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Depends on who is in office at the time.

If it's your team, there was no crime and the investigation in moot.

If it's the other team, then all aspects of their personal life past, present and future should all be explored and exploited.
I'll agree with that.

Like Hillary and her emails? Which the cons still scream about .

Now that's a crime. Just ask Comey.
"You investigate the crime, not the person"

It's like Al Capone. Out of all the people he murdered and stole from, they ended up getting him on tax evasion.

In the example of Trump, however, even the allegations are not illegal. They just want him impeached, for which, the Dims just need to win Congress back.
impeach doesn't remove.
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

That sounds racist

Well it is a common tactic of law enforcement.

Pull the guy over for some bogus traffic violation. Suddenly you smell pot, now you search the car and so on. A simple illegal turn becomes a bunch of criminals charges !

If an officer smells pot, then he is possibly witnessing a crime...he would still be investigating the crime and not the person.
If a person gets pulled over, gets a ticket...then later that day cops show up at their residence saying they want to also search the the same time subpoena their tax records, and get a warrant for not only their phone records, but phone records of their business acquaintances also....that is investigating the person and not the crime.
And that is absolutely not not a "common tactic"

You are using too much intellectual finesse for Timmy to grasp. The Cat In The Hat is to straightforward intellectual honesty what a Milk Bone dog biscuit is to Chateaubriand.
"You investigate the crime, not the person"

It's like Al Capone. Out of all the people he murdered and stole from, they ended up getting him on tax evasion.

In the example of Trump, however, even the allegations are not illegal. They just want him impeached, for which, the Dims just need to win Congress back.
impeach doesn't remove.

Someone like Nixon would have been forced out because both sides of the isle saw the violations of the law he was responsible for.

Even Bill Clinton violated the law as he was impeached, however, there was no political will to remove him

However, with Trump this is a completely new phenomenon. Now it is just a popularity contest for the basis of impeachment. Hell, Hillary colluded with the Ukraine but nothing is ever said about that.

Now you have a situation where half the country, or more, are not in agreement with impeachment. This is unknown territory and I'm not sure the Dims know what a loaded ball of dynamite this actually is, or maybe they just want the country to destroy itself.
Well it is a common tactic of law enforcement.

Pull the guy over for some bogus traffic violation. Suddenly you smell pot, now you search the car and so on. A simple illegal turn becomes a bunch of criminals charges !

God...How dumb are you.

First you type that you pull some one over for a bogus traffic violation
and then you end with..."a simple illegal turn becomes a bunch of
criminal charges." An illegal turn is not a bogus violation, asshole.

This is the big boy board. The 3rd grade playground can be reached
by opening the third door down the hall on the left.
He's not dumb at all. An illegal turn is not a criminal offense it is a civil traffic violation. These sometimes lead to a search of the car and criminal charges.

How many times do you read a story about police busting someone wh a trunk full of pot, AFTER a traffic stop? You know the stop was probably bogus and they just look for a reason to search .

"Your Honor...The Prosecution...rests!"
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

Are you serious? Or just joking?

You investigate the crime....and part of that is absolutely investigate the people surrounding that CRIME.
You do not, however, use that crime to being a lifelong investigation into that persons life an all aspects of it.
THAT is investigating the person and not the crime.
HUGE difference.
Let's say - someone is accused of shoplifting.
The justice system does not therefore have the right to look into that persons business practices, start investigating the lives of everyone around them. Begin investigating their family to look for other crimes...hoping to find something, anything.
That is investigating the person, and not the crime.
You bellyaching about the Mueller investigation? In order to see if there was collusion or quid pro quo or whatever going on, in order to see if the Russians were blackmailing Trump based on prior shady business deals, YES he had to follow the money. In this case, the whole being involved with the Russians thing relates to finances. Unfortunately.

Now, you see, I would think that you would see that I am better than that.
Bellyaching. Really?
Bear with me here....I hope you read fact I hope plenty read this....
So let's say that you have a relative that absolutely despises you. And, as it turns out, if for any reason you was to go to jail, lose your job...really anything that would make you lose your home - they would get it.
So they use illegal means to hire someone to hire someone (trying to make sure that they themselves are not implicated) to find dirt on you.
They find someone from a foreign country that says you worked with them to do some nefarious action.
Now the information itself is dubious, this person cannot be corroborated, nor anything they say proved or disproved.
And, again, the information was illegally obtained.
But they manage to get law enforcement to not only look at the data, but they start a whole investigation on you!!!...remembering that the material they are looking at is not legal evidence! Also keep in mind...that this "nefarious act" ...IS NOT EVEN ILLEGAL. But - they start investigating you anyway.
Then they use this illegal data to get multiple judges to write basically open ended search warrants to not only investigate you - but can investigate everyone you know for years past. They get phone records, they confiscate materials from where you work, they take computers etc. from other people you have known all to basically find anything they can against you. And you learn, that the investigators that gave the judges this evidence did not inform the judges that it was illegally obtained. If they would have, there is no way they would have write the search warrants.

Would you feel this was right?
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

Are you serious? Or just joking?

You investigate the crime....and part of that is absolutely investigate the people surrounding that CRIME.
You do not, however, use that crime to being a lifelong investigation into that persons life an all aspects of it.
THAT is investigating the person and not the crime.
HUGE difference.
Let's say - someone is accused of shoplifting.
The justice system does not therefore have the right to look into that persons business practices, start investigating the lives of everyone around them. Begin investigating their family to look for other crimes...hoping to find something, anything.
That is investigating the person, and not the crime.
A person shoplifts. During the investigation of the shoplifting incident, the investigator discovers the thief is part of a huge shoplifting ring. So a wiretap is put on the thief's phone line to determine who else is part of the ring.

During the wiretap, someone calls the thief to arrange the murder of a Senator. The thief and the caller are then arrested for conspiracy to murder a US Senator.

Then some little whiny bitch on an internet forum cries out, "You aren't supposed to investigate the PERSON!" :206:

Cool story bro....doesn't have a thing to do with the thread...but glad your imagination is active
"You investigate the crime, not the person"

Yes, Trump sycophants are truly this stupid.

You are too simple minded to grasp a concept without a point by point explanation.
In this thread, I am actually surprised to see that only about half get the sentence. And it is impossible to not also notice, that virtually all of them are on the left side of the perspective.
I would call that ignorance by choice.
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

Are you serious? Or just joking?

You investigate the crime....and part of that is absolutely investigate the people surrounding that CRIME.
You do not, however, use that crime to being a lifelong investigation into that persons life an all aspects of it.
THAT is investigating the person and not the crime.
HUGE difference.
Let's say - someone is accused of shoplifting.
The justice system does not therefore have the right to look into that persons business practices, start investigating the lives of everyone around them. Begin investigating their family to look for other crimes...hoping to find something, anything.
That is investigating the person, and not the crime.
You bellyaching about the Mueller investigation? In order to see if there was collusion or quid pro quo or whatever going on, in order to see if the Russians were blackmailing Trump based on prior shady business deals, YES he had to follow the money. In this case, the whole being involved with the Russians thing relates to finances. Unfortunately.

But you have not yet found a crime, unless you are talking about money going to the Russians from Hillary.

The point is----------->If I am a police officer, it is ILLEGAL to target you, then look for a crime. A crime has to be committed that leads to you!
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

Are you serious? Or just joking?

You investigate the crime....and part of that is absolutely investigate the people surrounding that CRIME.
You do not, however, use that crime to being a lifelong investigation into that persons life an all aspects of it.
THAT is investigating the person and not the crime.
HUGE difference.
Let's say - someone is accused of shoplifting.
The justice system does not therefore have the right to look into that persons business practices, start investigating the lives of everyone around them. Begin investigating their family to look for other crimes...hoping to find something, anything.
That is investigating the person, and not the crime.
You bellyaching about the Mueller investigation? In order to see if there was collusion or quid pro quo or whatever going on, in order to see if the Russians were blackmailing Trump based on prior shady business deals, YES he had to follow the money. In this case, the whole being involved with the Russians thing relates to finances. Unfortunately.

Now, you see, I would think that you would see that I am better than that.
Bellyaching. Really?
Bear with me here....I hope you read fact I hope plenty read this....
So let's say that you have a relative that absolutely despises you. And, as it turns out, if for any reason you was to go to jail, lose your job...really anything that would make you lose your home - they would get it.
So they use illegal means to hire someone to hire someone (trying to make sure that they themselves are not implicated) to find dirt on you.
They find someone from a foreign country that says you worked with them to do some nefarious action.
Now the information itself is dubious, this person cannot be corroborated, nor anything they say proved or disproved.
And, again, the information was illegally obtained.
But they manage to get law enforcement to not only look at the data, but they start a whole investigation on you!!!...remembering that the material they are looking at is not legal evidence! Also keep in mind...that this "nefarious act" ...IS NOT EVEN ILLEGAL. But - they start investigating you anyway.
Then they use this illegal data to get multiple judges to write basically open ended search warrants to not only investigate you - but can investigate everyone you know for years past. They get phone records, they confiscate materials from where you work, they take computers etc. from other people you have known all to basically find anything they can against you. And you learn, that the investigators that gave the judges this evidence did not inform the judges that it was illegally obtained. If they would have, there is no way they would have write the search warrants.

Would you feel this was right?

"You investigate the crime, not the person"

Yes, Trump sycophants are truly this stupid.

The Left is soooooo phony.

Honestly, do you want to know what the crime was? I will tell you-----------------> it was the HACKING of the DNC, that was tied to the Russians, then Trump asked them to post the Hillary e-mails if they had them, and the collusion/delusion was born.

Problem is-----------> the FBI has never checked the servers, so even they can't prove that the Russians did it, let alone Trump involvement.

Now, if you were the DNC, and you knew the Russians hacked your system, and you also knew proving that would help foster the collusion/delusion, how many of you would say, "no, you can't check our servers!"

Can I have a show of hands! Not one hand raised. What does that tell everyone? It isn't rocket science to realize this is just a political hoax, perpertrated to get Dimwits.......errr, I mean Dimicrats elected. Problem is, it is falling apart to fast, and one of their leaders on high, is going to get indicted changing the whole narrative.

Good luck Lefties, by November, you won't be smoking the opposition, you will be smoking wacky tobaccy as you and Hilly will be in the same boat, and up the creek without a paddle-)

a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations.

McCarthy - "Communism!!" "Communism!!"
Mueller - "Collusion!!" "Collusion"

Not to say that this investigation is, in any way, as widespread and bad as McCarthy and the unbelievable occurrences that occurred between 1950 and 1954.
However, the same practices and methods are being used again today.
McCarthy needed no crime to have occurred in order to investigate and ruin the lives of 1000's. People were investigated and threatened to cooperate or else be subjected to the full power of federal officials to otherwise ruin your life.
Mueller is doing the same thing.
Cooperate or your entire life will be subjected to federal officials going over everything they find...and prosecute you if they find anything.
No prior crime needed.
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

That sounds racist

Well it is a common tactic of law enforcement.

Pull the guy over for some bogus traffic violation. Suddenly you smell pot, now you search the car and so on. A simple illegal turn becomes a bunch of criminals charges !

If an officer smells pot, then he is possibly witnessing a crime...he would still be investigating the crime and not the person.
If a person gets pulled over, gets a ticket...then later that day cops show up at their residence saying they want to also search the the same time subpoena their tax records, and get a warrant for not only their phone records, but phone records of their business acquaintances also....that is investigating the person and not the crime.
And that is absolutely not not a "common tactic"

Sure it is.

When you get visited in jail, they run the visitor through NCIC. If a known person of interest is visiting you, they will investigate your connection to them. The police are all up in your business long before you see them in most cases
If the police are investigating a drug crime and come across a dead body, they don’t look the other way .

So funny to see the “ law and order “ righties so concerned about investigation overeach.
No . How do u investigate a crime without investigating the person?

That sounds racist

Well it is a common tactic of law enforcement.

Pull the guy over for some bogus traffic violation. Suddenly you smell pot, now you search the car and so on. A simple illegal turn becomes a bunch of criminals charges !

If an officer smells pot, then he is possibly witnessing a crime...he would still be investigating the crime and not the person.
If a person gets pulled over, gets a ticket...then later that day cops show up at their residence saying they want to also search the the same time subpoena their tax records, and get a warrant for not only their phone records, but phone records of their business acquaintances also....that is investigating the person and not the crime.
And that is absolutely not not a "common tactic"

Sure it is.

When you get visited in jail, they run the visitor through NCIC. If a known person of interest is visiting you, they will investigate your connection to them. The police are all up in your business long before you see them in most cases

No it isn't. But I appreciate the time you took to come up with something.
We are a country of laws.
And in America, the laws are supposed to be specifically designed to protect citizens, not persecute them.
We are supposed to be a society in which the government is watched by the citizens, not the other way around.
What is happening in Washington today is not America. No prosecutor, special or not, should be able to investigate people who have not committed a crime that they know of. You are not supposed to be able to simply "go rooting around and see what pops up". That is not investigating...that is persecution.

If the police are investigating a drug crime and come across a dead body, they don’t look the other way .

So funny to see the “ law and order “ righties so concerned about investigation overeach.

You are not this dumb.
So stop acting like it.

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