza. The situation in Gaza is 100% the fault of HAMAS.

But what I’m curious about is given that tweet above...and the posts below about Elon Musk.

Why aren’t you two (and others) calling for a boycott of Twitter/X?

Seems odd that given the passionate posts over the last few days and weeks, the cat has suddenly got your tongue on this front.
Lol... too funny...
This is hillarious.

Candycorn created a callout thread demanding that Azog denounces Musk and he replied:

I won't denounce shit because Musk is on the money.

American Jews during the last century overwhelmingly supported and still support an anti-white agenda of mass non-white immigration and excessive, immoral secularism.

It's not my fault that you're a total ignoramus on the history of jewish american socio-political activism.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
As adorable is your concern for us. I have to shatter your grand illusion that we are all of a singular hive mind.

Jews frequently take different opinions from other Jews. Jews frequently find themselves in disagreement with other Jews.

When it comes to politically partisan discussions among non-Jews on who is, or isn't, the most antisemitic and who does, or doesn't love us the most, I, for one, am going to bow out.

The whole idea of "Vote for us because we love Jews more" or "Don't vote for them because they hate Jews more" political discussion tactic is condescending and patronizing.

My personal aspiration for The Jews is for the world to just LEAVE US ALONE. Don't be for us, or against us, just pretend we don't exist.
Oh noes! It's so much like Republicans and All Americans! :aargh:
But since you came at me...

what is your opinion of the post that Musk agreed with that was cited in the OP?
You retard, you only posted 1/6th of the exchange and dishonestly took things out of context.

Actually the MSM tossed you that deflated football and you ran with it.

The entire exchange is in post #2 of this thread.

This short vid from "Mr. 100-mph mouth" sums it up correctly and quickly.

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This is hillarious.

Candycorn created a callout thread demanding that Azog denounces Musk and he replied:

I won't denounce shit because Musk is on the money.

American Jews during the last century overwhelmingly supported and still support an anti-white agenda of mass non-white immigration and excessive, immoral secularism.

It's not my fault that you're a total ignoramus on the history of jewish american socio-political activism.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Glad to see that less then 2 percent of the population has so much influence.
Originally posted by USAF 2023
Glad to see that less then 2 percent of the population has so much influence.

As they say, there's nothing so strong as the certainty that comes from ignorance.

Here's a homework for you:


Emanuel Celler
See who this guy was and make your daddy José proud of you.
Obviously that is not the plan, as anyone can see by their targeted operations and low body count in such a densely populated area.

They are already talking about resettling Gaza.

What can the average Jewish person do? They have no control over Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud.
This is hillarious.

Candycorn created a callout thread demanding that Azog denounces Musk and he replied:

I won't denounce shit because Musk is on the money.

American Jews during the last century overwhelmingly supported and still support an anti-white agenda of mass non-white immigration and excessive, immoral secularism.

It's not my fault that you're a total ignoramus on the history of jewish american socio-political activism.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Its not a “call out” thread for anyone. The two folks I referenced have just been very vocal about the rampant antisemitism they have experienced (I will say that some of it is over-stated; one was calling it a hate crime) but when one of their heroes makes a real life and palpable statement that is clearly antisemitic; they say nothing.

As for you; I just took a dump in the toilet--that is what reminded me of your post. Although I’m sure my leavings smell better than you do on your best day.

Kindly go fuck yourself.
As usual we are getting different sides on who is guilty of atrocities. The United States up to now has been pure Pro Israel. Even with Obama stiffing Netanyahu. What we are seeing from the protest/riots is a potential game changer on allegiances for the future.
The Hamas terrorist attack has exposed the right’s endemic hatred and bigotry of Muslims, using the attack as ‘justification’ for their unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

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