Silence from the board’s Jews is Deafening.

The Hamas terrorist attack has exposed the right’s endemic hatred and bigotry of Muslims, using the attack as ‘justification’ for their unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

For 30 years I have wondered if Hamas works for Israel. Whenever things were quiet Hamas would pull some stunt and Israel would react very aggressively with superior weapons.
Being new to the board, and discussion and as a former moderator myself. I am going to jump into this. First, I never liked Musk or anything he posts he always comes across as arrogant and irresponsible to me. Second, I feel in this country when someone makes a hateful comment as Musk did above, that we should FIRST engage in discussion with the person making the comment versus shutting them down immediately. Nobody has a clue what Musk's intent was here or if he thought this through before posting. Musk has made dumb comments in the past and some have violated laws in place by the SEC. Instead, the approach taken was to immediately attack Musk and his company (attempting to inflict financial damage to his company). Not a very good embrace of free speech in this country. Support of free speech means support of speech we may not like vs only support of speech we like. I do hope the lawsuit against Media Matters proceeds because I want to see that grievance aired in a civil court as well. Let's not forget this whole adult fiasco is being observed by our younger generations and should have been a teaching moment on why the comments made were offensive and how to resolve disagreements over some speech in public in a more civil manner. Instead, the younger folks observing are taught they should publicly attack and attempt to financially ruin the person who made the offensive remarks. Not a very good lesson for the younger crowd. Now let's look at extremist elements that might observe this whole interaction. What is their conclusion? Does it even begin to change their minds? Does the immediate public slap down over these remarks confirm their point of view? Closing this out. I have no idea who the posters you mention are or their posting history but is it really necessary to call them out by name? Aren't you doing what you are trying to say that you are against here?
No one will ever know Musk’s true intentions and it does not matter. It is the effect of his words and actions that matter.

As far as identifying Jewish posters who tolerate right wing antisemitism and ignore it… while attacking folks on the left who oppose the actions of the Israeli government or Zionists…

Their dishonesty and hypocrisy needs to be pointed out
Being new to the board, and discussion and as a former moderator myself. I am going to jump into this. First, I never liked Musk or anything he posts he always comes across as arrogant and irresponsible to me. Second, I feel in this country when someone makes a hateful comment as Musk did above, that we should FIRST engage in discussion with the person making the comment versus shutting them down immediately. Nobody has a clue what Musk's intent was here or if he thought this through before posting. Musk has made dumb comments in the past and some have violated laws in place by the SEC. Instead, the approach taken was to immediately attack Musk and his company (attempting to inflict financial damage to his company). Not a very good embrace of free speech in this country. Support of free speech means support of speech we may not like vs only support of speech we like. I do hope the lawsuit against Media Matters proceeds because I want to see that grievance aired in a civil court as well. Let's not forget this whole adult fiasco is being observed by our younger generations and should have been a teaching moment on why the comments made were offensive and how to resolve disagreements over some speech in public in a more civil manner. Instead, the younger folks observing are taught they should publicly attack and attempt to financially ruin the person who made the offensive remarks. Not a very good lesson for the younger crowd. Now let's look at extremist elements that might observe this whole interaction. What is their conclusion? Does it even begin to change their minds? Does the immediate public slap down over these remarks confirm their point of view? Closing this out. I have no idea who the posters you mention are or their posting history but is it really necessary to call them out by name? Aren't you doing what you are trying to say that you are against here?
Not sure what any of that means really.

I’ll tell you this. I voted for Obama. Would have voted for him a third time if I could have. But when he was wrong; I said he was wrong.

His management style has been a failure as to where his administration seems afraid to admit there are problems and they either keep him from knowing them or he prefers to "let someone else handle it" in the way Reagan used to. I disagree with a lot of liberals when I say that:

The IRS Scandal is a scandal. Someone decided to violate policy either on someone else's orders or on their own. Someone should be in jail.

The VA Scandal is a scandal. Someone lied about service times and patient throughput on a government form either on their own or on someone else's orders. Someone should be in jail.

The Secret Service scandals are scandals. Agents have, at best, compromised their agency knowingly and willfully. I understand that "boys will be boys" and all that but the security details of our highest elected office holders should be taken more seriously. Its unclear if something has been illegal but it does speak to the man's management style.

The entire argument is stupid. Obama hit the “stupid” button on this or more correctly his administration did but the buck stops with him.

I’ve said likewise things about Pelosi, Harry Reid and Joe Biden.

So I’m not calling anyone out for something I’m afraid to do. Again..for the fifth time now, the two people I referenced are Jewish--they say so themselves. There may be 100 other jews on the board who don’t say so. There may be 2 other jews who don’t say so. I don’t know. But they are quite vocal about their faith. This is why I mentioned them.
Republicans have long tolerated racists and bigots among their ranks, perceived as an important and significant component of the Republican base.

Republicans won’t do anything to alienate that base by ignoring rightwing hate speech.

Sure they have Skippy. Sure they have.
As they say, there's nothing so strong as the certainty that comes from ignorance.

Here's a homework for you:


Emanuel Celler
See who this guy was and make your daddy José proud of you.
I can certainly understand why you hate him
STRONGLY SUPPORTED Jewish refugees fleeing from Europe during WW 11
Civil Rights Bill. 1964. 😱
Voting Rights Act 1966 😱
Immigration and Naturalization Act 1965 😱
I can certainly see why you hate him
Republicans have long tolerated racists and bigots among their ranks, perceived as an important and significant component of the Republican base.

Republicans won’t do anything to alienate that base by ignoring rightwing hate speech.
Yeah, that right-wing hate speech. Terrible thing!

For 30 years I have wondered if Hamas works for Israel. Whenever things were quiet Hamas would pull some stunt and Israel would react very aggressively with superior weapons.
Hamas doesn’t work for Israel.

The problem is that Hamas knows how to provoke Israel with rocket and terrorist attacks; Hamas knows that Israel will respond aggressively and disproportionately resulting in thousands of dead innocent Palestinian civilians reflecting poorly on Israel.
He isn’t wrong. I have been saying on this board for years. The Jews, my people have voted Democrat overwhelmingly. The Democratic Party has labeled whites as having white privilege, racist, complicit, etc. and the Jews stood silent. The ADL overwhelmingly supported this rhetoric and BLM. Now they see the truth behind the Democratic Party and now want the support of the GOP? Tough ask. I have always stated this but because my idiot people here in the US overwhelmingly support the (D) this is where we are.

It’s very frustrating. I saw this from a mile away. I was on a spaces talk with Elon and Ben Shapiro. Elon isn’t antisemitic at all. He is very honest. The Jews in America stood with BLM, trans BS, open borders supporters, etc. Now they see the true colors of the left. Supporting terrorists. Students feel unsafe in American universities. My kids friends with Jewish last names getting harassed.

Shame on my people.

We scream at one another a lot on this board but this hits close to home. My people are despised all over the world for no reason sans bigotry.

There is a reason that Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote for democrats.

It happened at a "Unite the Right" rally. But you'll downplay it. Why? Nobody knows.
That’s the fear mongering from the media, trying to brainwash you. And the fact, sire that it is the Jewish people who are the most loud voices when it comes to support in Palestine. Even if the Grand Central terminal in New York City, where the subway was shut down it was hundreds of Jews who led and started that event.

Try and get more nuanced viewpoints when it comes to Israel and Palestine. Because you are being sad propaganda. And if you believe that your own fellow Americans are bigoted, then you have been corrupted but you can change for the better by watching alternative media sources. Don’t believe the hype.
Shut the fuck up you worthless turd.
What is in accurate about this statement?

"I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. "
I can't even work out what it means.

Western Jews realise what hordes of minorities - somewhat of an oxymoron - that support flooding whose country, don't like Western Jews too much?
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