Simple Question: Did we (USA) win Iraq War?

Did We Win the Iraq War

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 37 53.6%

  • Total voters
I am not going to sit here and rehash the US's legal claim to use force to enforce the Gulf War treaty terms and UN sanctions. These have been covered well enough.
And I am not going to engage someone who wants to use a discredited red herring argument about 9/11 not coming from Iraq. That has already had way too much bandwidth devoted to it before dying a justified death.

The US had no legal authority to arbitrarily enforce a UN Sanctioned Cease Fire Agreement. I think you are smart enough to know all of that but your Nationalism is prevailing over intellectual honesty and will continue to do so until you learn to define yourself as an individual rather than rely almost entirely on the government as a crutch for self identity.

As I said, I'm not arguing whether the US was justified. That has been rehashed too many times already.
Suffice it to say, your arguments have been show to be fallacious and rely on idiosyncratic redefinitions of words to suit your own desires.
Thanks for playing, boys.

Watching you try to criticize argument style, even with the false accusations aside, is like paying Michael Vick to teach kids how to take care of dogs.
I am not going to sit here and rehash the US's legal claim to use force to enforce the Gulf War treaty terms and UN sanctions. These have been covered well enough.
And I am not going to engage someone who wants to use a discredited red herring argument about 9/11 not coming from Iraq. That has already had way too much bandwidth devoted to it before dying a justified death.

The US had no legal authority to arbitrarily enforce a UN Sanctioned Cease Fire Agreement. I think you are smart enough to know all of that but your Nationalism is prevailing over intellectual honesty and will continue to do so until you learn to define yourself as an individual rather than rely almost entirely on the government as a crutch for self identity.

As I said, I'm not arguing whether the US was justified. That has been rehashed too many times already.
Suffice it to say, your arguments have been show to be fallacious and rely on idiosyncratic redefinitions of words to suit your own desires.
Thanks for playing, boys.

Whether it was justified or not is the ONLY question that matters. Don't you get that? You just REFUSE to accept the FACT that this was a PREVENTITIVE war and as so is an illegal war and you can't "WIN" a war based on LIES and flat out THUGERY the Bush projected to the world after 9/11........."You're either with us or you are against us" Gawd what a wonderful little black, white, and BLOOD RED world Bush lives in. The sad fact is that the WHOLE WORLD would have helped us to fight a war on terrorist groups but Bush got a coalition of the "WILLING" (see paid off) to attack a country that had NOTHING!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! to do with 9/11.
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Actually the only question that matters is whether we won the war, which is the thread title here.
If you want to post a thread on "were we justified to go to war" then go ahead and I can ignore that too.
The Iraq War is yet another example of destruction imposed by IMF Riots.

If you revisit the facts, we engaged Iraq because they were dumping the dollar, and moving to the Euro. This would devastate the US economy, to which was already suffering more economic blows as well executed and planned by the neo cons (e.g. the Bush family, Cheney, Clintons, the British Monarcy and so forth).

Moreover, the agriculture destruction such as seen in wiping out the SEEDS harvested even before the time Christ (i.e., "b.c.").

The United States and it's allies wanted Iraq's Oil fields, and rather than negotiating terms, they resort to genocide, bully antics, chaos and devastation. In other words, they KILL AND THEY STEAL.

It's our national montra.

The United States broke both Federal and International Laws of engagement. Please don't have me cite them all, but I do have all the laws archived, to which delineates all ILLEGALITIES OF ENGAGEMENT.
The Iraq War is yet another example of destruction imposed by IMF Riots.

If you revisit the facts, we engaged Iraq because they were dumping the dollar, and moving to the Euro. This would devastate the US economy, to which was already suffering more economic blows as well executed and planned by the neo cons (e.g. the Bush family, Cheney, Clintons, the British Monarcy and so forth).

Moreover, the agriculture destruction such as seen in wiping out the SEEDS harvested even before the time Christ (i.e., "b.c.").

The United States and it's allies wanted Iraq's Oil fields, and rather than negotiating terms, they resort to genocide, bully antics, chaos and devastation. In other words, they KILL AND THEY STEAL.

It's our national montra.

What fantasy did you learn this one from?
Never mind. I see you are a nutjob. Keep on at it.
Actually the only question that matters is whether we won the war, which is the thread title here.
If you want to post a thread on "were we justified to go to war" then go ahead and I can ignore that too.



(don't bother responding man.....5 day old diaper juice holds more value than the crap you try to sell.)
The Iraq War is yet another example of destruction imposed by IMF Riots.

If you revisit the facts, we engaged Iraq because they were dumping the dollar, and moving to the Euro. This would devastate the US economy, to which was already suffering more economic blows as well executed and planned by the neo cons (e.g. the Bush family, Cheney, Clintons, the British Monarcy and so forth).

Moreover, the agriculture destruction such as seen in wiping out the SEEDS harvested even before the time Christ (i.e., "b.c.").

The United States and it's allies wanted Iraq's Oil fields, and rather than negotiating terms, they resort to genocide, bully antics, chaos and devastation. In other words, they KILL AND THEY STEAL.

It's our national montra.

What fantasy did you learn this one from?
Never mind. I see you are a nutjob. Keep on at it.

Are you capable of ANYTHING other than Ad Hominen atacks Rabbi? You have ZERO facts to base your OPININONS on so you attack the poster......My Gawd you are a weak little fool trying to formulate a counter point.
The US had no legal authority to arbitrarily enforce a UN Sanctioned Cease Fire Agreement. I think you are smart enough to know all of that but your Nationalism is prevailing over intellectual honesty and will continue to do so until you learn to define yourself as an individual rather than rely almost entirely on the government as a crutch for self identity.

As I said, I'm not arguing whether the US was justified. That has been rehashed too many times already.
Suffice it to say, your arguments have been show to be fallacious and rely on idiosyncratic redefinitions of words to suit your own desires.
Thanks for playing, boys.

Whether it was justified or not is the ONLY question that matters. Don't you get that? You just REFUSE to accept the FACT that this was a PREVENTITIVE war and as so is an illegal war and you can't "WIN" a war based on LIES and flat out THUGERY the Bush projected to the world after 9/11........."You're either with us or you are against us" Gawd what a wonderful little black, white, and BLOOD RED world Bush lives in. The sad fact is that the WHOLE WORLD would have helped us to fight a war on terrorist groups but Bush got a coalition of the "WILLING" (see paid off) to attack a country that had NOTHING!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! to do with 9/11.

The point is, and I think you are WILLFULLY ignoring it, is CAN you EVER win an ILLEGAL war the answer is an absolute NO! Bush sold our national SOUL for his greedy, misguided, and ARROGANT war to avenge his daddy who wanted NOTHING to do with ousting Saddam because he LISTENED to his military advisors.

And if we did "win" what exactly was won?

Counterinsurgencies aren't "won" or "lost", you merely stabilize the country or you don't. There is no surrender by the enemy and definitive cessation of hostilities.

It's the same for Afghanistan.
No, the U.S. did not "win" a war that could not be won. Saddam is gone, good. The shi'ite majority is in power, which is bad for the sunni minority, which will continue an insurgency. And the Iraqi government will ally with our enemy Iran once we are gone for good. Anyone who thinks we won this war is crazy.

I get a kick out of cockeyed OPs that have no relation to reality, and then the original poster gets bent out of shape when that is exposed.

You far right wing fools are not fooling anyone except yourselves. The rest are laughing at you.

OK, got a jet to catch for the rest of the weekend's party.
Iraq War “To Do” List
1. Defeat Iraqi Military
2. Overrun Baghdad
3. Capture Saddam
4. Begin Martial Law
5. Defeat Insurgency
6. Facilitate Elections
7. Establish New Currency
8. Establish New Constitution
9. Establish Fair Markets
10. Rebuild infrastructure

10 for 10. Chalk it up for the Good Guys.

What about the whole "Weapons of Mass Destruction" thing?

You know, the reason we were told we had to enter into this conflict to begin with?
Many military personnel have themselves questioned the wisdom of this war.

Even with the culture of silence in the military many have been outspoken and it is because they are paying the price with their limbs and lives.

Back here in the states those who support it the most are the least informed. Go figure.

And if we did "win" what exactly was won?

Counterinsurgencies aren't "won" or "lost", you merely stabilize the country or you don't. There is no surrender by the enemy and definitive cessation of hostilities.

It's the same for Afghanistan.

You need to go and ask what happened to Malaya in the 1950s. Or the Philippines in the 1900s.
Many military personnel have themselves questioned the wisdom of this war.

I don't understand what makes that statement worthy of consideration. The military is a big place. It recruits fro the general population. It will have everyone from hard core libertarians to Muslim terrorists (as we just found out) in it. Why is their opinion more worthwhile than anyone else's?
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Mass 02190-1104
To Whom it May Concern,
In 1996 I was prescribed a drug named Risperdal. It has completely ruined my life. Risperdal
is an anti-psychotic in a class known as atypical. Others include Zyprexa, Geodon, Clozaril and
In 2004 I began a series of hospitalizations. During my stays I ran into a number of people
who had a very distant gaze in their eyes. In three stays in three different hospitals I ran into 5 people. One was a girl about 10 or 11 yrs old. She was on an adult ward despite the fact there was a childrens ward in the building.
In 2007 I began trying to find some information about these drugs on the internet. I discovered most have a black box warning about stroke in the elderly. I typed "Risperdal Cerebrovascular"
into Google and discovered a study that states "Risperdal Irreversibly Binds to and Inhibits the
H5 HT Serotonin Receptor". I have been trying to get the government interested in this but instead they have become hostile toward me.

Neuro Nexus Tech, Ann Arbor Michigan

Pink Floyd
Dark Side of the Moon
Brain Damage
"You raise the blade
You make the change
You re-arrange me till I'm sane"

Who shot Ciara Durkin (a soldier in Iraq) the night I went to the JFK building and the Quincy Police station?

The drugs must be kicking in.

Quite literally it seems.
No, the U.S. did not "win" a war that could not be won. Saddam is gone, good. The shi'ite majority is in power, which is bad for the sunni minority, which will continue an insurgency. And the Iraqi government will ally with our enemy Iran once we are gone for good. Anyone who thinks we won this war is crazy.

I get a kick out of cockeyed OPs that have no relation to reality, and then the original poster gets bent out of shape when that is exposed.

You far right wing fools are not fooling anyone except yourselves. The rest are laughing at you.

OK, got a jet to catch for the rest of the weekend's party.

Yeah the old completely discredited Iraq = Iran Theory.

If you keep repeating it maybe someone other than another Librul might believe it

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