Simple Question: Has Trump Sent Troops To Seattle Yet ?

The Generals are very loyal, but to the country, not trump.
I disagree

it was the flag still flying over burned out cities I was thinking of when I called them disloyal
Active duty should not be sent by Federal Government. The Governors have National Guard troops that can be put on the street if the Governor thinks it warranted. Posse Comitatus can be argued but it was written to prevent that very thing, and politicians and the Generals know this. Subjugating states to the armed rule of the Federal Government is not to be taken lightly. Last time Federal troops used was at the request of a governor. Unless things have changed, Guardsmen used to get some riot training while at active duty basic that the active army did not even have to go to. I remember it well. Did not know I would actually be on the street, armed to the teeth less than a year later, at the order of a Governor.
Trump has the option of regular Army or National Guard as he chooses

the retired generals be damned

if the governors are too feeble to respond to insurection trump can do it for them
The Generals are very loyal, but to the country, not trump.
I disagree

it was the flag still flying over burned out cities I was thinking of when I called them disloyal
Active duty should not be sent by Federal Government. The Governors have National Guard troops that can be put on the street if the Governor thinks it warranted. Posse Comitatus can be argued but it was written to prevent that very thing, and politicians and the Generals know this. Subjugating states to the armed rule of the Federal Government is not to be taken lightly. Last time Federal troops used was at the request of a governor. Unless things have changed, Guardsmen used to get some riot training while at active duty basic that the active army did not even have to go to. I remember it well. Did not know I would actually be on the street, armed to the teeth less than a year later, at the order of a Governor.
Trump has the option of regular Army or National Guard as he chooses

the retired generals be damned

if the governors are too feeble to respond to insurection trump can do it for them
Nothing like a good military takeover, states right be damned, huh? Well, have fun.:puke:
He would need the consent of Congress. Otherwise, he would violate the Constitution. It would be an abuse of power to order the U.S. military to stand against American citizens. Secondly, there is no need. Local authorities can take care of this situation, which is minor.
So when Trump mouths off....we all know he is bluffing.

Why does the left still shit bricks and beat it's head on the wall ?
He would need the consent of Congress. Otherwise, he would violate the Constitution. It would be an abuse of power to order the U.S. military to stand against American citizens. Secondly, there is no need. Local authorities can take care of this situation, which is minor.
I wonder how many people realize that Fox has been doctoring videos and showing riots and chaos from places that ARE NOT Seattle and saying they are...

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